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10-01 投稿


verifiable 发音

英:[?ver?fa??b(?)l]  美:[?ver?fa??b(?)l]

英:  美:

verifiable 中文意思翻译



verifiable 短语词组

1、verifiable verify ─── 可验证的验证

2、verifiable record ─── 可验证记录

verifiable 词性/词形变化,verifiable变形

副词: verifiably |名词: verifiability |

verifiable 相似词语短语

1、certifiable ─── adj.可证明的;可确认的;可保证的

2、verifiably ─── adv.能证实地

3、fortifiable ─── adj.宜于设防的;可以弄巩固的

4、certifiably ─── adv.可证明地

5、vitrifiable ─── adj.可玻璃化的

6、veritable ─── adj.真正的,名副其实的

7、diversifiable ─── adj.可分散的

8、esterifiable ─── adj.酯化的

9、unverifiable ─── adj.无法核实的;无法检验的;不能证实的

verifiable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A verifiable function can only throw or catch pointers to reference types, so value types must be boxed before throwing. ─── 可验证函数只能引发或捕捉指向引用类型的指针,因此在引发前必须将值类型装箱。

2、In lieu of a bank statement and utility bill, you may provide a verifiable letter of reference from a known bank or financial institution. ─── 如沒有銀行月報表及水電或燃氣費帳單,您可提供由知名銀行或金融機構所發出的可證明推薦信函。

3、Audit evidence: records, statements of fact or other information which are relevant to the audit criteria and verifiable ─── 审核证据:与审核准则有关的并且能够证实的记录、事实陈述或其他信息

4、If via the Internet,on the date that the communication was transmitted,provided that the date of transmission is verifiable. ─── 如通过互联网,传送日期能够被证实,寄发日期以信息发出时为准。

5、a verifiable fact ─── 可以核实的事实

6、Publicly Verifiable Secret Sharing(PVSS) ─── 公开可验证秘密分享

7、A Shared Password Authentication Scheme Based on Verifiable Secret Sharing ─── 基于可验证秘密分享的口令共享认证方案

8、verifiable visual cryptography ─── 可验证的可视密码

9、Hence the use of historical cost is seen as ensuring greater objectivity in financial reporting than the use of figures based on estimates of current value, because it is factual and verifiable. ─── 因此历史成本的用处在于肯定在会计报表上历史成本不现在的价值估计更为重要,因为他是实际的的,而且可证实的。

10、Full normalization of relationships, a permanent peace regime and significant energy and economic assistance are all possible in the context of full and verifiable denuclearization. ─── 只要实行全面的可核查的无核化,关系关系正常化,长久和平的政权以及大量的能源和经济援助都是可以实现的。”

11、Current sanctions will not be relaxed until Pyongyang takes verifiable, irreversible steps toward complete denuclearization. ─── 在平壤向全面去核化迈出可核查、不可逆转的步骤之前,我们不会放松目前的制裁。

12、RSA Verifiable Signature Sharing Scheme Based on Secure Distributed Key Generations ─── 基于分布式密钥生成方法的RSA可验证签名分享设计

13、A verifiable Safe Keeping Receipt issued and endorsed by the Seller's Bank. ─── 一份由卖方银行发出与认可,能查证的保管收据。

14、Verifiable Protocol for Member Expansion in Secret Sharing Schemes ─── 一个可验证的秘密共享新个体加入协议

15、or(iii) if via the Internet, on the date that the communication was transmitted, provided that the date of transmission is verifiable. ─── (iii) 如通过互联网,传送日期能够被证实,寄发日期以信息发出时为准。

16、distinguishing between verifiable fact and tendentious assertion. ─── 区别可证实的事实和有偏向的断言。

17、A verifiable account of the incident; verifiable sales data. ─── 事故的可证实的叙述; 可核实的销售数据

18、If objectives are to be meaningful to people, they must be clear, attainable, actionable, and verifiable ─── 如果目标对人们是具有意义的,则目标必须是清晰的,能达到的,可以行动的,以及可供检验的。

