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10-01 投稿


mage 发音

英:[me?d?]  美:[me?d?]

英:  美:

mage 中文意思翻译




mage 相似词语短语

1、mange ─── n.[兽医]兽疥癣;[兽医]家畜疥;n.(Mange)人名;(法)芒热;(英、意)曼奇;(西)曼赫

2、Cage ─── n.笼,兽笼;牢房,监狱;vt.把…关进笼子;把…囚禁起来;n.(Cage)人名;(法)卡热;(英)凯奇

3、marge ─── n.边缘(等于margin)

4、madge ─── n.马奇(女子名,等于Margaret)

5、Gage ─── n.抵押品,(为决斗而抛下的)抵押物;挑战;计量器(gauge的另一种拼写);v.以……为担保,以……为赌注;n.(Gage)(美)加热(人名)

6、Page ─── n.页;记录;大事件,时期;历史篇章;男侍者;(美国议员的)青年助理;vt.给…标页码;vi.翻书页,浏览;n.(Page)人名;(西)帕赫;(英)佩奇;(意)帕杰;(法)帕日

7、mages ─── n.魔法师(mage的复数形式);n.(Mages)人名;(西)马赫斯;(法)马热;(德、捷、塞)马格斯

8、-age ─── n.年龄;时代;寿命,使用年限;阶段;vi.成熟;变老;vt.使成熟;使变老,使上年纪;n.(Age)人名;(瑞典)阿格;(日)扬(姓);(西、荷)阿赫

9、image ─── n.影像;想象;肖像;偶像;vt.想象;反映;象征;作…的像;n.(Image)人名;(法)伊马热

mage 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、All the while, the dark mage kept track of each passing second. ─── 从始至终,黑巫师对过去的每一秒钟了然于心。

2、When Trinket Mage comes into play, you may search your library for an artifact card with converted mana cost 1 or less, reveal that card, and put it into your hand. ─── 当琐物法师进场时,你可以从你的牌库中搜寻一张总法术力费用等于或者小于1的神器牌,展示该牌,并置于你手上。

3、Ideally, the paladin will line of site the mage enough to avoid shatters while still coming out to dispel and freedom his team. ─── 理想状况下,奶骑要能卡住法师的视角不让他对自己打出碎冰然后同时还能够驱散队友以及给自由。

4、The mage can create ectoplasm from one of his orifices (usually his mouth or nostrils) or the orifice of a corpse. ─── 法师能制造一个空灵从他的孔(通常是嘴或者鼻孔)或者一具尸体的孔。

5、Added a new rank of "Ice Barrier" to mage trainers. ─── 可以从训练师处学习新等级寒冰护体.

6、If the necromancer is slain, he is revived as a Wight Mage. ─── 如果他被杀,他将作为枯魂的形态复活。

7、Mage, rather than magus, is the spelling usually encountered for magic-user characters in role-playing games and fantasy fiction. ─── Mage,更胜于magus,拼写形式通常与游戏中魔法使用者所扮演的角色的特征和虚构的白日梦相遇。

8、Hubris: An act or state of mind that causes a mage to stray from the path of Wisdom (i.e., to suffer Wisdom degeneration). ─── 傲慢:一种导致法师偏离智慧之道的行为或思想状态(也就是说,法师要承受智慧的堕落)。

9、Incanter's Absorption: This talent will now work properly when the mage is sitting. ─── 咒术吸收:在法师坐下的时候这个天赋仍然会正常工作。

10、Some Mage, Warrior, Shaman, Rogue and Paladin class specific quests have been added. ─── 一些法师,战士,萨满,盗贼以及圣骑士的专有任务增加。

11、If you do not find him during Hypervision time, or with catseye, then wait for shadowsight and unstealth him.You have very limited chances of winning if you open up on the mage. ─── 如果在使用超视距护目镜期间或者带着猫眼还没抓到贼的话,那就等眼睛去抓他们,如果你们先手法师的话是很难赢的。

12、I think the OPs original point about how close the mage and warlock are in the design space (down to using similar gear) was the most interesting. ─── 我认为你们说的有关法师和术士在设计方向上(和装备取向上)有多相似是最有趣的了。

