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tremor 发音

英:[?trem?r]  美:[?trem?(r)]

英:  美:

tremor 中文意思翻译




tremor 网络释义

n. [医] 震颤;颤动n. (Tremor)人名;(西)特雷莫尔

tremor 词性/词形变化,tremor变形


tremor 短语词组

1、fibrllary tremor ─── [医] 纤维性震颤

2、lenticulostriate tremor ─── [医] 豆状核纹状体震颤

3、kinetic tremor ─── [医] 动时震颤, 动作性震颤

4、heredofamilial tremor ─── [医] 家族遗传性震颤

5、Hunt's tremor ─── [医] 亨特氏震颤, 纹状体小脑性震颤

6、linguae tremor ─── [医] 舌震颤

7、arsenic tremor ─── [医] 砷毒性震颤

8、forced tremor ─── [医] 强迫性震颤

9、epileptoid tremor ─── [医] 癫痫样震颤

10、fine tremor ─── [医] 频细震颤

11、essential tremor ─── [医] 特发性震颤

12、earth tremor ─── 地颤动

13、hysterical tremor ─── [医] 癔病性震颤

14、darkness tremor ─── [医] 暗光眼球震颤

15、familial hereditary tremor ─── [医] 家族遗传性震颤

16、convulsive tremor ─── [医] 惊厥性震颤

17、intention tremor ─── [医] 意向震颤

18、intermittent tremor ─── [医] 间歇震颤

19、fascicular tremor ─── [医] 纤维性震颤

tremor 相似词语短语

1、trema ─── 震颤

2、tremblor ─── n.地颤,小震

3、tremolo ─── n.颤音;震音装置

4、tremored ─── n.[医]震颤;颤动;n.(Tremor)人名;(西)特雷莫尔

5、cremor ─── 克雷莫

6、tremors ─── n.震动;颤抖(tremor的复数);v.[物]颤动(tremor的三单形式)

7、remora ─── n.障碍;障碍物;鮣鱼;n.(Remora)人名;(意)雷莫拉

8、to tremor ─── 震颤

9、tremas ─── 密码

tremor 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Earth tremor that shook our California dwelling at that moment seemed an omen of confirmation. ─── 地球的地震,震撼我们的加州居住在那一刻似乎是预兆的确认。

2、He faced the difficulty without a tremor. ─── 他毫不畏惧地面对困难。

3、He tried to conceal his distress, but the tremor in his voice was unmistakable. ─── 他尽力隐藏悲痛,但是颤抖的声音却无疑表明了一切。

4、"Voice tremor can be isolated or associated with tremor of other body parts, and it must be distinguished from spasmodic dysphonia, a dystonic disorder of the larynx. ─── 声音震颤可能是独立的,或是和身体其他部位相关,因此必须和喉头的痉挛性声音障碍及筋紧张异常作区分。

5、He tried to neutralize the tremor in his voice by looking anywhere but at her face. ─── 乔治的眼睛尽望别处,避开了她的脸,想抑制自己声音里的颤抖。

6、Is the flapping tremor ,or asterixis , as you called it , found in other conditions ? ─── 你所说的扑翼震颤,即扑翼样震颤,可见于其他疾病吗?

7、Italian Police Chief Antonio Manganelli said the 6.2-magnitude tremor which occurred at 03:33 local time (0133 GMT) had left "a horrible scene of death and destruction. ─── 今天早晨,一场强震袭击了意大利中部,造成至少100人死亡,1500人受伤,破坏并摧毁了数以千计的建筑,恐慌的当地人都逃到了大街上。

8、There was a tremor in her voice. ─── 她的声音有点颤抖。

9、The common clinical manifestation was encephalopathy, anxiety, sleep disorder, tremor, and change of cognition. ─── 临床表现为亢奋、躁狂、抑郁、焦虑、睡眠障碍、震颤及认知改变等。

10、There was a tremor in his voice. ─── 他的声音颤抖着。

11、Should that happen, Poseidon's initial blast may look like a small tremor. ─── 如果真的如此发展的话,最初的海神式冲击只是一个小小的震撼罢了。