19、Study of Speech Recognition and Automation Verifiable Method by Neural Networks ─── 基于神经网络的语音识别与自动检验研究

20、So why not ask Roy Schestowitz for some verifiable proof and thus eliminateany doubt to your being surprised? ─── 出于验证的需要,请键入您在下图中看到的字符或点击辅助功能图标后所听到的数字。

21、Seller's Bank shall send to the Buyer's Bank, verifiable full set of agreed documents for the First Tranche of AU Metal for the Buyer's Bank to verify, authenticate and accept. ─── 卖方银行须发出一整套能查证的、于黄金贵金属初额的文件至买方银行,供买方银行核实、定与接受。

22、Developing nations would also have to agree to curb their emissions and be prepared to make those cuts verifiable. ─── 发展中国家也需要同意减少排放,并做好让减排接受核查的准备。

23、a verifiable account of the incident. ─── 事故的可证实的叙述。

24、Verifiable secret sharing, group signature and signature of knowledge are useful in protecting important and sensitive information and always used in designing secure protocol of cryptology. ─── 可验证秘密共享、群签名和知识签名是保护重要而敏感信息的有用工具,常用于设计安全的密码协议。

25、One can hardly find any records on the origin of the dance drama in relevant verifiable history books ─── 在可供查证的史书典籍中,尚未见有关舞剧艺术起源的记载。

26、It helps, of course, if your degrees can act as confirmation of the skills you're trying to sell, but clearly if you have developed a verifiable skill in a hot area, you'll find work. ─── 当然,如果你的学位能证明你极力推销的技能,这很有帮助,但显然如果你已经在热门领域掌握了一项可验证的技能,你就能找到工作。

27、Again, the format should be machine-readable and -verifiable and easy to produce automatically (e. g. from a build system). ─── 再次指出,文件格式应该是机器可读并可验证的,同时也应该是容易自动生成的(比如从构建系统生成)。

28、The Application of a Publicly Verifiable Secret Sharing Scheme in Ad-Hoc Networks ─── 可公开验证的秘密共享方案在自组网中的应用

29、public verifiable ─── 可公开验证

30、Claiming something is true misses the point , while presenting verifiable fact proves its correctness. ─── 声称某样东西是正确的没有什么意义,而提出可以证实的事实能证明它的正确性。

31、verifiable encryption ─── 可验证加密

32、verifiable random function ─── 可验证随机函数

33、To be considered valid, an excuse must be proffered prior to the exam that is to be missed, if at all possible, the excuse must be in writing, and it must be verifiable. ─── 5.在测验前提交请假申请才是有效的,请尽量做到这一点。请假必须递交书面申请,而且请假事由需要明确的证明。

34、a verifiable fact/statement ─── 可核实的事实/陈述

35、In return for this and the rest of the oil, he was to put Yongbyon out of action and provide a verifiable list of all his nuclear activities. ─── 作为对这些事情和剩下的石油的回报,他应该将宁边核设施去功能化并提供一份可以验证的其所有核活动的清单。

36、verifiable secret sharing ─── 可验证秘密共享

37、verifiable ring signature ─── 可验证的环签名

38、verifiable secret sharing scheme ─── 可验证秘密分享

39、The poet is not a liar because he's not talking about anything that's verifiable or falsifiable. ─── 诗人不是骗子,因为他说的不是可以证实或证伪的东西。

40、Is all of the above information documented and verifiable? ─── 以上所有信息是否都被存档并可证实?

