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10-03 投稿


nonsexual 发音


英:  美:

nonsexual 中文意思翻译



nonsexual 短语词组

1、nonsexual motive ─── 非性动机

2、nonsexual dysfunction ─── 非性功能障碍

3、nonsexual need ─── 非性需求

4、nonsexual violence ─── 非性暴力

nonsexual 相似词语短语

1、consensual ─── adj.交感的;在双方同意下成立的;一致同意的

2、consentual ─── adj.牵连到互相同意事项或者经由互相同意而执行的;两愿的

3、homosexual ─── adj.同性恋的;同性性吸引的;n.同性恋者

4、nonserial ─── 非连续的

5、nonsecular ─── 不稳定的

6、pansexual ─── adj.泛性(论)的

7、antisexual ─── 反性

8、unsexual ─── 无性的,无性欲的

9、nonequal ─── 不相等

nonsexual 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、nonsexual generation ─── 无性世代

2、nonsexual dysfunction ─── 非性功能失调

3、Connections of all kinds, even the nonsexual ones, can be symbolized through sexual relationships in the dream world. ─── 各种各样的关系,甚至是非性的,都可以通过梦境得以呈现。

4、However, in some circumstances, nonsexual conduct may take on sexual connotations and rise to the level of sexual harassment. ─── 但是,在某些情形之下,非性方面的举止可能会呈现性方面的含义,并上纲上线到性骚扰的程度。

5、Scientists have long known that some decidedly nonsexual things can get our brains going. ─── 很久以来科学家们就发现某些一定属于和性无关的事物能让我们头脑兴奋。

6、However, in some circumstances, nonsexual conduct may take on sexual connotations and rise to the level of sexual harassment. ─── 但是,在某些情形之下,非性方面的举止可能会呈现性方面的含义,并上纲上线到性骚扰的程度。

7、This is not to say that the vulva is nonsexual. ─── 这不是说女阴就是无性的。

8、Population of genetically identical cells or organisms that originated from a single cell or organism by nonsexual methods. ─── 又译克隆。

9、Fetish: something, such as a material object or a nonsexual part of the body, thatAROUSES sexual desire and may become necessary for sexual gratification. ─── 呵呵,中文解释为“恋物情结”,好像简单了点。好了,大家来讨论讨论吧。呵呵。

10、HIV is not transmitted by casual contact or even by the close nonsexual contact that occurs at work, school, or home. ─── 在工作场所、学校或家里的平常接触甚或密切的非性接触都不会传播HIV。

11、A Primary Study on Nonsexual Cross of Haw-Apple by Using Text Tube Grafting ─── 用试管嫁接进行山楂-苹果无性杂交研究初报

12、Spores are agents of nonsexual reproduction;gametes are agents of sexual reproduction. ─── 孢子是无性繁殖的代表,配子是有性繁殖的代表。

13、I would also try to change the subject to education matters or to nonsexual personal matters such as his background or his beliefs. ─── 我同样设法把这种话题转到教育学问题或没有性的个人问,例如像他的背景或信心。

14、HIV is not transmitted by casual contact or even by the close nonsexual contact that occurs at work, school, or home. ─── 在工作场所、学校或家里的平常接触甚或密切的非性接触都不会传播HIV。

15、Even if it's a nonsexual area like your back, he has to pay attention to that area until you stop shining the flashlight on it. ─── 即使不是性感地带比如背部,他也必须投入精力只要你不停止照射。

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