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10-04 投稿


modulus 发音

英:[?m?d??l?s]  美:[?m?dj?l?s]

英:  美:

modulus 中文意思翻译



modulus 短语词组

1、lime modulus ─── [机] 石灰模数

2、extension modulus ─── [化] 伸长模量; 张拉模量

3、apparent young's modulus ─── [机] 虚表杨氏模数, 视杨氏模数

4、apparent modulus elasticity ─── [机] 虚表弹性模数, 视弹性模数

5、dynamic modulus ─── [化] 动态模量

6、complex modulus ─── [化] 复数模量

7、log-modulus plot ─── [计] 对数-模数图

8、bulk modulus ─── [化] 本体模量; 体积模量

9、higher-modulus counter ─── [计] 较大模数计数器

10、flexural modulus ─── [化] 弯曲模量

11、elastic modulus ─── [机] 弹性模数, 弹性系数

12、high modulus polymer ─── [化] 高模量聚合物

13、high wet modulus viscose ─── [化] 高湿模量粘胶纤维

14、high modulus furnace black ─── [化] 高模数炉黑

15、loss modulus ─── [化] 损耗模量

16、area modulus ─── [化] 面积模量

17、limiting modulus ─── [化] 极限模量

18、mean square modulus ─── [计] 均方模

19、adiabatic modulus ─── [化] 绝热模量

modulus 常用词组

elastic modulus ─── [机]弹性系数;弹性模数

modulus of elasticity ─── 弹性模量,弹性模数

young's modulus ─── 杨氏模量;弹性横量;杨氏棱镜;弹性模量;杨氏弹性模数

modulus 词性/词形变化,modulus变形


modulus 相似词语短语

1、Romulus ─── n.罗穆卢斯(罗马神话中的一个形象)

2、models ─── 航模型式

3、modals ─── n.情态动词(modal的复数形式)

4、loculus ─── n.胞;房;室

5、lobulus ─── n.小叶;翅瓣

6、mimulus ─── n.沟酸浆属

7、nodulous ─── adj.有小块的;有小结节的

8、modiolus ─── n.耳蜗轴

9、modules ─── n.组件;(大学课程)组成单元;(航天器的)舱;模块(module的复数)

modulus 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The tensile modulus of the nano-meter composites prepared from No. 2 LDH and PA6 was 26.8% higher than that of pure PA6. ─── 其中2号水滑石与尼龙6复合后拉伸模量与尼龙相比提高了26.8%。

2、Therefore the relationship between stress and strain is constant and is referred to as Young's modulus. ─── 因此,应力与应变关系不变,被称为杨氏模量。

3、Keywords: geometric nonlinearity, sag effect, equivalent modulus of elasticity, vehicle-bridge interaction. ─── 关键词:几何非线性、中垂效应、等效弹性系数、车桥互制。

4、Also, a dynamic measurement method of Young's modulus in principal axis direction for alaminae with orth-woven fibers was presented. ─── 为说明动态法的有效性,作者还进行了铝合金板材弹性模量和泊松比的动态和静态测试。

5、Deformation modulus for dam foundation rock must be de termined reasonably when stress in dam is analyzed with arch and cantilever tria l load method . ─── 在拱梁分载法坝体应力分析时,需要合理确定坝基岩体的变形模量值。

6、Closed form solution by Randolph could be used to calculate linear deformation soil,where shear modulus unchanged or grow linearly with depth. ─── Randolph的近似解析解可计算线弹性土体,且土的剪切模量随深度不变或者线性增加条件下的桩基础沉降。

7、The constant modulus algorithm (CMA), higher- order spectrum based algorithm and neural networks based algorithm are discussed. ─── 从算法的角度,着重介绍了常量模板算法、基于高阶谱的算法、基于神经网络算法等算法的发展情况,并对其优缺点进行了比较。

8、For spoiled gears,scene of production demand accurate and quick determination on its modulus so as to co figurate another one. ─── 对于损坏齿轮,生产现场要求准确、快速地确定其模数以便及时配制。

