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10-02 投稿


persona 发音

英:[p?r?so?n?]  美:[p??s??n?]

英:  美:

persona 中文意思翻译




persona 网络释义

n. 人物角色;伪装的外表n. (Persona)人名;(捷)佩尔索纳

persona 常用词组

persona non grata ─── 不受欢迎的人

persona 短语词组

1、error in persona ─── [法] 主体错误

2、persona grata n. ─── 讨人喜欢的人, 受欢迎的外交官

3、proceeding in persona ─── [法] 对人诉讼

4、propria persona ─── [法] 亲自

5、persona nongrata ─── [法] 不受欢迎人的, 不能接受的人

6、likeable persona ─── 可爱的人物

7、persona non grata ─── 不受欢迎的人

8、persona standi in judicio ─── [法] 人的法律地位, 诉讼资格

9、palaces persona 5 ─── 宫殿人物5

10、persona designata ─── [法] 指定人

11、false persona ─── 虚假角色

12、map of the soul persona ─── 灵魂人格地图

13、persona muta ─── [网络] 人物角色

14、in propria persona ─── 亲自 [法] ─── 亲自

15、curmudgeonly persona ─── 脾气暴躁的人

16、specialist persona 4 ─── 专家角色4

persona 词性/词形变化,persona变形


persona 相似词语短语

1、persons ─── n.人员;人们(person的复数);民族;n.(Persons)人名;(英)珀森斯

2、personae ─── 人,角色;人格面貌,外表形象(persona的复数)

3、personals ─── n.人事广告栏;人事栏

4、person ─── n.人;身体;容貌,外表;人称;n.(Person)(法、俄、德)佩尔松;(瑞典)佩尔松;(英)珀森(人名)

5、person- ─── n.人;身体;容貌,外表;人称;n.(Person)(法、俄、德)佩尔松;(瑞典)佩尔松;(英)珀森(人名)

6、personage ─── n.要人;角色;名士

7、personas ─── n.人物角色;角色模型(persona的复数)

8、personal ─── adj.个人的;身体的;亲自的;n.人事消息栏;人称代名词

9、personate ─── vt.扮演;伪装;冒充;adj.伪装的

persona 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Toda persona tiene derecho a la propiedad, individual y colectivamente. ─── 人人有权享有自己的财产,单独和集体。

2、Her black-yellow preference is at odds with the soothing persona she has adopted for the campaign. ─── 她倾向于黄黑结盟,这与她为竞选而苦心塑造的令人舒慰的形象南辕北辙。

3、Negative ego based extremes in one's persona are other-serving in nature, where one subordinates, defaces oneself, or allows another to control or define one's truth or destiny. ─── 一个人人格中基于负面自我的极性,性质是服务他人的,其中你会服从、丑化自己,或者允许别人来控制或定义自己的真相或者说命运。

4、Later they ripped out what was left of her psyche with drugs and hypnosis, and implanted the persona of Psycho Mantis. ─── 不久后他们用药物和催眠抹去了她剩馀的精神,并且植入了精神螳螂的人格。


6、British singer noted for his comic stage persona, a wry and nostalgic Highlander. ─── 劳德,哈里·麦克伦南1870-1950美国歌唱家,以讽刺怀旧的苏格兰高地人的喜剧舞台形象而著名

7、And if it's true, as she told MTV, that she admires Madonna's ability to reinvent her public persona, then don't look for Britney to be another one-hit wonder. ─── 她对MTV说她敬佩麦当娜重塑其公众形象的能力。 这话如属实,那么就不要认为布里特尼是另一个昙花一现的人物。

8、But Kakur can't tell apart ego and persona. ─── 不过卡库尔总是分不清自我和人格面具。

9、A disfavored persona or persona with the objective of gaining access to an asset. ─── 不受欢迎的角色或以获取资产访问权为目标的角色。

10、He is a canny, theologically conservative populist, whose scathing references to Jews and homosexuals have made him persona non grata in America and, as of 2008, Britain. ─── 他是一位谨慎的、神学上保守的平民主义者。他对犹太人和同性恋者严厉尖刻的言论使他在美国并从2008年起在英国成为不受欢迎的人。

11、One can see in this that the slaves had no role model of a human persona that had mastered spiritually to draw upon. ─── 你可从中看到,奴隶们并没有一个“掌握灵性的人类”的角色模范来跟从。

