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10-02 投稿


manipulating 发音

英:[[m??nipjuleit??]  美:[m??n?pjule?t??]

英:  美:

manipulating 中文意思翻译



manipulating 短语词组

1、manipulating student ─── 操纵学生

2、symbol manipulating language ─── [计] 符号处理语言

3、manipulating key ─── [计] 手动键, 控制键

4、manipulating memory ─── 操作内存

5、manipulating step daughter ─── 操纵继子对象

6、manipulating heading time ─── 操纵航向时间

7、manipulating the mouse embryo ─── 操纵小鼠胚胎

8、manipulating the yuan debate ─── 操纵人民币辩论

manipulating 常用词组

manipulate data ─── 操作数据

manipulating 词性/词形变化,manipulating变形

副词: manipulatively |动词现在分词: manipulating |形容词: manipulatable |名词: manipulability |动词第三人称单数: manipulates |动词过去分词: manipulated |动词过去式: manipulated |

manipulating 相似词语短语

1、angulating ─── 使有角(angulate的现在分词)

2、acidulating ─── adj.酸化的;v.使…带酸味;使…酸化(acidulate的ing形式)

3、manipulations ─── n.操作(manipulation的复数);处理

4、manipulative ─── adj.巧妙处理的;操纵的,用手控制的

5、outmanipulating ─── 出其不意

6、cannulating ─── adj.筒状的(等于cannular);vt.插管

7、matriculating ─── vt.准许…入学;录取…入大学;vi.准许入学;录取;n.被录取者

8、mangulating ─── 管理

9、manipulation ─── n.操纵;操作;处理;篡改

manipulating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、SCAP is a NIST specification for expressing and manipulating security data in standardized ways. ─── SCAP是一种使用标准化方法表达和操作安全数据的NIST规范。

2、Therefore if one discovers forces manipulating one's ascent, ask Earth to weave them into the appropriate tapestry for their vibratory rate. ─── 不过这类颜色是不透明且不能看透的;对任何呈粉彩色却不透明的存在,道劝告提升者意想“掀开所有面纱”。

3、Web server control provides a means of creating and manipulating links on a Web page from server code. ─── Web服务器控件提供了一种使用服务器代码在网页上创建和操作链接的方法。

4、The laws have had some success in preventing fraud and secret dealings aimed at manipulating stock prices. ─── 在防止为了操纵股票价格而进行欺骗和私下交易方面,这些法律收到了一定效果。

5、Schatz often uses Photoshop[$reg] to deepen a pictures mood by manipulating the play of light and shadow, and altering facial makeup. ─── " Schatz经常使用photoshop,通过熟练的光与影的布置来深化一张图片的意境 改变面部的组成。

6、Far from expertly manipulating their firms' books, many could not understand them. ─── 他们绝对没有娴熟地操控公司的账目,许多人其实都不懂账目。

7、we have the positive application of neurogastronomy; manipulating flavor to curb our appetites. ─── 我们即将看到神经美食学的积极应用,即通过操控食物的味道来抑制我们的食欲。

8、Manipulating the garage door is something we do for the car, not for us, and it doesn’t move us towards our destination the way the accelerator pedal and steering wheel do. ─── 开关车库门通常是我们为车子做的,而不是我们自己。 它不像油门踏板和方向盘那样将我们带向目的地。

9、He called the talk show host "a master at manipulating audiences".He defended Robert Halderman and proclaimed his client's innocence. ─── 他称访谈节目主持人为“精于操控观众的大师”他为RobertHalderman辩护并称他是无辜的。

10、Concurrency control is a technique that data stores use to control how data is read and changed in the store when multiple clients are accessing and manipulating the same data. ─── 并发控制是数据存储区使用的一种技术,可用于在多个客户端访问和操作相同数据时控制如何在存储区中读取和更改这些数据。

11、If you have two or more threads manipulating the state of a control, it is possible to force the control into an inconsistent state. ─── 如果有两个或多个线程操作某一控件的状态,则可能会迫使该控件进入一种不一致的状态。

12、If we are not contriving or manipulating the mind in any way, but simply resting in an unaltered state of pure and pristine awareness, tha tis Rigpa. ─── 如果我们完全不去驾驭或操纵心,只是让心安住在纯净和觉醒的不动状态中,那就是本觉。

13、What is new about IW and IO is the technological means of transmitting, receiving, manipulating, disseminating and acting upon information. ─── 信息战和信息作战的创新之处在于发射、接收、控制、传播和作用于信息的技术手段有了创新发展。

14、And, I am not the kind of person that tries to give harm China by manipulating humanitarian or environmental issues. ─── 还有,我不是那种想要通过操纵人道主义或者是环境问题来伤害中国的人。

15、Immunotherapy is the treatment of infections, cancer or other diseases by manipulating the immune system to enhance or restrict its activity. ─── 免疫疗法是治疗细菌感染,癌症或其他疾病所操纵的免疫系统,以提高或限制其活动。

16、Ex. Can you grasp the concept of manipulating the truth? ─── 你了解什麽是操纵事实吗?

