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10-01 投稿


Manichean 发音

英:[m?ni?ki?n]  美:[?m?n??ki??n]

英:  美:

Manichean 中文意思翻译




Manichean 相似词语短语

1、Comanchean ─── adj.卡曼奇纪的;与白垩纪早期一致的地质和时代

2、Manicheans ─── 摩尼教

3、Manicheanism ─── 摩尼教

4、Manichee ─── n.摩尼教徒

5、Manichees ─── 摩尼教徒

6、Manichean ─── n.摩尼教;adj.摩尼教的;摩尼教徒的

7、Manichaeans ─── 马尼夏人

8、Manichaean ─── adj.(与)摩尼教(有关)的;摩尼教徒的;二元论的(等于Manichean);n.摩尼教徒;二元论者(等于Manichean)

9、Manicheus ─── 摩尼教

Manichean 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In Persia this fresh excited Arabic mind came into contact not only with Manichaean, Zoroastrian and Christian doctrines, but with the scientific Greek literature, preserved not only in Greek but in Syrian translations. ─── 在波斯,阿拉伯人这种创新、活跃的头脑不仅接触到摩尼教、琐罗亚斯德教和基督教等不同教义,而且接触到有关科学方面的希腊文献,既有希腊语的,也有用叙利亚语翻译的。

2、The human fascination with fire has a Manichean quality. ─── 那些对火着迷的人有一种摩尼教的特性。

3、They needed an enemy and I was the demon on the other side of the Manichean divide. ─── 他们需要一个敌人,而我则是站在摩尼教的分界点另一边的魔鬼。

4、In three speeches in Prague, Cairo and Accra, he set out a new foreign policy that rejects the Manichean view of his predecessor. ─── 在布拉格、开罗和阿克拉的三次演讲中,他提出了一个新的外交政策,这一政策是反对前任摩尼教观点的。

5、Manichean Music and Dance Art in the Western Regions ─── 西域摩尼教的乐舞艺术

6、Less of Mr Bush’s Manichaean arrogance would be welcome. ─── 少一些布什先生那种摩尼教徒式的傲慢将更为讨好。

7、A Study of Manichaean Idolatry in Quanzhou in the Yuan Dynasty ─── 元代泉州摩尼教偶像崇拜探源

8、This Manichean split amounts to a “travesty of history and memory”. ─── 摩尼教的分歧导致了一个“对历史和记忆的嘲笑”。

9、This Manichean view of things is comforting in a time of multipolar chaos, but doesn't describe the world any more. ─── 这种摩尼教式看待问题的观点在一个多极混乱时代令人欣慰,但已经不能在描述世界。

10、Translation and Annotation of Four Manichaean Manuscripts in Old Uyghur Language ─── 四件回鹘语摩尼教赞美诗译释

11、This Manichean view of things is comforting in a time of multipolar chaos, but doesn't describe the world any more. ─── 在多极混乱之时,这种摩尼教的观点令人安慰,但无法描述这个世界。

12、enshrined here is this Manichaean god, ─── 这里面供奉的就是摩尼教的神像,

13、" Augustine strongly opposed to Manichean dualism of good and evil, he is despised by Plato's physical Also had a tendency to criticize. ─── 他既能向上升腾,也能向下坠落。当人爱上帝的时候,他就向上升腾;当人爱世界的时候,他就陷入比自己低级的被造界。

14、The Gnostics and the Manichaeans also believed in transmigration, but early Christians who adopt-ed Gnostic and Manichaean doctrines were de-clared heretics by the church. ─── 诺斯替派和摩尼教都相信转世说,但那些接受诺斯替主张和摩尼教教义的人都曾被宣布为异教徒。

15、In this Manichean struggle, compromise came to look like weakness, to be punished or purged. ─── 两党的积极分子都开始各自的最后冲刺,筛选正统候选人。

16、Less of Mr Bush's Manichaean arrogance would be welcome. ─── 布什那种摩尼教式的专横态度并不得人心。

17、In three speeches in Prague, Cairo and Accra, he set out a new foreign policy that rejects the Manichean view of his predecessor. ─── 在布拉格、开罗和阿克拉三地的演讲中,他提出了新的外交政策,摒弃了前任总统的摩尼教观点。

18、In a later period, the theology of Augustine owed a great deal to his early experience as a Manichaean. ─── 在后期的时期,奥古斯丁把他的神学思想归咎于早期作为一个摩尼教徒的经历。

19、This Manichean finding came after Dr Wigertz and her team interviewed 1,527 people with gliomas (a type of brain tumour) in Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden and the south-east of England. ─── 维葛兹博士和她的研究组在丹麦,芬兰,挪威,瑞典和英格兰的东南部调查了1527名患有神经胶质瘤(一种脑性肿瘤)的患者,得出一种带有摩尼教性质的调查结果。

20、Hodge's rigorous liberalism turns out to be rigidly Manichean. ─── 霍奇逻辑缜密的自由主义演变成了严格的摩尼教。

21、He Manichean features found unique ways of working. ─── 他二元论的特征,找到独特的工作方式。

22、They needed an enemy and I was the demon on the other side of the Manichean divide. ─── 他们需要一个敌人,而我则是站在摩尼教的分界点另一边的魔鬼。

23、But because we, and our leaders, retreated into a Manichean fantasy, we understood the new complexities of the real world even less. ─── 然而,由于我们,还有我们的领袖们,退避到了一种明暗对分的二元论幻想之中,就更加无法理解现实世界里产生的新的复杂性。

24、Mr Obama rightly eschews Mr Bush's crudely Manichaean simplifications of the “war on terror”. ─── 奥巴马明智的避免和他的前任一样,在“反恐战争”议题上简单粗暴地搞(摩尼教式的)正邪对决。

25、The president occupies a Manichean world in which small business is worthy and big business suspicious. ─── 奥巴马居住在“小企业受重视、大企业遭怀疑”的摩尼教世界里。

26、Manichean split amounts to a “travesty of history and memory”. ─── 摩尼教的分歧导致了一个“对历史和记忆的嘲笑”。

27、The former is manichean and the latter conciliatory. ─── 前者是二元对立的,后者则是调和的。

28、2. Manichaean worship included fasting, daily prayers, and sacramental meals which differed greatly from the Lord's Supper. ─── 摩尼教的崇拜包括禁食,每日祷告,还有与最后的晚餐非常不一致的圣餐。

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