12、Ceasing payments for insurance and persona or real estate taxes also can help establish that the company does not in tend to use the asset again. ─── 停止支付保险和私人或房产税也帮助说明公司不再有意图使用该资产了。

13、En mi vida , tiene una persona muy importante. ─── 在我一生里,有一个很重要的人。

14、His public persona is quite different from the family man described in the book. ─── 他的公开形象与书中描写的恋家男人相去甚远。

15、His public persona is quite different from the private family man described in the book. ─── 他的公开形象与书中描写的内向恋家的男人相去甚远。

16、How can it minimize the persona’s effort in reaching his goals? ─── 人物角色完成任务时如何尽可能地减少其工作量?

17、Life goals describe a persona's long-term desires, motivations, and self-image attributes, which cause the persona to connect with a product. ─── 人生目标描述了人物角色的长期期望、动机和自我形象的特征,这些将人物角色和产品联系起来。

18、Giannina se considera como una persona perseverante que se propone metas y las llega a lograr. ─── 她性格坚毅,拟定目标就会持之而行,达到目的。

19、The only quality his unique political persona lacked was a sense of humor. ─── 他独特的政治形象中唯一欠缺的品质是少了点幽默感。

20、We discuss each of these persona types and their significance from a design perspective in the following sections. ─── 在下面的小节中,我们将从设计的角度讨论每一个人物角色的类型及其意义。

21、Almost every aspect of a well-developed persona can be traced back to a user statement or behavior. ─── 在创建的非常好的人物角色的描述中,每个方面都能够追溯到对用户所说的话的引用,或者观察到的用户行为。

22、Atlus, the company behind the Persona and Megami Tensei series, is to be dissolved due to its ongoing financial problems. ─── 和女神转生系列的公司,是要解散,因为它目前的财政问题。

23、A well-developed persona should capture individual workflows, but workflow models are still necessary for capturing interpersonal and organizational workflows. ─── 一个很完善的人物角色应该可以捕捉到单个的人物角色工作流,但是工作流模型在捕捉人物角色间和组织内的工作流上仍然非常必要。

24、Ego based extremes in one's persona are self serving, wish to inflate oneself above all others, or wish to be in dominion or control over the truth or destiny of others. ─── 在一个人人格中基于自我的极性,是自我服务的,希望来将自己膨胀在所有别人之上,或者希望来统治或控制别人的真相或者说命运。

25、And if it's true,as she told MTV,that she admires Madonna's ability to reinvent her public persona,then don't look for Britney to be another one-hit wonder. ─── 她对MTV说她敬佩麦当娜重塑其公众形象的能力。这话如属实,那么就不要认为布里特尼是另一个昙花一现的人物。

26、Either Magic looks bad for exploiting this publicly after sweeping it under the rug for years, or Isiah furthers his persona as a waning superstar and social pariah. ─── 也有人说魔术师利用这次机会揭露已经尘封多年事,明显的让托马斯悲剧了。

27、To examine these questions, I carry out my works in the persona of dog though different methods and formats. ─── 为此,藉由不同的方法及形式,我让我的作品戴上了狗的面具。

28、Even if concocted by Mr.Wen’s admirers, the report reveals a shift away from the prime minister’s persona as a vacillating, avuncular bureaucrat. ─── 先不论这是不是温的仰慕者编造的故事,至少在这个故事里温的形象和以前那个温和的,慈祥的老爷爷般的官员形象,有所不同了。

29、The following example is only a small portion of a larger persona developed by the U. S. Department of Agriculture's( USDA) Economic Research Service( ERS). ─── 下面的例子是一个很大的角色中的一部分,由美国农业部(SDA)济调查服务(rs)立的。

30、The name should be evocative of the type of person the persona is, without tending toward caricature or stereotype. ─── 人物角色的名字应该是对其类型的体现,而不是倾向于漫画或者固定型。

31、The persona hypothesis should be based on likely behavior patterns and the factors that differentiate these patterns, not purely on demographics. ─── 人物角色假设应当基于可能的行为模式以及区分这些模式的因素,而非单纯的人口统计学因素。

32、He quickly followed this with a string of television commercials which played up to his sports persona to great effect. ─── 出完自传后,他迅速地在电视广告中把他的运动形象发挥到极致。

