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10-03 投稿


merges 发音

英:[?m??d??z]  美:[?m??rd??z]

英:  美:

merges 中文意思翻译



merges 词性/词形变化,merges变形

动词第三人称单数: merges |动词过去式: merged |名词: mergence |动词现在分词: merging |动词过去分词: merged |

merges 相似词语短语

1、mergers ─── v.兼并;[经]合并(merger的第三人称单数);n.吸收;企业或公司之间的合并;归并(merger的复数形式)

2、mergees ─── 被兼并者

3、merge ─── vt.合并;使合并;吞没;vi.合并;融合;n.(Merge)人名;(意)梅尔杰

4、mergee ─── 被兼并者

5、cerges ─── 阉割

6、emerges ─── vi.浮现;摆脱;暴露

7、meres ─── adj.仅仅的;只不过的;n.小湖;池塘;n.(Mere)人名;(日)目连(姓);(西)梅雷

8、marges ─── n.边缘(等于margin)

9、merged ─── v.(尤指商业结构)合并;(使)融合,逐渐消失;平稳并线(merge的过去式及过去分词);adj.合并的

merges 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、So, data loads trigger merges. ─── 因此,数据加载将触发合并。

2、It is based on distributivity axioms and merges blocks while shifting alternative operators towards later points in time. ─── 它基于分配率并在对时间上较后的点进行转换选择操作时合并那些块。

3、Review on the Theoretic Models of the Motive and Social Welfare of Enterprise Merges ─── 企业兼并的动机及其社会福利理论模型综述

4、Merges Menell Memley. Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age (Fourth Edition). ASPEN publishers, 2006. ─── 吴汉东等著.知识产权基本问题研究.第一版.中国人民大学出版社.2005年版.

5、It merges with the Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame blazing in every person's heart and explodes into a tremendous Starburst of Light. ─── 它和每个人心中不朽的三重火焰融合,燃烧成一个巨大的星光。

6、Parallel merges robot ─── 并联机器人

7、"In January 2003, the former COSCO Network Limited merges with the subsidiary of COSCO (H.K.) Industry & Trade Holdings Ltd., COSCO Information & Technology (H.K.) Limited, to form the new COSCO Network Limited." ─── 2003年1月由原中远网络有限公司与工贸控股下属中远信息科技(香港)有限公司合并、重组为新的中国远洋网络有限公司。

8、Disables these compensating actions, however, the errors are still logged as with compensation and subsequent merges continues to attempt to apply the changes until successful. ─── 则禁用补救措施,但仍会将错误记录为需要采取补救措施,并且后续的合并会继续尝试应用更改,直到成功。

9、For those who seek innovative and successful Financial Management styles and skills, the MCF merges the creativity of the Italian culture with the most prominent... ─── 对于那些谁寻求创新和成功的财务管理风格和技巧,乳腺癌合并最重要的国际经验的意大利文化创造力。

10、The harmony merges to socialist legality, realizing the socialist harmonious society must implement the socialist harmonious legality ,the harmonious society must be society rule by law. ─── 和谐与社会主义法治是相容的,实现社会主义和谐社会就必然实行社会主义的和谐法治,和谐社会必定是法治社会。

11、Next he finds that the form merges in the Indivisible Absolute. ─── 下一步,他会发现所有的形相都融入不可分割的绝对本体里面。

12、The Church of the Holy Sepulcher is an amalgamation of buildings and additions from different eras that merges with the stone walls of the buildings around it. ─── 圣墓教堂结合了不同时期的建筑物和增建部分,与周围建筑物的石墙紧连。

13、In his paintings, he uses unique way which merges figure with hue to express vividly such images as the woman who is washing clothes, the woman clerk who is running across the streets and so on. ─── 在博纳尔的画中,他用独特的形融于色的表现手法将洗衣妇,跑街的女店员等形象描绘得生动无比。

14、"Oriental postmodernism", whiche merges in the contact and conversation between China's tradition and reality and western post-modernism culture, is also covered in this article. ─── 并且在中国的传统和现实与西方后现代主义文化的接触与对话中,还出现了“东方后现代”的理论形式。

15、The stability of knots determines the stability of the network.The method of combination merges is used to get the demarcation standard of the classes of highway function. ─── 将功能级别划分为两个层面,进而通过图上作业法求出我国国家层面上主干线奋路、干线公路、集散奋路、出入道路的总里程;

16、MERGEPAINT Merges the colors of the inverted source rectangle with the colors of the destination rectangle by using the Boolean OR operator. ─── 将源矩形的颜色反色后与目标矩形的颜色通过逻辑或操作进行混合。

