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10-03 投稿


mimesis 发音

英:[m??mi?s?s?ma??mi?s?s]  美:[m??mi?s?s; ma??mi?s?s]

英:  美:

mimesis 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 拟态


mimesis 词性/词形变化,mimesis变形

动词第三人称单数: mimes |动词过去分词: mimed |动词现在分词: miming |名词: mimer |动词过去式: mimed |

mimesis 相似词语短语

1、diesis ─── n.双剑符号

2、mimetic ─── adj.模仿的;拟态的;类似的

3、kinesis ─── n.运动;动作

4、Tamesis ─── 塔梅西斯

5、mimeos ─── n.油印品(等于mimeograph);vt.油印

6、mimes ─── 指手画脚地表演,用哑剧的形式表演(mime的第三人称单数);哑剧(mime的复数)

7、emesis ─── n.[临床]呕吐

8、mimosis ─── 含羞草

9、Nemesis ─── n.涅墨西斯(复仇女神);n.天罚;报应;n.死对头

mimesis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Mimesis is further contrasted at the outset of the text with something called diegesis, which might be translated as "narration". ─── 模仿与文章开头的“叙事”进一步对比,“叙事”也可以译作“叙述”。

2、This paper is a research into Adorno's mimesis theory in the context of the western world's aesthetic history. ─── 本文旨在把阿多诺的摹仿理论放在西方美学史中进行考察,主要完成两个任务。

3、Keywords E. coli Inserted sequence Homology Epitope mimesis; ─── 大肠杆菌;插入序列;基因同源性;抗原决定簇模拟;

4、Keywords Adorno;Aesthetics;Philosophy;Art;Nature;History;Mimesis;Illusion;Anti-art; ─── 阿多诺;美学;哲学;艺术;自然;历史;模仿;假象;反艺术;

5、We will then define the type of actions of which comedy is the mimesis, then we will examine the means by which comedy excites laughter, and these means are actions and speech. ─── 我们将为喜剧所摹仿的行为下定义,然后讨论喜剧是以何种方式引人发笑的。这些方式包括行为与语言。

6、The Method of Computer for Experimentation with Physics Data Beeline Mimesis ─── 实验数据直线拟合的计算机方法

7、The God ?mimesis three roles to dialogue with Job, it’s narrative is for the use of complement and deepping the theme. ─── 对话作为最高叙事人模拟的角色化叙事对主题深入起到了最好的引导与补充。

8、After completed "three love story", Wang Anyi"s interest turns to how to write.On the literature repression, Wang Anyi pays attention to "narrative" not "mimesis" to tell story; ─── 在写完“三恋”之后,王安忆的热情转移到“怎么写”,王安忆在文学表现方式上,注重“叙述”而不是“摹仿”的手法来讲故事;

9、Firstly,it is confirmed by Aristotle that narration is originated from mimesis and the essence of narration is something combined both by mimesis and fiction. ─── 第一,亚氏认为文学叙事起源于摹仿,叙事的本质是摹仿和虚构的有机统一。

10、Fictionality and Mimesis in Novel ─── 小说的虚构性和模仿

11、Mimesis as make-believe : on the foundations of the representational arts / Walton, Kendall L. ─── Harvard University Press, 谢谢介购, 因本馆经费有限将待有经费时再陆续发订.

12、Fictionality and Mimesis in Novel ─── 小说的虚构性和模仿

13、legal mimesis ─── 法律拟制

14、Through recognizing the structural mechanism of the meaning in the framework of literature as knowledge, we can learn that this mechanism avers a special mimesis theory. ─── 这种观念使新批评家持有的是同一性思维,他们对于反讽的认识由此受制于远至浪漫主义时期的象征主义美学。第四章考察意义的结构机制。

15、Art as mimesis or representation has deep roots in the philosophy of Aristotle. ─── 艺术模仿或代表已深深扎根于亚里士多德的哲学。

16、narrative mimesis ─── 叙事摹仿

17、Results: The mimesis accuracy of Grey pharmacokinetics model was higher than that of traditional ones. ─── 结果:灰色物动力学模型比传统的药物动力学模型拟合精度高。