12、The tremor, measuring 6.1 on the Richter scale, shook Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province, at around 3:10pm (1710 AEST), the Xinhua news agency said. ─── 中国西南省部仍在破坏性地震的挣扎恢复中,在一次强烈的余震后公布了这则新闻。已跑到大街上的上班族中恐慌如火花般蔓延。

13、A Beijinger said he felt the aftershock, too, from his 25th floor office. Residents on lower floors did not feel the tremor. ─── 一个北京人说他在第25层的办公室内感觉到了余震。在低层的居民没有感到此次地震。

14、Possible transient aderse eents associated with epinephrine administration include tremor, anxiety, and palpitations. ─── 与注射肾上腺素相关的可能的短暂副作用包括震颤、焦虑和心悸。

15、It brings with it all the faces in the world, and its tremor comes from the fact that it knows itself to be mortal. ─── 它携之于身的是世间的所有面孔,它的颤栗源于它明白自己终有一死。

16、Her cheeks were pink with health, and her large round arms carried the piled-up dishes with never a tremor. ─── 她脸颊上泛着健康的桃红色,两条粗大、浑圆的胳臂托着那些叠在一起的盘子,一抖也不抖一下。

17、A Beijinger said he felt the aftershock, too, from his 25th floor office.Residents on lower floors did not feel the tremor. ─── 一个北京人说他在25层的办公室也有震感,楼层较低的居民们没有感觉。

18、The mine tremor due to falling-in appertains a kind of seismic subsidence.Its formation and evolution are affected by many natural and man-made factors in this region. ─── 冒落型矿震属于塌陷地震的范畴,其形成和演化受到区内自然因素和人为因素的作用。

19、The kinetic energy rebeasing and destructiveness of cave-in mine tremor is the key to the research on systematical earth pressure disasters. ─── 冒落矿震触发系统地压灾害是一个静 动 静耦合作用的过程 ,其中冒落矿震动能释放的大小及其破坏过程的研究是整个研究的关键。

20、Seismologists from around the world reported a tremor of about 4.5 magnitude in northeast North Korea, near where Pyongyang conducted its first test in 2006. ─── 世界不同地区的地震学家都监测到了在北韩2006年进行第一次核试验的东北部地区发生的一次相当于4点五级地震的震动。

21、A slight earth tremor was felt in California. ─── 加利福尼亚发生了轻微的地震。

22、A bookcase shook loose from my office wall during the tremor and spilled over my desk. ─── 在大地的震动中,一个书架从我办公室的墙面上松脱,洒落在我的书桌上。

23、It stands at the foot of the line of jagged hills in which tens of thousands have died around the epicentre of the tremor that shook China on Monday. ─── 一排年轻的士兵正在站岗,他们脸上戴着蓝色的面罩,腐烂的尸体散发着臭气。

24、While many families are now offering hands for the orphaned kids, the government may have to pay more attention to elders who have lost their families or were crippled by the tremor. ─── 在许多家庭向孤儿们伸出援助之手时,政府可能得给那些在地震中失去家庭或是残废了的老年人更多的关注。

25、Prior records had shown much slower motion along the offshore fault there, so it was unclear that stress could ever build up enough to result in such a violent tremor. ─── 以往的记录显示,沿著那条近海断层,虽常发生速度较慢的地层活动,但引发这场海啸的应力是如何累积到足以导致猛烈震动,原因不得而知。

26、There was a slight tremor in his voice. ─── 他的声音略微有点儿颤抖。

27、So the lion inquired what was the matter and why did the elephant's ears move with such a tremor every now and then. ─── 因此,狮子询问是什麽事,为什麽大象的耳朵提出这样一个震颤每一个现在,然后。

28、His countenance remained immovable, only there was the faintest conceivable tremor of the white attenuated mouth. ─── 他的面容没有变化,只是那白色的,薄薄的咀巴有点儿极轻微可见的颤动。

