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maculae 发音

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英:  美:

maculae 中文意思翻译



maculae 短语词组

1、maculae folliculi ─── [医] 卵巢小斑

2、maculae densa ─── [医] 致密斑

3、maculae caeruleae ─── [医] 青斑

4、cerebral maculae ─── [医] 脑膜 ─── [病]性划痕

5、false maculae ─── [医] 假性黄斑

6、maculae albidae ─── [医] 乳色斑, 腱样斑

7、maculae communis ─── [医] 共斑

8、maculae corneae ─── [医] 角膜斑, 角膜混浊

9、maculae lacteae ─── [医] 乳色斑, 腱样斑

10、maculae cribrosa ─── [医] 筛斑, 筛区

11、maculae germinativa ─── [医] 胚斑, 胚区

12、maculae flava ─── [医] 黄斑

13、maculae cribrosa inferior ─── [医] 壶腹筛区

14、maculae labyrinthi membranacei ─── [医] 位觉斑, 听斑

15、maculae cribrosa media ─── [医] 球囊筛区

16、maculae cribrosa superior ─── [医] 椭圆囊壶腹筛区

17、maculae acusticae ─── [医] 位觉斑, 听斑

18、maculae gonorrhoeica ─── [医] 淋病性斑, 曾格尔氏斑

19、maculae atrophicae ─── [医] 萎缩斑

maculae 词性/词形变化,maculae变形

名词复数: maculae luteae |

maculae 相似词语短语

1、maculates ─── v.使有污点,弄污;adj.有污点的,弄污的

2、macula ─── n.(视网膜)黄斑;(皮肤上的)斑点,色斑

3、faculae ─── [天]光斑

4、maculas ─── n.(视网膜)黄斑;(皮肤上的)斑点,色斑

5、maculate ─── v.使有污点,弄污;adj.有污点的,弄污的

6、macular ─── adj.(眼球)黄斑的;斑点的,斑疹的

7、falculae ─── 失败

8、maculated ─── v.使有污点,弄污;adj.有污点的,弄污的

9、macule ─── n.斑点;vt.使…模糊;vi.变得模糊

maculae 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、maculae flava ─── [医] 黄斑


3、Diluent " macula " , appropriate is used " grey dot " , farther combustion " window " , it is the place of prospective hope. ─── 冲淡“黑点”,妥善利用“灰点”,进一步燃烧“亮点”,乃是未来的希望之所在。

4、The yellow pigment filters out harmful blue light waves before they can reach the macula. ─── 在有害的蓝光光波到达黄斑之前,黄斑色素就会把它过滤掉。

5、The changes in visual function of macula in sub- clinical stage of diabetic retinopathy ─── 临床前期糖尿病视网膜病变黄斑视功能变化探讨

6、maculae tendineae ─── [医] 腱样斑, 乳色斑

7、maculae gonorrhoeica ─── [医] 淋病性斑, 曾格尔氏斑

8、congenital heterotopia macula ─── 先天性黄斑异位

9、I think you are talking about macula degeneration.It is a degenerative disease of different causes.There is some medication for some. ─── 你既然以经看脑内科专科,最好是问你的主诊医生了,没有人比他更清楚你的病情呢。

10、maculae utriculi ─── [医] 椭圆囊斑

11、maculae sacculi ─── [医] 球囊斑

12、No epiretinal membrane of macula was found before the operation. ─── 全部患眼术前均未发现黄斑前膜,手术方法均采用巩膜外手术。

13、Macula Fovea Color Threshold Detection for Primary Glaucoma ─── 原发性青光眼的黄斑中心色阈值检测

14、maculae cribrosa inferior ─── [医] 壶腹筛区

15、maculae caeruleae ─── [医] 青斑

16、Routine eye exams detect macular degeneration by means of a visual acuity test that checks central vision and an ophthalmoscopy, which examines the retina and macula for signs of damage. ─── 乾性黄斑变性无法治疗。而湿性黄斑变性也只有透过激光治疗暂缓恶化,但也无法恢复失去了的视力。