33、But on this most auspicious of nights, permit me then, in lieu of the more commonplace sobriquet to suggest the character of this dramatis persona. ─── 但是在这最吉祥的夜晚,请允许我,不用那种更为寻常的诨号来揭示出剧中的这个角色。

34、Again, it is imperative to return to context scenarios, persona goals, and mental models to ensure that your solutions are appropriate to the situation at hand. ─── 再次强调,必须要返回到情境场景剧本中,即人物角色目标和心理模型中来检验你的解决方案对于此刻的情形是否合理。

35、Only as the birth persona is seen for what it really is can one then modify it, coming out in the middle road or path or into unity. ─── 只有当出生角色被看到其真实所是,你才能去修整它,走在中道上或进入统一。

36、The criticism in Book Charts of persona is influenced by Confucian arts idea. ─── 《书谱》对书法的人格主义批评也受儒家艺术观的影响。

37、You are a modified Type 3 maintenance android fashioned to look like my A.I. persona. ─── 你是被改进的3号类型机器人 样式是暂时型号.

38、her private life and the public persona are not always fully explored. ─── 她私生活和公众形象的不一致并非总能得到充分的探究。

39、When voice textures fit the performer's physiognomy and gestures, a whole and very realistic persona emerges. ─── 如果表演者的声音纹理与面相和手势相符合,就能塑造一个完整又真实的人物形象。

40、Their use is purely rhetorical: to help communicate to other members of the team that a persona should definitely not be the design target for the product. ─── 不像被服务的人物角色,他们的使用纯粹是带修饰色彩的。 他们被用于和团队中其他成员进行交流,而完全不应该成为产品的设计目标。

41、In our country, the subject of old-age right is persona over sixty and the object of this right includes the state, the society, families and individuals. ─── 在我国,养老权的权利主体是60周岁以上的公民,养老权的义务主体是国家、社会、家庭和个人。

42、Their act was built around the dizzy Allen persona and yet it was as much Burn's deadpan reaction to her which induced laughter. ─── 围绕艾伦扮演的天真浮躁的女主角,伯恩斯多以冷面引逗作噱,两人珠联璧合,令人捧腹。

43、He laughs, but there is a serious side to his role model persona. ─── 他笑了,但是在他的楷模般的人格中自然也有严肃的一面。

44、General experience goals such as “don't feel stupid” and “don't waste time” can be taken as implicit for almost any persona. ─── 一般的体验目标,诸如“不感觉愚笨”或“不要浪费时间”可以被认为是任一人物角色都隐含的。

45、Poi fece accostare le famiglie di Giuda, e la famiglia degli Zerachiti fu designata.Poi fece accostare la famiglia degli Zerachiti persona per persona, e Zabdi fu designato. ─── 以色列人犯了罪,违背了我吩咐他们的约定,因为他们取了那当毁灭的物,他们偷窃,并且说谎,又把那当毁灭的物放在自己的物件中。

46、Always with a plan, he had activated a post hypnotic suggestion in himself that made him repress the Batman persona in his mind. ─── 蝙蝠侠总是有计划的,他在自己身上激活了一个催眠暗示,通过它压抑住了脑海中的蝙蝠侠人格。

47、Don't blow too long or your on-screen persona will get lightheaded and dizzy, wasting precious candle-blowing time. ─── 关于这方面,种类很多样化,敬请期待。

48、What's your persona about this Americana? Brama, am I shallow 'cause all my clothes designer? ─── 你对这个美国文化的看法是什么?男扮女装的戏剧,我是否因为我所有的服装设计师而浅薄?

49、He was declared persona non grata and forced to leave the country. ─── 他被宣布为不受欢迎的人而被迫离开该国。

50、Your persona descriptions may contain enough information to answer these questions directly; however, your research data will remain a rich resource. ─── 从你的人物角色的描述中可能得到充分的信息直接回答其中的一些问题,然而你的研究数据是一个极其丰富的资源。

51、We accomplish this through a process of designating persona types. ─── 在这一步骤中,我们指定人物角色类型。

52、Fawning indulgence may be called for in one situation while weeks later, the grim austerity that's part of impassivity is the requisite persona. ─── 在某种情况下,可能被称为奉承的宽容,几周以后,态度转变了,那么作为冷漠谈判风格一部分的那种冷酷无情的严厉也是一种必不可少的角色。

