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microbes 发音

英:[?ma?kr??b]  美:[?ma?kro?b]

英:  美:

microbes 中文意思翻译



microbes 短语词组

1、microbes vs humans ─── 微生物与人类

2、microbes and infection ─── 微生物和感染

microbes 词性/词形变化,microbes变形


microbes 相似词语短语

1、microbars ─── n.微巴;百万分之一巴(压强单位)

2、microbuses ─── 小虫

3、microbrew ─── 微酿啤酒;小厂啤酒

4、microbeam ─── n.微光束

5、microbrews ─── 微酿啤酒;小厂啤酒

6、microbeams ─── n.微光束

7、microbus ─── n.中客车;微型客车;小型公共汽车

8、microbe ─── n.细菌,微生物

9、microbead ─── 微珠

microbes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It has to be high enough to coax the microbes into giving up their electrons. ─── 它要高到足以能诱导微生物放弃它们的电子。

2、Sayler hopes to develop gels in which the microbes can be kept functional for several months. ─── Sayler希望能制出一种可保持微生物功能好几个月的凝胶。

3、Critics assert that this flow of genes helps to undermine any concept of species in microbes. ─── 批评者认为这类基因流动无益于微生物的物种观念。

4、The microbes move readily through the sandy, saturated soils surrounding the crowded fields of septic tanks into nearby creeks draining into the bays. ─── 在化粪池密集地区的周围,微生物可轻易穿越砂质含水土壤,进入附近的溪流,然后再流入海湾。

5、These showers could reach any microbes inside the rock unless it was very big, about two meters or more in diameter. ─── 岩石内部任何微生物的藏身之处,都避不开这些簇射,除非是直径约两公尺或更大的石块。

6、The challenge, says Sayler, is trying to figure out how to immobilize the microbes in such a way that they survive as long as possible. ─── Sayler说,如何做到既能用这种方式固定微生物,又尽可能地让它们活得长,这的确是一个挑战。

7、As part of the digestie process, the microbes break down nutrients to extract calories that can be stored as fat. ─── 作为消化的过程的一部分,微生物损坏营养素吸取能够作为脂肪贮存的热量。

8、In a process called denitrification, the microbes convert nitrates in the water into nitrogen gas, which is released into the atmosphere. ─── 在这种名为脱氮作用的过程中,微生物将在水中的硝酸盐肥料转化为氮气,并释放进入大气环境。

9、Earp-Thomas with the help of a Rockefeller Foundation grant and a team of researchers was able to study soil microbes all over the world. ─── 厄普-托马斯在洛克菲勒基金会经费的帮助下和一队研究人员得以研究了当时世界各地的土壤微生物。

10、In the top 200 metres or so of the sea, some dead or faecal matter is turned back into CO2 by microbes and may then re-enter the atmosphere. ─── 在海洋上层200米左右的水体中,有些死亡或排泄物质在微生物的作用下转变为二氧化碳,并重新进入大气层。

11、The pressures of population growth push people into previously uninhabited areas, disrupting the delicate equilibrium between microbes and their natural reservoirs. ─── 人口增长的压力迫使人们进入以往无法居住的地区,破坏了微生物与其自然宿主之间的微妙平衡。

12、Among the reasons for recall: contamination with mold, benzene, coliform, microbes, even crickets. ─── 其中的理由包括:被铸模、苯、大肠杆菌、微生物,甚至是蟋蟀污染。

13、It can inter-relatedly link so many plants, animals, microbes together, and forms a huge organization. ─── 它可以把那么多的植物、动物、微生物一环扣一环的连接起来,形成一个那么庞大的组织。

14、Han X R,Guo P C,Chen E F.Immobilization of fertilizer nitrogen by soil microbes and its changes[J].Acta Pedologica Sinica,1998,35(3):412-418. ─── [19]韩晓日,郭鹏程,陈恩风.土壤微生物对施入肥料氮的固持及其动态研究[J].土壤学报,1998,35(3):412-418.