17、The gestation inside the womb merges the ectopic pregnancy of the observation and the nursing ─── 宫内孕合并宫外孕的观察与护理

18、Jinying High-tech Company merges with Jinying Kechuang Company, resulting in redundant employees. ─── 因金鹰高科技公司与金鹰科创公司合并办公,人员冗余

19、Understand forests, stands, and merges ─── 理解森林、树木和合并

20、Out of surfering, it merges the strongest souls. The most massive characters are shrieled with ghast. ─── 在患难中,诞生最强大的化身,最伟大的精神也会因恐惧而枯萎。

21、Soon Fenston indicated that this plan has received International Soccer Association's inspiration, the latter the Oceanian invitational meet and the Asian invitational meet merges in together. ─── 俄尔芬斯顿表示,该计划受到了国际足联的启发,后者把大洋洲预选赛和亚洲预选赛合并在一起。

22、"The Positive Economy Nationalism" is the key that merges Economic Globalization and Economy Nationalism all into harmony. ─── “积极的经济民族主义”是经济全球化与经济民族主义和谐共融的关键。

23、Merge - Merges selected vertices into a single one, at the barycenter position or at the cursor position. ─── 合并-合并选择的顶点为一个单点,这个合并的点在重心位置或光标位置。

24、It also merges incremental data changes that occurred at the Publisher or Subscribers after the initial snapshot was created, and detects and resolves any conflicts according to rules you configure. ─── 它还将合并自初始快照创建后发布服务器或订阅服务器上所发生的增量数据更改,并根据所配置的规则检测和解决任何冲突。

25、PIVOT performs an aggregation and, therefore, merges possible multiple rows into a single row in the output. ─── PIVOT会执行一次聚合,从而将多个可能的行合并为输出中的单个行。

26、You can continue to use mail merges with Excel data that you created in earlier versions of Word. ─── 您可以继续使用在旧版Word中用Excel数据建立的邮件合并。

27、The paste command pastes lines from two or more files side-by-side, similar to the way that the pr command merges files using its -m option. ─── paste命令可以并行粘帖来自两个或多个文件的行,其方式类似于pr命令使用其-m选项合并文件。

28、Conclusions Modified operation for entropion is effective, and merges the advantages of the traditional operation for entropion and trichiasis and the modem cosmetology operation. ─── 余439例(616眼)获得较为满意的治疗效果及美容效果。结论作者设计的上睑内翻改良手术,融合了传统的睑内翻矫正术及现代美容手术的优点,效果良好。

29、Sun merges with the Alliance. ─── 太阳保险与联合保险合并。

30、The use of a common model ancestor in model comparisons and merges is an extremely important (and rather subtle) process to understand. ─── 模型比较和合并中模型起始的使用,是我们必须理解的非常重要的一种进程。

31、As summer merges into autumn, the maple trees turn fiery-red, splashing color through the thickly forested hills. ─── 一到金秋,满山枫叶绛红。

32、Array_merge() merges the elements of two or more arrays together so that the values of one are appended to the end of the previous one. ─── array_merge()将两个或多个数组的单元合并起来,一个数组中的值附加在前一个数组的后面。

33、The WB is shuffling its primetime schedule one final time before it merges with UPN to become The CW . ─── 华纳兄弟电视网在其同UPN合并成立CW电视网之前,对黄金时段节目安排作最后一次调整。

34、A device that collates, merges, or matches sets of punched cards or other documents. ─── 一种整理、合并或比较一组穿孔卡片或其它文档的设备。

35、Influence of merges from foreign capital on domestic machinery industry after China entered into WTO ─── 入世后外资并购对我国机械业的影响

36、In its appealing look and ideal ergonomics, the new, electrical gear selector lever for the automatic transmission merges perfectly into the stylish interior. ─── 在其吸引人的外观和理想的人体工程学设计,新的电力设备的自动变速器换档杆完美地融合了时尚的内部。

37、Built on the mountain foot, it merges with Guilin landscape, and is a comprehensive sports venue largest in area, relatively perfect in functions, complete in facilities in Guilin. ─── 它依山势而建,与桂林山水融为一体,是目前桂林面积最大,功能比较完善,设施比较齐全的综合性体育运动场所。

38、Primary hypertension, if merges has the blood sugar or the blood fats unusuality, on clinical calls it “the metabolic hypertension”. ─── 原发性高血压,若合并有血糖或血脂的异常,临床上称之为“代谢性高血压”。

39、MERGECOPY Merges the colors of the source rectangle with the brush currently selected in hdcDest, by using the Boolean AND operator. ─── 将源矩形中的颜色与当前目标设备环境选中的画刷通过逻辑与操作进行混合。

