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10-04 投稿


moneyer 中文意思翻译



moneyer 反义词


moneyer 词性/词形变化,moneyer变形

moneyer 同义词

flush |wealthy | rich | well-fixed | affluent | prosperous | well-off | successful | comfortable | monied | well-heeled | loaded

moneyer 相似词语短语

1、moneyers ─── 有钱人

2、mooneyes ─── n.患月盲症的马眼;月盲症

3、monkeyed ─── n.猴子;顽童;vi.胡闹;捣蛋;vt.嘲弄

4、moneme ─── 硬币

5、holeyer ─── 洞

6、moneyed ─── adj.有钱的;金钱上的

7、conveyer ─── n.[机]输送机;运输器

8、honeyed ─── adj.甜如蜜的;多蜜的;逢迎的;亲昵的

9、moneymen ─── n.投资者;金融家

moneyer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A year in America will cost you no end of money. ─── 在美国住一年要花很多的钱。

2、He should pay money for us just to be. ─── 他该付钱给我们才是。

3、How much money is in the company's treasury? ─── 公司的金库里存有多少钱?

4、A lot of money is spent on defence. ─── 国防方面的开支很大。

5、They want any money you can spare. ─── 你有多少闲钱他们都要。

6、They pooh-poohed our scheme for raising money. ─── 他们对我们的筹款方案嗤之以鼻。

7、He often came up against the problem of money. ─── 他那时常常碰到钱的问题。

8、Jim staked all his money on the black horse. ─── 吉姆把所有的钱都押在那匹黑马上了。

9、What about lending me some money? ─── 借点钱给我如何?

10、He talked me into lending him money. ─── 他说服我借给他钱。

11、He has nothing but money on his mind. ─── 他思想上除了钱外没有别的。

12、 双语使用场景

13、He gets by on very little money. ─── 他靠著很少的钱过日子。

14、She spend a lot of money to follow the fashion. ─── 为赶时髦她花费了不少钱。

15、He ran away with the firm's money. ─── 他携带公司的钱款逃走了。

16、Neither you nor he is out of money. ─── 你不缺钱,他也不缺钱。

17、Make notes of how much money you spend on the trip. ─── 你要把旅途上花的钱一笔一笔记下来。

18、Selling insurance is easy money. ─── 出售保险容易赚钱。

19、He have scrape together enough money to buy a car. ─── 他已凑足了买一辆汽车的钱。

20、He placed the money on the counter. ─── 他把钱放在柜台上。

21、He tried to explain away the missing money. ─── 他试图为丢失钱而进行辩解。

22、Not another of your dotty ideas for making money! ─── 你不要再出那些赚钱的馊主意了!

23、He flings his money about on expensive luxuries. ─── 他乱花钱买一些昂贵的奢侈品。

24、He found the money secreted in a drawer. ─── 他找到了藏在抽屉里的钱。

25、They spent money allured by the tempter of advertisements. ─── 在广告的诱惑下他们花了钱。

26、Hubert always has an eye to making money whatever his plans are. ─── 不论休伯特怎么打算,他的目的都是要赚钱。

27、After year's end distribution every family of the commune has money to bank up. ─── 在年终分配之后,这个公社家家户户都有钱存入银行。

