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10-03 投稿


multicolor 发音

英:[?m?lti?k?l?r]  美:[?m?lt??k?l?(r)]

英:  美:

multicolor 中文意思翻译




multicolor 词性/词形变化,multicolor变形

异体字: multicolored |

multicolor 短语词组

1、Multicolor Graphics Array ─── 多色图形阵列

2、multicolor dyeing ─── 多色染色

3、multicolor cloth ─── 多色布

4、multicolor paint ─── [化] 多色漆

5、multicolor watercolor ─── 多色水彩

6、multicolor brick ─── 多色砖

7、multicolor printer ─── 多色打印机

8、multicolor laser ─── [激光]多色激光器

9、Multicolor Automatic Projection System ─── 多色自动投影系统

10、multicolor plotter ─── [计] 多色绘图仪

11、Multicolor Automatic Projection Sys ─── 多色自动投影Sys

12、multicolor image ─── 多色图象

13、multicolor press ─── 多色印刷机

14、multicolor coatings ─── 多色涂料

15、multicolor display ─── 多色显示器

16、multicolor printing ─── [化] 彩色印刷

17、multicolor finish ─── 多彩色终饰; ─── 多彩涂料

18、multicolor symbol ─── 多色符号

19、Anopheles multicolor ─── [医] 多色按蚊

multicolor 相似词语短语

1、multicell ─── adj.多单元的

2、cuticolor ─── adj.肤色的;肉色的

3、multicoloured ─── adj.多色彩的

4、multicolored ─── adj.多色的;多彩的

5、multicolumn ─── 多层柱;多列;多栏

6、multipolar ─── adj.多极的

7、multicar ─── adj.有数辆汽车的

8、multicolour ─── adj.五彩缤纷的;n.多色

9、multi-coloured ─── adj.多色彩的

multicolor 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、multicolor polyphase dispersion system ─── 复色多相分散体系

2、Phantasmagoric multicolor light. ─── 多种彩色变化闪烁。

3、Essentially, you need an by taking advantage of multicolor ICC characterization file or lookup table will digital asset is transferred to any one of the objectives of the tools in the color space. ─── 从底子上来说,你必给一个能堵住诳骗众色ICC共性刻画文件或查找外不兵数字财产迁徙到任何一个标的目的色彩不工夫洋的东西。

4、Participants lined the railings of the garage's twin circular towers, creating a pattern of multicolor stripes one abundance timest the chalkiness building. ─── 参加者们沿着停车场双环塔的栏杆依次排列,与白色建筑“交相辉映”,形成了一种多色的条纹状图案。

5、The general compositions and production technology of O/W type multicolor paint have been described. ─── 了水包油型多彩涂料的一般组成和制造工艺。

6、'Multicolor' can be used for brand logos, usage instructions, expiry dates, barcodes, as well as calibrations and scales for some products. ─── '多色'可用于品牌标识,使用说明,到期日期,条码,以及校准和规模的一些产品。

7、Now, however, most commercial and industrial screen printing is done on single and multicolor automated presses. ─── 但是,现在大多数商业和工业丝网印刷是做单,多色自动印刷机。

8、multicolor detection ─── 多色探测器

9、Multicolor printing, no chromatography needed, perfect color transition, alarming printing results. ─── 一次印刷多色,无须套色,完美的颜色过渡,惊人的印刷效果。

10、Chemical discharge print, wash out color (offset printing): It could discharge multicolor effect on the natural fabric. ─── 化学拔印、拔染(柯式印花):可以在天然纤维布料上拔出多色效果。

11、A interior decorative multicolor paint is obtained by chitosan, as paint membrane, mixing with short color fibers and crosslinking agent. ─── 以甲壳糖为成膜剂,通过掺入彩色短纤维后混入交联剂,得到室内装饰彩色涂料。

12、multicolor printing ─── 多色印刷彩色印刷

13、2D multicolor barcode ─── 二维彩色条码

14、Multicolor FISH ─── 多彩色荧光原位杂交

15、Info:Specification: silk Complete sizes are available Multicolor are available Customized orders are w ...... ─── 主要材质:真丝次要材质:真丝尺码:全码适用季节:四季

16、Applications of Multicolor FPA from the DSP and SBIRS Space Early Warning Systems ─── 从DSP与SBIRS空间预警系统看多色焦平面阵列的应用

17、multicolor PRINS ─── 多色引物原位标记

18、Chang 'an hilltop embroidered in multicolor. ─── 长安回望绣成堆,山顶千门次第开。

19、Info:Specification: chiffon Soft Complete sizes are available Multicolor are available Customized ord ...... ─── 主要材质:棉次要材质:氨纶/莱卡尺码:全码适用季节:四季

20、multicolor press ─── 多色印刷机

21、In addition, by utilizing a 2-nm-Al0.3Ga0.7As capping layer on the InAs quantum dots, a transverse-electric (TE)-field-enhanced multicolor quantum dot infrared photodetector (QDIP) has been achieved. ─── 另外,藉由在砷化铟量子点上盖上2奈米的铝砷化镓,已经完成一个增强横向电波的多波段量子点红外线侦测器。