40、Keywords Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome;VKH;corticosteroid;multifocal electroretinogram;MERG; ─── 关键词伏格特-小柳原田病;皮质类固醇;多焦视网膜电图;

41、foreign-capital merges ─── 外资并购

42、Key words: Chinese Traditional Gardens; Natural Spirit; Modern; Landscape Architecture; Value; The Heaven and Person Merges into One Organic Whole ─── 关键词:中国造园;自然精神;现代;景观设计;价值取向;天人合一园艺

43、You can use this recipient list in future mail merges and as a file that you import into a customer relationship management program. ─── 可在以后的邮件合并中使用此收件人列表,并将其用作可以导入客户关系管理程序中的文件。

44、Merges the current library with another library identified by a provided connection string, built with the OLEDB wizard. ─── 合并当前代码库和另外一个代码库,通过OLEDB向导生成的连接字符串。

45、Merges accountant the report form ─── 合并会计报表

46、Cumulative count of page merges at the leaf level. ─── 叶级页合并的累积计数。

47、The Kungfu movie in the international film circle big line of its road, the Hollywood movie also take merges the Chinese element as a fashion. ─── 功夫片在国际影坛大行其道,好莱坞电影也以融会中国元素为时尚。

48、Nanaosaidi is a Georgia's autonomous prefecture, borders on with the Russian domestic North Ossetia, merges from 1989 on the request with North Ossetia. ─── 南奥塞梯是格鲁吉亚的一个自治州,与俄罗斯境内北奥塞梯接壤,从1989年起就要求与北奥塞梯合并。

49、It can improve managemental benefit to persist in encouragement, persuade with reasonable things and affect with emotion, in which one merges with another. ─── 坚持激励,既以理服人,又以情感人,情理交融,产生共鸣,这样才能提高管理的效益。

50、When a population has completed, a final merge process is triggered that merges the index fragments together into one master full-text index. ─── 填充完成后,将触发最终的合并过程,以便将索引片断合并为一个主全文索引。

51、Make Use of the Mail Merges Function to Realize Fast Exportation of Statement ─── 利用邮件合并功能实现报表的快捷输出

52、From the viewpoint of generations, the minority of ethnic Slovaks merges with the Hungarians majority. ─── 从代间的观点来看,少数的斯洛伐克族群正在融入于匈牙利的多数族群。

53、It advocates free trade and world which merges into an organic world. ─── 宣扬自由贸易,鼓吹全球一体化。

54、In three steps, you can successfully create mail merges. ─── 您可以借助三个步骤成功创建邮件合并。

55、Clinical Analysis of 90 Patients with Acute Pancreatitis Merges The Renal Hurts ─── 急性胰腺炎并发肾功能损害90例临床分析

56、ALE- ALE aligns and merges several similar images from a digitizing device( such as a digital camera or scanner) into a single image. ─── ale从一个数字化装置(码相机或扫描仪)把几个类似的图像排列并归并成一个图像。

57、Merges injected code with source file. ─── 将插入的代码与源文件合并。


59、On the Legal Problem of the Enterprise Income Tax Law Merges Reforming System with the State-Owned Enterprise ─── 企业所得税法并轨与国企改制的法律问题研究

60、Constant that specifies whether data merges up to the Publisher only, or in both directions between the Publisher and the Subscriber. ─── 常量,它指定是只将数据合并到发行者,还是在发行者和订户之间进行双向合并。

61、The normal squamous epithelium at the left merges into the squamous cell carcinoma at the right, which is infiltrating downward. ─── 左侧为正常鳞状上皮,右侧为鳞状细胞癌(向深部组织浸润)。

62、Below is a list of the most recent merges of one page history into another. ─── 以下是一个最近由一个页面的修订历史合并到另一个页面的列表。

63、Since this year, fiba (international basket will unite) continuously Oceania and Asia merges a contest area to carry on gives careful consideration. ─── 今年以来,fiba(国际篮联)一直就将大洋洲和亚洲合并成一个赛区进行慎重考虑。

64、The abnormal gene fusion associated with prostate cancer occurs when one of two genes, ERG or ETV1, merges with a prostate-specific gene called TMPRSS2. ─── 当ERG或ETV1两种基因其中的一个与前列腺癌特异性基因TMPRSS2合并在一起时,这种基因融合就伴随着前列腺肿瘤的产生。

65、Merges to the our country the study that theories choose problem ─── 对我国合并理论选择问题的探讨

66、The tunnel be completeed clearly as to showing of layout design ,Expressing the feeling of man pursues ,Attaiing the situation merges 。 ─── 对于图形设计的表达上要做到地道逼真,表现人的情感追求,达到情境合一。

