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10-03 投稿


unknowable 发音

英:[?n?no??bl]  美:[?n?n???bl]

英:  美:

unknowable 中文意思翻译



unknowable 网络释义

adj. 不可知的;不能知道的

unknowable 同义词

stony | inexplicable |abstruse | enigmatic | indecipherable | arcane | impenetrable | inscrutable | incomprehensible | mysterious

unknowable 词性/词形变化,unknowable变形

名词: unknowability |副词: unknowably |

unknowable 反义词


unknowable 相似词语短语

1、unknowably ─── 不可知

2、unchewable ─── 不可改变的

3、Unknowable ─── adj.不可知的;不能知道的

4、unforeknowable ─── 不可预知的

5、undoable ─── adj.做不了的;不能做的

6、unknowableness ─── 不可知性

7、unknowability ─── 不可知性

8、unallowable ─── adj.不能允许的,禁止的

9、knowable ─── adj.可知的;能认识的;易知的

unknowable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Though Yang Jingyu and the First Route Army of the armed forces of resistance against Japan are illustrious, as its predecessor,Panshi guerrilla forces is almost unknow to people. ─── 杨靖宇和抗联第一路军赫赫有名,但作为抗联第一路军前身的磐石游击队却鲜为人知。

2、RELIGION, n.A daughter of Hope and Fear, explaining to Ignorance the nature of the Unknowable. ─── 宗教 :这是希望和恐惧的女儿,它向无知者解说不可知事物的性质 。

3、The gap between the now knowable and unknowable is vast. ─── 现已知与未知之事间的距离极大。

4、True creativity arises from a union with the divine, with the mystical and the unknowable. ─── 如果透过它可以使你的内在成长,那麽它就是灵性的,它就是创造的,它就是神圣的。

5、The areas where our ignorance is likely to be greatest may be in the reaction to these trends and to the unknowable discoveries of new technology. ─── 我们最不了解的领域可能在于对这些潮流和对人类无法发现的新技术的反应。

6、If we want to believe, as Einstein did, that there is a reality independent of our observations, then this reality can either be knowable, unknowable or veiled. ─── 如果我们象爱因斯坦一样,相信有一个独立于我们的观测的实在,那么这个实在或者是可知的,或者是不可知的,或者是被遮蔽的。

7、But figures from cities and provinces still have an unknowable shuifen, or “water content,” as the euphemism has it. ─── 但是,按照委婉的说法,来自各省市的数据仍有不可知的“水分”。

8、An unknow error occured while acessing com3 loder unreday! ─── 我已经得到连机文件了,可是在读取数据是发生未知错误

9、In Kant's theory of knowledge,being beyond the limits of experience and hence unknowable. ─── 先验的在康德的理论中指知识的,因超越经验的范围而无法知晓的。

10、Like the 13th chime of a clock, policymakers who deny the obvious or claim to know the unknowable call into question all that they say. ─── 就像一只会响十三声的时钟一样,否认明摆着的事实或声称自己知道不可知情况的政策制定者,无论再说什么也不会有人相信。

11、We give in to love because it gives us some sense of what is unknowable. ─── 我们坠入情网,为了找寻真爱。其他都不重要。至终无悔。

12、The NAIRU is virtually unknowable unless wages start to take off, something that a watchful ECB is unlikely to allow. ─── NAIRU经常是不可知的,除非工资上涨,但外在因素比方说欧洲央行却不允许这样做。

13、But even if there is a partially unknowable reality beneath reality, I'm not sure how that implies that spirituality is a viable means to access it. ─── 但即使在实在之下真的有部分不可知的实在,我也不能确信,何以这意味着灵性是一种通向这部分实在的可行方式。

14、The rate at which world oil demand recovers remains a critical -- and unknowable -- variable. ─── 全球石油需求的回升速度仍是一个至关重要、但却无法准确判断的变量。

