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10-03 投稿


tiff 发音

英:[t?f]  美:[t?f]

英:  美:

tiff 中文意思翻译



tiff 短语词组

1、b tiff b tiff

tiff 词性/词形变化,tiff变形

动词现在分词: tiffing |动词过去分词: tiffed |动词过去式: tiffed |动词第三人称单数: tiffs |

tiff 相似词语短语

1、jiff ─── n.瞬间,一刹那

2、stiff ─── adj.呆板的;坚硬的;僵硬的;严厉的;拘谨的;稠的;(价格)高昂的;(酒)烈性的;adv.极其;僵硬地;彻底地;n.死尸;令人讨厌者;流通票据;劳动者;vt.诈骗;失信

3、diff ─── abbr.扩散器(diffuser);微分;差速器(differential)

4、kiff ─── adj.极好的

5、tiffs ─── n.口角(tiff的复数形式)

6、biff ─── v.(用拳头)狠打;(非正式,骑单车等时)摔下来;n.(用拳的)重击;洋相

7、triff ─── n.定价表;n.(Triff)人名;(罗、匈)特里夫

8、Riff ─── n.反复乐节;即兴重复段;n.(Riff)人名;(法、葡、匈)里夫

9、iff ─── abbr.敌我识别系统(IdentificationFriendorFoe);conj.当且应当(ifandonlyif)

tiff 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Should you encounter a tiff with your partner, the position of Venus and Mars suggests that you can find a solution, so try not to make too much of it. ─── 假使你和你爱人有一点小口角,金星和火星的位置预示着你们会找到解决办法的,所以试着不要把冲突扩大了。

2、plain tiff sues in person ─── 原告自诉

3、Saving as a TIFF image is best for making large prints. ─── 保存为TIFF格式的图片可便于日后的大幅印刷需要。

4、Several images can be stored in a single, multiple-page TIFF file. ─── 单个的多页TIFF文件可以存储数幅图像。

5、Having a little tiff, they badmouthed each other. ─── 他们有个小争执,彼此谩骂。

6、You can use the image functions in PHP to get the size of JPEG, GIF, PNG, SWF, TIFF and JPEG2000 images. ─── 可以在PHP中使用图像函数来得到JPEG,GIF,PNG,SWF,TIFF和JPEG2000图像的大小。

7、TIFF image format ─── TIFF图片格式

8、The TIFF format can also be saved index color bitmaps, but few do so. ─── TIFF格式也可保存索引颜色位图,但是很少有人这么做。

9、TIFF is a flexible and extendable format that is supported by a wide variety of platforms and image-processing applications. ─── TIFF是一种灵活的和可扩展的格式,各种各样的平台和图像处理应用程序都支持这种格式。

10、Can be passed to the TIFF encoder as a parameter that belongs to the save flag category. ─── 可以作为属于保存标志类别的参数传递到TIFF编码器。

11、In order to meet the demand of image-processing during the process of pre-printing and art design,this paper introduces a way of processing an image based on CMYK color space and stored in a TIFF image file. ─── 为满足印前和艺术设计过程中的图像处理的需要,介绍一种基于CMYK(青-品红-黄-黑)颜色空间的图像在TIFF文件中的存储,以及对此类图像的通用处理方法。

12、" How long can I keep this book? " " You can keep it tiff next month." ─── “这本书我能借多久?”“到下个月。”

13、One high-resolution (300 dpi) TIFF file for each complete figure sized to one or two columns?width (83 mm and 170.5 mm respectiely) at a maximum length of 251.5 mm. ─── 其余的文件就应该是上传图片了,可是我有6个图片,只有4个空,怎么办呢?再者,图片上都没有标图1图2,编辑怎么会知道哪张图是图1哪张图是图2呢?

