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monotheism 发音

英:['m?n?(?),θi??z(?)m]  美:['mɑnoθ?'?z?m]

英:  美:

monotheism 中文意思翻译



monotheism 网络释义

n. 一神教,一神论

monotheism 短语词组

1、monotheism refers to ─── 一神教是指

monotheism 词性/词形变化,monotheism变形

名词: monotheist |副词: monotheistically |形容词: monotheistic |

monotheism 同义词

monotheism 反义词


monotheism 相似词语短语

1、monotheletism ─── 单性恋

2、monotheist ─── n.一神论者

3、henotheism ─── n.单一主神教(神教信奉一主神而不否认他神存在)

4、cosmotheism ─── 宇宙神论

5、monotheistic ─── adj.一神论的

6、zootheism ─── n.动物崇拜主义;动物神教

7、monothelism ─── 单性恋

8、monolithism ─── n.大一统极权统治原则

9、monothelitism ─── 单性恋

monotheism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When they made claims that Jesus was divine, it was part of their task to make their witness in ways that would not challenge monotheism . ─── 当他们声称耶稣是神的时候,任何以一种不挑战一神论的方式来作见证是他们使命的一部分。

2、Darius the Great was equally stringent in the official monotheism of his reign: no god but Ahuramazda is ever mentioned in any of the numerous inscriptions that survive of his reign (521?85 BC). ─── 大流士大帝同样地实行了他严厉的一神教统治:没有神,只有阿胡玛兹达曾经在众多手稿中提过,这样挽救了他的统治。(521?85BC)。

3、Jerusalem is the common holy place of three kinds of monotheism:Judaism,Christianity and Islam. ─── 由于犹太教、基督教和伊斯兰教具有一神论的共性和教义上的延续性,耶路撒冷成为三大一神教共同的圣地;

4、Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the satellite was launched to spread monotheism, peace and justice in the world. ─── 伊朗总统哈迈迪-内贾德认为该卫星的发射是为了在世间传播一神教、和平以及正义。

5、By this act, Aton became in practice sole recognized god, and his worship a form of monotheism ─── 这样,太阳神阿托恩成为埃及国内惟一得到认可并信奉的神灵。

6、This divinely revealed insight concerning their God, Yahweh, was a strong declaration of monotheism (belief in one God) against the common belief of their day in polytheism (many gods). ─── 这是关于他们耶和华上帝的重要启示,也是信奉独一真神的强烈宣示,有别于当时流行的多神信仰。

7、Both the idea and the word existed in pre-Islamic Arabian tradition, in which some evidence of a primitive monotheism can also be found. ─── 无论是理念与字存在于前伊斯兰阿拉伯的传统,其中一些证据的原始神,也同样可以找到。

8、As an ethical monotheism, Judaism must give up the confirmation of knowledge of the Unique God and adopt the moral proof for the existence of the Lord. ─── 犹太教是一种伦理一神教,这决定了它必然放弃对上帝的知识论态度,转而使用实践理性去确证上帝的存在。

9、Akhenaten (ah-keh-NAH-ten), best known for introducing a revolutionary form of monotheism to ancient Egypt, reigned in the mid-1300s B.C. ─── 阿赫那吞因其在多神信仰的古埃及内引入一神论的革新行为而被世人所熟知,他大约于西元前1300年中期在位统治。

10、Born perhaps 4000 years ago, Judaism is one of the oldest religious traditions practiced today, the first known religion to embrace monotheism and one of the most influential in history. ─── 犹太教大约在4000年前诞生,作为流传至今最古老的宗教之一和已知最早的一神教,是历史上最具影响力的一种宗教信仰。

11、In regard of the definition of Judaism,there are various opinions , but two most basic points may be well establishedi. e. first, it is a monotheism or ethical monotheism; ─── 对于犹太教的定义,人们众说纷纭,但有最基本的两点可以肯定,即-是-神教或伦理-神教;

12、It is unclear if he is the son or a half brother of Akhenaten, the "heretic" pharaoh who introduced a revolutionary form of monotheism to ancient Egypt and was the son of Amenhotep III. ─── 目前仍不明确的是,图坦卡蒙究竟是阿肯纳顿的儿子还是同父异母的兄弟。阿肯那顿是阿孟霍特普三世法老之子,被视为“异端”法老,他将具有革命性的一神论引入古埃及。