9、Modulus of continuity of the automated production has become a trend. ─── 连续模自动化生产已成为一种趋势。

10、It has a better flex cracking resistance than those of natural rubber but a lower tear strength and a higher dynamic modulus. ─── 它比天然橡胶具有较好的抗挠曲开裂性能,但撕裂强度较低,动态模量较高。

11、The research finds that the Young s modulus of rabbit artery the frozen change with the decrease in temperature, and CPA also has an effect on them. ─── 加CPA对兔丰动脉血管冻结状态下的杨氏模量有影响,相同温度情况下加CPA试样的杨氏模量比不加CPA试样的要低。

12、Case study showed fuzzy matter-element model is more reasonable and applicable than that of vector modulus method to reveal assessed results. ─── 实例研究表明,相对于常规的矢量模法,模糊物元分析方法所得结果更能反映问题的实质,评价结论更为科学合理。

13、The uniaxial press stress-strain curve could be founded if only the initial elastic modulus, peak stress and its secant modulus are determined. ─── 只要知道腐蚀混凝土初始弹性模量、峰值应力及此时的割线模量,就可以建立混凝土腐蚀单轴受压应力-应变曲线。

14、Mill modulus control(MMC)is one of important methods in the automatic gauge control(AGC)systems of strip rolling mills. ─── 变刚度系数是板带连轧机厚度自动控制系统中一个重要的参数。

15、Drawing a tangent after inflection and intersected the abscissa,the slope of the tangent was taken as the flexile modulus. ─── 在不规则样条的负荷-挠度取拐点后直线段切线与横坐标的交点作零点修正后所测得的弯曲弹性模量比较接近真实值。

16、The addition of a plasticizer may lower the melt viscosity, elastic modulus, and glass transition temperature (Tg) of a plastic. ─── 同时,加入增塑剂,还可以降低塑料在熔融态时的粘度、弹性模数及玻璃转变温度(tg)。

17、Based on theory of inertial points a new assessment method of back calculation of modulus is put forward with the assessment criterion provided. ─── 基于惰性点理论,提出了一种新的模量反算判别方法,并给出了判别标准。

18、The laminated microstructure of nacre and unique growing trace on the shell of mollusk contribute to the anisotropic modulus of elasticity. ─── 弹性模量的各向异性主要来自于珍珠层微观组织结构和贝壳生长纹结构的特点。

19、As a result,ground water flux into excavations may be indirectly used as an index to evaluate elastic modulus Em. ─── 借助等效水力模型,用涌水量大小来描述岩体的弹性模量。

20、Modulus of elasticity of volume? ─── 体积弹性模量?

21、The shortcomings in substituting deformation modulus by unloading modulus in the damage calculation are analyzed. ─── 分析了以往用卸载刚度代替变形模量所带来的问题.

22、In the random censorship from right model, weak limit theorem for the modulus of the Bahadur-Kiefer type processes is established. ─── 在随机右删失情况下,证明了基于核光滑PL估计和PL分位点估计的Bahadur-Kiefer过程的模的弱极限定理.

23、The nomograph in relation of freezing modulus to diffrent technological factors has been built. ─── 在此基础上,建立起表征各因素与铸件凝固模数关系的诺谟图。

24、With the increase of initial deviator stress, the dynamic elastic modulus increases greatly under the same level of dynamic strain. ─── 在相同的动应变水平下,随着初始偏移应力的增加,土体动弹性模量有较大幅度的增加;

25、The effects of fiber distributing orientation and its length on elastic modulus of solidified resin are discussed. ─── 依据复合材料相关理论预测了固化层片及固化零件的机械性能,如弹性模量、强度。

26、Another basic quantity is the bulk modulus K. ─── 另一个基本的量是体积模量K。

27、A form of arithmetic whereby integers leaving the same remainder when divided by the modulus are considered equal. ─── 当整数除以模数得到相同的余数时,则认为是相等的算术形式。

28、The larger the elastic modulus, the greater the stress needed for a given strain. ─── 弹性模量越大,产生一定应变所需要的应力也越大。