15、Soil microbes are influenced by aboveground vegetation, soil geochemical elements and edaphic pollutants such as battery waste. ─── 土壤微生物受到地上植物、土壤地球化学元素以及电池等污染物质的影响。

16、Using cells and enzymes from the microbes, jinggangmycin was degraded to produce valienamine and validamine. ─── 利用微生物细胞和裂解酶为催化剂酶解井冈霉素,得到了井冈霉烯胺、井冈霉胺等井冈霉素降解产物;

17、The mildew accounted for about 70% of all microbes and bacteria accounted for about 25% and there were few amounts of microzyme and actinomyceto. ─── 各类微生物中霉菌类占70%左右,细菌类占25%左右,酵母菌类和放线菌类极少;

18、Finally, microbes can break down toxins better than most other organisms. ─── 与其他生物相比,微生物更易于分解毒素。

19、It serves, they say, as a reservoir of beneficial microbes which can recolonize the gut after it's emptied by diseases such as cholera or dysentery. ─── 他们说它像一个有益菌的蓄水池那样工作着,当被像霍乱和痢疾之类的疾病耗尽之后能够再重新迁移到肠道中去。

20、As these once-obese humans lost weight over the course of a year, their mix of gut microbes changed to reflect their new, svelte status. ─── 一年的疗程让过去肥胖的人瘦了下来,而且他们不仅拥有了一个苗条的身材同样得到了一个全新的肠道菌群。

21、Because of this, unique microbes like the "stars" of Northam mine may shed a bit of light on the future of planetary exploration. ─── 因此,诺瑟姆铂金公司矿井中独特的星状微生物可以为将来的行星探索活动提供一些解释。

22、Global warming empowers microbes which are now expanding both in number and diversity. ─── 全球暖化使得现时微生物的数量及种类都增加。

23、In the company's huge vats, microbes chew up the sugar in cassava, corn and sweet potato, turning it into the weak acid. ─── 在公司厂房的大桶中,微生物以红薯,玉米和木薯为食,把糖分转化为弱酸。

24、Plastics based on natural plant polymers, derived from wheat or corn starches, have molecules that are easily broken down by microbes. ─── 基于天然植物聚合体的塑料,是从小麦或玉米淀粉中提取的,富含易为微生物所分解的分子。

25、Other microbes break the organic matter down into nitrates, which the roots of plants can use. ─── 另一些微生物把这种有机物分解成植物根系可以利用的硝酸盐。

26、Secretions Secretions from epithelial surfaces at external sites of the body are important for protection against entry of microbes. ─── 分泌物体表的分泌物在抵御微生物的入侵过程中起着非常重要的作用。

27、How an international information-sharing scheme, co-founded by the UK, is helping scientists to predict the risks posed by poisonous food-borne microbes. ─── 一个由英国共同资助的国际信息共享计划是如何帮助科学家对食源性有毒微生物的风险性做出评估的。

28、For this reason, the most commonly discussed panspermia scenario involves the transport of microbes or their precursors from Mars to Earth. ─── 基于这个理由,最常受人讨论的胚种说就是:微生物或其前驱物,是从火星送到地球的。

29、Collectivist societies tend to pop up in parts of the world, especially around the equator, with plenty of disease-causing microbes. ─── 崇尚集体主义的社会通常在致病微生物较多的地区出现,特别是在 赤道附近。

30、Every week seems to bring a new theory about why people are getting fatter. The latest is that intestinal microbes are partly to blame. ─── 似乎每周都会有关于人们为什么越来越胖的新理论出炉,而最近的一个理论认为肥胖和肠道细菌有关。

31、It is no longer an either-or question of whether the first microbes arose on Earth or arrived from space. ─── 这已不再是「最初的微生物要不是发源于地球,就是来自外太空」这种非此即彼的问题。

32、Head to the science lab and take a seat at the microscope, through which you'll see these common microbes as you never saw them in class! ─── 头部的科学实验室,并采取议席上镜,通过它你会看到这些常见的微生物如你从来没有看到他们在课堂上!