15、We began to bridge the distance that had been between us, bringing our shared love for Miles into the unknowable middle ground. ─── 我们开始弥合过去存在于我们之间的那种隔阂,把我们对迈尔斯共有的爱带进一个未知的中间地带。

16、Broadcost and Unknow Server ─── 广播和未知地址转换服务器

17、CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE The Unknowable Room ─── 未知的房间

18、For hours on this Sunday morning, Mr.Chen watched and waited for that unknowable moment when one of the thousands of people who cross the bridge every day might try to jump off. ─── 在这个星期天早上,几小时下来,陈思就这样注视并等待那个无可预知的时刻,在这个每天都有数千人走过的桥上可能有人纵身跳下。

19、When all seems lost, the future unknowable,our very existence in peril... ─── 我们信赖的事情在我们眼前消失的时候.我们该何去何从?

20、Clairsentience powers enable you to learn secrets long forgotten, to glimpse the immediate future and predict the far future, to find hidden things, and to generally know what is normally unknowable. ─── 心灵预言系(Clairsentience)的异能允许你获悉久被遗忘的秘密,瞥见下一时刻并预知遥远的将来,找出隐藏的事物,以及知道平常无法得知的信息。

21、The dark nights breathe the mystery of the unknow into everyting, like moon light in a cemetery. ─── 漆黑的夜晚向世间万物散发着如墓地月光般神秘的未知世界的气息。

22、In distinguishing the known or the unknown from the unknowable, the level of detail can be decisive. ─── 在区分已知、未知和不可知这三者的时候,细节的详细程度是决定性因素。

23、But to recognize that the soul of a man is unknowable is the ultimate achievement of Wisdom. ─── 但是认识到一个人的灵魂是不可知的,则是终极智慧。

24、But after Buckman's plane of migration came out(1922),the point of view that migration was unknowable cast a shadow on the field of science. ─── 李四光是在“迁移炮弹”阴影下,依然坚持迁移观点的少数科学家之一。

25、The road, after years of time's ablution, strangled onward into the dark forest of an unknow vista. ─── 光名字就已经让人心境豁然开阔,浮想联翩,又有天地浩渺、云海苍茫之豪气与寂寞。

26、Its power is undeniable; its beauty mesmerizing; its lure biblical; its meaning unknowable. ─── 它的力量不容置疑;它的美丽如此迷人;它的诱惑如此神圣;它的意义无从知晓。

27、We can not always live in the present, we are accustomed to living well into the distant, unknowable future. ─── 我们总是不能活在当下,我们习惯于将好好地活着推向遥远的、不可知的未来。

28、You just faded away you spread your wings you had flown away to something unknow ─── 你的样子慢慢变模糊展开你的翅膀飞翔到不知名的地方

29、No perfectionism, no strainining after the unattainable, no postulating of the unknowable; ─── 不用事事讲求完美,不去拼命追求那些得不到的东西,也不去探究那些不可能知道的世界;

30、Here mathematics , although based first on the relative and unknowable man ,is used to construct and to control the space which man is to inhabit both as actor and observer. ─── 尽管最初是基于相对论和不可知人群,但在此时,数学则被运用为建设和控制不管是参与者还是观察者即所有人类所共同寄存之生存空间。

31、The price tag for all this is unknowable. ─── 所有这一切的价格标签是不可知的。

32、Making each picture was like throwing a stone without knowing where it would land, how close to the unknowable and unreachable. ─── 使每一幅画好像抛出一颗不知所终的石头,贴近未知和未及的境界。

33、3.To them we were the visible form of a distant, unknowable paymaster. We were Senior Payroll. ─── 在他们看来,因为我们是享有高级别工资待遇的人员,所以我们是看得见的形式,从属于遥远的,使人搞不清楚的背后操纵手

34、He has learned the lesson, he is now beyond delusions.He will move from the known for the first time not into the unknown, but into the unknowable. ─── 他已经学会了,他现在已经超越了幻象,他将会首度由已知进入那个不可知的,而不是进入未知的。