29、If you have had success with your tremor totem during the fight, go ahead and trinket out of the death coil to prevent him from regaining his life. ─── 如果你已有战栗图腾有效打断恐惧的经历,那就一路前行,并把对手的死亡缠绕从他的救命技能中剔除。

30、During the earth tremor a large piece of rock chopped out of the ground. ─── 在一阵轻微的地震中,一大块岩石突然从地下露出地面。

31、An earthquake (also known as a tremor or temblor) is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic waves. ─── 地震是地壳忽然释放能量的结果,会创造出地震波。

32、T.C.M. crisis was a minor tremor. ─── 但是,它和眼下的地震相比,只能算是微弱的抖动。

33、Perhaps on some quiet night came the tremor of far-off drums, sinking, swelling, a tremor vast, faint. ─── 也许就在那万籁俱寂的夜晚,从远处传来了颤抖的鼓声,高一阵,低一阵,强一阵,弱一阵。

34、The focus of the earthquake or tremor is often deep below the surface and difficult to map, so what is normally called the epicentre is taken as the point on the Earth directly above it. ─── 地震或震动的中心往往都在地表极深的位置,很难定位.因此,通常我们所称的震源也就直接定位在地表以上.

35、After a brief introduction to the phenomena of coal bump,rockburst and mining tremor,their definientia are brought forward in detail and their relations are indicated. ─── 全面论述了冲击地压、岩爆与矿震现象,对其进行了具体定义,指出三者之间的关系。

36、There was a slight tremor in her voice. ─── 她的嗓音里有些微颤动。

37、The tremor also damaged two undersea cables, severely affecting telephone and internet connections to China, Japan and South-East Asia and disturbing internet traffic to America. ─── 地震还破坏了两条海底电缆,严重影响了中国、日本及东南亚国家的电话和因特网连接,使亚美因特网通讯受阻。预计修复工作要延续到下个月。

38、"You can't tell? " he replied, trying to keep the tremor out of his voice. ─── “你会看不出吗?”他尽力掩饰怒气地回答。

39、Parkinson’s disease (PD) is an age-related neurodegeneration disorder resulting in bradykinesia, resting tremor, postural instability and muscle rigidity. ─── 巴金森氏症是一种与年龄有关系的黑质纹状体神经退化疾病,它会导致病人产生行动迟缓、静止型颤抖、姿势障碍和肌肉僵硬。

40、An earthquake scientist said the shift illustrated the huge force of the tremor, the biggest so far this year. ─── 地震专家表示,这证明了此次地震的威力之大,是今年以来最大一次地震。

41、There has been a tremor so slight that I do not even feel it. ─── 发生的小震十分轻微,我甚至都没有感觉到。

42、Within minutes of the original tremor, two aftershocks rolled through the area, measuring 5.9 and 5.5 on the Richter scale. ─── 在第一次地震后几分钟,又发生了两次震级分别为里氏5.9级和5.5级的余震。

43、A tremor had gone through his bowels. ─── 他的肠子刮过了一阵战栗。

44、She was in a tremor of delight all afternoon. ─── 她整个下午喜悦不已。

45、The tremor was centred in the Gulf of Sirte. ─── 地震以苏尔特湾为中心。

46、The postural tremor was the main manifestation of essential tremor,tremor affected hand in 92.5% patients,throat in 21.3%,head in 20%,chin in 17.5%. ─── 临床主要表现为单症状的姿势性震颤 ,累及部位依次为手 (92 .5% )、咽喉部 (2 1.3% )、头 (2 0% )、下颏 (17.5% )等。

47、However, the earliest long-period seismographs recorded dispersive waves with large transverse displacement components in the main tremor. ─── 但是,最早期的地震记录,就记录下了主震中具有很大横向位移分量的频散波。

48、Just then a violent tremor hit the cave, erasing Jack's words and eliciting a shower of rocks and dirt from the grotto's ceiling. ─── 就在此时,洞中传来一阵猛烈的震动,打断了杰克的话语,洞顶的岩石和尘土纷纷落下。