33、The main pathogenic microbes are anaerobes,mycoplasma,Neisseria gonorrhoeae and so on. ─── 主要病原微生物有厌氧菌、支原体、衣原体及淋球菌等。

34、But if alien microbes could function without ribosomes, they could be comparable in size to the smallest viruses, which are only 20 nanometers wide. ─── 但是如果外在微生物能够不依赖核糖体工作,那么它们的大小将可以比拟最小的病毒,病毒的直径只有20纳米而已。

35、Rosanne M.Measurement of saccharification by cellulases[J].Enzyme Microb Technol,1985 (7):585. ─── 孙君社,李雪,董秀芹.纤维素酶高产菌株的选育及产酶条件的研究[J].北京林业大学学报,2002(3):83-85.

36、Man is a gregarious animal, and apparently the mischievous microbes he exhales fight and neutralise each other. ─── 人是一种群居的动物,显然,他所呼出的致病细菌要互相残杀,彼此抵消。

37、The latest scare is the computer keyboard: supposedly it contains nearly 70 times more microbes than the average lavatory seat. ─── 最新的吓人的东西是电脑键盘: 据说, 平均而言, 比起一般马桶座, 键盘细菌的数量多了将近70倍。

38、Most microbes infect catheters by migrating intraluminally from colonized hubs, or extraluminally from colonized skin. ─── 大多数微生物通过从导管注射部位或经皮肤移行入管腔造成感染。

39、Your small and large intestines are home to countless microbes that some scientists think may play a role in determining how fat or skinny you are. ─── 你的小肠和大肠是无数微生物的家,一些科学家认为,这些肠道菌群一定程度上绝顶了你或胖或瘦的体形.

40、But Mark Stoneking wasn't all that interested in human health when he decided to chase down the microbes in spit. ─── 当马克(MarkStoneking)决定研究人唾液内的细菌时,他对人体健康不是很感兴趣。

41、To live and grow, a variety of microbes use nitrogen in different ways, metabolically transforming it into diverse chemical compounds. ─── 为了生存和生长,各种各样的微生物用不同的方式利用氮元素,新陈代谢使这种元素转变到了不同的化合物中。

42、Nitrite-oxidizing microbes convert nitrite back into nitrate, and they are the only natural source of nitrate to the oceans. ─── 亚硝酸氧化微生物将亚硝酸盐重新转变成硝酸盐,之后这就是进入海洋中的唯一自然来源的硝酸盐。

43、As these once-obese humans lost weight over the course of a year, their mix of gut microbes changed to reflect their new, svelte status. ─── 在这一年中,这些曾经肥胖的人的体重逐渐减轻,他们的肠道微生物也发生了改变以反映其日渐苗条的身材。

44、Many scientists now attribute much of the warming of early Earth to oxygen-intolerant microbes—methanogens—that produce the greenhouse gas methane. ─── 现在,许多科学家把早期造成地球变暖的大部分原因归结于厌氧微生物——产甲烷菌——它产生了温室气体甲烷。

45、The main purposes to conduct aerobic compost are killing the pathogens and parasite ova, and degrading the high polymeric matters by microbes. ─── 好氧堆肥的主要目的是杀灭粪便中携带的有害病菌和寄生虫卵,将原料中的高分子经过微生物分解为稳定的物质。

46、Near parturition, the ration must be changed to not only feed the microbes but also feed the cow directly (increased energy density). ─── 在母牛临近分娩时必须调整日粮,使其不仅针对瘤胃微生物,同时直接针对母牛(增加能量浓度)

47、If microbes could live and fossilize in such a difficult place, they might do the same in other hot spots, like now vanished hot springs on Mars. ─── 因为如果微生物能够在这样困难的环境下生存并演变成化石的话,那么它们也应该可以在像火星上消失的温泉那样酷热的环境中存活并演变成化石。

48、If there is, NASA might be contaminating it with microbes from Earth. ─── 如果有的话,或许也已经被宇宙飞船带去的地球细菌所污染了。

49、Various microbes grow in suitable environment in fermenter that forms fermentation products. ─── 在发酵罐中各种微生物在适当的环境中生长,新陈代谢和形成发酵产物。

50、Many of these microbes were observed in the infected host by light-microscope. ─── 人们用光学显微镜,在受侵染的寄主中观察到这些微生物。

