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10-02 投稿


unhooking 发音

英:[?n?h?k??]  美:[?n?h?k??]

英:  美:

unhooking 中文意思翻译



unhooking 同义词

uncouple | undo | release | free | disengage |liberate | detach | unfasten | loosen

unhooking 反义词


unhooking 词性/词形变化,unhooking变形

动词现在分词: unhooking |动词过去式: unhooked |动词过去分词: unhooked |动词第三人称单数: unhooks |

unhooking 相似词语短语

1、hooking ─── v.挂钩(hook的ing形式)

2、chooking ─── 选择

3、unhooping ─── 松开

4、unhousing ─── v.使无家可归;把……赶出家去(unhouse的现在分词)

5、unchoking ─── vt.疏通;清除…的障碍

6、inhooping ─── 内部

7、unhorsing ─── vt.推翻;使摔下马来;卸去(驾车的马)

8、unhooding ─── 脱钩

9、onlooking ─── adj.旁观的;目击的;n.旁观;目击

unhooking 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Two astronauts spent six and half hours unhooking a girder from the International Space Station. ─── 2名宇航员花费6个半小时取下国际空间站上的一根梁。

2、Who has been unhooking the stars without my permission, and putting them on the table in the guise of candles? ─── 是谁,没有得到我的许可,便把天上的星星摘了下来,放在桌上冒充蜡烛?

3、Implementation politics, look forward to is apart, estate rate orgnaization and administration already unhook, estate mapping job realized mapping business and mapping management depart. ─── 实现政、企分开,房地产估价机构与管理机构已经脱钩,房地产测绘工作实现了测绘业务与测绘管理分离。

4、For "unhooking" the attachment of the C-hook to the collector should be at a convenient height for access by the crew. ─── 将C形钩上的附件“脱钩”到收集器的高度必须适宜,便于船员操作。

5、Oh!When did you unhook this? ─── |你什么时候解开的?

6、It is after politics meeting unhook, the government manages to the direct canal of guild, answer to turn to indirect macroscopical management stage by stage. ─── 行业协会是经过民政部门注册登记的社团组织,具有独立法人资格。在政会脱钩以后,政府对行业协会的直接管理,应逐步转向间接的宏观管理。

7、Direct allowance and crop unhook reform plan provision, since January 1, 2005, direct allowance will transfer much to develop special charge, make thereby direct allowance and crop unhook. ─── 直接补贴与产量脱钩改革方案规定,从2005年1月1日起,大部分直接补贴将转移到开发专项费用上,从而使直接补贴和产量脱钩。

8、Be in an enterprise " unhook " hind, accelerate the research that compose builds traffic industry website, having more far-reaching strategy meaning and real sense. ─── 在企业“脱钩”后,加快交通行业信息网构建之研究,有着更深远的战略意义和现实意义。

9、While it moves the hooks, it is provided of, lock themselves on the steel mushroom and only during the replacing phase it is possible to unhook the container. ─── 我的翻译:当它移动挂钩(其本身具有的)将自己锁定在钢制的蘑菇状(的联结)上,并且只有在重新安装阶段才有可能会脱离垃圾筒。

10、He tried again to unhook the chain of the well, and could not. ─── 他又试了一次,要把井上的铁链取下来,但是他气力不济。

11、Congratulations - you can now try to unhook a bra on a real woman. ─── 你现在能够试着在一个真正的女人身上解开胸罩了!

12、So if you use a system-wide hook, you should use it judiciously and unhook it as soon as you don't need it. ─── 所以,如果你用系统范畴的钩子,你应该明智的用它并且一旦你不需要它们时就让它们脱钩。

13、Modify the existing ThisAddIn_Shutdown procedure by unhooking the VisibleChanged event handler. ─── 修改现有ThisAddIn_Shutdown过程,方法是取消VisibleChanged事件处理程序的挂接。

14、"Who has been unhooking the stars without my permission, and putting them on the table in the guise of candles?" ─── “是谁,没有得到我的许可,便把天上的星星摘了下来,放在桌上冒充蜡烛?”

