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metallurgic 发音

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metallurgic 中文意思翻译



metallurgic 短语词组

1、metallurgic cement ─── 冶金水泥

metallurgic 相似词语短语

1、metalogic ─── n.元逻辑

2、metallo-organic ─── 金属有机物

3、metallurgist ─── n.冶金学者;冶金家

4、metallurgically ─── 冶金地

5、metallurgy ─── n.冶金;冶金学;冶金术

6、metallurgical ─── adj.冶金的;冶金学的

7、metallic ─── adj.金属的,含金属的

8、metallurgists ─── n.冶金学者;冶金家

9、antiallergic ─── adj.抗变应性的;抗过敏症的;n.抗过敏药

metallurgic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As the pores exist, the result of electroplating the ferrous powder metallurgic parts is very bad. ─── 由于孔隙的存在,铁基粉末冶金零件的电镀效果均不理想。

2、metallurgic product analysis ─── 冶金产品分析

3、Acceptance Procedures of Construction Project Completion of Metallurgic Mines ─── 冶金矿山建设项目竣工的验收程序

4、The problems in preparation of medical porous magnesium alloys by powder metallurgic method were formulated. ─── 阐述了粉末冶金法制备医用多孔镁合金工艺中存在的问题。

5、metallurgic heat treatment ─── 冶金热处理

6、Steam is key medium for vacuum pumping of RH refining furnace.Direct use of converter steam in production is a difficult problem that has been solving in metallurgic enterprises. ─── 蒸汽是RH精炼炉真空泵抽真空所需的关键介质,直接将转炉蒸汽用于生产是国内冶金企业一直在解决的难题。

7、metallurgic(al) coal ─── 冶金煤, 炼焦煤

8、metallurgic(al) coke ─── 冶金焦炭

9、metallurgic method ─── 冶金法

10、The products have been provided for engineering machinery, machine tool, plastic machinery, metallurgic machine, chemical machine, hot electric and nucleal electric station etc. ─── 产品为工程机械、机床、塑料机械和冶金、化工、热电、核电等主机厂家配套。

11、Thanks to the unique properties, basalt is indispensable in metallurgic engineering, power engineering, chemical industry, mining industry. ─── 玄武岩由于其独特的性能成为冶金工程、电力工程、化工业和采矿业不可缺少的原料。

12、China Metallurgic (Singapore)PTE. LTD. ─── 中国冶金(新加坡)有限公司

13、Powder Metallurgic Porous Material Characteristics ─── 粉末冶金多孔材料性能研究

14、Powder metallurgic forming machines ─── 粉末冶金成型机

15、The accurate results can be obtained in the analysis of metallurgic production by controlling these factors. ─── 在分析过程中,通过控制相关因素,可应用光电直读光谱准确测定钢中硫。

16、strengthened layer and matrix is metallurgic combination. ─── 强化层与基体的结合为冶金结合。

17、Keywords multicrystalline silicon;metallurgic method;electrical resistivity;grain boundary;metal silicide; ─── 多晶硅;冶金法;电阻率;晶界;金属硅化物;

18、Development and Application of New Isolation Materials for Metallurgic Electric Furnace ─── 冶金电炉新型绝缘材料的研制及应用

19、Metallurgic Technological Economy Association of the Chinese Society for Metals Completes Election at Expiration of Committee Terms and Forms New Fifth (Governing Board) Committee ─── 中国金属学会冶金技术经济分会完成换届组成新的第五届委员(理事)会

20、finished powder metallurgic product ─── 粉末冶金成品

21、Meanwhile, it sets an example for other metallurgic engineering (reform) projects in decision-making and evaluation of a project. ─── 同时也达到举一反三,为其他冶金工程(改造)项目进行评价和决策提供借鉴参考的目的。

22、Author Huadong Metallurgic Institute Jin Chuangui Zhou Anna Zhu Weichang Tan Jie Chen Siyan; ─── 作者晋传贵;周安娜;朱伟长;檀杰;陈四言;

23、Keywords alloy;powder;property;P/M metallurgic techniques; ─── 关键词金属合金;粉末;性能;粉末冶金工艺;

24、In addition, the gas exhausted from traditional metallurgic industry is a grave pollution source. ─── 同时,传统的冶金工业所排气体是严重的污染源。

25、This paper briefly introduces the work principle and metallurgic ef fe ct of electromagnetic stirring (EMS) equipment for cold rolled non-oriented sil icon steel of TISCO. ─── 简要介绍了太钢冷轧无取向硅钢电磁搅拌装置的工作原理及冶金效果。

26、metallurgic industry ─── 冶金工业

27、construction of metallurgic industry ─── 冶金工业建筑

28、Artificial neural networks system can also be used to prediction and control of metallurgic quality and process parameters during metallurgical process and surface treating. ─── 研究人工神经网络也可用于钢的冶金过程及钢的表面处理过程工艺参数的预测及控制。

29、Measures for remedying the camber of main girders on two cranes for metallurgic plant ─── 恢复冶金起重机主梁拱度的技改方案