29、Cracks frequently generated in basin gear of big modulus main reducer used in heavy load truck after carbonizing and quenching. ─── 大模数重载汽车主减速器盆形齿轮经渗碳淬火后,齿轮齿面经常会出现裂纹。

30、An empirical equation describing the relationship of elastic modulus and compressive strength of RAC is obtained. ─── 建立了再生骨料混凝土弹性模量与立方体抗压强度的相关关系式。

31、The acoustic velocity, compressive strength and the Young's modulus of the rock samples under different conditions were obtained. ─── 利用回归分析法,建立了5种岩石的力学性质和声学性质随围压变化的数学模型。

32、Most designers faor cobalt-chrome alloy because its higher modulus of elasticity may reduce stresses within the proximal cement mantle. ─── 大部分设计者选择钴铬合金,因其弹性模量较高,可以降低近端骨水泥套中的应力。

33、But Beijing's hydraulic modulus Qinhangdao's tastiness. ─── 但是北京的水比秦皇岛的好喝。

34、Therefore, shear modulus should have better correlation with dry P-wave modulus as shown in Figure 5. ─── 因此,剪切模量与干燥P波模量具有更好的相关性,如图5。

35、The ratio of stress to strain, or the stress per unit strain, is called an elastic modulus of the material. ─── 应力与应变之比,即每单位应变的应力,叫做该材料的弹性模量。

36、Instructed here Euclidean algorithm, modulus arithmetic as well as the input and output of big numbers. ─── 同时对欧几里德算法、幂模运算、MillerRabin算法以及大数的输入输出等给出了编程说明.

37、The spur gears with big modulus and high boss are critical parts in the automobile industry. ─── 大模数高凸台圆柱直齿轮是汽车工业上有特殊意义的零件。

38、The grafted fibres have higher breaking elongation, higher flexibility and lower Young's modulus than those of pure apocynum fiber. ─── 与纯罗布麻纤维相比较,接枝纤维具有较高的断裂伸长率和较低的杨氏模量,柔顺性增加;

39、It extracts angular point by means of wavelet transformed modulus maximum of several scales and curvature theory. ─── 它利用在几个尺度上小波变换模极大值和曲率理论提取角点。

40、If modulus matches the sign of the denominator, then the result of division truncates toward minus infinity. ─── 如果求模与分母的符号匹配,则除出来的值向负无穷一侧取整。

41、Variation in ultrasonic wave velocity and dynamic young's modulus with moisture content for Taiwania plantation lumber. ─── 2003。木构造建筑物施工技术手册编订之内涵,林产工业22(2):139-146。

42、The surface deflection has linear change with base thickness and curve changes with subgrade resilient modulus and base resilient modulus. ─── 表面弯沉随基层厚度呈线性变化,随土基回弹模量和基层回弹模量呈曲线变化。

43、For identical shapes, the stiffness is proportional to the modulus of elasticity. ─── 对于同样形状的材料,刚度与弹性模量是成比例的。

44、The quantitative determination of gas saturation based on elastic modulus can improve the ability of reservoir evaluation from well logging. ─── 基于弹性模量定量地计算地层的含气饱和度,可以提高利用测井资料对储集层进行评价的能力。

45、spu_rlmaskqw operates on the whole quadword at a time, but only up to 7 bits (it performs a modulus on count to put it in the proper range). ─── spu_rlmaskqw会对整个4字同时进行操作,不过最多只能移动7位(它会对count取模,从而将其放入正确的范围内)。

46、It is also shown that dilational modulus of the two demulsifiers approaches a maximum value near the critical micelle concentration. ─── 在中间频率范围内,扩张模量随破乳剂浓度增大,在接近临界胶束浓度处出现一个极大值;

47、The indenter, which has a finite elastic modulus, also undergoes elastic deformation under the applied load . ─── 压头也具有一定的弹性模数,所以在加载的时候它自身也要承受弹性变形。

