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10-03 投稿


slavering 发音

英:[?sl?v?r??]  美:[?sl?v?r??]

英:  美:

slavering 中文意思翻译




slavering 词性/词形变化,slavering变形

动词过去分词: slavered |动词过去式: slavered |动词现在分词: slavering |动词第三人称单数: slavers |

slavering 同义词

oppression | slaveholding | captivity | suppression | sweat | serfdom | thrall | enslavement |servitude | bondage | thralldom | repression | labor | vassalage | thraldom

slavering 反义词


slavering 相似词语短语

1、slathering ─── n.大量;vt.厚厚地涂;大量使用

2、clavering ─── n.闲话;闲谈;n.(Claver)人名;(英)克拉弗;(西、法)克拉韦尔

3、palavering ─── n.谈判,交涉;奉承;vi.唠叨;空谈;奉承,拍马;vt.奉承

4、slivering ─── n.梳毛,梳棉;裂片;vi.成为薄片;裂成小片;vt.使成薄片;使裂成小片

5、slabbering ─── 剥落

6、slandering ─── n.口头诽谤行为;v.诽谤(slander的ing形式)

7、slaveling ─── 奴隶制

8、slaveringly ─── 奴隶制

9、beslavering ─── vt.谄媚;使满身唾液;以唾沫弄污

slavering 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Steve Martin, a writer and historian of black history, says our failure to do so is a sign that we still cannot agree on the very basics of what the slaver trade did to the world. ─── 作家及黑人历史方面的历史学家史蒂夫·马丁说,我们没有做,就表明我们仍未就奴隶贸易对世界造成了什么样的危害这些最基本的问题,取得一致看法。

2、As they peered through the mist, slavering wendigos thought they saw a raging fire in which their prey was burning. ─── 有一个关于四季轮回的传说讲到,一群叫温迪格的食人恶鬼在秋天的乡野追赶诺柯米丝。

3、Slaver used to ship slaves from Africa to America. ─── 奴隶贩子过去把奴隶由非洲运到美洲。

4、Oil in Sudan is so important to China, and U.S has been slavering over it.This time the director tried to pressure Beijing to give up China's benefit there. ─── 苏丹的石油对中国很重要,美国一直虎视眈眈,这次这个导演给北京施压,要中国放弃在苏丹的利益。

5、The Grim Reaper holding The Dogs of War (as described by various prophets) These dogs were fearsome beasts with Red eyes and slavering jaws. ─── 冷酷的收割者牵着战狗(正如各种预言所描述的那样)。这些狗是可怕的野兽,张着血红的眼睛,嘴里淌着口水。

6、The dealer was slavering over some precious stones. ─── 那商人对一些宝石垂涎欲滴。

7、To solve these problems,this paper introduced a method to improve BLP Model by using reading and writing clearance separately,polyinstantiation,master?slaver structure tables and modified reading and writing rules. ─── 针对上述缺陷,文中采用读写权限分开、多实例、主从结构表和修改读写规则等手段对BLP模型进行改造。

8、let saliva dribble from the mouth; slaver; slobber ─── 淌口水

9、white slaver ─── 拐卖妇女为娼的人

10、And the woman reading "City of Glass," an urban fantasy involving a slavering demon and several warlocks? ─── 那么这个这在读《玻璃城市》的女人呢?她是不是想到留着口水的恶魔和英俊潇洒的男巫师?

11、to slaver one's new book ─── 流口水弄脏新书

12、to slobber; to slaver; to drool; to dribble; to salivate; to run at the mouth; to make one's mouth water ─── 流口水

13、He staggered limply about, the blood flowing from nose and mouth and ears, his beautiful coat sprayed and flecked with bloody slaver. ─── 他虚弱地蹒跚着,血从鼻子、嘴和耳朵晨流出来,那身漂亮的皮毛被喷溅上斑斑血迹。

14、“You'd better shut up and save your slaver. ─── (“你最好少说点话,节约一下你的口水。”

15、Keywords Clozapine;Slavering;Constipation;Qihuang kongxian capsule; ─── 氯氮平;流涎;便秘;芪黄控涎胶囊;

16、The press-in rack between front and rear beam is connected with multiple layers trolley.The slaver(or material box) is put in the trolley from outside, and the subsequent will push the prior inside. ─── 压入式货架是在前后梁之间以多层台车重叠相接,从外侧将托盘(或料箱)置于台车推入,后储存之货物会将原先货物推往里面。

17、"Are you all right? You're gaping wider than a Slaver at feeding time." ─── “你好吗?你是巨大的更广泛的比从站上喂食的时间。”

18、-USB 1.1 Slaver for CH375 : CH375 do slaver procedures, Microcontroller with 89 C2051.Before I uploaded CH375 - HOST counterpart and linked use. ─── 详细说明: USB 1.1 Slaver for CH375:CH375做slaver的程序,单片机用89C2051.与我之前上传的CH375-HOST对应,联系起来使用.