30、Metallurgic crane ─── 冶金起重机

31、metallurgic index code ─── 冶金规范

32、Six Provincial of east China Power Metallurgic Association ─── 华东六省粉末冶金学会

33、I am purchasing Fans for my company which lies in metallurgic equipments. ─── 本人目前身在意大利,为公司(冶金设备行业)采购国内的风机。

34、Meanwhile, it sets an example for other metallurgic engineering (reform) projects in decision-making and evaluation of a project. ─── 同时也达到举一反三,为其他冶金工程(改造)项目进行评价和决策提供借鉴参考的目的。

35、Wuxi Metallurgic Assets Management Co., Ltd. ─── 无锡冶金资产经营有限公司。

36、Metallurgic mine ─── 冶金矿山

37、Also I have relatively rich in-situ commissioning experience in metallurgy and related field, such as metallurgic plant, cold-rolling plant, and smelting plant. ─── 有比较丰富的冶金相关领域现场调试经验,诸如冶金厂,冷轧厂和熔炼厂等。

38、In this paper, we used 20 high-quality carburet structure steed, recommended the experiment on abrasive water jet metal-cutting and others affecting metallurgic structure. ─── 本文以20#优质碳素结构钢为试件,介绍了磨料水射流切割与其它方法切割对金相组织影响的试验。

39、Discussion on Architecture Reconstruction Engineering Design in Metallurgic Industry ─── 浅论冶金工业建筑改造工程设计

40、This paper analyzes the main effects of process on sherardizing of iron-base powder metallurgic parts,researches properties of zinc coat and make choice of useful technolgi- cal parameter. ─── 本文分析研究了铁基粉末冶金件固体粉末法渗锌工艺的主要影响因素以及渗层的性能,优选出了切实可行的工艺参数。

41、The dust emission of a metallurgic plant in Shanghai, as an example with 13 sets of smelting furnace and large amounts of discharged pollutant, was studied in this paper. ─── 以上海市某冶金企业为例,该厂有正常运行的冶炼炉13座,每年向大气中排放大量颗粒污染物。

42、metallurgic cement ─── 矿碴水泥

43、metallurgic product ─── 冶金产品

44、Work experience of manufacture for metallurgic equipments will be a plus;Preferably with driving licence. ─── 有冶金设备制造经验和驾驶执照者优先考虑。

45、powder metallurgic foaming ─── 粉末冶金发泡

46、Keywords metallurgic furnace;energy consumption;melting furnace;holding furnace;heating furnace;heat-treating furnace; ─── 关键词冶金炉;能源消耗;熔炼炉;静置炉;加热炉;热处理炉;

47、Protextion of acid, alkali and sodium in the industries of metallurgic, chemical, pharmaceutical, ─── 冶金,化工,医药,电镀,水处理等行业的酸碱盐防护

48、Vacuum electron beam welding has many advantages of high depth-width ratio of seam, small angular distortion and good metallurgic quality and etc. These advantages of EBW make its use expanding in the welding of titanium and its alloys. ─── 而电子束焊具有焊缝深宽比高、焊件变形小、焊接冶金质量好等特点,尤其适用于钛及钛合金等活性金属的焊接。

49、metallurgic quality ─── 冶金质量

50、Study and Practice of Contract for On-Line Expenses of Metallurgic Spare Parts ─── 冶金备件在线费用承包的探索与实践

51、The principles,metallurgic characters of ceramic foam filtration and spinning spraying were illustrated in detail,as well as the recent utilities on magnesium industry. ─── 综述了镁合金非熔剂净化中常用的工艺方法,重点对非熔剂净化工艺中的泡沫陶瓷过滤、旋转喷吹气体净化的工作原理、冶金特点及应用现状作了详细阐述。

52、Keywords Metallurgic Industry;Green Logistics;Benefit Model;Reverse Logistics; ─── 冶金业;绿色物流;逆向物流;效益模型;

53、Keywords metallurgic property;energy utilization;saving energy and reducing consumption; ─── 冶金性能;能量利用;节能降耗;

54、Keywords Metallurgic furnace slag;Waste water;Adsorption law; ─── 冶金炉渣;废水;吸附规律;

55、Keywords control of sewage disposal;economization of water;metallurgic enterprises; ─── 控制排污;节约用水;冶金企业;

56、metallurgic fan machinery ─── 冶金风机

57、metallurgic plant ─── 冶金厂

58、(2) Metal-base self-lubricating bearing, like CRB650 (JDB650, JFB600), CRB250 (JDB200, JDB250), CRB-SNF powder metallurgic bearing, FZ linear bearing; ─── (二)金属基自润滑轴承,有CRB650(JDB650,JFB600),CRB250(JDB200,JDB250),CRB-SNF粉末冶金轴承,FZ直线轴承等;

59、Application of Information Technology for Equipments Management on Monitoring Conditions and Maintenance in Metallurgic Enterprise ─── 冶金企业设备状态检测及维修管理信息化技术应用

60、The interface of Mo_2FeB_2 cermets-steel clad material is metallurgic combine without defects and has good compatibility on the interface. ─── Mo_2FeB_2金属陶瓷-钢覆层材料界面是无缺陷的冶金结合,具有良好的界面相容性。