13、His intense belief in strict monotheism and in the evils of image worship began early and probably was derived from Islam, because at first he had no knowledge of Christianity. ─── 他强烈地信奉严格的一神论,认为始于早期的偶像崇拜是有害的。因为他起初并不知道基督教,这种想法大概是源自穆斯林。

14、Relations of the First Three Monotheism in the World ─── 世界三大一神教的关系

15、Conclusion:Both the topiramate monoth erapy and topiramate plus AEDs are effective in treatment of all types of seizur es with mild side effects. ─── 结论:托吡酯单用及合用其他药治疗各型癫痫均有效,未见明显不良反应,有较高的临床应用价值。

16、Monotheism, however, prevails over the cosmogonic and ethical dualism because Ahura Mazda is father of both spirits, who were divided into the two opposed principles only through their choice and decision. ─── 然而,一神论胜过天体演化论和伦理上的二元论,因为阿胡玛兹达先于两者的灵魂,只有通过他们的选择和决定才会分开两种相反的法则。

17、Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the satellite was launched to spread monotheism, peace and justice in the world. ─── 伊朗总统哈迈迪-内贾德认为该卫星的发射是为了在世间传播一神教、和平以及正义。

18、The religious root of universalism in American culture comes from Christian monotheism and Universalism. ─── 摘要美国普世主义的宗教根源来自基督教的一神信仰和普救论。

19、It is shown that the background of Judaism, especially monotheism and tradition of Hebrew prophet, has an important influence on the construction of critical theory. ─── 突显霍氏犹太教信仰背景对批判理论的影响,特别是独一神信仰和犹太先知传统。

20、The creed of Judaism was not the beginning of monotheism, as has been propagated. ─── 信仰犹太教是不是开始神象已经培植的。

21、The system of the Abraham religious holds that monotheism is the highest stage in the development of the faith, it is worth considering. ─── 亚伯拉罕宗教系统认为,一神信仰是信仰发展的最高阶段,这值得参考;

22、Ethical monotheism sets us into a camp by ourselves compared to polytheism. The Incarnation: God came to visit earth ─── 道德一神论使我们形成与多神论对垒的阵形

23、One characteristic is its uncompromising monotheism; its simple enthusiastic faith in the rule and fatherhood of God and its freedom from theological complications. ─── 它的其中一个特征是坚定的一神教思想,是它对教规及上帝为父的朴素而狂热的信仰,并且它不受神学纠纷的困扰。

24、A member of a Jewish movement of the first century a.d. that fought against Roman rule in Palestine as incompatible with strict monotheism. ─── 坚贞信徒公元1世纪,在巴勒斯坦反抗罗马统治运动的犹太教派成员。因其统治与一严格的神教相冲突

25、Monotheism's major religious texts have few kind words for dogs, and dogs have often been a menu item. ─── 秉持独神论文明的主要宗教文本对狗类少有美辞,它们通常只是可有可无的选项。

26、As a man you claim, so to speak, a dispensation from causality otherwise accepted, as a Jew the privilege of monotheism. ─── 作为人,是因果关系的必然,而作为犹太人,是一神论的特权产物。

27、Judaism came into being in accordance with monotheism. ─── 犹太民族是因一神教而诞生的民族。

28、He was first struck by their monotheism, which sharply contrasts the plurality of gods in many Eastern religions. ─── 相对于东方多神论的信仰,他对于西方宗教中的唯一真神感到惊讶。

29、Ethical monotheism went beyond Abraham, beyond the Ten Commandments, until God Himself decided He would visit this earth. ─── 道德一神论超越了亚伯拉罕,超越了十诫,直到神决定要亲自造访。

30、a member of a Jewish movement of the first century a.d. that fought against Roman rule in Palestine as incompatible with strict monotheism ─── 公元1世纪,在巴勒斯坦反抗罗马统治运动的犹太教派成员,因其统治与一严格的神教相冲突

31、The history of religion credits Judaism for ethical monotheism, where God was one God who created us in His image. ─── 宗教历史赞扬犹太教合乎道德的一神主义,神就是那位按著祂形象创造我们的神。

32、The essay compares the cultural essence of the monotheism and polytheism, and analyzes the different influence of Monotheism and Poly theism upon religious culture and secular culture. ─── 摘要阐述了一神教和多神教的文化内涵,分析了一神信仰和多神信仰对宗教文化和人类世俗文化的不同影响。