13、One post read, "I am a mage who spent over a hundred yuan on a saber, but I cannot wield a saber. ─── 一个帖子说:“我是个法师,花了上百块钱转到了一把刀,可是我不能装备刀啊。

14、With the Clever Traps talent Freezing Trap can be as viable at crowd control as a mage's Polymorph, taking a mob out of combat for up to 26 seconds. ─── 如果加了灵巧陷阱的天赋,冰冻陷阱可以像法师的变形术一样控制一个怪物多达26秒。

15、Frostbite: When a frost spell is reflected back at a Mage, it is now possible for the Mage to suffer from the Frostbite effect. ─── 寒霜刺骨:当一个冰霜法术被反射回法师身上时,现在可能使法师受到刺骨的影响。

16、This is the Three Mage Gate. ─── 这就是3魔法门three Mage Gate。

17、She smiled grimly into the darkness, and went in search of the Lord Mage of Waterdeep. ─── 她朝着黑暗残忍的微笑,然后去寻找深水城的法师之王。

18、Nor do we want to buff mage armor too much more or using e.g. molten armor seems pointless. ─── 我们也不想过于增强法师的护甲,比如说增强熔岩护甲,但是看起来似乎很没意义。

19、With knowledge of this ritual, the Death mage has discovered how to remove the viscera of another necromancer, making him immortal. ─── 借助这个仪式的知识,死亡法师将可以移除另一位亡灵巫师的内脏,让他变得不朽。

20、No way can a mage use remove curse against a warlock! ─── 好象法师没方法对抗术士的诅咒!

21、Sentinel: An official role within the Consilium, representing a mage enforcer. Sentinels see to the military and martial tasks of the Consilium. ─── 冥寂:一种使绝大多数灵魂无法觉醒的诅咒,使人们无法看见真实的本质,并向他们灌输谎言。

22、Improved Mana Shield - Renamed Arcane Shielding, now increases the armor and resistances gained by the mage by 25/50%. ─── 增强法力之盾-更名为奥术防护,现在提高法师25/50%的护甲和抗性。

23、Zehir then enters the Necropolis, builds a mage guild level2( needed to learn wasp swarm) and starts running south again. ─── 之后进攻佐尔坦守卫的城堡(11石像)进城,建2级魔法行会(要学蜜蜂)后向南进发。

24、Your review will be completed in 1.11, along with the Mage -- just thought you'd like to know. :P We'll talk more soon... ─── 你们的(天赋)重修将于1.11完成,和法师一起===(我)只是想你们会很乐意知道(这个消息)我们不久还会谈更多(我们不久还会有新消息)

25、With this spell, the mage hurls a maelstrom of flaming spheres towards an enemy province. ─── 借助这个法术,法师对一个遥远的敌方省份投掷出一串巨大的火球体。

26、Mass Mage Bane (78): Cancels enemy's M.Atk and Casting Speed buffs in surrounding area. ─── 团体魔力诅咒(78):消除附近敌人的魔法攻击和施法速度辅助加持。

27、FWIW, Mage Armor is quite powerful, but it's a trade-off. ─── 总的来说,法师护甲确实很强力,但这是一种交易。

28、The Kelt Shaman advances as a Sessairs mage. ─── 凯尔特巫医视为希萨尔人法师。

29、Added a new rank of Ice Barrier to mage trainers. ─── 法师训练师增加一个新等级的寒冰护体。

30、Herald: An official role within the Consilium, representing a mage diplomat. Heralds are usually sent as messengers or ambassadors to member cabals or other Consilii. ─── 传令官:评议会内部的官方职务,法师外交官的代表。传令官通常担任派往成员结社或其他评议会的信使或使节。

31、Republish your application by using Visual Studio or use Mage to sign the application again. ─── 使用Visual Studio重新发布应用程序,或使用Mage再次对应用程序进行签名。

32、Not long before you there was a Mage here. ─── 在你来之前这儿有个法师。

33、He is also a powerful mage". ─── 他也是一名强大的法师。”

34、A triton mage from the Forest of Amber Kelp has arrived with his menagerie. He was attacked by sea trolls and he is now seeking refuge in your lands. ─── 一个来自琥珀藻森林的特里同法师和他的家族来到了你这里。他被海巨魔攻击而来你的土地寻求避难。

35、Whats stoping a mage from just corpse camping a war whos trying to do quets? ─── 怎么阻止一个法师在勇士职业做任务的时候进行守尸体?