48、The static elastic modulus of the alloy is lower than 30 GPa. ─── 合金的静态弹性模量小于30GPa;

49、Figure 5. Shear and bulk modulus relation for sandstone and weakly cemented sands. ─── 图5.砂岩和弱胶结砂体中剪切模量和体变模量之间的关系。

50、Therefore, an algorithm of PD signal reconstruction based on modulus maximum wavelet domain is presented in this paper. ─── 为此,该文提出一种基于模极大值小波域的局部放电信号重构算法。

51、Maybe you can see that what I really need is Young's modulus for bubble wrap and not the spring constant of an individual sheet. ─── 现在你大概能够看出我真正需要的其实是汽泡纸的杨氏模量而非一张纸的弹性系数。

52、Meanwhile, the relationship among the average top settlement, the average load and elastic modulus is also analyzed. ─── 同时,分析了平均桩顶沉降、平均桩顶轴力以及土体弹性模量三者之间的关系。

53、The equivalent elastic modulus and the nominal axial stress of non-regular holey laminated plates are assumed. ─── 引入等效弹性模量和名义截面应力的概念,建立了单向非规则多孔材料层合板的正交各向异性力学模型。

54、This paper introduces the application of variable modulus method in designing the compacting mold for P/M gears. ─── 介绍了用于齿轮阴模设计的变模数设计法,列举了应用该法设计齿轮阴模的整个计算过程。

55、For most materials the modulus of elasticity in compression is the same as in tension. ─── 对于大多数材料来说,受压缩与受拉伸的弹性模量是相同的。

56、The elastic modulus of foam core and composite skins and the stiffness of sandwich are analyzed. ─── 分析了复合材料面层的弹性常数、泡沫芯层的模量和夹层结构的刚度;

57、The a priori estimate is established to the maximum modulus of solutionsof doubly nonlinear parabolic systems. ─── 对一类双非线性抛物组的有界解,作出最大模的先验估计。

58、So this is Young's modulus. ─── 这是杨氏模量。

59、In this paper, we proposed a method of wavelet image enhancement based on modulus square processing to achieve a better visual effect. ─── 为了更好地保证图像的整体增强效果,该文提出一种基于模平方处理的小波图像增强方法。

60、The elastic modulus of clay concrete at 90d is slightly higher than that at 28d, but the impermeability is raised by 5 times. ─── 与28d相比,黏土混凝土90d弹性模量增长很少,但抗渗性能提高约5倍。

61、What is noticeable is: to bevel gear, the corresponding teeth shape is bigger to the modulus and reference circle in formula 1 and 2. ─── 值得注意的是对于斜轮而言,公式1和2中的模数和分度圆直径所对应的形更大。

62、In the experiment under the 20 m/s wind tunnel conditions, the wind abrasion modulus is almost zero. ─── 在每秒20米的风洞实验中,吹蚀模数几乎为零。

63、We dealt with Young's modulus. ─── 我们对付的是杨氏模量。

64、Processing of ramie aramid core-spun yarn which heart yarn is high strength high modulus aramid filament. ─── 并介绍了高强高模的连续芳纶纤维作为芯纱,苎麻芳纶摩擦纺包芯纱的工艺。

65、A suitable model material of low elastic modulus and low compression modulus is one of the keys for the small-scale port model test. ─── 合适的低压缩模量、低弹性模量的模型材料是小尺寸码头模型试验的关键之一。

66、The various types of stress, strain, and elastic modulus are summarized in Table 10-3. ─── 各种应力、应变和弹性模量列于表10-3中。

67、Experiential formulas are established on the relationships between strain rate and strength, strain at peak stress and modulus. ─── 对强度、峰值应力处应变、弹性模量分别给出了反映应变速率影响的经验公式;

68、A tipless cantilever was used to measure the elastic modulus of the single voxel with the ellipsoid shape. ─── 借助于原子力显微镜,选用无针尖探针对成型点的力学性能进行了测试,建立了椭球-平面接触的弹性力学模型。