17、The bookkeeper deceived his employer by manipulating the accounts of the business. ─── 会计用改动账目的手法欺骗雇主。

18、Here, at the Psychotechnology Research Institute, human subjects submit to experiments aimed at manipulating their subconscious minds. ─── 在心理技术研究院,人类计划服从于旨在操纵人类潜意识的实验。

19、Are you manipulating the object directly, or are you dealing with some kind of indirect representation (a pointer in C or C++) that must be treated with a special syntax? ─── 您曾利用一些特殊语法直接操作过对象,或处理过一些间接表示的对象吗(C或C++里的指针)?

20、Bhutto destroyed himself by seeking a popular mandate too rapidly and then manipulating the electoral result. ─── 布托则因为过分急于得到人民委托,又要操纵选举结果,从而使自己走向毁灭。

21、The lock statement is used in the previous example to prevent more than one thread from manipulating the event list at the same time. ─── 前面示例中的lock语句用于防止多个线程同时操作事件列表。

22、What is new about IW and IO is the technological means of transmitting,receiving,manipulating,disseminating and acting upon information. ─── 信息战和信息作战的创新之处在于,发射、接收、控制、传播和作用于信息的技术手段有了创新发展。

23、You are a woman, manipulating men. That's what we gonna do. ─── 你是个女人,控制男人,这是我们要做的。

24、An ANSI standard computer language for accessing and manipulating databases. ─── 它是用于访问和处理数据库的ANSI标准计算机语言。

25、It's the "underclass" and the people who manipulating them that caused the majority of the turmoils in the society. ─── 总之,美国人单独来看很慷慨,但就整体美利坚民族而言他们却很吝啬.

26、Accessing and manipulating huge amounts of data can give you a heads-up on trends in the numbers that you'd never otherwise see. ─── 意思是利用很多数据可以让人较早发觉趋势;这些趋势如果光看事情,是发觉不到的。

27、For advanced users, the Breakpoints window provides a powerful means of manipulating breakpoints. ─── “断点”窗口为高级用户提供功能强大的操纵断点的方法。

28、In an AOP implementation, you could capture this behavior explicitly with a single aspect and no modification to the code manipulating the accounts. ─── 在AOP实现中,可以明确地用一个方面捕获这个行为,而不必修改操纵帐户的代码。

29、Once I've stored all of that data, I'm ready to start manipulating it. ─── 一旦我存储了所有的数据,我将准备开始操纵它。

30、Toward the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220), state power fell into Dong Zhuo's hand, a very cruel and manipulating person. ─── 东汉末年,董卓把持朝政,凶狠专横。

31、Again the attacker first marks the SMRAM as WB cacheable, by manipulating system MTRR registers. ─── 同样攻击者首先通过操作系统MTRR寄存器把SMRAM标记为可回写缓存。

32、Manipulating type character widths and white space to achieve aesthetically pleasing results. ─── 中义控制字元宽度和空白距离,使视觉上有舒适的美感。

33、The precision of a pressing is maintained by the CAM type upon a pressing job and the unit is controlled by manipulating the touch panel. ─── 在施压工作中,维持精确压力依靠cam(算机辅助制造)设备利用触摸屏控制。

34、The HTML DOM defines a standard way for accessing and manipulating HTML documents. ─── HTML DOM定义了一个访问和处理HTML文档的标准方法。

35、In lessons 2 & 3 we developed our skills at handling spheres and boxes, manipulating them, and giving them personalities. ─── 在2和3的教训,我们在处理领域的开发和盒子的技能,操纵他们,使他们的个性。

36、If you are manipulating existing FAT or NTFS partitions, it is recommended that you either use the scheme below or native Windows or DOS tools. ─── 如果您想在已有的FAT或NTFS分区上动手,那么建议您或者按照下面介绍的方案操作,或者使用Windows或者DOS自己的工具软件。

37、If there is any contriving on our part or any kind of manipulating or grasping, it is not. ─── 如果我们有任何驾驭、操纵或执著,那就不是。

38、So, I'll now whet your appetite about manipulating content types. ─── 因此,我现在要开启您对操作内容类型的兴趣。

39、"Human hands are the most sophisticated manipulating tools in the world", Mr Underkoffler told The Times. ─── “我们的想法是扔掉鼠标,让双手去做它们能够完全胜任的事情。”

40、It is a promising approach to biologically control bacterial diseases in plant and animal by manipulating bacterial AHL quorum sensing with AHLs degrading enzyme and AHL homology. ─── 利用AHLs降解酶和AHLs类似物的特性 ,干扰和破坏病原菌的AHLs 群体感应机制 ,将为利用现代生物技术防治此类细菌病害开辟了一条全新的途径

41、One could further digress to say, if the creator gods honored, what were they doing manipulating DNA let alone creating a slave race? ─── 你可以进一步地问,如果创造者众神是尊重的,是什么让他们操纵DNA、单独去制造一个奴隶族?