36、Undead mage rots, Troll mage smells. Thank god, the Horde has the third choice now! ─── 亡灵法师有烂味,巨魔法师有汗味。感谢上帝,部落现在有了第三种选择!

37、There's a dragon this time, and a mage so dark that shadows linger round his eyes. ─── 这次有条龙,还有个黑法师,黑到我们都看不见他的眼睛。

38、Abandoning their sacred charge to safeguard the three Soulstones, the disparate Mage Clans began to squabble amongst each other over petty differences. ─── 他们放弃了守护三颗灵魂之石的神圣职责,不同的法师宗派开始为了细微的分歧而相互争吵。

39、No mage who has felt the pain of the Earth or of the child down the street could bring herself to hurt an innocent. ─── 一个感受着俗世的苦恼感受着孩子刚降生时那样的痛苦的法师怎么会伤害一个无辜者。

40、As my readers are well aware, early Vizjerei writings are often little more than self-serving propaganda aimed at whitewashing heinous deeds committed by the mage clan. ─── 我的读者都知道,早期维齐的作品或多或少是在进行自我服务性的宣传,旨在美化犯下滔天罪行的法师家族。

41、The mage could use it as a mirror to allow anyone (even Sleepers) to see ghosts or objects that are present in Twilight. ─── 法师能使用它如同镜子一样准许任何人(如同睡眠)去看见鬼或者目标物体在黄昏内。

42、Whenever Dragon Mage deals combat damage to a player, each player discards his or her hand and draws seven cards. ─── 对任一牌手造成战斗伤害时,所有牌手弃掉其手牌,然后抓七张牌。

43、With it, a mage can exert control over that most primal and frightful of mysteries. ─── 使用它,一个法师可以发挥对那些最原始和可怕的秘密的控制力。

44、Ursula Le Guin has a magician in the Earthsea trilogy who has no name: the Grey Mage of Plan, whose magic was so dubious, his name was forgotten. ─── 介于起点站和终点站之间的旅途很能释放人的灵感,而且望着窗外那一系列不断延展变化的风景和随机出现的景物对故事的架构很有好处。

45、Basic Strategy involves draining the mage, frost/flare, scattering rogue, silencing mage. ─── 基本策略包括抽法师,冰霜/照明,驱散贼,沉默法师。

46、He was once a great mage, but now lives like a rat in a sinking vessel. ─── 他曾经是个伟大的法师,但是现在住的地方像是沈船中的老鼠。

47、A wall of fire surrounds the mage. Anyone trying to strike the mage in melee combat will be burned by the Fire Shield first. ─── 法师周围出现一道火墙环绕,任何试图攻击法师的人都会首先受到这火盾的伤害。

48、With proper shot rotation and spec, you will top damage charts along with your mage and rogue peers. ─── 利用合适的射击循环和其他技能,你可以和法师盗贼一起占据伤害榜前列。

49、On hisfingers the master mage wore small pointed thimbles ending in infinitely-thin needles. ─── 他的手上戴着一个小指环,指环上嵌着一根极细的探针。

50、As a mage, my operation sucks. But nobody can replace me in the MC raid group, because I have sufficient cold jokes. ─── 作为一名法师,我的操作手法很烂。不过没有人能取代我在MC团里的位置,因为我有讲不完的冷笑话。

51、In my experience, even if a mage is being focused, he can still drop several thousand damage on a whim. ─── 从我的经验看,即使一个法师成为目标后,他仍然完全可以轻易的抵挡数轮进攻。

52、Q: Are the developers actively evaluating the 10% Mage coefficient nerf? ─── 开发者们在积极的评价对于法师的10%节魔的取消么?