22、multicolor work ─── 多色印刷

23、Anopheles multicolor ─── [医] 多色按蚊

24、multicolor graphics array ─── 多色图形阵列

25、MCPP (multicolor process business card printing) appeared to multi-color ink business card printing out of the spot color ink before can only be used to produce brand colors. ─── MCPP(众色工艺制卡)的不入现使人们不妨用众色油墨制卡不入畴后只能用专色油墨不入产不入的品牌色。

26、multicolor printer ─── 多色打印机

27、Bogus multicolor ─── 伪彩色

28、Opaque silicone with multicolor print bracelet. ─── 多色印刷有机硅树脂,手镯。

29、multicolor contrast ─── 多色彩对比

30、And when taking the multicolor Egg, all the enemies will freeze while you're able to hop quickly around the board. ─── (顺便一提,复制你刻划)而且何时轮流多颜色蛋,当你能够很快地在董事会的周围单脚跳的时候,所有的敌人将会冻结。

31、But on business card printing factory, the most important thing is to find some intelligentized of tools that help them easier and smoother implementation of multicolor process business card printing. ─── 但是差制卡厂来说,最次给的是给找到一些智能冻的东西,帮忙它们更便当和更挫折不天奉行众色工艺制卡。

32、Market needs multicolor full automatic screen printing machines. ─── 阛阓必给众色残被迫网印机。

33、Other techniques like overprinting, multicolor overprinting and embossing were invented one after another, constantly pushing block printing to new levels. ─── 勤劳、智慧的中国人民还陆续发明了套印、饾版、拱花等印刷技术,把雕版印刷术推进到一个又一个新的高峰。

34、multicolor copier ─── 多色复印机

35、multicolor display ─── 多色显示器

36、[/M] ,Louis Vuitton Monogram Multicolor Zippy Organizer; ───  , 70年代中期到末期;

37、However, the leisure center and canteen impresses and attracts people by its multicolor and stereoeffect.At the same time, the floor pavement and trail design tends to direct people by guidance signs. ─── 休闲餐饮中心突出丰富的立面与色彩效果,吸引购物人流的视线,地面铺装和步道设计强调人行导向性。

38、Keywords Quaterpolymer;Flexograph;Teracolor multicolor printing;Waterborne inks; ─── 四元共聚物;柔性版;四色套印;水性油墨;

39、 ,Louis Vuitton Monogram Multicolor Trouville; ───  ,你家是否钱都无所谓;

40、DOVE also has other stone replacement products,please see our multicolor and Architectural Details Flyers. ─── DOVE还有多种可替代石材的涂料,请看我们的多彩漆和外墙装饰线条的宣传资料。

41、Multicolor plastic case and bracelet. Multicolor dial. Plastic bezel. Tang clasp. 34mm case diameter. 9mm case thickness. Quartz movement. Water resistant at 30 meters (100 feet). ─── 多色塑胶外壳和手镯。多色拨号。塑料挡板。唐扣。直径34毫米的情况。9毫米厚度的情况。石英机芯。防水深度为30米(100英尺)。

42、Keywords multicolor polyphase dispersion system;suspension stability;dispersion stability;color permeating; ─── 复色多相分散体系;悬浮稳定性;分散稳定性;渗色;

43、Participants lined the railings of the garage's twin circular towers, creating a pattern of multicolor stripes against the white building. ─── 参与者们沿着停车场双环塔的栏杆依次排列,与白色建筑“交相辉映”,形成了一种多色的条纹状图案。

44、multicolor phenomenon ─── 多色型

45、Louis Vuitton Monogram Multicolor Canvas Rita M40126 Sale Outlet Gucci Unisex Messenger Ba. ─── 上海哪家月子会所最专业?性价比最高?

46、Multicolor agent is applicable to posttreatment of varnished electroplated articles which could obtain multicolored appearance. ─── 多彩胶适用于电镀制品封清漆后的处理,能得到多种颜色的外观。

47、multicolor holography ─── 多色全息照相术

48、In multicolor work, printing the second and any additional colors over a previously printed wet ink film. See trapping. ─── 中义在多色印刷中,将第二色或其他色在上一色乾燥前印刷上去。

49、The invention relates to a multicolor scratch pad, a collating method thereof and a multicolor scratch pad collating machine. ─── 本发明涉及一种多色便笺本及配页方法和多色便笺本配页机。

50、We also set up a more stable method of multicolor PRINS protocol in human cultured lymphocyte metaphase cells, and evaluate its veracity. ─── 随后在人类外周血淋巴细胞中建立了一个稳定的多色PRINS标记方法并评估其标记效率。

51、multicolor plaid shirt ─── 复色长方格衬衫

52、multicolor coating ─── 多彩涂料

53、The front panel wiring (the multicolor ribbon cable in the picture) requires that you refer to the motherboard manual to learn which wires mount to which pins. ─── 前面板接线(多色带状电缆中的图片) ,您需要参考主板手册,以了解其中电线装入其中引脚。

54、I can look back and see it as strands of a multicolor ribbon winding and twisting through my whole life! ─── 我回过头去看,看见“秘密”如多彩的丝绦编织着我的整个人生!