42、Caution: Altering or manipulating the data in data dictionary tables can permanently and detrimentally affect the operation of a database. ─── 修改或操作数据字典表中的数据可能会给数据库的运行带来不可恢复的损害。

43、So is someone in Hillary's camp trying to boost her chances by manipulating the market into a self-fulfilling prophecy? ─── 那么,希拉里竞选团里是否有人在操纵市场进入自我实现的预言状态,从而尽力提高她的当选几率呢?

44、The Bitmap class expands on the capabilities of the Image class by providing additional methods for loading, saving, and manipulating raster images. ─── Bitmap类提供了用于加载、保存和处理光栅图像的更多方法,因而扩展了Image类的功能。

45、A colleague once facetiously suggested that MBO stood for manipulating. ─── 一位同事跟我开玩笑说目标管理实际上就是应用目标进行操纵。

46、The Bush administration on Wednesday announced it would not brand China as a country that was manipulating its currency to gain unfair trade advantages. ─── 布什政府星期三宣称他们不会把中国当作以操作货币来获取不平等贸易优势的国家。

47、Often a program can crash dead in its tracks while manipulating its own internal data, even after working flawlessly for long periods. ─── 一个程序经常在处理自身内部的数据的过程中就会崩溃,这甚至会发生在程序已经不出错误地运行了很长一段时间以后。

48、Processing means handling or manipulating the material that has been presented to the machine. ─── 处理就是对放在机器中的材料进行控制或者变换。

49、Manipulating mammalian genes has broad potential in livestock breeding. ─── 哺乳动物基因工程技术在家畜育种中有着广阔的应用前景。

50、The next sections highlight basic considerations when manipulating SDO instances loaded from an XML stream. ─── 下一部分主要强调了在操作从XML流中加载的SDO实例时的一些基本考虑。

51、OTB includes a tool window and a collection of dialog boxes for interacting with and manipulating objects displayed in Class Designer or in Class View. ─── OTB包括一个工具窗口以及一系列用于与类设计器或类视图中显示的对象交互和处理这些对象的对话框。

52、Although you can programmatically change the order of the columns by manipulating the Columns collection, it is easier to list the columns in the desired display order. ─── 尽管您可以通过操作Columns集合以编程方式更改列的顺序,但以所需的显示顺序列出列更为容易。

53、To prevent manipulating the score, the credits are not stored locally on your hard disk but on the other client's hard disk. ─── 为防止人为修改,你的信用信息没有存放在本地硬盘上,而是存在其它客户端的硬盘上。你不可能计算出自己的信用分数。

54、Highlighted different techniques that are commonly used for manipulating SDO instances when building an XML-based SOA application. ─── 中,突出了在构建基于XML的SOA应用程序时用于处理SDO实例的不同技术。

55、They are snaring individual ions in tar pits of light and magnetism and manipulating the spin of electrons in their orbits. ─── 再不然,这些人就以光阱及磁阱捕捉个别的离子,以便操纵其轨道上电子的自旋。

56、EMF provides viewing and command-based editing of the model as well as a basic editor for manipulating and serializing instance documents based on an EMF model. ─── EMF提供了查看和基于命令编辑模型的能力,以及按照EMF模型操纵和序列化实例文档的基本编辑器。

57、You can prevent the user from manipulating some or all of the text in the control by setting the. ─── 可以防止用户操作控件中的部分或全部文本。

58、Congradulations to NASA, that after only 5 years of manipulating the data, they finally found a correlation to Einstein's theory. ─── 恭喜NASA,在篡改了整整五年的数据以后,终于和爱因斯坦的理论联系上了。

59、Using binary notation is in fact just manipulating ones and noughts. ─── 使用二进制标号法实际上只运用1和0两个数。

60、He was a past master at manipulating the media for his own ends. ─── 操纵媒体为自己服务他是老手。

61、Toward the edn of the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220), state power fell into Dong Zhuo's hand, a very cruel and manipulating person. ─── 东汉末年,董卓把持朝政,凶狠专横。各诸侯,举袁绍为盟主,带各路兵马杀向洛阳,讨伐董贼。

62、She was clearly manipulating the system for her own gain without any care for how she was treating the people involved in the transaction. ─── 很明显她是为了自己的利益在操纵整个系统,而完全不顾自己是怎样对待这场买卖牵涉的关系人。