69、The thermal stress field is calculated using the elasticity modulus which is calculated by the average equivalent age in concrete structures. ─── 3)考虑到温度的影响,提出基于平均等效龄期概念的混凝土弹性模量计算方法,并将其运用到混凝土结构温度应力场的有限元计算中;

70、Property contains the modulus from the results of the division operation. ─── 属性包含除法运算结果的模数。

71、But if the heat treatment time was too long, the crystallinity and the storage modulus were decreased because of the disentanglement of some weak link. ─── 但是如果热处理时间过长,高分子链中本身的一些薄弱链节则可能发生解缠现象,从而结晶度和储存模量又都下降。

72、The results show that the method reasonable and suitable for drainage modulus calculation. ─── 事实说明,该方法理论依据充分,符合实际,计算结果合理。

73、The modulus of the sensor was measured directly by nano-indenter in the static measurement. ─── 在静态检测实验中,利用纳米硬度计直接测出传感器材料的弹性模量;

74、DMA illuminated the modulus of the diabase fiber/PVC composite improved consumedly compare with PVC. ─── DMA分析证示辉绿岩纤维/PVC复合材料的模量较纯PVC显著提高;

75、Plasticizer can improve resilience and tenacity of starch size film,but size cohesiveness and size film strength & modulus decrease. ─── 增塑剂能显著改善淀粉浆膜的弹性、韧性,但浆液粘附力和浆膜强度、模量降低。

76、All modulus switch (ADC) and the d/a converter (DAC) all needs a datum signal, usually is the voltage datum. ─── 所有模数转换器(ADC)和数模转换器(DAC)都需要一个基准信号,通常为电压基准 。

77、The real part of the modulus is often called the storage modulus. ─── 与应变同相的实数部分模量,通常称为储能模量。

78、We can reasonably estimate the shear modulus if we know the P-wave modulus. ─── 如果P波模量已知,我们可以合理地估算出剪切模量。

79、On a machine where modulus follows the sign of the numerator then the value of division truncates toward zero. ─── 如果求模的结果随分子的符号,则除出来的值向零一侧取整;

80、The instantaneous Young's modulus and Poisson(ratio) of the cement paste are calculated by the direct average method and tw. ─── 利用本文中模型和均匀化方法(直接平均法和二尺度展开法)计算了水泥浆体在各瞬时的杨氏模量和泊松比。

81、The flexural modulus and drape of fabrics have great influences on the shape and style of garment waviness. ─── 弯曲性、悬垂性不同的面料能塑造出不同的服装波浪造型,弯曲性、悬垂性优良的面料塑造的波浪造型优美。

82、Initial modulus doesn't change as temperature changing. ─── 初始弹性模量不随温度的变化而改变;

83、The tensile strength decreases and the tensile modulus increases after the carbonized PAN-CF is graphitized. ─── 与炭化样品相比,PAN-CF石墨化后的拉伸强度减小,拉伸模量增大;

84、The ripeness index was derived from the elastic sphere model to determine elastic modulus. ─── 且利用弹性圆球理论求出弹性模数,推导出一成熟度指标因子。

85、The elastic shear modulus obtained by bender elements and from resonant column tests show a good agreement. ─── 利用该系统测试了钱塘江粉土的弹性剪切模量,并与共振柱试验结果相对比,两者非常相近。

86、The stress-relaxation modulus is a continuous, decreasing function. ─── 应力松驰量为连续衰减的函数。

87、The degradation of residual strength caused by impact damage is greater than the degradation of residual modulus. ─── 和剩余弹性模量下降相比,冲击载荷引起的损伤对弯曲剩余强度下降影响更大。

88、The dry density of the dynamic compaction loess is lower than that of the indoor compaction loess,but the compression modulus and int... ─── 强夯压实黄土的干密度普遍较击实黄土低,但其压缩模量和强度较室内击实黄土明显地大。

89、Multiple tensions lowed down the elastic modulus of the alloy and exhibited a non-linear relationship with strain. ─── 多次重复拉伸使其弹性模量降低并呈现非线性的变化趋势。

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