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10-02 投稿


mino 发音

英:  美:

mino 中文意思翻译



mino 短语词组

1、captain mino remix mino ─── 船长混音

mino 词性/词形变化,mino变形


mino 相似词语短语

1、dino ─── n.意大利人,流浪汉;n.(Dino)人名;(法、意、西、葡)迪诺

2、lino ─── n.亚麻油地毡;漆布(等于linoleum);n.(Lino)人名;(西、意、葡、瑞典、马耳他、英)利诺

3、imino ─── adj.(与)亚氨基(有关)的,含亚氨基的

4、Gino ─── n.基诺

5、mano ─── n.上磨石;n.(Mano)马诺河(西非河流);n.(Mano)(美、波、泰)马诺(人名)

6、kino ─── n.[林]吉纳紫檀;水溶性树脂;电影院;n.(Kino)人名;(西)基诺

7、fino ─── n.(西)淡色干雪利酒;n.(Fino)人名;(英、法、意、西、葡)菲诺

8、minor ─── adj.未成年的;次要的;较小的;小调的;二流的;n.未成年人;小调;辅修科目;vi.辅修;n.(Minor)人名;(英)迈纳;(德、法、波、俄)米诺尔

9、amino ─── n.(化学)氨基;adj.氨基的;n.(Amino)(美)阿米诺(人名)

mino 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Mino dumontii ─── n. 黄面九官鸟(八哥科)

2、Our main products are: E poxy Resins, A mino resins, A lkyd resins, A crylic resins, S aturated polyester resins etc. ─── 公司主要产品有:环氧树脂,氨基树脂,醇酸树脂,丙烯酸树脂,饱和聚酯树脂等树脂上下游产品。

3、Said Jin dynasty is great calligrapher Wang's son Wang's emblem, in a snowy night, then to interest, even from home Sanin, Phi Mino river rafting too easy to find friends Diana Road. ─── 在好多人心中,小说文案,本身是至关的一环,偏爱生死相许的人不少,可是,我偏不爱这套,一壶茶可以摆龙门阵,几百字的文案能打消读者看文的兴趣。

4、Mino Masaichi ─── 美浓政市(1912-),日本人,众议员。

5、Sources in Milan are claiming that Inter Milan officials are in talks with Mino Raiola, the agent of Czech retired player and former Juventus winger Pavel Nedved. ─── 从米兰传来的消息显示,国际米兰官方已经与内德维德的经纪人展开了会谈。

6、Note : The rumour concerning Pato could bare some truth, but Mino Raiola is not his agent. ─── 注:有关帕托的传闻是有一定可信度的,不过米诺拉伊奥拉并非帕托的经纪人。

7、The former Ajax star's agent, Mino Raiola, told newspapers yesterday that he was willing to take legal action to extricate him from his contract with the Bianconeri. ─── 这位前阿贾克斯球星的经纪人,告诉报纸自己想要通过法律诉讼帮助伊布解除他与斑马军团的合同.

8、Mino Raiola explained: "He has still not decided anything, we must see what the club has to say in the next few days.We have still not met with them, he must do that, then he will decide. ─── "我了解帕维尔,他什么样的决定都做得出来.他是个严肃认真的男人,他总是考虑好所有事,之后说出他的想法.如果他得不到满意的答复,理论上他会选择退役.

9、Hemerocallis mino' Mill. ─── - 小黄花菜。

10、shino: Japanese high-fired ceramic ware produced in the Seto and Mino domains (Gifu prefecture); ─── 筱:日本高放射陶瓷生产中的濑户和美浓域(岐阜县) ;

11、Mino's product line stresses one-button simplicity, and the MinoHD comes with its own editing software on board. ─── 对于一个体积如此小,易于使用的产品来说,这是一个很酷的壮举。

12、Mario Balotelli is is set to ask Inter for a transfer via his agent Mino Raiola as the unrest between player and club continues. ─── 马里奥特利的设置要求通过他的经纪人莱奥拉美浓作为球员和俱乐部之间的动乱间的转移仍在继续。

13、Mino Raiola, who represents him, is refusing to confirm that a new deal is about to be signed but did say that there is no deal in the pipeline with Chelsea. ─── 伊布拉希莫维奇的经纪人米诺拒绝承认伊布即将签约,同时他说与切尔西没有进行任何谈判。

14、6race Guards!shade,mino,northman,elven,holy,irekie ─── 6个种族的守卫:暗影,牛头,蛮族,精灵,圣堂,艾克.

15、Mino : Japanese high-fired ceramic ware produced in the Seto and Mino domains (Gifu Prefecture); ─── originated in late 16th century 美浓 :日本高放射陶瓷生产中的濑户和美浓域(岐阜县) ;

16、A long time ago in Mino ( now Gifu Prefecture ) , there lived a wealthy man called Anpachi-dayu. ─── 在很久以前的美浓(现在属于歧阜县),有一个叫Anpachi-dayu的富人。

17、FEE MINO French brand of cosmetics and jewelry line in China the total distribution. ─── 是法国FEE MINO品牌化妆品及首饰系列中国地区总经销。

18、The proportion of necessary a mino acids for fish to the total a mino acids in this microalgae did not exhibit significant change compared with control group. ─── 说明该处理有利于小球藻营养价值的提高。

19、Mino: May I come in? ─── 我可以进来吗?

