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10-03 投稿


millenary 发音

英:[?m?l??neri]  美:[m??len?ri]

英:  美:

millenary 中文意思翻译




millenary 网络释义

n. 千年;一千adj. 一千个的;一千年的

millenary 词性/词形变化,millenary变形


millenary 短语词组

1、millenary petition ─── 千年请愿书

2、millenary quincy jones ─── 千年昆西·琼斯

millenary 相似词语短语

1、millionary ─── 百万

2、millenaries ─── n.千年;一千(人或物);千禧年说的支持者;adj.千人的;千年的;千物构成的

3、millenarism ─── 千年主义

4、millenarian ─── adj.一千年的;千禧年的;n.千禧年信徒;相信太平盛事的人

5、millinery ─── n.女帽制造及销售业;女帽类

6、bimillenary ─── n.两千年时间;两千周年纪念日;adj.两千年的;两千周年纪念的

7、milliary ─── 古罗马里的;千步尺的

8、millihenry ─── n.[电磁]毫亨(利)(电感单位)

9、allenarly ─── adv.只是,仅仅

millenary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keep the Promise. " The promise is millenary development goal set by world leaders to halt the spread of AIDS by 2015. " ─── 该承诺是一个由全球领导者们在千禧年设立的发展目标,旨在能够于2015年阻止艾滋病的传播。

2、The scenery is so beautiful with a millenary well, clear fountain, lake and mountain.Here is also the largest green in the course. ─── 千年古井,清澈泉水,湖光山色,美不胜收,此外还拥有球场最大的果岭。

3、Hope can affect the god.If we can meet again?I beg hard several millenary years in the Buddha forward. ─── 然而不得不说,今天的生意比以往好了许多,还真得感谢那为房客呢。

4、A New Millenary Warm Period May Be Emerged ─── 一个新的千年暖期可能已经来临

5、gallons per millenary cubic feet ─── 每千立方英尺加仑数

6、Millenary Benedictine Abbey of Pannonhalma and its Natural Environment ─── 帕诺哈尔马千年本笃会修道院及周边自然环境

7、A felucca sinks into the millenary light of the Nile, twenty years ago. ─── 一条三桅帆船进入了尼罗河千年的光芒之中,是在20年以前。

8、Bearing in mind the millenary roots of Chinese civilization, i cannot . . . ─── 铭记中华文明的千年渊源,我不能…

9、This was my very first experience with an online store called Audemars Piguet Millenary Watches, I am a very big fan of watches and i love to collect them. ─── 范美忠因“道德”问题被吊销执照,丢失工作,难道这些校长们和涉案老师们能比范美忠适合当教育者,我认为应当开除工职,禁止终生从教。

10、"Kilo- millenary Isolated Grave, Nowhere to Pour the Loneliness out" --Try to Analyze the Image of "Grave" and the Life-being Consciousness it Included ─── "千里孤坟,无处话凄凉"--试析"坟"意象及其寄寓的生命意识

11、A New Millenary Warm Period May Be Emerged ─── 一个新的千年暖期可能已经来临

12、while today after millenary years, the offspring of Yugong opens more widely to the outside for investment attraction with more honest service and more enthusiastic reception. ─── 几千年后的今天,愚公的后人具有更加宽广的胸怀,开放招商。

13、millenary petition ─── 千人请愿书

14、5.After the millenary of tentative idea, mankind can roam wantonly in infinite universe , is that to be so secret, so magical! ─── 设想千年以后人类可以在无限的宇宙中任意遨游,那是多么奥妙,多么神奇!