49、The tremor was also felt in Tokyo as well as Fukushima, Chiba, Kanagawa and Shizuoka prefectures. ─── 东京以及福岛、千叶、神奈川县和静冈县都有震感。

50、Weighted cup with enlarged handles reduces tremor. ─── 双耳及底部附重的杯可减少震颤。

51、An uncontrollable tremor shook his mouth. ─── 他的双唇控制不住地颤抖。

52、At concentrations in excess of 1.5%, carbon dioxide may produce hyperventilation, headaches, visual disturbances, tremor, loss of consciousness, and death. ─── 在浓度超过1.5%时,二氧化碳可以造成换气过度、头痛、视力紊乱、颤抖、失去知觉和死亡。

53、At a kindergarten, a recital by students was getting underway when the quake struck. The tremor swayed the room, and mothers ran to calm their panicked children. ─── 地震发生时,一个幼儿园的孩子们正在演出节目。强烈地震摇得房间直晃,孩子的母亲们赶紧跑过去安抚受到惊吓的孩子。

54、Office workers ran for their lives as an earth tremor shook the center of town. ─── 地颤使镇中心摇晃时,工作人员都各自逃命。

55、The tremor in on the Tasman Sea generated to the a small tsunami and expanded New Zealand Zealand's South Island westwards. ─── 发生在塔斯曼海的地震引发了一次小规模的海啸,并把新西兰南岛向西推移。安德鲁。

56、The old man has a tremor in his hands. ─── 那位老人的双手颤抖着。

57、I could feel the ground and the mountain were shaking in the tremor. ─── 在这次地震中我能感觉到大地和高山都在摇晃。

58、She scarcely thought, her ideas were in the state of a tangled skein in her brain, she could not manage to conjecture anything, she hoped through a tremor, what? vague things. ─── 她几乎不想什么,脑子里的思路成了一团乱麻。

59、It has been demonstrated that the abnormal hypoactivity and synchronized rhythmic discharge of globus pallidus neurons associate with akinesia and resting tremor in parkinsonism. ─── 已证实,苍白球神经元放电频率的降低及簇状放电的产生与帕金森病运动减少及静止性震颤等症状直接相关。

60、She was about to turn off the light when he asked with a tremor in his voice, "Mommy, will you sleep with me tonight? " ─── 她正准备熄灯,孩子声音颤抖地问:“妈咪,你今天晚上可以陪我睡吗?”

61、Parkinsons disease is a neurological disorder characterized by rest tremor,bradykinesia,rigidity and postural instability. ─── 帕金森病是一种中枢神经系统退变性疾病,其症状表现静止性震颤、身心反应迟钝、僵直和姿势不稳。

62、A tremor ran through him. ─── 一股激情涌过了他的全身。

63、Tremor obviously increased (P

64、"So because previous seismic activity in the area was so strong, it (Zipingpu) could have induced an even stronger tremor," he said. ─── “由于先前的地震活动比较强烈,紫坪铺诱发更强烈的地震就不足为奇了”,范说道。

65、She suspects all the symptoms were aroused due to stress in class lessons. Physical examinations revealed the skin was sweaty, slight exophthalmos, and tremor of fingers. ─── 她自认为这些症状是由于功课紧张所致。体检发现皮肤多汗、轻度眼球突出和手指震颤。

66、There had been a tremor so slight that I did not even feel it. ─── 发生的小震十分轻微,我甚至都没有感觉到。

67、He faced the difficulties without a tremor. ─── 他毫不畏惧困难。

68、The tremor in on the Tasman Sea generated the tsumami a small tsunami and expanded New Zealand's South Island westwards. ─── 发生在塔斯曼海的震动引起了一场小海啸并且使新西兰南部岛屿向西移动。

69、His simple, became his catching huipu medeep tremor of the people of the sharpest weapon. ─── 他的朴实,成了他善于捕捉惠普人心灵深处的震颤之最锐利的武器。

70、Two days later, she developed abnormal movements, confusion, incoherent speech, sweats, facial redness, hyper-reflexia, tremor and muscle spasms in all of her limbs. ─── 两天后,她逐渐出现运动异常、混乱、语无伦次、出汗、面部发红、反射亢进、四肢震颤和肌肉痉挛。