51、Using an unnecessary antifungal is fruitless, Hoffstetter says, and can set you up for more irritation by upsetting the balance of vaginal microbes. ─── 使用不必要的抗真菌剂是没有什么效果的,霍夫斯达特说,并且通过扰乱阴道微生物的平衡给你造成更多的感染。

52、If the spraying or spreading occurs shortly before or during a rainstorm, fecal microbes from the waste can enter nearby streams via overland runoff. ─── 如果这种喷洒或散置,凑巧在豪雨之前或期间进行,粪便细菌便可经由地面迳流进入邻近的溪流。

53、The oil that wasn't dissolved by chemical dispersants or microbes fell to the bottom of the ocean, out of sight to the public. ─── 没有被化学分解剂或微生物分解的石油会沉到洋底,从公众视线中完全消失。

54、The body has a hard time eliminating the bacteria completely, and natural immunity after a bout with the microbes lasts only about six months. ─── 一来人体不易将它们给驱逐殆尽,再者染上一回披衣菌所产生的自然免疫,也只能维持六个月左右。

55、Advantage Sample a variety of microbes can retain the same time, and a number of samples can the same time, can save a lot of time. ─── 一个样品多种微生物截留可以同时进行,并可以多个样品同时进,可以节省大量时间。

56、It had taken nearly a year to create the toggle switch and about twice that time to build the flashing microbes. ─── 一群人花了将近一年的时间,才创造出基因开关;另一群人则耗费了近两年的时间,才设计出会闪闪发光的细菌。

57、And found that the microbes in your armpit are more like those in someone else’s armpit than the ones on your own forearm. ─── 他们发现,和你自己前臂上的微生物相比,在你腋窝下的微生物与别人腋窝下的微生物更为相似。

58、It represents the first group of microbes known to depend exclusively on geologically produced hydrogen and sulfur compounds for nourishment. ─── 它是所知的第一个专门以地质结构产生的氢和硫的化合物为养料的微生物群落。

59、Collectivist societies tend to pop up in parts of the world, especially around the equator, with plenty of disease-causing microbes. ─── 集体主义社会通常会在世界上某些地方,特别是在赤道周围出现。这些地方具有许多导致疾病出现的微生物。

60、Some microbes in soil impose positive or negative influence on verticillium. ─── 土壤中某些微生物也可以对黄萎病菌产生作用。

61、Immunity Ability to resist attack or overcome infection by invading microbes or larger parasites. ─── 免疫力:抵抗入侵微生物或较大寄生虫攻击或克服感染的能力。

62、The mineral depositing and leaching processes that microbes may take part in were expatiated as well. ─── 并就其参与的矿物沉积和浸出行为做了阐述;

63、Venter envisions novel microbes that capture carbon dioxide from the smokestack of a power plant and turn it into natural gas for the boiler. ─── 凡特想像有一种新奇的微生物,可捕捉发电厂烟囱放的二氧化碳,转变成锅炉用的天然气瓦斯。

64、Another possible holdover from an earlier biological epoch would be microbes that use RNA in place of DNA. ─── 另一种古代遗留物的可能性,是使用RNA而非DNA为遗传物质的微生物。

65、Not all microbes are radiation-tolerant, and nonbiological processes can sometimes produce gases typically associated with life. ─── 不是所有的微生物都是耐辐射的,而且非生物过程有时候也能产生典型的显示生命存在的气体。

66、Baumgartner.And, she said, baths don't splash microbes into the air as much as showers, which blast them into easily inhaled aerosol form. ─── Baumgartner说,像阵雨洗澡不会把微生物溅到空气中,而冲击它们形成气雾就容易被吸入。

67、Other microbes included Proteus, Enterobacter, and Micrococcus species. ─── 其他微生物包括变形杆菌、肠杆菌和微球菌。

68、Microbes in xiaoqu mainly includs mold, microzyme and small quantity of bacteria, the visible mycelium on xiaoqu almost belongs to mold. ─── 小曲中的微生物主要有霉菌、酵母以及少量的细菌,在小曲上能看到的菌丝基本上都属于霉菌。