41、Participation in the talks and agreement to some form of non-binding target which is monitorable, reportable and verifiable, would be very useful. ─── 参与谈话,参与带有非强制性目标形式的协议可能有用,这个目标是可监督,可报告并得到证实的。

42、Verifiable Secret Sharing and Its Applications ─── 可验证秘密分享及其应用

43、Both sides are demanding mutually assured reductions of emissions that are, in the current jargon, “measurable, verifiable and reportable. ─── 双方都要求互相确保排放量,用时下的行话说,就是“可测量,可证实和可报告”。

44、The ISO Quality Standard sets in place a system to deploy policy and verifiable objectives. ─── ISO品质标准设计在系统中用来安排政策方针和可验证的目标。

45、minimum 3 year sales experience with a verifiable track record of sales achievement. you must hav... ─── 学历要求:大专以上|工作经验:3-5年|职位类型:全职|公司规模:

46、After you have installed your digital certificate (digital certificate: Attachment for a file, macro project, or e-mail message that vouches for authenticity, provides secure encryption, or supplies a verifiable signature. ─── 在安装数字证书(数字证书:文件、宏项目或电子邮件的附件,它证明上述各项的真实性、提供安全的加密或提供可验证的签名。

47、verifiable committed signature ─── 可验证承诺签名

48、Keeping thorough and verifiable records of your actions, including things like meetings, can save you if someone tries to blame you later! ─── 保留自己完整的、可以核实的行为记录,包括会议记录,能在以后有人想要栽赃你的时候挽救你!

49、Claiming something is true misses the point , while presenting verifiable fact proves its correctness . ─── 声称某样东西是正确的没有什么意义,而提出可以证实的事实能...

50、Publicly Verifiable Secret Redistribution for Threshold Secret Sharing Scheme ─── 公开可验证的秘密重新分配门限方案

51、Verifiable Secret Sharing Scheme Based on Linear Code ─── 基于线性码的可验证秘密分享方案

52、A publicly verifiable encryption scheme allows any entity to verify that a cipher-text hides the same message as committed before without revealing it. ─── 可公开验证加密允许任何实体验证加密的消息和先前承诺的秘密一样,但不会泄漏明文的任何信息。

53、verifiable secret redistribution (VSR) ─── 可验证秘密再分发

54、verifiable multi-secret sharing ─── 可验证多秘密共享

55、The Subcontractor shall ensure that Materials and Plant shall be fresh, unused, and genuine products of verifiable origin from properly authorized and licensed suppliers, free of adulteration and encumbrance. ─── 分包商应保证材料和成套设备均为全心,未用过且真实的产品,来源可证实,并由经适当认可和领有许可证的关于商,无任何掺假和留置权。

56、in a verifiable manner ─── 以可证实的方式

57、publicly verifiable secret sharing ─── 公开可验证秘密共享方案

58、This is not a romantic notion but verifiable fact. ─── 这不是一个不切实际的念头,而是一个有依据的事实。

59、a verifiable account of the incident; verifiable sales data ─── 事故的可证实的叙述;可核实的销售数据

60、Insurance companies will only insure specify risk where the cause of loss is verifiable. ─── 保险公司只承保具体的而且造成其损失的原因可核的险种。

61、Publicly verifiable partial key escrow scheme ─── 公开可验证的部分密钥托管方案

62、Verifiable Dynamic Key Escrow Scheme ─── 一种可验证的动态密钥托管方案

63、These periods are computed the time of performance in compliance with the contract and receipt of a proper and verifiable invoice. ─── 上述期限自合同规定的履行日期并收到适当的并可验证的发票时起算。

64、A high frequency flyback DC-DC converterprinted circuit board was designed using this method , which was verifi... ─── 利用优化设计方法设计了高频DC-DC变换器印制板电路,实验验证了优化设计方法的正确性。

65、1 Be responsible to ensure that its members, growers and manufacturers participate in the green label/kitemark scheme and a verifiable record is maintained. ─── 1负责保证它的成员、栽培者和厂商参与绿色标签/英国标准协会商标安排,并维持一个能证实的记录。

66、Product notes: We are developing a double block and bleed design seating arrangement for applications which require verifiable positive shut off. ─── 产品说明:我们正在开发双重阻塞和排放结构的阀座排列设计,用于要求能够证明确实关断的应用环境。

67、He said that if his hired ” and legal disputes occur between the boss, the result is most likely purchase enterprise does not have a verifiable and have to pay for expensive costs. ─── 他说如果雇工和老板之间发生法律纠纷,结果很可能是企业没有购买必要的险种而要支付昂贵的诉讼费。

