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10-04 投稿


megalith 发音

英:[?meɡ?l?θ]  美:[?meɡ?l?θ]

英:  美:

megalith 中文意思翻译



megalith 网络释义

n. 巨石

megalith 词性/词形变化,megalith变形

形容词: megalithic |

megalith 短语词组

1、megalith agnus dei ─── 巨石agnus dei

2、megalith phul ─── 巨石phul

3、megalith culture ─── 巨石文化

megalith 相似词语短语

1、egality ─── n.均等;平等(等于equality)

2、megabits ─── n.[计]兆位(megabit的复数形式)

3、legality ─── n.合法;合法性;墨守法规

4、megacity ─── n.大城市(人口超过1000万的)

5、megalitre ─── 兆升

6、megaliths ─── (史前建筑遗存的)巨石(megaliths是megalith的复数);巨碑(megaliths是megalith的复数)

7、megalithic ─── adj.使用巨石的,巨石造成的

8、egalite ─── 平等

9、megabit ─── n.[计]兆位;百万位

megalith 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Many English words coming from the same root, such as magic, magnificent, majesty, master, megalith, and even magnetics, still retain some of this original sense. ─── 很多英语单词都来自同样的根源,比如魔法师(魔术师),华丽,最高权威,主人,巨石,甚至是磁力学,仍然保留着这个最初的意义。

2、a prehistoric megalith typically having two upright stones and a capstone. ─── 它是指用石架成的史前墓石牌坊,此石架是由两块直立的石头和一块顶石搭成的。

3、Remains of Megalith Constructions in Europe ─── 欧洲巨石建筑遗迹

4、Come one year, for the person of Chinese economy be nervous, can take that megalith move in the heart eventually. ─── 一年来,为中国经济提心吊胆的人,终于可以将心中的那块巨石挪走了。

5、There is no way we can know exactly why the megalith builders set the big stones into the ground. ─── 我们无法确知为什么古建筑者把巨石嵌入地面。

6、a tall upright megalith; found primarily in N France and England ─── 一个很高的直立的巨石;主要是从法国北部和英格兰地区发现的

7、A prehistoric monument of a class found chiefly in the British Isles and northern France, consisting of a single tall, upright megalith. ─── 竖石纪念物一种史前遗留下来的纪念碑,主要存在于不列颠群岛及法国北部,由单块高而直的巨石构成

8、a prehistoric megalith typically having two upright stones and a capstone ─── 用石架成的史前墓石牌坊,此石架是由两块直立的石头和一块顶石搭成的

9、A prehistoric monument of a class found chiefly in the British Isles and northern France, consisting of a single tall, upright megalith. ─── 竖石纪念物一种史前遗留下来的纪念碑,主要存在于不列颠群岛及法国北部,由单块高而直的巨石构成

10、a tall upright megalith; found primarily in N France and England. ─── 一个很高的直立的巨石;主要是从法国北部和英格兰地区发现的。

11、a prehistoric monument of a class found chiefly in the British Isles and northern France,consisting of a single tall,upright megalith ─── 一种史前遗留下来的纪念碑,主要存在于不列颠群岛及法国北部,由单块高而直的巨石构成

12、To Beichuan, still has lain down in the roadside megalith looks like is that alarmed until now unconscious. ─── 不知不觉到了北川,至今仍躺在路边的巨石看来还是那么怵目惊心。

13、Bereft of its companions, a forlorn megalith now serves as a roost for chickens. ─── 摆在后院养鸡场的巨石,无人理睬,只有与鸡群为伍。

14、The former building and Mycenaean civilization has been disappeared together.There are only fragments of wall, megalith and steps left.They go down to the mutability of history. ─── 卫城的往昔的建筑与迈锡尼文明一起消失了,只剩下残垣断壁和石块台阶仍在默默记述希腊车马啸啸、盛极一时的沧桑历史。

15、There is a megalith in the middle of the river. ─── 这条河的河心处有块巨石。

16、With the bath crock that whole megalith carve becomes, the person that let bath enjoys the feeling of natural hot spring; ─── 用整块巨石雕成的浴缸,让沐浴者享受天然温泉的感觉;

17、Feng dance main, arrive megalith mountain scope, do you then want to quit? ─── 凤舞法师,到达巨石山脉,你便要离开吗?

18、Spring gushes out from the stone seam, wells up the towering rock, emerges the puddle along the megalith. ─── 一股清泉从石缝涌出,涌上突兀的岩石,沿巨石涌入水潭。

19、There is no way we can know exactly why the megalith builders set the big stones into the ground. ─── 我们无法确知为什么古建筑者把巨石嵌入地面。

20、Many English words coming from the same root, such as magic, magnificent, majesty, master, megalith, and even magnetics, still retain some of this original sense. ─── 很多英语单词都来自同样的根源,比如魔法师(魔术师),华丽,最高权威,主人,巨石,甚至是磁力学,仍然保留著这个最初的意义。

21、The reporter walks into park of relics of earthquake of Qing Chuandong bayou, engraving on megalith together " 2008;" ─── 记者走进青川东河口地震遗址公园,一块巨石上镌刻着“2008;

22、The giant arrives at side him, looks like a guide to pull his hand equally, takes to bring with a megalith him the peak. ─── 巨人走到他身边,像一个领路人一样牵着他的手,把他带上一块巨石的顶端。

23、Yuzhuqingtian, the national 2A scenic spot, mainly includes scenic spots of Characters on Megalith Cliff, Prince Cave as well as Kwan-yin Rock. ─── 玉柱擎天是国家2A级旅游景区,主要有巨石壁字、太子洞、观音岩等景点。

24、Marches into the tour area, the high more than 10 rice which in the sand beach that pair rises straight from the ground, the long more than 60 meter bluish gray color megalith sees impressively. ─── 步入游览区,沙滩上那一对拔地而起的高10多米,长60多米的青灰色巨石赫然入目。

25、A megalith weighs in to change a city and the world of art ─── 巨石重在改变该城市乃至世界的艺术

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