53、If the system does not meet an essential evaluation point, the persona will not be able to use the system at all. ─── 如果系统没有满足基本的评估点,角色根本不能够使用该系统。

54、A persona typically includes a fictional name and characteristics that are consistent with one of the main user groups you have identified. ─── 一个角色包括一个虚拟的名字,和与你某个主要用户群一致的特征。

55、The testing of a product without a set of tests defined in advanced. Testers performing exploratory testing take on a persona and perform the tasks that persona would perform. ─── 在没有提前定义一组测试的情况下对产品的测试。执行探索性测试的测试人员充当一个角色,并执行该角色应执行的任务。

56、But Martin is a master of career and persona changes. ─── 可马丁又是变换职业和形象的高手。

57、However, market segments play a role in persona development. They can help determine the demographic range within which to frame the persona hypothesis (see Chapter 4). ─── 不过,市场划分在人物角色创建过程中起着作用,它们能帮助确定人群统计数据的范围,在这种范围内形成人物角色假设的框架(见第4章)。

58、A detailed persona description implies a similar level of observation in your research. ─── 同样,详细的人物角色描述意味着在你在研究中的相似程度的观察。

59、He forgot to buy more coffee yesterday, so he was persona non grata at breakfast this morning! ─── 他因昨日忘了多买些咖啡,今晨早餐上遂成为家中众矢之的!

60、Maybe his automatic shift into a typical camp-gay persona with me was bugging him or something, but I felt he was trying to score points. ─── 也许是他成为一个典型的营地同性恋角色和我是自动变速或窃听了他的东西,但是我感觉他是想得分点。

61、Y la persona grande se quedaba muy contento de conocer a un hombre tan razonable. ─── 于是大人们就十分高兴能认识我这样一个通情达理的人。

62、Ci sono tre cose impossibili nella vita: spegnere il sole, asciugare il mare e non volere bene ad una persona come te!!! Ti voglio troppissimo bene... AUGURI! ─── 40年前的今天,地球震动,天空变暗,世界万物全都叫着“救命!”...原来,是你降生了!我爱你!!!(怎么听着也不像是祝福的话)

63、A few years later, feeling trapped in a persona that she feared would destroy her, she left her family, remaining in Salisbury. ─── 几年之后,因为感觉陷入了一种会毁掉自己的伪装,莱辛脱离了家庭,仍旧在索尔兹伯里生活。

64、A set of subjects who cluster in six to eight different variables will likely represent a significant behavior pattern that will form the basis of a persona. ─── 一些聚集在6~8个不同的变量上的主体集群可能会代表一个显著的行为模式,而这个模式将形成人物角色的基础。

65、From this point on, you should refer to the persona by his or her name . ─── 从这时开始,你就要用他或者她的名字来描述人物角色。

66、Hiciste daño a otra persona, de una manera que incluso parece correcta. Has coseguido ser feliz? ─── '用真理一般的方式伤害了别人,你真的快乐过吗?'问所有永远喜欢争论的人们,包括小桥自己,

67、He revels in blood and battle, using his wolfish persona to draw the feral beasts to his side and imbue his allies with his flesh-shredding strength. ─── 他总是浸淫于鲜血与战斗之中,运用其狼的本性引来猛畜助他杀戮,而他撕骨碎肉的狂力似乎也将弥于友军身上。

68、Since the negative publicity that was aroused by the legal proceedings in Colorado, Kobe has made an effort to maintain a positive, friendly and agreeable public persona. ─── 在因卡罗拉多丑闻导致公众形象下降后,科比已经做出努力,改善自己形象,塑造一个积极、友善和好相处的公众人物。

69、The persona is a powerful, multipurpose design tool that helps overcome several problems that currently plague the development of digital products. ─── 人物角色是非常强大的多用途的设计工具,能够有效地克服当前数字产品开发中的很多问题,它可以在以下这些方面帮助设计师。

70、Not coincidentally, Peanuts hit superstardom after Snoopy adopted his World War I flying-ace persona. ─── 在史努比以第一次世界大战王牌飞行员的人物形象出现之后,他就成为超级大明星,这并非偶然。

71、But what has the rightness or wrongness of a dramatis persona's economic views got to do with his acting? ─── 但是,一个剧中人的经济观点的是与非和他的表演又有什么关系呢?

