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10-03 投稿


mottoes 发音

英:[?m?t??z]  美:[?mɑto?z]

英:  美:

mottoes 中文意思翻译



mottoes 词性/词形变化,mottoes变形

名词复数: mottoes |

mottoes 常用词组

olympic motto ─── 奥林匹克格言

school motto ─── 校训

mottoes 相似词语短语

1、mottoed ─── 墨脱的

2、mottos ─── n.座右铭;警句(motto的复数)

3、motties ─── 接受

4、grottoes ─── 洞穴;岩穴(grotto的复数)

5、cuttoes ─── 墨鱼

6、mottlers ─── n.斑点;杂色;斑驳(mottle的变形)

7、mottles ─── 斑点

8、potatoes ─── n.[作物]土豆(potato的复数形式);[作物]马铃薯

9、mottes ─── n.丛林;n.(Motte)人名;(日)物袋(姓);(德、法、英)莫特

mottoes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、What is the motto of the Olympic? ─── 奥林匹克的格言是什么?

2、The Exchange receives its own Coat of Arms, with the motto “Dictum Meum Pactum” (My Word is My Bond). ─── 交易所有了自己的盾徽,座右铭是:我的话就是我的约定(说话算数)

3、Jane: I can hear the motto "Swifter, Higher, Stronger" in the sports meeting. ─── 在运动会上,我经常听到这样一句话“更快、更高、更强”。

4、What is your motto and what is mine? ─── 什麽是你的座右铭,我的又是什麽?

5、The Green Party motto is Think Globally, Act Locally. ─── 它的座右铭是:思想全球化,行动本地化。

6、Surround yourself with books,pictures,mottoes,and other suggestive devices. Pick things that symbolize and reinforce achievement and self-reliance. ─── 在你的四周放置书籍、图片、座右铭能强化成就和自力更 生意义的东西,并且随时变更放置位置。

7、Mr.Zhang’s motto is:“making lawyers’ coronet of honor with thorns”. ─── 他的座右铭是“用荆棘编织律师的荣誉之冠”。

8、"Set me free(Let me go),please."asked the bird,"I can teach you three wisdom mottoes. ─── "把我放了吧,"鸟说,"我可以教你三句智慧箴言.

9、The motto many people repeat is: reduce, reuse, recycle. ─── 其口号是:少用,重复使用,回收.

10、An allegorical picture usually inscribed with a verseor motto presenting a moral lesson. ─── 寓意画通常与诗歌或警句刻在一起给人道德教育的具有隐喻的图画。

11、Thoughts and mottoes can beautify one's soul, exactly the way flowers can beautify one's room. ─── 思想和格言可以美化灵魂,正如鲜花可以美化房间一样。

12、Moderation in all things is my motto. ─── 凡事有节制是我的座右铭。

13、The Olympic motto "Swifter, Higher, Stronger." Expresses the aspirations of all the athletes in the Olympic Movement. ─── 奥林匹克格言“更快、更高、更强”充分表达了奥林匹克运动倡导的不断进取、永不满足的奋斗精神。

14、CAE's Motto: Timely delivery is the top priority of air express. ─── 公司信念:民航快递,时效第一。

15、Her commencement-visit's motto is less kowtow, more criticism. ─── 她对第一个出访国的的建议是少磕头,多批评(少栽花,多栽刺?)

16、THE title of the Shanghai band “BIZ” indicates the motto it lives by: “Even a small potato can do big business! ─── 上海乐队biz的名字体现着他们的座右铭:平凡人也能做大事。

17、Is therefore the motto of the Enlightenment. ─── 就是启蒙的座右铭。

18、"Swifter, Higher, Stronger" is the motto of Olympic Games. Do you think it's possible for us to practice it. ─── 奥林匹克运动的著名格言是“更快、更高、更强”,你认为我们人类能够不断地超越自己吗?

19、"Get on or get out" was Mr. Johnson's motto. ─── “不进步--就滚蛋”成了约翰逊先生的座右铭。

20、They didn't have to talk about it---they demonstrated the motto by the way they lived. ─── 他们不必讨论这句座右铭--而是用他们的生活方式来印证它。

21、You know, I collect your mottoes and sentences. ─── 你要知道,我正在收集你的格言和警句。

22、What do you think of the Olympic motto "Higher,faster adn stronger"? ─── 你怎么看“更高、更卡、更强”的奥林匹克口号?

