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10-04 投稿


mastership 发音

英:[?m?st???p]  美:[?mɑ?st???p]

英:  美:

mastership 中文意思翻译



mastership 短语词组

1、mastership never ends ─── 主人翁精神永无止境

mastership 词性/词形变化,mastership变形

名词复数: masters-at-arms |

mastership 反义词

mistress |pupil | servant

mastership 同义词

headmaster | virtuoso | passe-partout | adept | head | owner | wizard | conductor | sea captain | conquer | superior | landlord | overlord | principal | specialist | shark | skipper | proprietor | artist | craftsman | technician | ruler | professional | director | subdue | captain | prevail | grasp | controller | master key | get over | victor | learn | schoolmaster | main | control | passkey | lord | hero | dominate | overpower | teacher | maestro | master copy | conqueror | major | genius | primary | surmount |chief | patron | leader | commander | overcome | original | leading | sailor

mastership 相似词语短语

1、pastorship ─── n.牧师职;牧师的教区

2、managership ─── n.[经管]经理的地位

3、paymastership ─── n.工薪出纳员;发薪人员(paymaster的变形)

4、headmastership ─── n.校长(headmaster的变形)

5、postmastership ─── n.邮政局长的职位;邮局局长的任期

6、ministership ─── 部长的职务(或官职)

7、partnership ─── n.合伙;[经管]合伙企业;合作关系;合伙契约

8、amateurship ─── n.资格;业余者的资格或身份

9、hostlership ─── n.马夫(等于ostler);(美)车辆维修工(hostler的变形)

mastership 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Chapter 4: Who Has Won to Mastership ─── 第4章:新的头领

2、Choose moulds or flexible moulds according the shipyard production process. If flexible, MasterShip can automatically generate the necessary table reports. ─── 提供的三角样板或者活络样板的样板类型,如果是活络样板的话,软件会自动生成所需要的表格数据。

3、The mental input principle is used to develop the mastership of the stuffs and their sense of responsibility. ─── 运用“心理投入”原则培养医务人员主人翁的责任感;

4、They could hardly refuse him Mastership now, after he had won the war for them... ─── 在他为他们赢得战争后,他们将无法拒绝让他晋升为大师级别。

5、In now, the bone porcelain be also the symbol of the mastership and position. ─── 就在如今,骨瓷也是主人身份与地位的象征。

6、Acquired management mastership from TianJin University, engaged in Ores and Works for both translating and interpreting. ─── 硕士毕业于天津大学,管理专业,后因工作原因,先后从事矿产、工程。口笔译俱佳。

7、increase weapon mastership degree and equip mastership degree, also and military rank code bind, add code length also will not hesitate to. ─── 增加武器熟练度和装备熟练度,并与军衔密码绑定,增加密码长度也在所不惜!

8、In general, the device controller will request bus mastership and once this has been obtained will transfer one or more data items. ─── 一般来说,设备控制器将请求公共汽车精通和,一旦这获得了转移一个或更多数据项。

9、On the Epochal Value of China's Traditional Spirit of Humanistic Mastership ─── 谈中国传统人文主体精神的时代价值

10、Try to concentrate on the state of balance between pain and pleasure, therefore get back the mastership for yourself. originally in english. ─── 要试著把注意力集中在苦乐之间的平衡状态,然后才能成为自己真正的主人。

11、Wang Shizhen's ci- poetic activities in Yangzhou took after the strategy of his ci-poetic activities in Jinan, exhibiting his community and mastership consciousness. ─── 王士稹在扬州展开的词学活动,继承了他在济南以秋柳相唱和的策略,求得前辈揄扬,成为词坛中心,评点时流,建立经典,体现了鲜明的群体意识和领袖意识。

12、The initial Task mastership is determined by the default Dev owner, regardless of where the Issue is mastered. ─── 初始的任务主控权由默认的Dev所有者所决定,不管问题受控于哪里。

13、and(c)acknowledging that mastership has been assumed. ─── (3)承认已得到的总线主控权。

14、If we are able to learn, it we'll just increase the level of our mastership. ─── 如果我们能够掌握它,是有利于提高棋艺的。

15、An interface which generally has the ability to gain mastership of the bus in order to give the central processor the address of a subroutine which the processor will use to service the peripheral. ─── 一种通常能获得总线的主权的接口,它给中央处理机一个处理中断子程序地址,中央处理机使用这个地址为外部设备服务。

16、Implements place is engraved inscriptive principal to studying mastership has the grave port. ─── 器物所刻铭文对研究墓主人身份具有重要意义。

17、Only with these can the ap-plication of market mechanisms combine well with the full play of the partys political superiority andthe workers mastership in a socialist nation. ─── 只有这样,才能把有效发挥党的政治优势,社会主义国家职工的主人翁作用,同运用市场机制很好地结合起来。

18、Implements place is engraved inscriptive principal to studying mastership has the grave port. ─── 器物所刻铭文对研究墓主人身份具有重要意义。

19、Attempt to automate mastership settings based on the record ownership and user mastership settings. ─── 试着在记录所有权与用户管理权设置的基础之上自动化管理权设置。

20、Interpretor is in great demand because the work of interpretation requires mastership of two languages and a vast knowledge of many fields. ─── 由于口译工作要求从业者对两种语言的掌握和各方面丰富的知识,口译员的市场缺口很大。

21、Mr Berlusconi's mastership of the public gaffe has also been extended to President Obama, whom he memorably described as "young, handsome and tanned". ─── 贝卢斯科尼一向“语出惊人”,就连奥巴马也难逃他的“毒舌”,他曾评价奥巴马“年轻、帅气、皮肤黝黑”,这一评价实在令人“难忘”。

22、His father, believing that his son's work was toomediocre to anticipate mastership, disowned him. ─── 但是父亲认为他剑法过于平庸,而有失自己身份,将他赶出了家门。

23、Attempt to automate mastership Settings based on the record ownership and user mastership Settings. ─── 试着在记录所有权与用户管理权设置的基础之上自动化管理权设置。

24、Interpretor is in great demand because the work of interpretation requires mastership of two languages and a vast knowledge of many fields. ─── 由于口译工作要求从业者对两种语言的掌握和各方面丰富的知识,口译员的市场缺口很大。

25、He likes the mastership of the universe. ─── 他喜欢宇宙的主人身份。

26、In its simplest form, it consists of:(a)asserting a bus mastership request; ─── 它最简单的形式包括:(1)提出总线主控权申请;

27、The droplight with bright, luxuriant, luxurious air can reflect mastership already, also can the atmosphere with enthusiastic foil. ─── 明亮、华丽、气派豪华的吊灯既能体现主人身份,也能烘托热烈的气氛。

28、A technique used by master-type devices to request, grant and acknowledge bus mastership. ─── 总线结构型计算机中采用的一种技术,用来申请、授权、确认某台设备的总线主控权。

29、To achieve the goals of building socialism and a harmonious society, the country needs to instill into its citizens' mind such ideas as mastership, right, responsibility, law and morality. ─── 构建社会主义和谐社会目标的实现,需要我国社会大力培育现代公民的主体意识、权利意识、责任意识、法律意识和道德意识。

30、The Lack of Female Mastership in Medium Diffusion ─── 媒介传播中女性形象主体性的缺失

31、To begin with ,the article reviews the idea of mastership from the angle of philosophy . ─── 也就是为什么要赋予当事人程序选择权的问题。

32、A technique used by master-type devices to request, grant and acknowledge bus mastership . ─── 总线结构型计算机中采用的一种技术,用来申请、授权、确认某台设备的总线主控权。

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