35、Now they saw that their most diligent extrapolations resulted in the unknowable ... soon. ─── 很快他们会看到,他们孜孜不倦的推断与预测最终指向一个巨大的未知。

36、The above activity can not only aim at any carrier (including the unknowable ones of the current cognition), but also adopt any way not limit to writing and electronic forms. ─── 上述活动可针对任何载体(包括在目前认知领域下不可知的载体)进行,也可采用包括但不限于书面或电子形式的任何方式。

37、In Kant's theory of knowledge, being beyond the limits of experience and hence unknowable. ─── 先验的在康德的理论中指知识的,因超越经验的范围而无法知晓的

38、We become unknowing and unknowable. ─── 我们变得无知或者是不可知的。

39、When your servant went to inspect the situation, three pits had already been filled, with more needed, while several miles outside of town unknowable numbers of people went unburied. ─── 于是死者枕藉,臭气熏天,县城外掘数坑,每坑可容数百人,用以掩其遗骸。

40、Life is the unknown and the unknowable, except that we are put into this world to eat, to stay alive as long as we possibly can. ─── 生命是莫测的,是不可知的。我们来到这个世界,就是为了吃,为了活下去,尽可能多活些日子。”

41、When your friend meet difficulties, you are supposed to care for them sincerely not pretend to unknow. ─── 当你的朋友遇到困难时,你应该真诚关心他们而不是假装不知道。

42、Justified by kant on the ground that the matters they deal with, though unknowable, are of the greatest existential interest to man. ─── 康德是这样为思维和理性的正当性进行辩护的:它们所处理的问题,尽管是不可知的,对人来说却具有至关重要的生存利益。

43、There may be aspects of things that turn out to be unknowable. ─── 最终事情的某些方面可能被发现是不可知的。

44、When the dangerous unknow monster coming ,the green appear again,when the monster go,the scene full of softness khaki. ─── 当危险的怪物来时绿色再次出现了,当怪物离去,场景变成了柔和土黄色。

45、He does not know whether its programming is true or false,right or wrong,whether it's set to lead him to success or destruction,whether it serves his goals or those of some evil,unknowable power. ─── 他不知道所编制的程序是正确还是谬误,是对还是错;也不知它会将他引向成功还是失败,不知道它是在为他的目标服务,还是为一些邪恶的、他并不了解的力量服务。

46、All nature is art, but unknow to thee. ─── 整个自然都是艺术,不过你不领悟。

47、”I don't think he meant that science is full of unpredictable or unknowable or supernatural forces. ─── 我认为他并不是说科学是不可预测的、不可知的,或是超乎自然的力量。

48、We can imagine that it must have trembled before it fell, just on the edge between the known and the unknowable. ─── 我们可以想像,在它掉下去之前,就在那个已知和未知之间的边缘,它一定曾经颤抖过。

49、Even more impressive was the price tag: somewhere between a few hundred million dollars and a couple of billion dollars a year, compared with the unknowable cost of decarbonizing the entire world. ─── 但是让人侧目的还有高昂的价格:每年的耗费预算范围从几亿美元到数十亿美元,这还是在未知地球脱碳功能的前提下进行估算。

50、Study of an Kalm an Filter Algorithm for System s with Unknow n Tim e-Varying Noise ─── 带未知时变噪声系统的卡尔曼滤波算法研究

51、Nothing can be called unknowable. ─── 没有什么事物可以认为是不可知的。

52、Packaging is not a Rorschach inkblot, the respondent’s interpretation unknowable in advance, but rather a stimulus designed to solicit a specific interpretation. ─── 包装不是一个罗夏墨迹,被告的解释不可知的提前,而是一个旨在刺激征求一个具体的解释。

53、The distance between what human beings can understand and the unknowable mysteries of the divine is enormous. ─── 人类所能理解的事物和神圣不可预知的神秘事物间的鸿沟是如此巨大的。