23、Always be prepared.@ That's the boy scouts' motto. ─── “随时有备”是男童军的格言。

24、"Xue Li Tun goods" is a unique new school motto. ─── “敦品励学”是学校新颖独特的校训。

25、An allegorical picture usually inscribed with a verse or motto presenting a moral lesson. ─── 寓意画通常与诗歌或警句刻在一起给人道德教育的具有隐喻的图画

26、Motto: Optimist, a man who gets treed by a lion but enjoys the scenery. ─── 一个乐观的人,就是那种被狮子逼上树梢,也同样会欣赏美丽的风景的人。

27、In any case, I always believe in one motto: tomorrow is a brand new day! ─── 不管怎么样,我永远相信一句话,明天是崭新的一天!

28、Tell me what the state motto of Massachusetts is. ─── 告诉我麻萨诸塞州的州徽什么样?

29、School mottoes are the keys to interpreting normal educational beliefs and traditions. ─── 校训是解读师范办学理念与传统的钥匙。

30、"Love them and leave them" was the motto of the amorous Don Juan. ─── “爱她们随后抛弃她们”是风流浪荡子唐璜的座右铭。

31、The motto of the company is success of the company. ─── 公司的成功来源于公司的格言.

32、Rather than the mottoes on sun-dials. ─── 不愿遵从日晷上的箴言。

33、What is the motto of Beijing's bid to host 2008 Olympic Games? ─── 北京奥申委声援团将由近百家左右的国内外知名企业组成。

34、Young people in China have also a motto, that is,"Keep the motherland in heart and serve the people". ─── 中国青年也把“胸怀祖国、服务人民”作为自己的座右铭。

35、"Serve the people" is our motto. ─── “为人民服务”是我们的座右铭。

36、Which motto do you like best? ─── 你最喜欢的一条谚语是什么?

37、The Olympic motto is" Swifter, Higher, Stronger. ─── 奥林匹克的箴言是“更快、高、强”。

38、It constantly outdistances us. “Relish the moment” is a good motto. ─── “享受现在”这句箴言颇有道理。

39、In a way, the IOC has a second motto, which is called the Olympic Creed. ─── 在某种程度上,国际奥委会还有第二条格言,被成为奥林匹克信条。

40、You know , I collect your mottoes and sentences . ─── 你要知道,我正在收集你的格言和警句。

41、"Curb them but don't break their spirits," was Mrs. Tarleton's motto. ─── "勒住他们,但不要伤了他们的锐气,"这是塔尔顿夫的箴言。

42、"A teacher ought not to deal in politics" has long become a motto of the past. ─── “老师不应参与政治”这一座右铭老早已经过时了。

43、Some of that philosophy expressed itself with harmless but superficial mottoes, such as "smiling wins more friends than frowning" . ─── 这种哲学可以从一些无害然而浅薄的说法中看出端倪,比如,“微笑能比皱眉赢得更多朋友。”

44、I collect your mottoes and sentences. ─── 我正在收集你的格言和警句。

45、Other than the bad English, the ideas convey in these so-called mottoes run contrary to the Harvard spirit. ─── 除了英语不说,这些所谓训言的理想与哈佛大学的精神背道而驰。

46、"Think before you speak "is a good motto. ─── “三思而后言”是句良好的座右铭。

47、OUR MOTTO: Exercise with Purpose. OUR SLOGAN : The Application of Science is an ART. ─── "我们的格言是:有的放矢,有明确的锻炼目标,我们的口号是:科学的应用是一门艺术。"

48、His life motto is: "integrity, trustworthiness, goodnaturedness, modesty &moderation". ─── “诚、信、慈、俭、中”是他为人处世之准则。

49、He concluded his speech with a motto of Shakspear. ─── 他讲话结束时引用了莎士比亚的语录。

50、"Proud, not complacent," the motto has always accompany me. ─── “自豪,但不自满” 这句箴言有总是陪伴我。

51、Fair play is the motto in the sports. ─── 公平竞争是体育的箴言。

52、Her appointment is in line with the chief executive's motto of strong governance. ─── 她的任命印证了特首强政励治的方针。

53、On the other hand, "Motion" of the Paralympic Motto implies that the IPC is an organization on the move. ─── 另一方面,残奥会格言中的“运动”一词暗示国际残疾人奥委会是一个不断开拓进取的组织。

54、Translating this motto for me. ─── 为我翻译这句座右铭。

55、Collection of famous quotes and collection of mottoes are the most important treasure of the society. ─── 名言集和格言集是社会最可贵的财富。

56、What is the Motto of Beijing's Bid? What's the meaning of it? ─── 北京申办奥运会的口号是什么?该口号有什么意义?