14、This paper introduces three common formats of digital camera such as JPEG,TIFF and RAW,analyzes on three formats,and sums up their advantages,disadvantages and applicability. ─── 介绍了在数码相机上最为常用的JPEG,TIFF和RAW格式,并对这3种格式进行了分析,总结出它们各自的优缺点和适用范围。

15、Developers can build applications with image viewing, editing, printing, powerful TWAIN scanning, fully programmable annotations, redaction, multi-page TIFF and PDF, file format conversion, and more. ─── 可以用来开发文档图像管理应用程序,提供图像浏览、编辑、打印、TWAIN扫描、完全可编程注释、编写、多页TIFF和PDF、文件格式转换等功能。

16、Creating a TIFF file can be very easy, because it is rare to have to do any conversion of the data that you already have. ─── 创建TIFF文件很容易,因为几乎不需要对您已有的数据进行任何转换。

17、At first, templet file of TIFF grayscale image was made with general graphic software, then, templet file was copied and modified, grayscale scenographs was obtained. ─── 先用通用图形软件制作TIFF格式的灰度图象模板文件,通过对模板文件的复制修改得到所需的透视灰度图。

18、zip,577KB,下载 64 次,CxImage is a C++ class to load, save, display, transform BMP, JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, MNG, ICO, PCX, TGA, WMF, WBMP, JBG, J2K images. ─── 下载237次,数字图像处理第二版英文版(冈萨雷斯)这是图像工作者必看的书籍。

19、Can be passed to the TIFF encoder as a parameter that belongs to the Compression category. ─── 可以作为属于压缩类别的参数传递到TIFF编码器。

20、When you take images as TIFF or RAW files, the data are not compressed at all, or are stored using "lossless" compression. ─── TIFF或者RAW格式的图片中,数据没有完全压缩,或者说这些图片是在未压缩的情况下保存的。

21、TIFF Image File Based on CMYK Color Space ─── CMYK图像的TIFF格式

22、A bitmap image file (such as GIF, PNG, TIFF, etc.) is comprised of pixel-based image information. ─── 一个位图文件(如GIF,PNG,TIFF等)由基于像素的图形信息组成。

23、Participants can present their personalized cards for the competition in electronic format (TIFF, JPG with 300 Pixels/ Inch resolution). ─── 与会者可以提出他们的个性化卡,用于竞争的电子格式( TIFF , JPG格式300像素/英寸决议) 。

24、She and your stepmother had a tiff over a mahjong game. Mrs. Chien felt very much abused and used breaking the mach as a form of retaliation. ─── 原来有一天她在牌桌子上跟现在的大舅母有了意见,自以为受了委屈,才拿拒婚的事来报复。

25、Firstly,this paper gives the theoretical basis of Geographic Tagged Image File Format(GeoTIFF):coordinate spaces and coordinate transformation,and it analyses the extension approach and the structure of 6 GeoTags based on TIFF. ─── 剖析了GeoTIFF的坐标空间、坐标转换、存储地理信息的相关途径和6个地理标签之间的关系及含义。

26、G1 and G2 both support a fairly wide variety of image formats, but G2 excels here by supporting a few more interesting ones such as PSD, PDF and TIFF. ─── G1和G2的图片格式支持范围都很大,但G2在这方面更胜一筹,它还支持PSD,PDF和TIFF一类的格式。

27、They patched up their tiff. ─── 他们平息了争执。

28、JPEG, GIFF/JIFF, BMP, and TIFF are the Marketing ost commonly used formats for storingJPEG stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group and is a standard for image compression. ─── 主张的JPEG联合摄影专家小组,是一个标准的图像压缩.

29、QuickTime? and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. ─── (需使用 QuickTime? 和 TIFF (未压缩的) 解压缩程式才能检视此图画。

30、Support BMP, PCX, GIF, JPEG, encountered have, TIFF, TGA, CUR, ICO.AVI formats, meaning quick support from key support Photoshop filter. ─── 另外,它还可以进行滚屏捕捉,捕捉视频与游戏,定时捕捉,录制屏幕为视频等。

31、TIFF bitmaps can be any size to the size and resolution. ─── TIFF位图可具有任何大小的尺寸和分辨率。