54、Rate and pathogenicity of TTV in liver diseases of unknow etiology in Hei Long-jiang province ─── TTV在黑龙江省不明原因肝炎患者中的比例及其致病性

55、Azoospermia is one of important factors causing male infertility.The etiology of azoospermia include pretestis factor,testis factor and posttestis factor.The etiology of most of azoospermia is unknow. ─── 无精子症是导致男性不育的常见原因,引起无精子症病因较多,有睾丸前因素、睾丸因素及睾丸后因素。

56、Method UCG,MRI,ACG,EMB,autopsy and surgical operation were performed in 31 patients who presented heart failure of unknow etiology and/or pericardial tamponade and had been considered as EMF. ─── 方法对有不明原因的心力衰竭和(或)心包填塞表现并考虑为EMF的31例患者施行UCG、MRI、ACG、EMB、尸检以及外科手术。

57、In these places, people didn’t believe that creativity came from inside.They believed it was an attentive spirit that came to someone from a distant, unknowable source, she said. ─── 她开始思考为什么很多创意性的人才常有“喜怒无常”的名声,她想正是因为这种追求卓越的,来自内部和外部的双重压力造成的。

58、Everything in the universe originates from one boundless, eternal, unknowable source. After a period of manifested existence the universe returns to that source. ─── 宇宙中的一切都起源于一个无限、永恒、不可知的源头。在一段时期的外显存在之后,宇宙重新回到这个源头。

59、Love is closer anyway and warmer than adoration of some vast unknowable cloud ─── 爱情,比起对巨大而不可捉摸的云雾的崇拜来说,毕竟更加亲切,更加温暖。

60、Generally, asthma can be divided into two types( external caused and internal caused asthma): most external caused asthma cases are intaking allergy source, but there is unknow reason for internal caused asthma. ─── 气喘可大略分为外因性气喘及内因性气喘两大类:外因性气喘多因吸入过敏原所引起,而内因性气喘则原因不明。

61、Everybody's heart have too many unknowable help with weak, everybody's intense emotion back have innumerable of the motive be stir up them. ─── 每个人的内心都有太多不可知的无助与软弱,每个人的激情背后都有着无数的动力在激发着他们。

62、You spread your wings you had flown away to something unknow ─── 你展开羽翼飞向那未知的世界

63、Speak not in an unknow tongue in company,but in your own language;and that as those of quality do,and not as the vulgar. ─── 在别人面前不要用晦涩难懂的词句,而要用自己本来的语言;谈吐要像有教养的人,不要像粗俗之辈。

64、Chinese Unknowable Code and Resolutions of E-mail in Internet ─── 互联网上中文电子邮件的乱码及解决方法

65、Particularly those applications from unknow vendor. ─── 特别是那些不明卖主申请。

66、Who can see the plans of Heaven or Hell?Do not seek to know the unknowable, for fate will reveal all when the time is right. ─── 他是什么时候死的无据可考,因为他在故土居住了二十年后又开始了漫游,并且再也没有回去。

67、Business decisions are often made with many unknow and unknowable factors, which would even puzzle the best poker players. ─── 商业决策通常是由许多未知和不可知的因素做出来的,这些因素甚至会让最优秀的扑克玩家感到困惑。

68、The equivalent colorful noise model is built in order to escape computation burden and dimension expansion.Thus, the variance of noise could be unknow beforehand, as always happen in practice. ─── 为了避免计算的复杂性和滤波器维数的扩大,算法建立了与测量方程等价的有色噪声滤波模型,这样不必预先知道测量噪声的方差,比较接近实际情况。

69、Rather than trying to predict an unknowable future, build an organisation capable of seizing unexpected opportunities as they arise. ─── 不要试图预测不可知的未来,建立一套能在意料外的机遇出现时抓住机遇的机制。