61、Gas for metal cutting in metallurgic al industry is presented. ─── 介绍了冶金工业中金属切割燃气情况。

62、Application: For the raw materials to produce capacitor grade and metallurgic grade tantalum powder. ─── 用途:产品用于生产电容器用和冶金用金属钽粉的原料。

63、powder metallurgic method ─── 粉末冶金法

64、The works is significant and valuable to the study of underwater welding arc physics and welding metallurgic. ─── 本研究工作对水下焊接电弧物理及焊接冶金的研究有参考价值。

65、Application : For the raw materials to produce capacitor grade and metallurgic grade tantalum powder . ─── 用途:产品用于生产电容器用和冶金用金属钽粉的原料。

66、metallurgic conditions ─── 成矿条件

67、inverted metallurgic microscope ─── 倒置金相显微镜

68、Intelligent Vortex precession flowmeter is widely used in measuring various gas flow rate in petroleum, chemical, electricity and metallurgic industries and city gas supply. ─── 智能旋进旋涡流量计可广泛应用于石油、化工、电力、冶金、城市供气等行业测量各种气体流量,是目前油田和城市天然气输配计量和贸易计量的首选产品。

69、15 SUN Xiaofeng, YIN Fengshi, LI Jinguo, HOU Guichen,ZHENG Qi, HU Zhuangqi, Solidification behavior of a cast nickle-base superalloy, ACTA Metallurgic Sinica, 39(1), 27(2003 ─── 孙晓峰,殷凤仕,李金国,侯贵臣,郑启,胡壮麒,一种铸造镍基高温合金的凝固行为,金属学报,39(1),27(2003

70、metallurgic instability ─── 冶金不稳定性

71、powder metallurgic product ─── 粉冶制品

72、The Drawing Cutoff Grade Analysis of Lu-zhong Metallurgic Mine Corporation Xiao-Guan-Zhuang Iron Mine ─── 对鲁中冶金矿山公司小官庄铁矿放矿截止品位的分析

73、It occurs naturally in limestone, gypsum, and fluorite, and its compounds are used to make plaster, quicklime, Portland cement, and metallurgic and electronic materials.Atomic number 20; ─── 自然存在于石灰石、石膏、氟石以及其它化合物之中,用于制造石膏、生石灰、硅酸盐水泥以及冶金和电子材料。

74、Simply Discussing on Innovation of Incentive Mechanisms in Metallurgic Enterprises ─── 浅谈冶金企业激励机制的创新

75、Keywords Multicrystalline silicon;Electrical resistivity;Metallurgic method; ─── 多晶硅;电学性能;冶金法;

76、Foam slag with good metallurgic performance and enough thickness can be got by several operating measures. ─── 控制好几个操作参数,能得到冶金性能良好,渣层厚度足够的泡沫渣。

77、Keywords perlite;expansion and looseness in heating;metallurgic coving flux; ─── 珍珠岩;加温膨化松散;冶金用集渣覆盖剂;

78、Abstract:Take use of the sediment containing the lead from the acidized copper and cadmium sediment to hydro metallurgic produce the lead acetate and lead. ─── 利用铜镉渣酸浸后的含铅废渣湿法生产醋酸铅及铅,有利于提高经济效益、改善生态环境。

79、Flash over due to dirt of insulation outside the electric network of the metallurgic plant of Laiwu Iron &Steel Co. ─── 莱钢冶金厂区电网外绝缘污闪的原因,是由于电网处于冶金厂区污秽较严重的生产区域。

80、Keywords powder metallurgic parts;sherardizing;zinc coat; ─── 粉末冶金件;渗锌;渗锌层;

81、Used in water supply and drainage, sewage, food processing, heating, gas, ship, hydroelectric, metallurgic, and energy systems, as well as textile industries. ─── 安装于给排水、污水、食品、供暖、燃气、船舶、水电、冶金、能源系统以及轻纺等行业。

82、At present, high nitrogen steels has been regarded as a main direction of the development of high quality metallurgic technology. ─── 目前,高氮钢已经被认定为是发展高质量冶金技术的主要方向之一。

83、Keywords Angelas iron ore sintering Metallurgic performance; ─── 安吉拉斯矿粉;烧结;冶金性能;

84、Protextion of acid, alkali and sodium in the industries of metallurgic, chemical, pharmaceutical. ─── 冶金,化工,医药,电镀,水处理等行业的酸碱盐防护。

85、Keywords training metallurgic sci-tech staff information literacy education; ─── 培训;冶金行业技术人员;信息素质教育;

86、power metallurgic method ─── 粉(末)冶(金)法

87、Renewal and production of details and technologic instruments for metallurgic enterprises. ─── 为冶金企业更新和制作详细的技术文件。

88、metallurgic engineering ─── 冶金工程

89、After the struggle by the Chu people , the Chu state became a great state, with the leading metallurgic skill in all the country. ─── 楚人经过艰辛历程而成为泱泱大国,冶金技术达到了全国领先水平。

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