15、The nation that a few hopes achieve all unhook is basic to this one scale satisfactory. ─── 一些希望实现全部脱钩的国家对这一比例基本满足。

16、It means unhooking yourself from all the electronic tethers to which you have been accustomed and obliged.It means guarding your private time jealously. ─── 这就是说,必须要远离所有那些工作中须臾不可分离的电子联系设备,并绝对保证自己的私人时间。

17、Somehow I managed to get to the aisle,unhook Cognac's leash and put the basket in his mouth.He was off like a shot, racing toward Brad with his beautiful golden ears streaming behind him, as if he was hot on the trail of a speeding rabbit. ─── 然而,我顺利地来到夹道,解开科格纳克的皮带,把篮子给它叼在嘴上。它飞快地跑向布拉德,漂亮的金黄色耳朵甩在后面,就好像在紧紧追逐一只飞奔的兔子。

18、In order to release the spell, one may unhook the pin and then send the webbing back to the source of origin. ─── 符咒具备跟业力同样的效果,因为它们都会在能量场中锁住某种特定的思想形态。

19、The working group asks directional side supports every member 10 poverty door, do not take off deficient not unhook. ─── 工作组要求每个成员定向帮扶10户贫困户,不脱贫不脱钩。

20、Two astronauts spent six and a half hours unhooking a girder from the International Space Station. ─── 两名宇航员用6个半小时的时间从国际宇宙空间站上摘下一根横梁。

21、Unhooking his spear from its place on the wall of his humble home, he forced his limp to carry him to confront the outlaws. ─── 从他那简陋的家墙壁上取下长矛,他强行驱动他的跛足对抗罪犯。

22、Tilt to have the risk of unhook, the lube of compressor interior flows into refrigeration system likely also, affect refrigeration result. ─── 一倾斜就有脱钩的危险,压缩机内部的润滑油也有可能流入制冷系统,影响制冷效果。

23、Sometimes you land a small fish.You unhook him very carefully. ─── 有的时候你把一条小鱼放在陆地上,你很小心地把他放下。

24、neglecting the student’s individual difference and unhooking connections between study obtained and the individual experience. ─── 忽视学生个体差异,学习所得与个体经验的脱钩等。

25、Two astronauts spent 6 and a half hours unhooking a girder from the International Space Station. ─── 两名宇航员花了六个半小时的时间从国际空间站上卸下一个横梁。

26、7.To remove the bellows-assembly, push out two pins in the rear unhook the strut. ─── 将风箱部分拆下来,需要将后面的两根针推出,从该部分上拿下来.

27、The collar wouldn't unhook. ─── 这个领口的钩子怎么也解不开。

28、The viewpoint thinks, internet is a kind of fictitious world and with real life entirely different, internet is with actual society unhook " a haven of peace " . ─── 有观点认为,互联网是一种虚拟世界并且与现实生活泾渭分明,互联网是与现实社会脱钩的“世外桃源”。

29、automatic container unhooking device ─── 集装箱自动脱钩器

30、Analysis of Unhook Accidents of Hoisting Device for Mine Bridge Crane and Countermeasures ─── 矿山桥式起重机提升机构溜钩事故的分析及对策

31、To be safe, pull the computer fuse before unhooking its connectors. ─── 所以象沃尔沃汽车公司历经几十年国际市场的风云变幻,不会轻易冲动赶“热潮”的。

32、Two astronauts spent six and half hours unhooking a girder from the International Space Station. ─── 2名宇航员花费6个半小时取下国际空间站上的一根梁。

33、“Harold, there's a tow truck unhooking a car in our lot. ─── “哈罗德,有辆救援车在咱们的租借处卸下辆轿车。”