17、8.In the human and all other mammals, the macula has developed into an organ which can easily be seen.This organ is called the cochlea. ─── 对于人类和其他所有哺乳类动物来说,斑疹已经进化成为一种很容易看见的器官,这种器官称作“耳蜗”。

18、Severe orders of bagged 'Red Fuji' apple macula - disease in relation to spraying pesticides before bagging and paper qual-ity of bags ─── 套袋红富士苹果黑点病轻重与套袋前喷药及纸袋质量的关系

19、In the human and all other mammals, the macula has developed into an organ which can easily be seen.This organ is called the cochlea. ─── 对于人类和其他所有哺乳类动物来说,斑疹已经进化成为一种很轻易看见的器官,这种器官称作耳蜗。

20、Different optical coherence tomography findings in the macula after vitrectomy or buckle surgery for rhegmatogenous retinal detachments ─── 不同手术方式治疗孔源性视网膜脱离术后OCT的对比观察

21、In humans, the central retina (macula) is 100% cones. ─── 在人,中央视网膜(太阳黑子)是100%锥体。

22、Central Choroido-retinopathy is a common ocular fundus disease which mainly damaged the macula lutea retinae.It belongs to the category of Shizhanhunmiao (blurring of vision) in TCM. ─── 中心性脉络膜视网膜病变是一种比较常见的眼底疾病,主要受累部位为视网膜的黄斑部,属祖国医学之“视瞻昏渺”范畴。

23、from 2.5 to 3 mm in diameter known as the yellow spot or macula. ─── 大约正好在视网膜的中心,有一个直径为2.5到3毫米的小凹陷叫做黄斑。

24、pseudoinflammatory macula degeneration ─── 假性炎症状黄斑变性

25、7.The inner ears is composed of delicate membranes which bear dense patches of specialized cells called maculae. ─── 内耳由脆弱的薄膜构成,它承载着密集的由被称作MACULAE的特殊细胞构成的片。

26、maculae communis ─── [医] 共斑

27、Central visual field loss means that the person has to rely on peripheral vision since the direct vision is lost, often due to a dysfunctional macula. ─── 但因为在无线通讯传输频宽有限,所以此系统设计考量人类视觉特性的视讯编码,降低非人脸区域的资料量。

28、maculae densa ─── [医] 致密斑

29、In dry AMD, the more common form, tiny yellow deposits form beneath the macula. ─── 以干性AMD为常见,位于黄斑下面小的黄色点,但不存在与湿性AMD。

30、Such ascular abnormalities as facial pallor and white dermographism common accompany skin atopy, the authors explain, and some patients hae pronounced erythematosus maculae or reticulated erythema on the palms. ─── 作者解释说,特应性皮炎患者常伴有面部苍白和白色皮肤划痕征等皮肤血管异常,一些患者掌部常有典型的红斑狼疮斑疹或网状红斑。

31、If the macula degenerates, fluid and blood from abnormal blood vessels will cause image distortion or even a shadowing effect. ─── 如黄斑区出现病变,增生血管会渗出液体及血液,破坏黄斑区组织,令视力模糊,景物变形,甚至呈现黑影。

32、congenital degeneration of macula ─── 先天性黄斑变性

33、maculae cribrosa ─── [医] 筛斑, 筛区

34、maculae corneae ─── [医] 角膜斑, 角膜混浊

35、Keywords elderly;macula lutea;surgery;optical coherence tomography;vitreous body; ─── 关键词老年人;黄斑;手术;光学相干断层扫描;玻璃体;

36、congenital fibrosis of macula ─── 先天性黄斑纤维化

37、maculae albidae ─── 乳色斑

38、maculae solaris ─── [医] 晒斑

39、In humans, those substances combine to form macular pigment, which protects the small part of the retina called the macula. ─── 对人类来说,这些物质能合起来形成黄斑色素,它能保护视网膜上被称为黄斑的那一小部分。