15、A Brief Study of Millenary Argumentation on Taishan Inscriptionless Stele ─── 泰山无字碑千年论争略说

16、Jinan is a culturally famous city with a long history to trace back.There had thetrace of humanity before 8 or 9 millenary when the early Neolithic Age. ─── 济南作为历史文化名城,历史悠久,早在八九千年之前的新石器时代早期,济南地区就已有了人类活动的踪迹。

17、Jeonju is the capital of post Baekjae, and the birthplace of Joseon Dynasty 500 years ago, therefore it's acknowledged as a millenary city. ─── 是后百济的首都,也是500年前朝鲜王国的发源地,因此有千年古都的美称。

18、Carry out the universal mankind who travels the artificial intelligence and life that will have millenary at least have. ─── 进行宇宙旅行至少要有上千年的寿命,人工智能的人类就有。

19、As a mentality giant among the millenary and a scholastic model, this study has great significance on training and improving the students' mentality. ─── 把马克思作为一个千年思想伟人与学者的典范,研究其史学思想对于加强马克思主义历史学的理论建设,培养与提高学生马克思主义的思想素质具有重要意义。

20、The thought of the Confucianist is broad and profound , can pass Cheng millenary do not decline necessity have its original place. ─── 儒家思想博大精深,能够传承千年而不衰必然有其独到之处。

21、The earliest currency of China can track back to millenary years ago. ─── 中国最早的货币可以追溯到几千年前。

22、I beg hardly several millenary years in the Buddha forward. ─── 自己也不去多想,生意人只要做好自己的本分就好了。

23、After the millenary of tentative idea, mankind can roam wantonly in infinite universe, is that to be so secret, so magical! ─── 设想千年以后人类可以在无限的宇宙中任意遨游,那是多么奥妙,多么神奇!

24、Lightly, the small millenary town shakes off the dust of its history; Brilliantly, it chants a merry song of youth. ─── 小镇轻轻抖落了历史的埃尘,焕然之间吟唱出了青春的欢歌。

25、Firstly: In order to overlook the millenary trees of the civic square that is in front of the site; to rise the library 1,6 meters over street level. ─── 首先:为了眺望场地前市民广场的千年古树:将图书馆沿着街道层高抬高1.6米。

26、If stand Gong pawn mountain on look down at first gulf, can see the tableland in gulf and the king issue ridge that is linked like a millenary giant half body that roamed in sea picture. ─── 如果站贡当山上俯瞰第一湾,就会看见湾中的台地和相连的王期山梁如同一只在海中遨游的千年巨人半身像。

27、Audemars Piguet, Millenary, Reference: 15320BC. ─── 参考 15320BC.

28、Keep the Promise." The promise is millenary development goal set by world leaders to halt the spread of AIDS by 2015. ─── 该承诺是一个由全球领导者们在千禧年设立的发展目标,旨在能够于2015年阻止艾滋病的传播。

29、Taking glutinous broom corn and Weixian Pear with a millenary history as raw materials, the wine combines traditional techniques and modern technology, is brewed according to ancient prescription. ─── 永不分梨酒是以黍子和具有千年历史的邯郸魏县鸭梨为主要原料,结合传统工艺,融入现代科技,古方秘酿。

30、In millenary rear world, robot will with modern automobile, computer as universal. They will replace human consummately a significant task: Move to mankind moon! ─── 几千年后的世界,机器人将与现代的汽车,电脑一样普遍.他们将代替人类完成一项重大的任务:将人类移居到月球!

31、Lightly, the small millenary town shakes off the dust of its history; Brilliantly, it chants a merry song of youth. ─── 千年小镇轻轻抖落了历史的埃尘,焕然之间吟唱出了青春的欢歌。

32、Carry out the universal mankind who travels the artificial intelligence and life that will have millenary at least have. ─── 进行宇宙旅行至少要有上千年的寿命,人工智能的人类就有。

33、He speaks about his trade - "it's an art" - with passion, and about his sense of what it means to be Venetian: "It's a millenary tradition and culture we feel in our blood. ─── 他谈到自己的行业时表示,“这是门艺术”,他还谈到作为威尼斯人的感受:“这意味着千年的传统和文化,我们能感觉到它在我们的血液中流淌。”

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