34、It sounded like truck gears grinding. Wilma peered out the window. "Harold, there's a tow truck unhooking a car in our lot. ─── 听起来想卡车马达发动的声音。威尔玛从窗户探出头来。“哈罗德,有辆救援车在咱们的租借处卸下辆轿车。”

35、(5) of unhook of supply and marketing did not implement the system of contemporary company. ─── (5)没有执行现代企业的制度。

36、Some officials claimed to unhook connections with the companies but still maintained close ties on the sly. ─── 某些干部口称已跟公司脱钩, 可暗中仍然保持联系。

37、So he spent a secondday unhooking his net from sharp thorns. ─── 于是猎人又花了一天时间把网从锐利的荆棘上解下来。

38、Unhook me, would you? ─── 请你替我解开钩子好吗?

39、According to the progress that national economic system reforms, traffic company is broken away from with branch of subject traffic industry director early or late (common weighs unhook) . ─── 根据国家经济体制改革的进程,交通企业先后与隶属的交通行业主管部门相脱离(俗称脱钩)。

40、Unhook your laser sight. ─── 把红外激光镜打开。

41、The receiver was too high for the little boy to unhook. ─── 话筒太高了,小孩没法拿到。

42、If you override and hook up events here, unhook them by using the ─── 如果在此重写并挂钩事件,使用

43、1. It sounded like truck gears grinding. Wilma peered out the window. “Harold, there's a tow truck unhooking a car in our lot. ─── 听起来想卡车马达发动的声音。威尔玛从窗户探出头来。“哈罗德,有辆救援车在咱们的租借处卸下辆轿车。”收藏指正

44、Method provides two ways to unhook a control ─── 方法提供了两种方法用于解除与控件的挂钩


46、Two astronauts spent six and a half hours unhooking a girder from the International Space Station. ─── 两名宇航员花了六个半小时解开国际空间站上地钢架。

47、They unhook the ten dog team and they hook up Buck. ─── 磅的面粉,他们解开那十头狗,把巴克扣上。

48、Be in only " unhook " undertake to its on the foundation " change make " , civil aviaton course of study recombines ability to have a solid base. ─── 只有在“脱钩”的基础上对其进行“改制”,民航业重组才能有一个坚实的基础。

49、So he spent a second day unhooking his net from sharp thorns. ─── 他花了整天才把网从荆棘丛里取出来。

50、Two astronauts spent six and a half hours unhooking a girder from the international space station. ─── 两名宇航员共花六个半小时将一根大梁从国际太空站上取下。

51、Unhook of look forward to of solid administration of civil aviaton total bureau. ─── 逐步改革机场治理体制,下放机场治理权;

52、It is supposed to tell the engine to unhook event sources from event handlers; however, it was not implemented. ─── 类似,它应该通知引擎从事件处理程序对事件源解除挂钩;但并未实现。

53、Take apart your throttle housing and unhook your cables. ─── 拆开你的油门住房和unhook您的电缆。

54、Finally, you unhook, restoring the default WindowProc function. ─── 最后,解除挂钩,还原默认的WindowProc函数。

55、Some officials claimed to unhook connections with the companies but still maintained close ties on the sly . ─── 某些干部口称已跟公司脱钩,可暗中仍然保持联系。

56、Heilongjiang province has 14 countries and province pilot enterprise and unhook of bureau of former director office, become state-owned asset to invest principal part. ─── 黑龙江省有14户国家和省试点企业与原主管厅局脱钩,成为国有资产投资主体。

57、Each are big the college reachs consensus, 4 class certificate or achievement of short duration won't with degree card unhook. ─── 至于,形象怎样联系,校园将依据这次6月份的四级成果划定洽当准则。

58、" Keeping the same lustful look, she unhooking her small mace. ─── 她却卸下她的小锤子,继续用欲望的眼神看着马库斯。

59、The agreement stipulates certain branch allows partial unhook, but other department should all unhook. 1. ─── 协议规定某些部门答应部分脱钩,但其他部门应全部脱钩。

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