71、Physical examinations revealed the skin was sweaty, slight exophthalmos, and tremor of fingers. ─── 体检发现皮肤多汗、轻度眼球突出和手指震颤。

72、In acute systemic toxic test, administration of the leaching solution in mice caused no death, organ dysfunction, cyanosis, tremor, severe peritoneal irritation, ptosis, or dyspnoea. ─── 小鼠全身急性毒性实验中,腹腔注射浸提液的小鼠未出现死亡、衰竭、发绀、震颤、严重的腹膜刺激、眼睑下垂及呼吸困难等毒性症状。

73、The tremor was felt in 16 provinces and as far away as Vietnam, Thailand and Taiwan. ─── 中国十六个省感到震动,震动远至越南、泰国及台湾。

74、The U.S. Geological Survey upgraded the initial tremor to magnitude 7.9, followed by a series of aftershocks. Resident say the land continued to shake overnight. ─── 在一连串余震之后,美国地质调查局提高初震的强度到7.9。居民说整个晚上陆地持续在震动。

75、"I ask them how they know it's high and they give vague signs such as their nose tingles or their tremor worsening." Taking medications for sleep can also be dangerous. ─── 博士说当问到他们如何判断血压高的时候,大多数人给出很模糊的概念比如感觉鼻子痒,或者震颤的更剧烈。

76、The main features of this tremor are its low frequency, irregular rhythm, presence at rest, and acceleration during posture and active movement. ─── 其特征主要为低频率的颤抖出现在静止状态、肌肉收缩生成动作时以及维持固定姿势时。

77、It might also be useful for creating prosthetic writing devices, he said, or helping patients with a hand tremor learn to write again. ─── 对于创制义肢书写设备可能也会有用,他说,或者帮助患有手部颤抖症状的病人重新掌握书写能力。

78、Symptoms of hypoglycaemic events include, but are not limited to, palpitations, tremor and sweating, but severe manifestations can include seizure, coma and even death. ─── 低血糖的症状包括,心悸,震颤和出汗,不过,不止这些。严重的表现可包括抽搐,昏迷甚至死亡。

79、More than 80%of patients still had the nervous and digestive symptoms in the course of disease,eg,tremor of limbs and liver damage. ─── 在疾病过程中有80%以上患者仍表现为上述两系统症状,其中以肢体震颤和肝损害为多见。

80、He groaned softly when he touched her this way, and she liked the quickening of his breath, the faint tremor of the mouth that kept hers prisoner so hungrily. ─── 他温柔呻吟着摸着她,她喜欢他加快呼吸,微微颤抖的嘴如饥似渴守侯着她的嘴。

81、He had a mild nervous tremor. ─── 他有轻微的神经颤抖症。

82、Tremor Totem now pulses every 3 seconds, down from 4. ─── “战栗图腾”现在3秒生效一次(原来是4秒)。

83、The impassive earth seemed to have swallowed her up without an effort, without a tremor . ─── 似乎那无情的大地毫不费力地把她吞没了。

84、In Mourinho's world, a little stutter masquerades as a mighty tremor. ─── 在穆帅的世界里,一点小问题就会变成天大的事情。

85、slight tremor in his voice. ─── 他的声音略微有点儿颤抖。

86、There was a tremor running through my mind, a reaction to a bad dream, barely remembered. ─── 刚才一丝惊栗闪过脑海,只记得作了个噩梦。

87、In1974, a magnitude6.2 earthquake in the same region as Saturday's tremor killed more than5,000 people. ─── 在1974年,一个6.2级的地震夺走超过5,000人的生命,其地震发生的地点和星期六的大地震是相同的。

88、The range of Tremor Totem with Totemic Mastery is now properly reflected in the tooltip. ─── 图腾掌握天赋后战栗图腾的距离会正确显示。

89、But the sudden tremor was more intense than any he had experienced. ─── 但是这次突然颤动的力度却是前所未有的。

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