19、These three parts are connected by an open end distributed control RS-485 network system with the master slaver topological structure to make exchange between data and instructions. ─── 以上三部分通过RS-485互连,采用主从式拓扑结构,形成一个可扩展的分布式控制网络,实现数据和控制指令的交互。

20、One who can control own affections is own master,one who was controled by affections is the slaver of them. ─── 能控制自己情感的人才是自己的主人,受情感支配的人是情感的奴隶.

21、Conclusion The effect of clozapine had correlation with the EEG change, slavering and dizziness. ─── 结论氯氮平疗效与脑电图异常、流涎、睡眠增多(包括嗜睡)程度呈反相关系。

22、to slaver; ─── 流涎。

23、If I was truly a great human being, as she said, then what was the meaning of this slavering idiocy about me? ─── 如果我像莫娜所说的真是一个伟大的人,我阿谀奉承人的愚蠢行为又该作何解释?

24、Dog infused with chaotic magic turn rabid. The magic degrades their mind and turns them into slavering beasts that hunger for bloodshed. ─── 特别提示:无论何时,只要使用带有狂暴属性的攻击,本单位就会一直攻击敌人,直到自己或敌人倒下为止。

25、The dealer was slavering over some precious stones. ─── 那商人对一些宝石垂涎欲滴。

26、footed creature, bringing the slaver of hunger to the cruel, drooping jowl. ─── 足动物,使口水饥饿的残忍,下垂面颊。

27、slavering dogs ─── 淌着口水的狗

28、Stop slavering over thatbaby!. ─── 别总看著人家的孩子了!.

29、slavering over a plate of spaghetti ─── 垂涎一盘意大利面条.

30、When work is a pleasure, lift is a joy! When work is a duty, life is slaver. ─── 当工作是乐趣时,生活是快乐;当工作是任务时,生活是苦役.---高尔基

31、According to the chosen master and slaver degrees of freedom (DOFs), a model reduction method named Improved Reduced System is used to reduce the DOFs of the original model. ─── 根据选定的主、从自由度,用改进减缩系统方法来减少初始结构的自由度数目。

32、One Method to Solve the Problem of Linear Overturn of Master Slaver JK Triger ─── 主从JK触发器一次翻转问题的解决

33、Methods 120 inpatients were examined and contrasted by EEG before and after treatment with Clozapine for 2 weeks and observed their slavering and dizziness. ─── 方法对120例住院病人服药前及服药2周后进行脑电图检查,观察服药后流涎及睡眠情况并进行比较。

34、The papers pretend to disapprove of this scandal, while at the same time slavering over every salacious detail. ─── 报纸假装不赞同这一丑闻,但此同时又垂涎于每一个诲淫的细节。

35、2.piggish table manners; the piggy fat-cheeked little boy and his porcine pot-bellied father; swinish slavering over food. ─── 像猪一般的饮食方式;像猪一般的胖脸小男孩和他的猪一般大肚皮的父亲。

36、slobber; slaver; drool ─── 流涎

37、How can the western colonist, the slaver master ─── 我想说的是奴隶贩子,但是这个好象是奴隶主

38、The tears, slaver, sweats, urine, excrement, if not mixed with blood and extravasate of inflammation, are not infectious. ─── 泪水、唾液、汗液、尿、粪便等在不混有血液和炎症渗出液的情况下含此种病毒很少,没有传染性。

39、master slaver mode ─── 主从式

40、the piggy fat-cheeked little boy and his porcine pot-bellied father;swinish slavering over food. ─── 像猪一般的胖脸小男孩和他的猪一般大肚皮的父亲。

41、Today's slaver will drain into tomorrow's tear. ─── 现在流的是哈喇子,将成为明天的眼泪。

42、Conclusion The effect of clozapine had correlation with the EEG change, slavering and dizziness. ─── 结论氯氮平疗效与脑电图异常、流涎、睡眠增多(包括嗜睡)程度呈反相关系。

43、So, having announced to myself that the dungeon trawl is dead, I'm pleased to confess that I'm a slavering visionless moron, and it's Hellgate: London that put me in my place. ─── 本来,我告诉自己那种在地下城里潜行探索的体验已经不复存在,现在我坦白之前我只是个没有眼光的笨蛋,是暗黑之门让我有了新的认识和看法。

44、Remember, people is just a slaver of the government! ─── 请记住,人民只是政府的奴隶,永远都是这样。

45、Objective To approach the mechanisms of the symptom of slaver in hepatolenticular degeneration(HLD)patients. ─── 目的探讨肝豆状核变性(HLD)患者合并流涎症状的机制。

46、Like other Hutts, Aarrba was a large, slug-like being with tough oily skin, orange eyes, and a wide slavering mouth. ─── 和其他赫特人一样,阿尔巴长得像一条巨大的鼻涕虫,有着油腻的厚皮、桔黄色的双眼和一张口水不止的大嘴。

47、2.Stop slavering over thatbaby! ─── 别总看著人家的孩子了!