20、Nobuhide was a skilled warrior, and spent much of his time fighting the samurai of Mikawa and Mino. ─── 信秀是一个熟练的战士,并花了他的大部分时间战斗三河和美浓的武士。

21、Special judge Award at the third intermational ceramics competition in Mino, Japen ─── 日本美浓第三届国际陶艺竞赛评委特别奖

22、The Application of AGC hydraulic System of Liquid Pressure from Mino Company ─── 米诺公司液压AGC系统的应用

23、Seto : Japanese high-fired ceramic ware produced in the Seto and Mino domains (Gifu Prefecture); ─── originated in late 16th century 濑户 :日本高放射陶瓷生产中的濑户和美浓域(岐阜县) ;

24、Author Zhang Bingqin Lin Zhenbo (Beijing Hydraulic Technique Research Institute) (Italy Mino Company); ─── 作者林振波;张炳芹;

25、Mino Raiola, who is also the agent of Juve star Zlatan Ibrahimovic, is understood to have reached an in principle agreement with Moggi over a possible pre-contract deal for Maxwell in January. ─── 莱奥拉,同时也是尤文巨星伊布的经纪人,相信已经和莫吉在明年一月提前签约达成原则上的协议。

26、Mino model ─── Mino模型

27、Until SuperPippo accomplishes the miracle that not even the most fanatic and optimistic of the lads in the FDL such as Tino, Gino, Mino, Lino and co would have even dreamt of. ─── 直到超级皮波完成那个奇迹般的进球,甚至连最狂热和乐观的FDL(FOSSADEILEONI,米兰球迷组织)成员(例如迪诺,基诺,米诺,里诺等等)都不敢想象如此美妙的结局。

28、“Will he play on?Nothing is impossible, but you should ask Juve,” agent Mino Raiola is quoted as saying in La Stampa. ─── 事实上,尤文方面并没有在可能是他最后一场比赛的周日下午举办任何大的庆祝活动。

29、Author Guo Zhongcheng;Yang Xianwan;Liu Hongkang;Wang Zhiying;Wang Mino(Metall. DePt.;Kunming University of Scence and Technology Kunming 650093); ─── 作者郭忠诚;杨显万;刘鸿康;王志英;王敏;

30、Mino Matrix of Standard Form of Positive Definite Matrix ─── 正定矩阵标准型的子式阵

31、Mino Yokichi ─── 三野与吉(1902-),日本人,地理学教授。

32、The Mino were recruited from among the ahosi ( "king's wives" ), of which there were often hundreds. ─── 米诺娘子军来自ahosi(“国王的妻子们”),她们的数量经常会有几百人。

33、We took ten boxes of Mino paper from the storehouse. ─── 我们从这个库房里领取了十箱美浓纸。

34、Mino: (Approaches Dr. Choi's office and knocks on the door) Good morning, professor Choi. ─── (来到Dr.Choi的办公室,敲门)早上好,崔教授。

35、Development and Utilization of the Tourist Resources of Mino rity National Features in Taijiang of Guizhou Province ─── 贵州省台江民族风情旅游资源开发利用

36、Raiola, who is representing Robinho, is traveling to Manchester to discuss with the leaders of the City in negotiations which should lead Brazil to Milan. ─── 拉伊·奥拉,罗比尼奥的经纪人,正在前往曼彻斯特来和曼城的高层们商讨巴西人前往米兰的事宜。

37、Ibrahimovic's agent, Mino Raiola, has once again lashed out at Pep Guardiola and this time included Johan Cruyff in his rants. ─── 维奇的经纪人莱奥拉,再次猛烈抨击瓜迪奥拉,包括约翰·克鲁伊夫的演说。

38、Mino's Nano is red, Mino's Nano is Dear Bear buy buyly. ─── 从小到现在,一直写“信”这个字都是双人旁。分号给人一种舒服的感觉。彳+;=?(1回应

39、Sources include Louise Cort, Seto and Mino Ceramics (University of Hawaii Press, 1992); ─── 来源包括路易斯科特, 濑户和美浓陶磁 (夏威夷大学出版社, 1992年) ;

40、Maxwell's agent, Mino Raiola, in an interview with Sky, declared: "I think that my assisted will leave Inter at the end of the season. ─── 国际米兰边后卫马克思威尔的经纪人,最近在天空体育的采访中透露:“我确信我的球员会在赛季末离开国际米兰。

41、Ōmino Mifune ─── 淡海三船(721-789),日本人,学者。

42、Mino does not engage in any slang or informal vocabulary, does not sit down, and keeps the conversation as short as possible. ─── 谈话比较正式,Mino没有使用任何俚语或非正式词汇,没有坐下来,并且尽量缩短谈话时间。

43、Wuxi Mino Special Printing Equipment Co., Ltd ─── 无锡美诺特殊印刷器材有限公司

44、Mino Hiroshi ─── 三野博(1921-),日本人,银行家。

45、appraiser and commentator of Japan Fine Arts Exhibition;president of Mino Ceramic Association. ─── 现为日本新工艺家联盟常务理事、审查员,日展评议员、审查员,美浓陶艺协会会长。

46、"I think that the Inter adventure of Maxwell is over," said Mino Raiola. "He is among best wing-backs in Europe and has already attracted enquiries - including this year." ─── “我认为马克思威尔与国际米兰的缘分走到了尽头”“他是欧洲最好的边卫之一,获得了很多赞誉包括今年”

47、Mino Shigekazu ─── 三野重和(1923-),日本人,实业家。

48、This paper reports the normal values of dermatoglyphics parameters of seven mino rity nationalities in Yunnan Province which are bai,Blang,Yi,Hui,Lisu,Nu and Jin uo. ─── 摘要 本文报告了云南省白族、布朗族、彝族、回族、僳僳族、怒族、基诺族共七个少数民族的肤 纹参数。

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