53、When activated, your next Mage spell with a casting time less than 10 seconds becomes an instant cast spell. ─── 启动后,下一个释放时间小于10秒的法师法术会变成瞬间释放。

54、More AOE is not something typically a mage will aim for.It doesn't fits the typical PVP or PVE role. ─── AOE并不是一个法师所追求的,它在典型的pve和pvp环境中都不合适.

55、Frostbite: When a frost spell is reflected back at a Mage, it is now possible for the Mage to suffer from the Frostibte effect. ─── 刺骨:当冰系法术被反射到施法者身上时,刺骨现在有几率被触发了。

56、I see a mage lvl 52 human female doing the same quest I am. I ask if she wants to team up and get it done twice as fast. ─── 我看见一个52级的法师在做跟我一样的任务,我问他是否要组队一起做,他同意了。

57、It was not in the section describing temple practices and other minor rituals, either, nor was it in the section dealing with the hierarchy of the Dragon Mage Order itself. ─── 它不在描写神庙的和其他一些不重要的祭文里面,也不在涉及龙神法师的咒文等级的记述里面。

58、A brawny warrior is just fine in the heavy plate armor with a big bag of loot over his shoulder while a slender mage will be more concerned with the lighter pieces of treasure. ─── 强壮的战士可以装备重型板甲,还可以携带大型包裹。而身材苗条的魔法师就更注重于携带轻型的物品。

59、Intervention by Smythe and an unidentified gentlemen led to the arrest of multiple individuals, one of them a powerful mage. ─── 并且,最终在铁匠老史与一名身份不明人士的介入下,将数名疑犯绳之以法,其中一人正好是名强大的法师。

60、The song takes effort; a beholder mage that is casting spells cannot speak or use its mouth to do anything else that round, including making bite attacks. ─── 在吟唱法歌期间,眼魔法师不能交谈或者作其他需要动嘴的事情,包括进行啮咬攻击。

61、Ritual of Souls (Warlock) and Ritual of Refreshment (Mage) will no longer be placed on cooldown without having completed the summon. ─── 召唤灵魂井和召唤餐桌不再会在召唤未完成的情况下造成技能冷却.

62、The positive rate of MAGE mRNA in the PBMC was closely correlated with the TNM stages. ─── 乳腺癌患者PBMC中两种MAGE基因mRNA的检出率与肿瘤TNM分期密切相关。

63、With Time 4, the mage can cast this spell on others. ─── 如果有时间4,法师就能对别人施展这个法术。

64、Classes available: warrior, hunter, rogue, priest, death knight, mage, warlock, druid. Currently only male character models available. ─── 可选职业:战士,猎人,盗贼,牧师,死亡骑士,法师,术士,德鲁伊。目前只能使用男性角色。

65、Mage does another 2 damage, and does gain aggro. ─── 当法师再次输出2点伤害时,怪物转而攻击他了。

66、When he came back, he was an accomplished mage, demonstrating this by besting three wizards at once in spell-combat, for the entertainment of a House Matron. ─── 当他返回的时候,他已经是一名熟练的法师,并通过在某位主母的娱乐表演上,通过使用魔法一次打败三名法师而证明了这一点。

67、Onyxia is a focused mage, a variant class introduced in the Alliance Player's Guide. Instead of the summon familiar arcana, she gained two bonus feats. ─── 奥妮克希亚是专攻法师,联盟玩家指南所介绍的变异职业.她获得两个奖励专长而不是奥术亲和召唤.