57、Do everything in moderation and nothing to excess was his motto for a happy and healthy life. ─── 凡事节制勿过度,这是他追求愉快、健康生活的座右铭。

58、Nebraska: Ask Our State Motto Con test. ─── 内部拉斯加州:问问关于我们州座右铭大赛的事情吧。

59、Surround yourself with books,pictures,mottoes,and other suggestive devices.Pick things that symbolize and reinforce achievement and self-reliance. ─── 在你的四周放置书籍、图片、座右铭能强化成就和自力更生意义的东西,并且随时变更放置位置。

60、Our Forever motto is "Quality First,Credit Uppermost,Cutomer Supreme"! ─── “质量第一,信誉第一,客户第一”是三星竹木公司永恒的追求。

61、One of his mottoes is "conquering English, revitalising China" . ─── 李阳的口号之一是“攻克英语,振兴中华”。

62、The Olympic motto is Higher, Faster and Stronger. ─── 奥林匹克的格言是“更高,更快,更强”。

63、Good mottoes are hard enough to stand the test of time. ─── 好的格言,坚硬到时光之牙也无法咬断。

64、Some of that philosophy expressed itself with harmless but superficial mottoes, such as "smiling wins more friends than frowning". ─── 这种哲学可以从一些无害然而浅薄的说法中看出端倪,比如,“微笑能比皱眉赢得更多朋友。”

65、ISO9001:2000 has been certified and our mottoes are "make the best use of men""quality first""carefullyprocessing ""satisfying customers". ─── 公司已通过ISO9001:2000质量体系认证。

66、Canada has a motto @From Sea@. ─── 加拿大被誉为“海上之国”。

67、And to shake the tattered arras woven with a silent motto. ─── 和吹起破旧的织有沉默箴言的挂毯的时间。

68、Good mottoes are hard enough to stand the test of time. ─── 好的格言,坚硬到时光之牙也无法咬断。

69、The Olympic Motto first appeared officially in 1920 Antwerp Games. ─── 奥林匹克格言在1920年安特卫普奥运会上正式出现。

70、Let your motto be resistance! ─── 你们的信条是抵抗!

71、"Think before you act" is my motto. ─── “三思而后行”是我的座右铭。

72、Olympic motto is swifter, higher, stronger. ─── 奥林匹克格言是“更快、更高、更强。

73、Their motto was to produce "quickly, cheaply and with quality", but "Umi" went over budget and over schedule. ─── 他们的座右铭是制作要“又快、又经济、又保证品质”,可结果他们超出了预算和进度表。

74、"Quality will never be compromised" is our motto. ─── “追求品质,永无止境”或“质量不打折”或“精益求精”或 是我们的厂训/座右铭/宗旨。

75、What is your motto? I prefer not to say, for fear it might bring me bad luck. ─── 你的座右铭?我不想回答,说出来会遭霉的。

76、Their motto tends to be "a clean and tight code is a work of art, too". ─── 他们的座右铭是"整洁紧凑的代码是种艺术"。

77、Serving the people is my motto. ─── 为人民服务是我的格言。

78、What is the Olympic motto? (Swifter, higher, stronger. ─── 奥运会的格言是什么?(“更快、更高、更强”)

79、Motto: Choose what you like and like what you choose. ─── 人生信条:选择你喜欢的,喜欢你选择的。

80、Nothing. What's a motto with you? ─── 什么也不是,左右铭对你来说是什么?

81、Ubi pants ibi patria, is the motto of all emigrants. ─── “哪里有面包,哪里就是国家。”

82、"Prevention is better that cure" is always the best motto when it come to health care. ─── “预防胜於治疗”是养生保健生活的金科玉律。

83、The company's motto "Deliverance through Perseverance" reflects its dedication towards serving its clients. ─── “坚持提供最佳的服务”是公司的理念,这反映了Apex InfoSoft向客户提供优质服务的决心。

84、They didn't have to talk about it-they demonstrated the motto by the way they lived. ─── 他们无需就此加以评说--他们是以身体力行的方式来证实这幅座右铭的。

85、Her motto is "Never say die". ─── 她的座右铭是"永不气馁"。

86、Indiana calls itself "the cross roads of America", a motto justly deserved. ─── 印地安纳州自称为“美国的交通要道”,这话十分贴切。

87、It is very vital to our future’s career development.The teaching mottoes of GLMBA is just what I am looking for, so I decide to choose GLMBA programe. ─── 就是因为这些不同,我们应该选择和投资最适合我们未来发展的MBA项目,这对我们未来的职业发展非常重要。

88、Your motto should be "too much information is never enough. ─── 你的名言应该是"再多的信息也是远远不够的。"

89、They can't kill the motto, so they need to live up to it, permanently. ─── 他们不能扼杀自己的座右铭,因此他们得永远与之共存。

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