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10-01 投稿


leathering 发音

英:[['le??r??]]  美:[['le??r??]]

英:  美:

leathering 中文意思翻译



leathering 词性/词形变化,leathering变形


leathering 短语词组

1、leathering packing ─── 皮垫

2、leathering wrinkles ─── 起皮皱纹

leathering 相似词语短语

1、fathering ─── n.为人父,为父之道;v.成为……的父亲;是……的创始人,创立(father的现在分词)

2、lathering ─── n.痛打;怒骂;v.狠揍;起泡沫(lather的ing形式)

3、leatherings ─── 皮革。

4、featherings ─── n.羽毛;羽状物;轻快的弓法

5、regathering ─── vi.再收集;再聚集;vt.使再聚集;再收集

6、blathering ─── v.喋喋不休;絮絮叨叨;啰嗦地说;n.废话;胡说

7、weathering ─── n.[地质]风化作用;[水利]泻水斜度;挡风雨材料;v.风干;使退色;经受住(weather的ing形式)

8、blethering ─── 呼啸

9、feathering ─── n.羽毛;羽状物;轻快的弓法

leathering 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Guangdong Jia Wei Long Leather Apparel Ltd. ─── 广东嘉威隆皮件服装有限公司。

2、He had a face in which the leathering wrinkles began only where the scars left off. ─── 他的脸上疤痕累累,没有疤痕的地方则是又粗又深的皱纹。

3、Only rock stars are allowed to wear leather pants. ─── 只有摇滚明星才可以穿皮革裤子。

4、A stiff piece of leather around the heel of a shoe. ─── 后帮皮鞋跟周围的破皮

5、Black And Brown Finished Sheep Leather. ─── 印度求购羊皮。

6、From animals we get such materials as wool, silk, leather and furs. ─── 从动物我们得到像羊毛、丝、皮革、与毛皮这样的材料。

7、His feet were encased in his best leather shoes. ─── 他脚上穿着他最好的皮鞋。

8、Leather pyjamas were all the go last year. ─── 宽松的皮裤去年很流行。

9、Wow, it's a very pretty red leather belt. ─── 呀,好漂亮的红皮带。

10、Good leather will wear for years. ─── 好的皮革可以耐用多年。

11、Calf cloth An imitation leather binding material. ─── 仿效皮革的装订用材料。

12、In my patched jeans and torn leather jacket I felt like a fish out of water amongst all those elegantly-dressed people. ─── 我穿着打补丁的裤子和破旧的皮茄克,和这些衣冠楚楚的人在一起,觉得一点也不自在。

13、A soft leather slipper traditionally worn by Native Americans. ─── 印第安软皮鞋一种传统上由美洲土著穿的软皮便鞋

14、Is it made of genuine leather? ─── 它是真皮做的吗?

15、His suitcase was made of leather. ─── 他的手提箱是皮制的。

16、The book was bound in red leather. ─── 书被以红皮面装帧。

17、I have a pair of leather mittens. ─── 我有一副皮连指手套。

18、Cardboard is cheaper than leather in the short run. ─── 从眼前利益看纸板比皮革便宜。

19、A white leather belt clipped her waist. ─── 一条白色皮带束在她腰上。

20、To soften the surface of(leather) by raising a nap. ─── 使柔软通过使布料起绒来弄软皮革表面

21、Which do you want, cloth shoes or leather shoes? ─── 你想要什么鞋,布鞋还是皮鞋?

22、We have quite an array of leather shoes. ─── 我们有一大批各类皮鞋。

23、She wears her beautiful brown leather jacket today. ─── 她今天穿着她那件漂亮的褐色夹克。

24、Soft leather made from the skin of a young goat. ─── 小山羊革小山羊的皮做成的软皮革

25、They buy and sell leather goods in bulk. ─── 他们成批买卖皮货。

26、A lump of red leather, a red leather lump. ─── 一块红色的皮革,一张红的皮革快。

27、Shandong Jinfeng Artificial Leather Co., Ltd. ─── 山东金锋人造皮革有限公司。

28、Buying Watch With Leather Bracelet. ─── 德国求购手表。

29、Nowadays leather shoes won't wear long. ─── 如今的皮鞋不耐穿。

30、A trunk and two leather cases three pieces in all. ─── 一个大衣箱和两个皮箱,一共是三件。

31、Buying Cow Split Leather Working Gloves. ─── 德国求购皮手套。

32、Leather made from the skin of a young goat;kidskin. ─── 小山羊革小山羊的皮制成的革

33、Plastic is sometimes used instead of leather. ─── 塑胶有时可以替代皮革。

34、She wore a leather jacket studded with rhinestones. ─── 她穿了一件镶有人造钻石的皮外套。

35、I bought a pair of tan leather shoes the other day. ─── 前几天我买了双棕褐色的皮鞋。

36、I was still there when I heard the rumpus. I came out into the hall and ran hell for leather to see what was the matter. ─── 当我听到那吵嚷声时,我还在那里,我立刻从房里来到过道里,飞快地跑出去看看是怎么回事。