68、You are a young mage who wants to prove himself to the world and have to do various of quests in the world to advance to a higher stage. ─── 你是一个年轻的法师谁想要证明自己的世界,必须做世界上的各种诉求,推进到一个更高的阶段。

69、Use: Quickens the mind, increasing the Mage's casting speed by 25% for 20 sec. ─── 使用:让你的小脑瓜转的更快些,加快法师施法速度25%,持续20秒。

70、Zehir then enters the Necropolis, builds a mage guild level 2 (needed to learn wasp swarm) and starts running south again. ─── 之后进攻佐尔坦守卫的城堡(损11石像),进城,建2级魔法行会(需要学蜜蜂)之后向南进发。

71、Ged had thought that as the prentice of a great mage he would enter at once into the mystery and mastery of power. ─── 姟德思之。习道术者。将入秘境。解率兽之语。明林叶之诉。以言役风。随心赋形。

72、Drognan believes that Diablo is searching the desert for the secret tomb where the great Horadric mage, Tal Rasha, keeps Baal imprisoned. ─── 卓格南相信暗黑破坏神正在沙漠中搜寻古墓-伟大的赫拉迪克法师塔.拉夏的安息之处-也就是巴尔被囚禁的地方。

73、Thus died Mage Davyn, former servant of Sauron, and last of his kind. ─── 就这样巫师达文,索伦从前的仆人,魔王最后的追随者,死了。

74、A beholder mage's arcane hand has an effective Strength score equal to the creature's beholder mage class level. ─── 奥法之手的有效力量值等同于该生物的眼魔法师职业等级。

75、Mass Mage Bane(78): Cancels enemy's M. Atk and Casting Speed buffs in surrounding area. ─── 团体魔力诅咒(8)消除附近敌人的魔法攻击和施法速度辅助加持。

76、When learning magic skills from a University or Seminary, you now get the mage guild spells at the time you learn the skill. ─── 在大学或神学院中习得魔法技能时,英雄可以同时学到魔法公会中的对应魔法。

77、Say you're a warrior heading into the heat of battle with your group, who consist of a mage, priest, and rogue. ─── 比如你是一名战士,和你的队伍投入战斗,队伍由法师、牧师和盗贼组成。

78、Practice of Fraying: A body of knowledge associated with the third degree (3rd dot) of an Arcanum, describing how a mage can mystically harm a target. ─── 冲突之法:与第3级(3点)奥秘相关的知识内容,描述法师如何以魔法伤害目标。

79、And when it is strong, the Mage's town of Hikm shall be the first to hear the news. ─── 当它强盛起来时,法师族的希金城将会第一个得到这个消息。

80、For example, the armor bonus from a mage armor spell and the armor bonus from an ectoplasmic armor power don't stack. ─── 举例来说,来源于“法师护甲”的盔甲加值和来源于“星质护甲”的盔甲加值就无法相互累加。

81、When you challenge a level 10 mage to a duel when your level 14 and she denies saying it isnt fair, then goes off and duels a level 16 pally. ─── 当你在14级时,挑战一个10级的法师,她拒绝挑战,并告诉你:那不公平。然后她离开去挑战另一个16级的战士。

82、The Mage will have three types of spells to use while in combat : area effect, direct target and shockwave effect. ─── 在战斗中,施法者有三种咒语可以使用:群体攻击、接目标攻击和冲击波攻击。

83、It was a shining - but brief - moment for the Mage Clans when they set aside their differences and worked together against the common enemy. ─── 他曾经闪耀-但是时间短暂-法师派系很快的放弃他们之间的争执,并一块对抗共同的敌人。

84、The goal is to limit the damage and CC from the Mage. ─── 我的目标就是限制对方法师的伤害和控制能力。

85、An Ogre Mage himself, Vey has proven himself time and again that his command skills are unparalleled. ─── 作为军人,维尔无数次证明了他自己拥有超群的领导才能。

86、As with the Augury spell, the mage must declare a target. ─── 和卜卦法术一样,法师必须宣布一个目标。

87、Once the mage has experienced and understood a thing or a situation, she can reach out and adjust it to fit her will. ─── 当法师体验过或者理解一个东西或一个情况,她就可以用自己的意志把握它。

88、The mage is also able to use a teleportation spell, allowing him to travel through the land more quickly. ─── 法师还可以使用传送魔法,非常快速地在大陆上旅行。

89、Ahead of you,an evil mage is attempting to capture three women,so you rush to save the damsels. ─── 你前面,一个邪恶的魔法师想捕获三个妇女,所以你冲上去拯救她们。







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