40、maculae acusticae ─── 听斑位觉斑

41、Keywords anteriere uveitis/complication;occlusion of pupil/surgery;anterior lens capsule;pupil;fixating macula; ─── 前葡萄膜炎/并发症;瞳孔膜闭/外科手术;晶状体;瞳孔;黄斑;

42、Saenger's maculae ─── [医] 曾格尔氏斑, 淋病性斑

43、Early Diagnosis of Central Fovea and Senile Degeneration of Macula ─── 中央凹与老年性黄斑变性的早期诊断

44、Recording the retinal thickness of central fovea of macula by optical coherencetomography in pre-photocoagulation and post-photocoagulation after 3 months. ─── 在光凝前、光凝后3个月分别进行扫描获取光学相干断层扫描图像,记录黄斑中心凹视网膜厚度,作统计学分析。

45、Lutein is an important carotenoid present in the macula or central area of the retina. ─── 叶黄素是一个重要的类胡萝卜素存在于黄斑部或中部地区的视网膜。

46、Central Choroido-retinopathy is a common ocular fundus disease which mainly damaged the macula lutea retinae.It belongs to the category of “Shizhanhunmiao" (blurring of vision) in TCM. ─── 中心性脉络膜视网膜病变是一种比较常见的眼底疾病,主要受累部位为视网膜的黄斑部,属祖国医学之“视瞻昏渺”范畴。

47、4)fundus photograph showed changes of the positions of optic disc and maculae fovea. ─── (4)眼底摄影视盘和黄斑的位置发生改变。

48、Congenital anomaly of macula ─── 先天性视网膜黄斑异常

49、maculae folliculi ─── [医] 卵巢小斑

50、Keywords vesicular glutamate transporter;acoustic maculae;Scarpa s ganglion;immunohistochemistry;rat; ─── 囊泡膜谷氨酸转运体;位觉斑;前庭神经节;免疫组织化学;大鼠;

51、maculae cribrosa superior ─── [医] 椭圆囊壶腹筛区

52、8.In the human and all other mammals, the macula has developed into an organ which easily be seen.This organ is called the cochlea. ─── 对于人类和其他所有哺乳动物来说,MACULAE已经进化成为一种很容易看见的器官,这种器官称为“耳蜗”。

53、fasciculus macula papillaris ─── 乳头黄斑束, 黄斑乳头束

54、What message is carried by a macula depends upon how it is affected. ─── 但是承载的信息并不总是与听觉相连。

55、false maculae ─── [医] 假性黄斑

56、It is to use Huang Ni to make an ursine appearance, the color on reoccupy aquarelle, two its small eyes are the site that uses black two small macula. ─── 它是用黄泥做出一个熊样 子,再用水彩画上颜色,它的两 只小眼睛是用黑色的点了两个 小黑点。

57、detachment traumatic of macula ─── 外伤性黄斑脱离

58、Clinical SciencesClinical importance of measuring macula structure after scleral buckling procedure with optical coherence tomography ─── 光学相干断层扫描图像对巩膜扣带术后黄斑形态检测的临床意义

59、acoustic maculae ─── 听斑

60、The abdomen of section of abdomen of 1-4 of metathorax pass an imperial examination board two side provide intimate circle macula each 1. ─── 后胸及第1-4腹节的腹板两侧各具近圆形黑点1个。

61、At three points along the way there are specialized junctions: (1) zonula occludens or tight junctions, (2) zonula adherens or intermediate junction, and (3) desmosome or macula adherens. ─── 其中,有三个特殊的细胞连接结构。(1)为紧密连接,(2)为黏着小带(3)为桥粒。

62、inner ear is composed of delicate membranes which bear dense patches of specialized cells called maculae. ─── 内耳由脆弱的薄膜构成,它承载着密集的由被称作斑疹的特殊细胞构成的片。