67、The Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (at right) merges with the Gulf Intra coastal Water way just east of New Orleans. ─── 密西西比河的河湾出口(在晚上)与新奥尔良东面的河湾节点沿岸水路汇合。

68、Keywords mERG age sex eye; ─── 多焦视网膜电图;年龄;性别;眼别;

69、Data merges easily. ─── 数据容易合并。

70、As one dances in unity within, one merges with all other species in an energetic dance of unity without. ─── 当你在内在统一中起舞时,你就融合了舞蹈在统一能量中的所有其他外在物种。

71、Constant that specifies whether data merges up to the Publisher only, or in both directions between the Publisher and the Subscriber. ─── 常量,它指定是只将数据合并到发行者,还是在发行者和订户之间进行双向合并。

72、It splits the untagged table into rows and columns,and then inducts headers and merges cells. ─── 对非标记化表格进行行列划分,然后进行标题归纳和单元格合并。

73、Then visualize that the other person, now fully purified, dissolves into light and merges indistinguishably with the enlightened Presence. ─── 之后,观想他们完全被净化,消融于光中,与证悟的圣者们不分的合而为一。

74、An enterprise-juristic person's rights and obligations go to the new enterprise-juristic person(s) it splits or merges into. ─── 企业法人分立、合并,它的权利和义务由变更后的法人享有和承担。

75、The friend reaches the electro-optic (AUO: The quoted price, the research material) announces, after in September merges, ─── 友达光电(AUO:报价,研究资料)公布,9月份合并后收入较去年同期大减35.7%,为345亿元台币,2008年第三季合并后收入减少24.4%,为1043.1亿元台币。

76、Within the realm of truth, each of us completely merges with one another without a difference. ─── 就是在真理的层次而言,每一个人都是彼此相融合,完全没有任何的分别;

77、Merges the specified forms into a single form. ─── 将多个指定表单合并为一个表单。

78、Audit Risk in Enterprise Merges and Acquisitions and Its Management ─── 企业并购阶段的审计风险及其管理

79、And I think the imagination is the only limit of what you can think of when this kind of technology merges with real life. ─── (笑声)我相信,当这种技术和实体生活混在一起时想象力是唯一能限制--我们的东西。

80、In this tip, I use the high-level, event-based API to demonstrate this by creating a program that merges two incoming XML documents into one. ─── 在这篇技巧中,我使用高层的基于事件的API演示如何建立一个程序,把两个输入的XML文档合并成一个。

81、Gradually the companion sinks deeper into the star until it merges with the core, at which point the outflow is cut off. ─── 伴星逐渐沉降到恒星深层,直到与核心合并,而物质也在此刻停止流出。

82、The Expo 99 Garden, assembling a great many of distinguished gardening and rare plants, merges ornamental features, artistic quality and knowledge into one whole. ─── 99世博园内荟萃了集观赏性、艺术性、知识性为一体的园林园艺精品。

83、Multiple Viewpoint OOA (object-oriented analysis) builds up model according to every user's opinion,then merges them into one uniform model. ─── 多视角面向对象分析方法就是首先根据每个用户的观点建立模型,然后将这些模型合并为一个统一的模型。

84、Importing a metadata file merges the contents of the imported metadata file with the metadata file that you currently have open. ─── 导入元数据文件时,会将导入的文件内容与当前打开的元数据文件内容进行合并。

85、When the night merges with the day, the snow endlessly falls and the frost covers the trees in icy kisses. ─── 就在黑夜行将被白昼吞没的那一刻,无尽的雪簌簌落下,树枝顷刻覆没在冰霜的细吻中。

86、This building merges the library, information commons, student lounge, flexible classrooms and multiple staff offices into a single structure. ─── 建筑融合图书馆,信息院,学生休闲室,多功能教室,多元员工办公室为一体,成为一个独立单独的建筑结构。

87、'Glass walls' have been taken down at Mazda UK as the company merges its sales and marketing departments headed by Mark Cameron. ─── 英国马自达的“玻璃幕墙”被拆下来了,因为它的销售部和市场部在MarkCameron的主持下合并了。

88、.Mi-e frica sa merg la moara.E singura ca o femeie parasite, singura si trista, isi scartaie veacurile. ─── 听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听 -Mi-e frica s-ajung in vale.

89、Normal gastric epithelium at the left merges into the carcinoma at the right, and irregular neoplastic glands infiltrate downward into the submucosa. ─── 左边正常的胃上皮与右边的肿瘤相连,呈不规则样的腺样癌组织向下侵蚀到粘膜下层。

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