33、When they made claims that Jesus was divine, it was part of their task to make their witness in ways that would not challenge monotheism. ─── 当他们声称耶稣是神的时候,任何以一种不挑战一神论的方式来作见证是他们使命的一部分。

34、The Confucian monotheism, deviating from the Neo - Confucian tradition on some fundamental points of cosmology and values, constituted a new trend of thought together with the Western theological philosophy introduced by missionaries. ─── 儒家一神论在宇宙观及价值观的根本点上背离了新儒家道统,它与传教士输入的西方神哲学体系共同构成了一个新的思想统绪。

35、the development of religion from fetishism and polytheism to dualist religion and monotheism. ─── 上古宗教经历了从原始拜物教、多神教经二元神教的过渡向一神教的发展历程。

36、Confucian monotheism and its position ─── 儒家一神论及其定位问题

37、By this ACT, Aton became in prACTice sole recognized god, and his worship a form of monotheism. ─── 这样,太阳神阿托恩成为埃及国内惟一得到认可并信奉的神灵。

38、The conspicuous monotheism of Zoroaster's teaching is apparently disturbed by a pronounced dualism: the Wise Lord has an opponent, Ahriman, who embodies the principle of evil, and whose followers, having freely chosen him, also are evil. ─── 琐罗亚斯德显著的一神论教导明显是被明确的二元论扰乱了:英明的主有一个对手,恶神(恶灵或邪灵),包含了邪恶的法则,他的追随者拥有选择他的自由,同样也是邪恶的。

39、In the period after the Meiji Era, the issues between the Ie System and Christianity emphasized on the worship to Tennou in the Ie System and the monotheism of Christianity. ─── 明治时期以后“家”制度与基督教间的问题,则是“家”制度里对天皇崇拜部份的强调与基督教强调单一信仰的问题点上。

40、We are acquiring an understanding of the history of monotheism. ─── 我们最近在了解“一神教”的历史。

41、At best this is all speculative.The truth will remain an enigma, but his teachings and his belief in monotheism have perpetuated throughout history. ─── 这些至多都是投机的说法,真相依然是一个谜,但是他的教导和一神论的信仰在整个历史上都是不朽。

42、With the help of God-Aton of monotheist Akhenaton, Hebrews had developed their Unitarian worship which was just a primitive tribal God worship, not a monotheism. ─── 作为统治者群体的希伯来人,汲取了埃及阿顿一神教的教义,逐步脱离了部落神崇拜,初步形成了独神崇拜。此时的犹太教尚未成形,只能说是一种原始崇拜。

43、It has features of a monotheism in that Heaven is seen as an omnipotent entity, endowed with personality but no corporeal form. ─── 其特点是一神论,上天/天庭被视为一个由无肉身内的人组成的无所不能的政治实体。

44、More important it could be understood in a way which either did not imply the full divinity of Jesus or else in a way which destroyed the concept of monotheism. ─── 更重要的是,在某种程度上可以这样理解,它既不意味耶稣的完整的神性,某种程度上还损害了一神论的观念。

45、He recommended monotheism but believed in reincarnation. ─── 他宣传一神论,却相信转世再生。

46、The essay compares the cultural essence of the monotheism and polytheism,and analyzes the different influence of Monotheism and Poly theism upon religious culture and secular culture. ─── 阐述了一神教和多神教的文化内涵,分析了一神信仰和多神信仰对宗教文化和人类世俗文化的不同影响。

47、Confucian tradition is not the religion as monotheism in West Asia but it has a unique and marked nature of religion. ─── 儒学传统并非西亚一神教意义上的宗教,但具有独特而深厚的宗教性。

48、A member of a Syrian people following a religion marked by monotheism and a belief in al-Hakim (985-02), an Ismaili caliph, as the embodiment of God. ─── 德鲁兹教派穆斯林:叙利亚的一个宗教派别,该派成员都信奉主神归一,相信阿尔哈奇姆,一位伊斯玛伊派哈里发,是神的化身

49、As well as giving an elegant summary of modern thinking about religion, Mr Wade also offers a brief, provocative history of monotheism. ─── 除了在结尾给当代对于宗教的思考进行了简洁的总结,韦德先生还介绍了关于一神论简短而富有煽动性的历史。

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