68、For example, if security settings prohibit a component from writing to disk, the CLR can determine if a verifiable component meets this criterion before executing any of the code. ─── 例如,如果安全设置禁止某组件写入磁盘,则在执行任何代码之前,CLR可以确定可验证组件是否满足此标准。

69、Distributed Key Generation Based on Generalized Verifiable Secret Sharing ─── 基于广义可验证秘密分享的分布式密钥生成

70、Can you back up your claims with cold, hard, indisputable and verifiable facts? ─── 你可以备份你追冷、硬、可核查、不争的事实?

71、Due to the time-limited nature of news articles, every piece of information in a Wikinews article must be referenced and verifiable. ─── 由于新闻作品的时效性,维基新闻中每一条信息都必须引证并且可以核实。

72、S. goal "is not a freeze of the nuclear program," but to "dismantle a nuclear weapons program in a verifiable and irreversible way. ─── 他强调,美国的目标"不是冻结核计划,而是以可核实的和不可逆转的方式废除核武器计划"。

73、And nor is it contained by any other verifiable aspect of the statement. ─── 也不能被任何别的可证实的方面包含。

74、Making use of the good properties of cryptography Hash functions and the difficulties of DLP,a verifiable and linkable ring signature scheme is constructed. ─── 利用密码哈希函数的良好性质和DLP的困难性问题,构造了一个可验证可关联的环签名方案。

75、Keywords Information Security;secret sharing;verifiable secret sharing;access structure;information theoretic secure;signcryption;distributed key generation;electronic auction; ─── 信息安全;秘密分享;可验证秘密分享;接入结构;信息论安全;签密;分布式密钥生成;电子拍卖;

76、Secondly, structural grammar is empirical, aiming at objectivity in the sense that all definitions and statements should be verifiable or refutable. ─── 其次,结构语法是经验主义的,它非常注重观察中的客观性,认为所有的定义和表述都应该要么是可证实的,要么是可驳倒的。

77、verifiable encryption scheme ─── 可验证加密机制

78、Germany's 1789 donation Skip 1.83 meters, which is currently the world's earliest verifiable results. ─── 1789年德国的布施跳过1.83米,这是目前世界上有据可查的最早成绩。

79、Publicly Verifiable Zero-Knowledge Watermark Detection ─── 公开可验证的零知识水印检测

80、Iran would accept an IAEA verifiable cap on enrichment limit of reactor grade uranium. ─── 伊朗愿意接受国际原子能机构就反应堆所使用的铀浓度的上限。

81、Whatever circumstances led to this picture, it is at least verifiable that the Battle of Antietam took place on this field. ─── 无论是在什么情况下拍下这张照片的,至少它能证实安蒂特姆之战发生在这片原野。

82、Information-Theoretical Secure Verifiable Secret Sharing on Vector Space Access Structures ─── 向量空间接入结构上信息论安全的可验证秘密分享

83、Pedersen verifiable secret sharing ─── Pedersen可验证秘密共享

84、Verifiable Secret Redistribution Protocol Based on Additive Sharing ─── 基于加法共享的可验证秘密再分发协议

85、It seems illogical at first that such blind but verifiable transactions can occur, but the integrity of their "disconnection" is pretty watertight. ─── 初看起来,这种隐蔽的却可以验证的交易似乎就不合逻辑,但双方之间完全“隔离”可以称得上是滴水不漏。

86、Claiming something is true misses the point, while presenting verifiable fact proves its correctness. ─── 声称某样东西是正确的没有什么意义,而提出可以证实的事实能证明它的正确性。

87、verifiable encrypted message ─── 可验证加密消息

88、4.Both sides are demanding mutually assured reductions of emissions that are, in the current jargon, “measurable, verifiable and reportable. ─── 双方都要求在减少温室气体排放量上达成相互保证的协议,套用一句当今的行话,即实现“可测量,可证实,可报告”。

89、Public verifiable secret sharing ─── 可公开验证秘密共享体制














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