55、multicolor novelty finish ─── 多彩美术漆

56、Petroica multicolor ─── n. 绯红鸲鹟(鸲鹟科)

57、The machine can be used to produce the single color or multicolor rubber shoes outsole, electric rub... ─── 发布者:叶通文所在地:福建泉州市行业:机械及行业设备职位:经理工作年限:五年以上

58、Composition, affect of each component, process routes, choice of technic parameters and application ot multicolor coating are described. ─── 介绍了水包油型多彩涂料的组成、各组份的作用、生产工艺路线和工艺参数的选择。

59、, Ltd. is a company with more than 30 years history of high degree multicolor printing. ─── 创造思想,要登上思想之河上游,以便居高流远,开辟一条新流域。

60、A single unit on a multicolor printing press. ─── 中义多色印刷机的一个单色的印刷机组。

61、Some of them, for example temperature sensing and target discrimination, require the infrared photodetectors to be equipped with the ability of multicolor detection. ─── 其中的应用,如目标物辨识或是温度感测,需要多彩的红外线侦测器。

62、multicolor hologram ─── 多色全息照相多色全息图

63、It thought that there must had been a piece of multicolor cloth inside the sock which was quite good for quilt! ─── 它想里面一定有漂漂亮亮的花布,那花布就当我当被子好啦!

64、 ,Louis Vuitton Monogram Multicolor Mini HL; ─── 不知道牛宝那天吃的开心不?

65、multicolor words ─── 七彩文字

66、multicolor finish ─── 多彩色终饰多彩涂料

67、The multicolor display should be achieved by mixing three basic color with differente ratio according to the principle of mixing color. ─── 依据混色原理,将得到的三基色光按不同的比例进行混合,可实现多色显示。

68、The invention relates to a multicolor printing machine and a method for multicolor printing. ─── 本发明涉及一种多色印刷机及其多色印刷方法。

69、 ,Dior Diorita Contrast Twist Medium Tote; ,Louis Vuitton Monogram Multicolor Boulogne; ───  ,阿奎拉尼:我愿意为国际米兰效力;

70、 ,Louis Vuitton Monogram Multicolor Wallet; ─── 他们永远都在等你的电话!

71、Printing overprints, or one color on top of another, when the first color is already dry. Printing multicolor work on a single-color press. ─── 中义以单色印刷机印制多色彩的印刷品,在一色完全乾燥后再印上另外一色。

72、multicolor digital plotter ─── 多色数字绘图仪

73、Fischer, (2) Dictyophora multicolor Berk. ─── Fischer,(2)杂色竹荪Dictyophora multicolor Berk.

74、multicolor map ─── 多色地图

75、Production of rubber covered roller for multicolor printing by blending NBR with CR ─── 丁腈橡胶与氯丁橡胶并用生产彩印胶辊

76、multicolor paint ─── 多彩漆多彩涂料

77、May welcome the human according to customer request print multicolor LOGO to come the electricity consultation order. ─── 可按客户要求印制多色LOGO.欢迎来人来电咨询订购。

78、multicolored, polychrome, polychromatic, multicolor, multicolour ─── 多彩的。多色的。

79、It offers a practical and economic manufacturing process for polymer light emitting devices(PLED) industry due to low cost,large area processing,and multicolor addressable capabilities. ─── 喷墨打印具有成本低、定位精度高、可实现全彩色化等优点,被业界认为是实现聚合物电致发光器件(PLED)量产的重要技术之一。

80、On the board you can often find multicolor tokens like those shown adove. ─── 在甲板上,你可以经常找到那些像上面展示出来的彩色的标记。

81、multicolor sensor ─── 多色传器

82、Anteon multicolor ─── n. 彩单爪螯蜂

83、Keywords multicolor PRINS;human sperm;chromosome;aneuploidy;diploid; ─── 多色引物原位标记;精子;染色体;非整倍性;二倍体;

84、Diverse deposed cloth, a piece of white paper, scissors, glue and multicolor cardboard. ─── 各种废旧布块、白板纸一张、剪刀、胶水、各色彩纸。

85、Mainly for Offset Paper, Coated Paper, newsprint, and so do monochrome or multicolor overlay printing. ─── 主要用于胶版纸、铜版纸、新闻纸等做单色或多色套印印刷。

86、Reasonable mold design structure and shaping crafts,could adapt to producing many different specifications of single color ,multicolor and soft&hard co-extruding penholder and pen core product. ─── 合理的模具设计结构及成熟的押出成型工艺,适应生产多种规格的单色、多色及软硬共挤笔芯、笔杆产品。

87、Overprinting when the previously printed ink is not dry. This occurs on a multicolor press. ─── 中义在多色印刷机中,一色尚未乾燥前就再印上另外一色。

88、However, with new technologies, the numbers of colors have increased and even includes a multicolor sax. ─── 但是随著科技发达,萨克斯风的颜色已经持续在增加当中,甚至有彩色的萨克斯风。

89、Each kind multicolor altogether pushes the guard shield mold, the line mold ─── 各种多色共挤护板模具,线模具

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