70、You call it God, but to me, God or no, it remains just that, the unknowable. ─── 你称他为神,但是对我,神或无,他仍然就是那,不可知的。

71、Since stock prices are predictions about future earnings, which are unknowable, they will never be entirely accurate, which creates periodic opportunities for investors. ─── 既然股票价格反应的是企业未来盈利情况的预期,而未来的事情谁都说不准,那么这样的预测就永远不可能百分之百正确,这也给投资者带来了周期性的机会。

72、But to see that as a justification is to ignore the vast, albeit to some degree unknowable, opportunity costs of programmes so expensive. ─── 但认为这就能证明浪费资金是合理的,就等于无视了实现这些昂贵的计划所需的巨大的机会成本,尽管这一成本在一定程度上是不可知的。

73、specific impact of the greenhouse effect is unknowable. ─── 温室效应的具体影响尚不可知。

74、Flown away to something unknow ─── 在某个未知的角落飞着

75、ure, you could just leave thi o your helf a a dusty reference tool, icking it u only o those occasio whe you encounter a unknow term or acronym. ut we recommend aging through the term occasionally. ─── 当然,你也可以将本词典作为一本放在书柜里的尘封工具书,只有在遇到不懂的术语或缩略语时才偶然拾起。但我们还是建议你偶尔翻阅一下本词典中的词条。

76、The Design of AGC System for Signals Exhibiting Rapid Changes in Average Strength and Unknow PRF ─── 信号快速变化且PRF未知时比幅单脉冲接收机的中放AGC系统

77、Third, investment know-how unknowable and non-replicability. ─── 三是投资诀窍的不可知和不可复制性。

78、This newspaper, like many voters, will reserve judgment on this still often awkward and unknowable woman until it has seen more of her and her policies next year. ─── 本报将会和所有的选民一样将会对这个高深莫测的女人保留意见直到明年我们对她和她的政策有了进一步了解。

79、“Sir ,Sir” an unknow voice reaches his ears. ─── 先生、先生。一个声音传到他耳朵里。


81、In algebra the sign x.usually denotes an unknow quantity. ─── 在代数中,符号x通常代表一未知数。

82、Religion is “a daughter of Hope and Fear, explaining to Ignorance the nature of the Unknowable”. ─── 宗教是“希望与恐惧的女儿,向无知者解说不可知事物的性质”。

83、Be agile. Rather than trying to predict an unknowable future, build anorganisationcapable of seizing unexpected opportunitiesasthey arise. ─── 头脑要灵活。不要试图预测不可知的未来,建立一套能在意料外的机遇出现时抓住机遇的机制。

84、According to many defferent historical datas and the researcher of scholer , we still unknow the time about of Buddhism afference into Xinjiang. ─── 摘要:佛教绘画是研究佛教的重要方面,佛教绘画有极高的文化价值、艺术价值还有极高的旅游价值。

85、No perfectionism, no straining after the unattainable, no postulating of he unknowable; ─── 不追求十全十美的理想,不寻找那些得不到的东西,不知道那些不得而知的东西;

86、The purpose of minerogenetic prediction is to predict the location of unknow ore deposit and preliminary recognization on the basic type of the deposit, its size and so on. ─── 成矿预测的目的是预测未发现矿床的位置,初步认识这些矿床的基本类型、规模等。

87、Then one must understand and accept the fact that its answer is unknowable through science. ─── 然后,必须理解和承认这个事实:它的答案是科学所无法知晓的。

88、Philosophers often say that the only thing about God we can know for sure is how utterly unknowable God is. ─── 哲学家经常说,我们对神的认识只有一样是可以肯定的,那就是我们只知道祂是高深莫测的。

89、In fact, as another interviewee on the program commented, the more we learn through science, the more likely it seems that The Truth is unknowable. ─── 另一位学者在访问中提到,随着越来越多的学习科学知识,我们好像越来越觉得真相是不可知的。

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