32、Eastern Han Dynasty by the scientists, language experts, scholium home note speech phonology of Jurists, has Gongcao cited by the County Xiaolian, into the South Tower wield tiff for captain. ─── 东汉经学家、文字学家、训诂学家、辞注音韵学家,曾由郡功曹举孝廉,入为太尉南阁祭酒。

33、TIFF (Image), XML, and CSV rendering extensions are not supported. ─── 不支持TIFF(图像)、XML和CSV呈现扩展插件。

34、The original picture can be in any of the following formats: BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, or TIFF. ─── 原始图片可以是以下任何一种格式:BMP、GIF、JPEG、PNG或TIFF

35、Making of TIFF Grayscale Scenograph for Eyesight Check-up ─── TIFF格式透视灰度图的制作

36、They patched up their tiff again. ─── 他们平息了争执,又和好如初了。

37、TIFF tiff ─── 一口淡酒

38、Graphics of the TIFF format is then fed into PAGEMAKER layout file, make the drawtexturing phenomenon should be stored as EPS or DCS format. ─── 图形度不小的TIFF方式置出PAGEMAKER版式文件,易爆发拉伸变形本体,答保存为EPS或DCS方式。

39、Japanese actress Aya Ueto attends the opening ceremony of the 21st Tokyo International Film Festival(TIFF) in Tokyo, capital of Japan, Oct. 18, 2008. (Xinhua/Ren Zhenglai ─── 2008年10月18日,日本演员上户彩参加第二十一届东京国际电影节的开幕式。

40、Only the first image of a TIFF file with multiple images (sub files) is imported. ─── 只会导入含有多个图像(子文件)的TIFF文件的第一个图像。

41、TIFF image file ─── TIFF文件格式

42、TIFF format can serve as the bridge between designing and printing, and help to improve fabrication and output result. ─── TIFF格式可起到设计与印刷的桥梁作用,从而提高制作和输出所需要的效果。

43、He also says that, as a Torontontian, he's proud to see the direction TIFF has gone in as one of the premier festivals in the world. ─── 他也说,身为多伦多人,他为TIFF成为全世界最重大的电影节之一的方向而自豪。

44、In addition, LZW compression TIFF format files, especially when this format of the image in the typesetting software has been aicid with, RIP interpretation will also be a problem. ─── 不兴此之外,LZW压伸的TIFF方式文件,不出格是当这栽方式的图像在排版软件洋又不纬功了伸出办理时,RIP注释也会呈现题目。

45、About Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) ─── 关于“Tag图像文件格式”(TIFF)

46、Input formats: multi-page DCX and TIFF files. ─── 可以输入的格式包括:多页面 DCX 和 TIFF 文件。

47、The DCX or TIFF files can be converted to PDF or EPS. ─── DCX 或者 TIFF 文件可以被转换为 PDF 或者 EPS 文件格式。

48、He had watched as Tiff had measured the distance and he thought, Do I tell him not to do it? ─── 他看着Tiff测量距离,心里想:要不要叫他别跳?他下了决心:不行,不能拦住他。

49、Japanese actor Hiroshi Abe attends the opening ceremony of the 21st Tokyo International Film Festival(TIFF) in Tokyo, capital of Japan, Oct. 18, 2008. (Xinhua/Ren Zhenglai ─── 2008年10月18日,日本演员阿部弘资参加第二十一届东京国际电影节的开幕式。

50、Then I'll show how to read a TIFF file back into your program. ─── 然后,我将演示如何将 TIFF 文件读回程序中。

51、First I'll show how to write a TIFF file out. ─── 首先,我将向您演示如何写出TIFF文件。

52、The following image formats are supported: JPG, GIF, GIF animation, PNG, JPEG2000, PCX, ICO, TGA, TIFF, BMP, WBMP, AVI, WMF, EMF and MNG. ─── 下一个图象格式被支持:JPG,,GIF 动画, PNG, JPEG2000, PCX, ICO, TGA,TIFF, BMP, WBMP, AVI, WMF,EMF 和 MNG。

53、"Oh, we've never been serious about it-not enough to have a tiff, anyway!" ─── “本来没有什么,谈不到发生变化。”

54、to have a tiff with sb ─── 与某人口角

55、DWG to TIFF Converter Command Line 1.1 2008-5-27 -1 ─── 以TIFF文件转换器是一种易于使用的最终用户向导,

56、TIFF: Bitmapped line drawings: use a minimum of 1000 dpi. ─── tiff文件:映射,以及点阵线图纸:用最少的1000dpi。

57、DWG to TIFF Converter Command Line 1.1 ... ─── 以TIFF文件转换器是一种易于使用的最终用户向导,...