63、age-related macula degeneration ─── 年龄相关性黄斑变性

64、maculae labyrinthi membranacei ─── [医] 位觉斑, 听斑

65、This spiral shaped organ contains the macula itself and it is called organ of Corti after its discoverer.If you have ever seen a snail shell, you know how a cochlea looks. ─── 举个例子,有一种蝌蚪能感知它所游泳之处水的深度,它是通过某种自己肺部产生的声音的音调来判定的。

66、"Wet" age-related macular degeneration involves the growth of abnormal blood vessels beneath the macula. ─── “湿”年龄相关性黄斑变性涉及的增长,异常血管下方的黄斑部。

67、Choroidal arteries in macula were the earliest fluorescence filling ones in ICGA,which showed above and bellow the fovea. ─── ICGA最早荧光出现时 ,脉络膜动脉在黄斑部最早荧光充盈 ,可在黄斑中心上下方或上下外侧方 ,也可与视盘周围脉络膜动脉同时充盈 ,血管呈树状外观。

68、7.The inner ear is composed of delicate membranes which bear dense patches of specialized cells called maculae. ─── 内耳由脆弱的薄膜构成,它承载着密集的由被称作斑疹的非凡细胞构成的片。

69、They say one way to renew the soil is to use a plant called Macula (mucuna). ─── 他们说有一种恢复土壤(肥力)的方法是种植一种叫油麻藤的植物。

70、maculae mortis ─── 尸斑

71、Eyeglasses cannot correct AMD, and in many cases, the macula’s breakdown creates a blank or dark spot in the central vision field. ─── 佩戴眼镜也不能纠正AMD,以至许多情况下,老年性黄斑退化会产生视野中心一片空白或漆黑。

72、The inner ears is composed of delicate membranes which bear dense patches of specialized cells called maculae. ─── 内耳由脆弱的薄膜构成,它承载着密集的由被称作MACULAE的特殊细胞构成的片。

73、Elytra scattered with yellow pubescent maculae, which are not uniform in size, shape and number. ─── 鞘翅散布大小、形状和数量不一的黄色毛班。

74、BACKGROUND Macula adherens protein is found closely associated with congenital cardiac malformation and myocardial differentiation. ─── 作者单位:新乡医学院细胞生物学教研室;

75、Just about at the center of the retina is a small depression from 2.5 to 3 mm in diameter known as the yellow spot or macula. ─── 大约正好在视网膜的中心,有一个直径为2.5到3毫米的小凹陷叫做黄斑。

76、The "white pot" is a kind of blemish (not-so-good phenomenon) in the production process of the small hold color display tube (CDT) caused by the adoption "to have no the black macula (BM)" technique. ─── “白点”是由于在小屏幕彩色显示管(CDT)生产过程中采用“无黑底”技术而导致的一些生产质量缺陷(不良现象)。

77、Cooling blood for resolving macula ─── 凉血化癍

78、maculae cribrosa media ─── [医] 球囊筛区

79、Both sides of round round lip has one macula each, belt of black Mao Lue is brown, bodily form moderate, disposition lively, docile, love " groan " cry. ─── 圆圆嘴唇两边各有一黑点,黑毛略带棕色,体形适中,性格活泼.温驯,爱“哼哼”叫。

80、statoconic membrane of maculae ─── 位觉砂膜, 耳石膜

81、Grain of 2 A face plate is not quite regular, have a few macula; ─── 二A面板纹路不太规则,有少许黑点;

82、maculae lacteae ─── 乳斑乳色斑

83、In the human and all other mammals, the macula has developed into an organ which can easily be seen. This organ is called the cochlea. ─── 对于人类和其他所有哺乳类动物来说,MACULAE已经进化成为一种很容易看见的器官,这种器官称作“耳蜗”。

84、maculae germinativa ─── [医] 胚斑, 胚区

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