28、He personifies the worship of money. ─── 他是拜金的化身。

29、He's been pinching money from the cashbox. ─── 他一直在偷钱箱里的钱。

30、He willed most of his money to charities. ─── 他把钱大多遗赠给慈善机构了。

31、He remitted some money to his mother. ─── 他给他母亲寄了一些钱。

32、They screwed the money out of her by threats. ─── 他们威胁她把钱交出来。

33、It is a pity (that) he lost so much money. ─── 他损失这么多钱,真是遗憾。

34、He's very stingy about lending money. ─── 他非常吝啬,不愿借钱给别人。

35、He's too spineless to ask for more money. ─── 他没有勇气要求更多的钱。

36、He had only enough money to meet his engagements. ─── 他的钱仅够付合同款。

37、He has ever so much money lying by. Borrow some. ─── 他有很多钱放着不用。向他借点吧。

38、He stole the money and sneak out of the house. ─── 他偷了钱後从房子里溜了出去。

39、He earned all his money with honest sweat. ─── 他的钱都是诚实劳动赚来的。

40、He put all his redundancy money into a shop. ─── 他把所有剩余资金都投入了一家商店。

41、He will pay back the money in monthly installment. ─── 他将用每月分期付款方式将钱付还。

42、You should be more careful with your money. ─── 你花钱要慎重一些。

43、He has enough money (=money enough) to buy a car. ─── 他有足够的钱买一辆汽车。

44、Money spent on business expenses is deductible. ─── 业务方面的开支是可扣除税款的。

45、He will sell his house at a sacrifice because he needs money. ─── 因为他缺钱,他将亏本出售他的房子。

46、The money was nowhere to be found. ─── 哪儿也找不到那笔钱。

47、I was told that you got good money here! ─── 听说你在这儿赚了不少的钱。

48、He banked the money under another name. ─── 他将该款以另一名义存於银行。

49、He spends all his money betting on horses. ─── 他把所有的钱都用在赌马上。

50、He spent money rashly [lavishly]. ─── 他花钱很随便[大手大脚]。

51、He deposits a sum of money in the bank each month. ─── 他每月在银行存一笔钱。

52、He obtained the money by dishonesty. ─── 他挣的钱来路不正。

53、He received a twelfth of the money. ─── 他得到了这笔钱中的十二分之一。

54、He uses his house as security to borrow the money. ─── 他用房子作借钱的抵押。

55、It takes a lot of money to buy a house. ─── 买一所房子要花一大笔钱。

56、He is simple about money matters. ─── 他对于金钱的问题是无知的。

57、He made free with all his girl-friend's money. ─── 他随便花女朋友的钱。

58、I'm collecting money in aid of starving children. ─── 为帮助饥饿的孩子们,我正在搞募捐。

59、He didn't have enough money to pay his train fare. ─── 他没有足够的钱来付火车费。

60、He got the money in a very underhand manner. ─── 他用极为狡诈的手段弄到了这笔钱。

61、He planked down the money on the counter and asked for more beer. ─── 他用力将钱扔在柜台上叫再拿些啤酒来。

62、He's simply stinking with money. ─── 他的钱简直多得发臭。

63、Most of his money's tied up in property. ─── 他大部分钱都投资在房地产上无法动用。

64、He invest all his money in a shop. ─── 他将所有的钱投资于商店。

65、The taxi driver looked at the money. ─── 出租车司机看了看那些钱。

66、He planked the money down on the counter and asked for more beer. ─── 他把钱撂在柜台上,叫再给他些啤酒。

67、Having lost my money puts me in rather a hole. ─── 丢了钱使我陷于困境。

68、Make a note of how much money you spend. ─── 你花了多少钱,要记下来。

69、Don't risk any money on oil stock. ─── 不要在石油股票上冒险。

70、His father's money left Jim well set up for life. ─── 吉姆的父亲给他留下一大笔钱,足以供他生活一辈子。

71、Gorge can do with very little spending money. ─── 乔治有很少一点零钱这能对付过去。

72、His sole motive is to make more money. ─── 他唯一的动机就是多赚钱。

73、He wired (to) his brother to send some money. ─── 他给他哥哥打了个电报要求寄些钱来。

74、How much money are you riding on the red horse? ─── 你在那匹红马身上押了多少钱?

75、You had better not invest so much money at your peril. ─── 你最好不要冒险投资这么多。

76、He frightened the old man into giving him all the money. ─── 他恐吓那位老人把所有的钱都给了他。

78、His money comes mainly from salary. ─── 他的钱主要来自工资。

79、He stole money under colour of making investments for clients. ─── 他们以给委托人办投资作为幌子捞取钱财。

80、The loss of the money has been a weight on my mind. ─── 丢钱的事总是压在我心里。

81、The chief aim of man is not to get money. ─── 人的主要目的并不是赚钱。

82、They are asking an extortionate amount of money for their house. ─── 他们的房子要价太高。

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