58、With this program, you can combine multipage, single page, Intel format, and Motorola format TIFF files into one document seamlessly. ─── 使用这个程序,你可以无缝组合多页,单页,Intel格式和Motorola格式的TIFF文件到一个文档中。

59、CxImage is a C + + class to load, save, display, transform BMP, JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, MNG, ICO, PCX, TGA, WMF, WBMP, JBG, J2K images. ─── (译):CxImage是一个C + +类加载,保存,展示,变换图像,图像的GIF ,巴布亚新几内亚,的TIFF , MNG航空货运,意, PCX ,热的WMF , WBMP , JBG , J2K图像。

60、The TIFF filter also supports the TIFF Extension for CMYK images. ─── TIFF过滤器也支持CMYK图像的TIFF扩展。

61、After a tiff with Xiubin, Aili plans to put the blame on her by lying to everyone that she has suffered a miscarriage. ─── 假怀孕的艾莉,于是借此机会把罪推给秀彬,一回家后便向大家宣布肚子里的孩子已经没了。

62、But in a border tiff that has escalated into a public relations war, it seems to be getting the better of its neighbor Nicaragua. ─── 但是,在一个边境的TIFF已成为一个公共关系的战争升级,这似乎是得到其邻国尼加拉瓜更好。

63、DWG to JPG Converter is a batch converter that allows you to convert DWG and DXF files to TIF (TIFF), JPG (JPEG), BMP, GIF, PNG, TGA, PCX, WMF and EMF without the need of AutoCAD. ─── dwg档,以JPG格式转换器是一批转换,使您可以转换dwg档和DXF文件,以tif ( TIFF文件) , JPG格式( JPEG格式的) , BMP , GIF和PNG等的TGA , pcx ,有WMF和EMF ,而不需要AutoCAD的。

64、Function of TIFF format in designing and printing ─── TIFF格式在设计与印刷中的作用

65、TIFF: Combinations bitmapped line/half-tone (colour or greyscale): a minimum of 500 dpi is required. ─── tiff文件:组合映射,以及点阵线/半调子(彩色或灰阶):至少500dpi。

66、Formats that are supported include JPEG, BMP, GIF, TIFF, PCX, PNG, PGM and TGA. ─── 你能够关于屏幕依大小排列和移动图象。

67、Resco Picture Viewer has ability to quickly display images of file formats: RAB, BMP, 2BP, JPG, JPE, JPEG, GIF, PCX, PCD, TIF, TIFF. ─── 再生图片浏览器已经能够迅速显示图像的文件格式:注册委员会, BMP和2BP , JPG格式, JPE , JPEG格式,的GIF , PCX ,聚晶金刚石,格式格式。

68、AutoCAD DWG to JPG is a batch converter that allows you to convert DWG and DXF files to TIF (TIFF), JPG (JPEG), BMP, GIF, PNG, TGA, PCX, WMF and EMF without the need of AutoCAD. ─── AutoCAD的dwg档,以JPG是一种批处理转换,使您可以转换dwg档和DXF文件,以tif ( TIFF文件) , JPG格式( JPEG格式的) , BMP , GIF和PNG等的TGA , pcx ,有WMF和EMF ,而不需要AutoCAD的。

69、36. TIFF format can serve as the bridge between designing and printing, and help to improve fabrication and output result. ─── TIFF格式可起到设计与印刷的桥梁作用,从而提高制作和输出所需要的效果。

70、The Printing Techniques of TIFF Image with Single Color Pins Printer ─── TIFF图像单色针式打印机打印技术

71、Storage format generally used software generally accepted TIFF, go to the bottom of the image available clip path stores. ─── 保存方式凡是搁置制息软件个别剥夺的TIFF,去不顶的图像可用剪辑路径保存。

72、a labour tiff ─── 劳资纠纷

73、"My wife was telling me the other day that you and Su-su have had a bit of a tiff." ─── “前天听佩瑶说起,你和素素中间有了变化?”