18、Fantastic Mimesis and Oneiric Functionalism ─── 虚幻的模拟和解梦的功能主义

19、Art as mimesis or representation has deep roots in the philosophy of Aristotle. ─── 如果人们相互间语言不通,就不能够实现艺术的交流。

20、characterized by or of the nature of or using mimesis ─── 具有摹拟的特征和性质或使用摹拟的方法

21、KEY WORDS Orient-ations; Subtle Contextualisation; Multi-Programme; Mimesis; Hi-tech Manufacturing; Experimental Methodology ─── 关键词指“东”针;微妙的文脉关系;多元化的功能;模拟;高科技制造;实验性的方法学

22、Revolving around the onomatopeia and mimesis words, this paper studied their characteristics in emotional expression. ─── 本文试图以拟声拟态词为中心,来考察其在感情表达时的特点。

23、It has been defined as a vehicle for the expression or communication of emotions and ideas, a means for exploring and appreciating formal elements for their own sake, and as mimesis or representation. ─── 在人们的艺术实践中,艺术的发生通常总是要完全借助于人类语言,人类有什么样的语言形式出现,就会有什么样的艺术形式产生。

24、characterized by or of the nature of or using mimesis. ─── 具有摹拟的特征和性质或使用摹拟的方法。

25、Firstly, it is confirmed by Aristotle that narration is originated from mimesis and the essence of narration is something combined both by mimesis and fiction. ─── 第一,亚氏认为文学叙事起源于摹仿,叙事的本质是摹仿和虚构的有机统一。

26、as a result, re-reading his theory of mimesis and language may help explore this eclipsed aspect of Benjamin's oeuvre. ─── 于是,重读他有关模拟和语言的理论也许有助于探索他的这个面向。

27、Keywords Computer;Mimesis;Sawing method;Lumber recovery;Economic effect; ─── 计算机;模拟;下锯法;出材率;经济效果;

28、ISBN号: Being;Understanding;Hermeneutic truth;Work of art;Play, Mimesis ─── 出版年:存在;理解;诠释学的真理;艺术作品;游戏;摹仿

29、I also read an old thread concerning Goldmund's Mimesis 330, have you auditioned it before? ─── 有听过1次,表现平平,当然指分析力啦.....亦可能用紧佢个入门盘来试有关.

30、83. Departing from the concepts of inspiration and mimesis of traditional Western poetics, Derrida locates the origin of literary creation in "absence," the force that creates changes infinitely. ─── 摘要德里达对西方传统的灵感观念和模仿观念进行了反思,将孕育着无穷变化的“无”视为创作的源头,认为创作不是预定意义的实现过程,而是意义不断生成流变的开放过程。

31、there exists many onomatopeia and mimesis words in Japanese, they are active and vivid, and are inseparable part of Japanese emotional expressions. ─── 摘要在日语当中,存在大量的拟声拟态词,拟声拟态词以其本身所具有的形象生动的特点,成为日语感情表达所不可或缺的一部分。

32、The fact is, all Western consciousness of and reflection upon art have remained within the confines staked out by the Greek theory of art as mimesis or representation. ─── 前面已经说过,我和现实关系紧张,说得严重一些,我一直是以敌对的态度看待现实。

33、mimesis has been queried either in ancient China or in Western, with roughly the same causes. ─── 摹仿”论在中国和西方都曾受到类似的质疑,原因大体相似。

34、Keywords Monosubstituted cyclododecanone;Preferred conformation;Molecular dynamical mimesis; ─── 单取代环十二酮;优势构象;分子动力学模拟;

35、earthquake optimization mimesis ─── 地震拟合优度

36、With the digital pretreatment to sample signals using least square mimesis algorithm, twice and thrice harmonic can be wiped off effectively. ─── 应用最小二乘拟合法时对采样信号进行数字预处理,可以有效地去除二、三次谐波污染;

37、Results: The mimesis accuracy of Grey pharmacokinetics model was higher than that of traditional ones. ─── 结果:灰色物动力学模型比传统的药物动力学模型拟合精度高。

38、What does Aristotle mean by mimesis. ─── 亚里斯多德通过“模仿”表达什么意思?

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