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10-03 投稿


misconceived 发音

英:[?m?sk?n?si?vd]  美:[?m?sk?n?si?vd]

英:  美:

misconceived 中文意思翻译



misconceived 词性/词形变化,misconceived变形

动词过去式: misconceived |动词过去分词: misconceived |名词: misconceiver |动词现在分词: misconceiving |动词第三人称单数: misconceives |

misconceived 相似词语短语

1、misconceits ─── 误解

2、misconceiving ─── v.误解,误会;抱错误看法,未能理解;(尤指因误解而)拙劣判断,不周全的计划

3、misconceited ─── 误解

4、misconceiver ─── 误解者

5、misconceives ─── v.误解,误会;抱错误看法,未能理解;(尤指因误解而)拙劣判断,不周全的计划

6、misconceit ─── 误解。

7、conceived ─── v.构思;设想(conceive的过去式)

8、disconcerted ─── adj.不安的;惊慌的;v.使困惑;使仓皇失措(disconcert的过去分词)

9、misconceive ─── v.误解,误会;抱错误看法,未能理解;(尤指因误解而)拙劣判断,不周全的计划

misconceived 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、a misconceived education policy ─── 考虑不周的教育政策

2、Certainly, much of this criticism is misconceived or exaggerated. ─── 诚然,这些批评大多有失公允或言过其实。

3、But perhaps the whole exercise is misconceived. ─── 但也许整个的运用都被误解了。

4、experiment with two-party democracy has been a misconceived disaster. ─── 两党联合的民主实验是一场考虑不周的惨败

5、Most often this is the result of misconceived perceptions of the effort and resources necessary to implement a successful, long-lasting automation framework. ─── 通常,这是为了实施一个成功和持久的自动化框架,而错误理解工作和必要资源的结果。

6、The government's plan for the railways is wholly misconceived. ─── 政府对铁路的规划是完全错误的。

7、It says the whole question is misconceived. ─── 它说整个问题是一个误解。

8、1. The housing needs of our inner cities have been misconceived from the start. ─── 我们旧城区的住房需求一开始就受到误解.

9、But that does not mean the industry as a whole is socially useless or even that all its innovations were misconceived. ─── 但这并不意味着,整个行业对社会无益,甚至所有创新的想法都是错误的。

10、The housing needs of our inner cities have been misconceived from the start. ─── 我们旧城区的住房需求一开始就受到误解。

11、Critics say the effort is misconceived: the real danger is in Pakistan, where al-Qaeda’s leaders are now hiding. ─── 批评人士说,气力用错了地方:真正的危险是在巴基斯坦,那里才是基地组织领导藏身之地。

12、It is not possible and often the misconceived guidance comes from entities that are as lost as the human species but perceived as all knowing or God. ─── 这是不可能的,而通常错误指导来自与人类一样迷失、却认为自己是通晓一切的神的存有们。

13、She is a charm Chinese actress with eight unique "pretty genius" but frequently misconceived by other people . ─── 她, 八个"小精灵"附体的华裔电影人;她, 充满魅力却经常被他人误读的普通女人。

14、Codenamed Spring Awakening, the Third Reich's final reserves were gambled on a misconceived plan to seize Hungary's oil fields. ─── 代号“春季觉醒”的行动,第三帝国的预备队在防守匈牙利油田中耗尽了。

15、General concentration should shift towards musical expression and characterisation rather than progression and a misconceived pursuit of power. ─── 通常的注意力应该注重音乐的表现和舞蹈特性的刻画,而不只是“走”和错误地只追求“力量”。

16、their misconceived expectations of country life ─── 他们事先对乡村生活的错误想法

17、John misconceived of his duty. ─── 约翰对他的职责的看法不正确。

18、The policies adopted to avoid dangerous climate change have been partly misconceived and largely inadequate. ─── 各国采取的避免危险气候变化的政策部分错误,基本上力度不足。

19、The company considers the position taken by the NSWFA to be misconceived, and we are confident that the courts will confirm our position. ─── 公司认为NSWFA对GOLDPLUS是误解的。我们相信法院会给予我们正确的立场。

20、Purpose Main effect is usually misconceived in repeated measures ANOVA(analysis of variance). ─── 目的在重复测量资料的方差分析中,主效应的意义往往被误解。

21、The teachers say the tests for 14-year-olds are misconceived. ─── 老师们说这些测试不适合14岁的孩子。

22、9. This contention cannot survive analysis and is misconceived. ─── 申诉人要求被诉人承担由于进行仲裁而引起的一切费用。

23、However, this preconception might be misconceived as students are switching to a more health conscious lifestyle involving teetotalism and exercise. ─── 然而随着越来越多的学生们开始健康的生活方式,戒酒并且做运动,上面的形象就不免失真了。

24、Imperfectly aswe conceived the kind of relations that might,orcould,bind the colonies to their Mother Country,thoroughly as we misconceived tnem,we miscon-ceived them less than most of our neighbors. ─── 就算我们没有完整地理解那些可能或能够把殖民地与母国结合在一起的关系的本质,甚至完全误解了那些关系,我们的误解也比我们的大多数邻国要少。

25、The government' s plan for the artificial scenery spots is wholly misconceived. ─── 政府对人工景点的规划是完全错误的。

26、10 Aumen Shall Allow The Contaminated Ones Of Their Flocks To Scatter, But Shall Take Back To Themselves Those That Have Strayed Because They Misconceived The Heavenly Seed Which Dwelt In Them. ─── 奥曼会让受污染的羊群分散。但是,由于它们误解了住在它们里面的神圣种子,奥曼又会把它们从迷途中带回来。

27、The specific proposal seems to me misconceived. ─── 在我看来,该提案是错误的。

28、The root of environmental problem was expounded, which is that misconceived for the relationship between human and nature. ─── 摘要环境问题产生的根源,从深层次上讲就是对人与自然关系的不正确认识。

29、The policies adopted to avoid dangerous climate change have been partly misconceived and largely inadequate. ─── 各国采取的避免危险气候变化的政策部分错误,基本上力度不足。

30、It is unsuitable to analyze "China Experience" completely according to the West concept,otherwise, "China Experience" might be unilaterally apprehended or even misconceived. ─── 完全照搬西方概念来分析“中国经验”的研究方法必然导致对“中国经验”的片面理解和误解。

31、He completely misconceived my meaning. ─── 他完全误解了我的意思。

32、The capital's underground system, which seems unable to cope with either a hot day or a sudden downpour of rain, is beset by delays as a misconceived renovation plan goes wrong again and again. ─── 而既无法抵挡热浪的侵袭又无法应对不期而至的暴雨的地铁网络则由于一次又一次的错误规划,面临着严重的列车晚点问题。

33、The evaluators' criticism was not just that a third of the 220 projects under scrutiny had failed to achieve their goals, but that those goals were often misconceived. ─── 评估者不仅仅批判了在220多个项目中,1/3的项目都没能显现既定目标,而且还认为这些目标的制定也缺乏周到考虑。

34、Beyond that, Cohen says, the U. S. has long misconceived the nature of a post-Soviet Russia. ─── 除此之外,科恩还说美国长期以来都误解了前苏联的天性。

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