74、a big family can not avoid the tiff between the wife and her husband'sister. ─── 一个大家庭里, 难免有姑嫂勃虓之争。

75、Submit color files at 300 dpi TIFF, PS, or EPS format. If selecting a file mode, use CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) or RGB (red, green, blue). ─── 上面这三个是针对如果你上传的图片是黑白图片说的吧?如果要上传彩色图片,是不是只遵循下面这条?

76、You are trying to save an indexed canvas to a TIFF file which is not possible. I would suggest you save with a PNG extension. ─── 19您正试着储存索引过的画布为TIFF档案,而这并不可能。我会建议您储存为PNG延伸格式。

77、Tiff: Mr. Lee said something about opening up the company and licensing franchisers across the country. ─── 蒂芙:李先生曾提到关于设立公司,并在全国各地授权经销商。

78、Tiff: I don't know. I think I'll have the goat cheese . I've never had it before, and they seem to put it in everything here! ─── 蒂芙:我不知道。我想我点个山羊奶酪好了。我从来没吃过,而且,他们好像每道菜都会加!

79、It can display an unlimited number of jpeg, png, tiff, avi, mov, mpg, panorama, flash animations (swf files) and web pages. ─── 利用它可以方便的制作出图文并茂的屏幕保护程序,提供多种过渡性效果。

80、TIFF is the best file format for storing bit-mapped images on personal computers. ─── TIFF是用于在个人计算机上存储位映射图像的最佳文件格式。

81、The Panorama Factory supports JPG, BMP, PNG, TIFF image formats and QTVR, IVR and PTViewer virtual reality formats. ─── 全景工厂支持的JPG , BMP和PNG等TIFF图像格式和QTVR影片, IVR和ptviewer虚拟现实格式。

82、-FreeImage is to want to support the popular image formats (BMP, JPEG, TIFF, PCX, etc.) provided by the developer for a development project. ─── FreeImage是为想支持流行的图像格式(BMP, JPEG, TIFF, PCX 等等)的开发人员提供的一个开发库项目。

83、Reading TIFF files reliably is much harder than writing them. ─── 可靠地读 TIFF 文件比起写它们要困难得多。

84、TXT, image use JPEG, TIFF, video use MPEG, AVI, audio use MP3, WAV.Monitor and control the operation to the system and make records. ─── TXT格式,扫描图像数据采用JPEG、TIFF格式,视频数据采用MPEG、AVI格式,音频数据采用MP3、WAV等格式。

85、DWG to JPG Converter Pro is a batch converter that allows you to convert DWG and DXF files to TIF (TIFF), JPG (JPEG), BMP, GIF, PNG, TGA, PCX, WMF and EMF without the need of AutoCAD. ─── dwg档,以JPG格式转换Pro是一批转换,使您可以转换dwg档和DXF文件,以tif ( TIFF文件) , JPG格式( JPEG格式的) , BMP , GIF和PNG等的TGA , pcx ,有WMF和EMF ,而不需要AutoCAD的。

86、TIFF: Colour or greyscale photographs (halftones): always use a minimum of 300 dpi. ─── tiff文件:彩色或灰阶的照片( halftones ) :始终使用最低300dpi。

87、TIFF format ─── TIFF格式

88、But on the other hand, this obsoletes the work we were doing on an eLoader for the GripShift exploit - there's no need for it, since the TIFF exploit should work on all PSPs, with or without the game. ─── We've worked hard on it, but so many busy events in our lives (parenting, moving料理大师panny house, pressures of work in the current economic climate) have meant that progress was slower than we'd hoped.

89、Application of TIFF Image File in Imaging Logging System ─── TIFF图像文件在成像测井系统中的应用

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