72、How can it minimize the persona's effort in reaching his goals? ─── 人物角色完成任务时如何尽可能地减少其工作量?

73、A disfavored persona or persona with the objective of gaining access to an asset. Examples of adversaries include hackers. ─── 不受欢迎的角色或以获取资产访问权为目标的角色。对手包括黑客。

74、Then, based on the responses from the user interviews, design teams can determine what this persona would do in certain situations. ─── 在与用户的面谈的基础上,设计团队就能够设定出这个用户角色在某种情况下会如何行事。

75、Republican strategists attribute the turnaround to Schwarzenegger's return to the centrist persona that got him elected. ─── 共和党战略家们将这一转变归功于施瓦辛格还原了他的温和派形象,正是这一点助他当上了州长。

76、Per anima che i morsi scuri, perde la persona calda da rimanere ghiacciata e heartless. ─── 为黑暗所噬的灵魂,失去温暖徒留冰冷无情。

77、He is known as a powerful man onstage and a "cute" persona offstage. ─── 他在舞台上是一个充满野性的男人,在舞台下则是一个“可爱”的男孩。

78、The persona hypothesis is a first cut at defining the different kinds of users (and sometimes customers) for a product. ─── 人物角色假设是为特定领域的产品定义不同用户种类(有时是顾客)的第1步,这一假设是确定一系列初始访谈的基础。

79、Si hiciste daño a otra persona,conseguiste la felicidad? Se lo pregunto yo a cualquiera que lea esto. ─── '伤害了别人,你快乐了吗?'这个句子写在这里,不妨问所有看到此文的人。

80、The results from a successful set of visits will feed directly into persona development, information architecture, workflows, use cases, and requirements for the project. ─── 一套成功的采访询问会对用户角色的设定,信息结构,工作流,用户案例,以及项目的必备条件提供直接有效的帮助。

81、Overnight, he went from NBA poster child to persona non grata, a basketball savant assailed by the public on all sides for his conduct off the court. ─── 一夜之间,他由一个NBA模范孩子变成了一个不受欢迎的人,一个出色的球员就这样被公众质疑他在场外的所作所为。

82、His on-stage persona as a Zen-like mystic notwithstanding, Mr Jobs was an autocratic manager with a fierce temper. ─── 尽管在台上,乔布斯充满了禅宗似的神秘感,但台下,他却是一个独裁的暴脾气管理者。

83、Oceanus Shenron - The Dragon of Water and Wind, Oceanus Shenron, dons the persona of Princess Oto, who the residents of a small fishing village worship as a god. ─── 六星龙(海洋龙):水和风之龙,六星龙,假装为龙神公主的样子,被一个小渔村的居民崇拜为神。

84、His persona floats beneath the radar. Even the tattoo on his left arm is understated. ─── 他的角色在公众注意范围之外。即便是左臂上的纹身,也是简单而朴素的。

85、They put themselves in the shoes of their users and think about how the persona would interact with a web site or design. ─── 他们会穿着用户的鞋子即站在用户的角度进行设计,即考虑那个用户角色是如何同网站或设计产品互动的。

86、Oceanus Shenron- The Dragon of Water and Wind, Oceanus Shenron, dons the persona of Princess Oto, who the residents of a small fishing village worship as a god. ─── 六星龙(洋龙)水和风之龙,六星龙,假装为龙神公主的样子,被一个小渔村的居民崇拜为神。

87、You make up the persona's name. Select one that resonates with the team as representing that user group. Be relevant and serious; humor usually is not appropriate here. ─── 取个角色的名字。选个在代表用户群体时,和团队有共鸣的。要严肃而贴切,通常幽默在这并不合适。

88、UIE: Is the persona creation process different if you're creating a persona for an existing web site or design than if you're creating a persona for something that is brand new? ─── 为一个现存的网站或设计设定用户角色与为一个全新的事物设计用户角色有什么不同呢?

89、A notable reason for his popularity, besides his smoldering good looks, was his early mastery of the "hungry bottom" (sexually submissive but verbally demanding) persona. ─── 不过他更惨,26岁就掰掰了。唉,怎麽我觉得不错的都是这种早夭型的啊?

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