37、Among the books on the table was a small one bound in leather. ─── 在桌上的书堆中间有本皮面装订的小书。

38、I crane my neck to see if I can catch a glimpse of some tiny little kitten poking its head up out of a sleek chrome side-car or maybe even peeking out from inside the front of a black leather jacket. ─── 我伸长脖子,看看我是否能瞥见一只可爱的小猫从摩托车光滑的合金边斗里探出头来,或者,有没有可能从骑手黑色皮夹克的前胸里向外窥探。

39、The costume consisted of a dark flannel shirt, a wide leather belt, buck-skin breeches, and leather boots. ─── 戏装包括一件深色绒布衬衫,一条宽皮带,一条鹿皮马裤,和一双皮靴。

40、A speck of dust on the patent leather of her boot. ─── 她的漆皮靴上沾了点土。

41、The smell of leather permeated the room. ─── 屋子里弥漫着皮革的气味。


43、He strapped the driver with a leather belt. ─── 他用皮带抽打司机。

44、I greased my glove to soften its leather. ─── 我给手套抹油以使皮革变软。

45、He made a small hole in the belt with a leather punch. ─── 他用打孔器在皮带上钻了一个孔。

46、She bound the cuffs of a jacket with leather . ─── 她给短外衣的袖口包皮边。

47、I put on my coat and new leather boots. ─── 我穿上外套和新皮靴。

48、My leather tennis shoes are worn out. ─── 我的皮网球鞋穿坏了。穿旧

49、Leather gloves were all the go last year. ─── 去年流行皮手套。

50、He buys and sells leather goods. ─── 他买卖皮货。

51、He gave me a pair of leather gloves as a gift. ─── 他送给我一副皮手套作为礼物。

52、She is a woman to whom personal comforts are leather and prunella. ─── 她是一个不讲求个人舒适的人。

53、Cardboard rs cheaper than leather in the short run. ─── 就短期来说硬纸板比皮革便宜。

54、All the chairs in the lounge are upholstered in black leather. ─── 厅里所有的椅子都装上了黑皮面子。

55、She tried to slit the sheet of leather into thongs. ─── 她试图把那张皮子分割成条。

56、A teenager in a leather jacket jostled his way through crowd, looking for trouble. ─── 一位身着皮茄克的少年从人群中挤过去,真是自讨苦吃。

57、The pattern or markings on this side of leather. ─── 带这种面式样或标记的皮革

58、The Hallmark range is made from soft black leather. ─── Hallmark系列使用黑色软皮制成。

59、A piece of such leather, or a cotton fabric made to resemble it, used as a polishing cloth or in shirts. ─── 充羚羊皮一块此类的皮革或仿此制作的一块棉织物,用作打磨上光布或用在衬衫上

60、Did they look at leather goods in the craft fair? ─── 他们在手工艺品交易会上看皮货了吗?

61、His case is made of real leather or he has a real leather case. ─── 他的箱子是真皮做的或他有一个真皮皮箱。

62、He strapped the boy with a leather belt. ─── 他用皮带抽打那个男孩。

63、He shone his leather shoes up till they gleamed. ─── 他把自己的皮擦得闪闪发亮。

64、I want a pair of black Italian leather boots. ─── 我想要一双黑色意大利制造的皮靴。

65、Are your shoes real leather or plastic? ─── 你的鞋子是真皮的还是塑胶的?

66、Guangzhou Hua Hao Leather Co., Ltd. ─── 广州市华灏皮具制品有限公司。

67、He carries his books with a leather case. ─── 他用皮包提书。

68、The dry air shrivels the leather. ─── 因空气干燥皮子都皱了。

69、He made an incision into the leather. ─── 他把皮革割开了一个口子。

70、Your leather shoes need shining. ─── 你的皮鞋要擦一擦。

71、Linseed oil will soften stiff leather. ─── 亚麻籽油可软化僵硬的皮革。

72、I'm looking for a black, leather bag. ─── 我在找一种黑色的皮包。

73、You've got quite a lot of good leather shoes. ─── 你有很多很好的皮鞋啊。

74、Guangzhou Yiwei Leather Manufacture Co., Ltd. ─── 广州市益威皮革制造有限公司。

75、It is a large leather suitcase with my name tag. It's dark blue. ─── 它是一个上面系有我名牌的大型皮制黑蓝色行李箱。

76、He carried a leather briefcase embossed with his initials. ─── 他带着一个饰有浮凸的姓名首字母的皮公事包。

77、Miss, I'd like to buy a leather belt. ─── 小姐,我想买根皮带。


79、A leather or wire restraining appliance that, when fitted over an animal's snout, prevents biting and eating. ─── 动物的口套,口络套在动物的鼻口部以防止其咬和吃的一种皮质或者金属丝制成的限制装置

80、Okay. Well what about this genuine leather jacket? ─── 好。这个皮夹克怎么样?

81、His black leather couch looks expensive. ─── 他的黑色皮沙发看上去很昂贵。

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