48、We achieve the control of the master and slaver AC motor synchronization and temperature of the drying oven by the ARM embedded controller. ─── 用ARM嵌入式控制器实现主、从电机的同步运行和烘房温度的控制;

49、His stinky slaver, distains the castle in my dream. ─── 恶臭的口水,玷污着我梦中的城堡。

50、He went over to it, held it in his hands awhile, feeling its coolness, smelling the clammy slaver of the lather in which the brush was stuck ─── 他走过去,将它托在手里一会儿,触摸着那股凉劲儿,闻着里面戳着刷子的肥皂沫那粘液的气味。

51、piggish table manners; the piggy fat-cheeked little boy and his porcine pot-bellied father; swinish slavering over food. ─── 像猪一般的饮食方式;像猪一般的胖脸小男孩和他的猪一般大肚皮的父亲。

52、The tiger was slavering. It was thirsty. Or maybe hungry. ─── 老虎在流口水,可能口渴了,或者饿了。

53、If I was truly a great human being, as she said, then what was the meaning of this slavering idiocy about me? ─── 如果我像莫娜所说的真是一个伟大的人,我阿谀奉承人的愚蠢行为又该作何解释?

54、slaver inertial navigation system ─── 子惯导

55、Then hither me across the sea the cruel slaver brought. ─── 于是残酷的奴隶贩子带我到这里来,横渡过海洋。”

56、Results The effects of the patients who had a EEG change, serious slavering and dizziness were marked better than the others (P

57、The dealer was slavering over some precious stones. E. g. ─── 那商人对一些宝石垂涎垂涎欲滴。垂涎

58、He was slavering after that small fortune. ─── 他垂涎于那份小小家产。

59、The thou Ao eye pupil son turns around, one slavering of face facial expression. ─── 古傲眼珠子转来转去,一脸的垂涎表情。

60、slaver system ─── 下位机系统

61、Stop slavering over thatbaby! ─── 别总看著人家的孩子了!

62、Will I get infected if I shake hand with an AIDS patient, kiss them, share dishware with them or drink their slaver? ─── 和得了艾滋病的人握手,接吻、共用餐具、渴下对方的唾液、会感染艾滋吗?

63、Medivh is gone, but the slavering, hungering creatures of his twisted nightmares still remain, forever stalking the gloomy shadows of Karazhan. ─── 现在麦迪文已经不在了,但由他扭曲的梦魇所创造出来的这些饥饿生物,却仍在卡拉赞的阴暗角落继续徘徊。

64、But the unkown traveller played the magic flute against Gersbury.This poor little man lost his mind and didnt know what to do.He just struggled, and be a slaver of the unknown traveller. ─── 但是陌生的旅人对着格思布里吹起了魔迪,格思布里陷入了疯狂的状态,他不知道自己要做什么,只知道回应陌生旅人的命令.

65、In respect of software, control software of slaver computer is designed, using ADS1.2 as compiler and using assembler language and C language as programming languages. ─── 在软件方面,以ADS1.2为编译器,采用汇编语言和C语言相结合的编程方式,设计了下位机控制软件。

66、Perhaps, but not the annihilation of the Democratic party that Republicans are slavering for. ─── 也许,但不是他们渴望的民主党一败涂地。

67、The artist is lover of Nature,therefor he is her slaver and master. ─── 他是自然的孩子,他用自己的语言与自然沟通讲述着他们之间的故事.

68、With Sulu's assistance, the Slaver weapon blows itself up rather than be misused by the Kzinti raiders, whom it destroys along with The Traitor's Claw. ─── 航天飞机在一颗冰封的行星上着陆,敌对分子科辛提人早已带着一个空停滞盒在那埋伏多时。

69、Without slavering the Drengin Empire is weaker, genocide is not their way. ─── 没有奴役,砖真帝国虚弱无力,大屠杀不是他们的出路。

70、13.Today's slaver will drain into tomorrow's tear. ─── 13、现在流的口水,将成为明天的眼泪。

71、When work is a pleasure, life is a joy! When work is a duty, life is slaver! ─── 当工作是乐趣时,生活是快乐;当工作是任务时,生活是苦役?

72、While I was in the neighborhood, I figured some of those slavering technicians in ol' Victor Nefarius' lab might have a use for this Draconic stuff. ─── 虽然我就在附近,但是我敢说这本关于龙语的书籍对奈法里奥斯实验室中那些被奴役的技师们或许有用呢。

73、to slaver over ─── 垂涎于

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