69、Pressure combined with thermal effects can inactivate microbes effectively. ─── 压力与温度的结合能有效地杀灭芽孢杆菌的芽孢。

70、Bainbridge, 1987, Genetics of Microbes, Chapman &Hall. ─── 丁友肪,陈宁编,1990,普通微生物遗传学,南开大学出版社。

71、Almost any activity that disrupts a natural environment can enhance the mobility of disease causing microbes. ─── 几乎任何一种破坏生态平衡的行为都能增强致病细菌的活动性。

72、In the top 200 metres or so of the sea, some dead or faecal matter is turned back into CO2by microbes and may then re-enter the atmosphere. ─── 在海水顶部大约200米内,一些死亡的生物体或排泄物,被微生物转化为CO2,然后可能再次进入到大气中。

73、In the world of microbes, as in politics, some groups just can't seem to shake the label ''extremist. ─── 在微生物世界里,就如同在政界,总有一些“极端分子”。

74、The activated carbon could be regenerated with microbes for the recycled use. ─── 处理后的活性炭采用微生物再生后,循环利用。

75、For him, this evidence is enough to justify calling a group of microbes a species. ─── 对他来说,这些证据足以用来使某群微生物称之为一个物种。

76、The changes of microbes and enzymes during daqu culture process has certain rules. ─── 大曲在培养过程中微生物及酶的变化是有规律的。

77、The Earth's climate may be dependent upon microbes that eat rock beneath the sea floor. ─── 地球气候可能依赖于海底以岩石为食物的微生物。

78、They contend that microbes, like rotifers, are not just a blur of variation but clusters adapted to particular ecological niches. ─── 他们辩称微生物就像蛭形轮虫,并非只是界限模糊的变异,而是适应特定生态区位的群丛。

79、One question is whether the antibiotics harm soil microbes, or aquatic life if enough leaches into streams, Halden says. ─── 存在的一个问题是抗生素是否会损害土壤微生物,溪流中的水生生命是否足够。

80、The rumen holds 160 liters of food and billions of microbes. ─── 它们的瘤胃可容纳160升的食物,养育数十亿的微生物。

81、Bin-salver is a new wastewater treatment system based on the combined effect of substrate,plant and microbes. ─── 利用稀释法和比色法对生物托盘根际和非根际土壤微生物数量和酶活性进行测定。

82、V.L.Geiss.Control and use of microbes in tobacoo product manufacturing[J].R.A.T.S. 1989, 15: 182-209. ─── 周瑾张灼等.利用微生物发酵改良烤烟碎片品质的研究[J].烟草科技,:.

83、Of 37 ales that were subjected to microbiological sample testing, 24.3% yielded microbes, predominantly coagulase-negatie staphylococci. ─── 在37例运用无针单向阀中进行样本的微生物学检测,24.3%病例产生微生物,主要是凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌。

84、Because most of the microbes are bacteria, and bacterial cells are generally much smaller than animal cells. ─── 因为大多数微生物是细菌,细菌的细胞一般比动物细胞小的多。

85、Microbes and plants play substantial roles in the global cycling of carbon through the environment. ─── 各种微生物与植物透过环境在全球总体碳循环中扮演重要角色。

86、The bioaugmentation of flocculant-producing microbes to domestic sewage treatment was explored by introducing the microbes to activated sludge. ─── 将产絮凝剂微生物引入活性污泥中,研究产絮凝剂微生物强化处理生活污水的效果。

87、Some microbes are newsworthy because they help fight diseases, control pollution, or perform some other useful function. ─── 一些微生物值得一提,因为他们有助于战胜疾病、控制污染或有其他有利的功能。

88、The microbes, they suggest, are surviving the dark, oxygen-free waters by drawing energy from sulfur and iron. ─── 他们提出,这些微生物通过硫和铁来吸收能量,在黑暗和无氧的水域中生存下来。

89、These microbes enable the soil to have more nitrogen, which plants need to live and they remain quite active during the winter. ─── 这些微生物可以让土壤中植物生长所需的氮含量增加,在冬天让植物仍保持活跃。

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