63、Nicastro points out that since cats have shorter life spans than people, they're had many more generations to evolve ways of manipulating their owners through their calls. ─── 尼卡斯特罗指出,因为猫的寿命比人的要短,所以它们经历了许多代的进化才学会掌握通过它们的叫声来左右它们的主人。

64、We will come down hard on people manipulating the system. ─── 我们将不遗余力的人,操纵系统。

65、As you'll soon see, you can alter how the kernel perceives the operating system's state by manipulating the various kernel queue data structures. ─── 很快你就能看到,你可以通过操作不同的内核队列数据结构来改变内核对操作系统状态的感知。

66、As Juno rescued the Senators, Starkiller confronted the Sith Lords who had been manipulating him for years. ─── 在朱诺救下了参议员后,星际杀手与操纵了他多年的两个西斯大君对峙上了。

67、The problem with manipulating styles using the Style property is that it can prove cumbersome to add to and remove individual style settings from the string. ─── 使用Style属性操作样式的问题是,添加到单个样式设置和从字符串移除单个样式设置比较麻烦。

68、It has a handful of interface widgets, a canvas to draw pretty pictures on, and support for manipulating the pretty pictures with the mouse. ─── 它有一些界面小部件,有一个画布,在画布上绘制漂亮的图片,还支持用鼠标操纵图片。

69、Atomic force microscopy(AFM) has been an important tool for observing and manipulating samples at nanometer scale. ─── 原子力显微镜(Atomic Force Microscopy)已成为在纳米尺度对样品进行观察和操纵的重要工具。

70、SQL is a standard computer language for accessing and manipulating database systems. ─── SQL是一种访问和操作数据库系统的标准计算机语言。

71、The main policy tool is manipulating the level of aggregate demand through fiscal or monetary policy. ─── 主要政策手段是通过财政政策或货币政策来控制总需求水平。

72、The DOM offers a flexible and powerful means for creating, processing, and manipulating XML documents, but it can be awkward to use and can lead to brittle and buggy code. ─── DOM为创建、处理和操纵XML文档提供了灵活和有效的方法,但使用起来可能比较困难并且可能导致不稳定和错误的代码。

73、It defines a standard set of interfaces for representing documents, as well as a standard set of methods for accessing and manipulating them. ─── 它为表示文档定义了一套标准的接口集,也为访问和操纵文档定义了一套标准的方法。

74、In Task-based listening, learners listen to naturalistic texts for a range of authentic purposes that go beyond manipulating language for its own sake. ─── 在任务型听力中,学生听的是各种真实场景中的自然对话,超出了为了学语言自身而编造内容。

75、He was astonishingly adept at manipulating the big machine. ─── 他操作这台大机器熟练得惊人。

76、He provides tips on rendering sprites, manipulating an alpha channel, and achieving the best quality for your processing dollar. ─── 他提供了一些技巧,教您为子图形着色,操作alpha通道,以及为所花费的处理时间取得最佳的质量。

77、The tools are digital and analogical and manipulating objects and toys derived from their original function creates the sounds and images. ─── 工具数码、和操纵被分解的物体及玩具来创造声音和图像。

78、By manipulating the properties of the resulting Message object, you can create more complex messages and exert more control over the way your messages are handled. ─── 对象的属性,可以创建更复杂的消息并对如何处理消息施加更多的控制。

79、And then, the method to determine the powers of finger actuators is presented according t o t he desired dexterous manipulating velocities and forces. ─── 以灵巧操作速度和灵巧操作力为指端操作灵巧性指标,给出了确定手指驱动器功率的算法。

80、The manipulating intravenous lines, during needle disposal, during injection and venous puncture were the common etiology of needlestick. ─── 从事静脉注射、处理废弃针头、肌肉或皮下注射及抽血为最常见的原因。

81、Guanxi is: a practice and technique of using and manipulating relationships for specific ends. ─── 关系是指:为达某种目的而运用和操作关系的行为和技巧。

82、As a traditional duotone textile pattern, wool-spun Houndstooth fabric can be reinvented by manipulating the yarn fibre, organization and style. ─── 作为一种传统的配色模纹,粗毛纺千鸟格类面料可以从纱线、组织、和风格几方面来进行创新设计。

83、By manipulating the amount of money on offer in each situation, Cohen and his collaborators could watch this neural tug of war unfold. ─── 通过操纵每种情况下提供的资金数量,科恩和他的合作者可以观察到这种神经拉锯战的展开。

84、The XML DOM defines a standard way for accessing and manipulating XML documents. ─── XML DOM定义了用于访问和操作XML文档的标准方式。

85、VC environment in the development and application of the OLEDB manipulating database technology. ─── 在VC++环境中开发,应用了OLEDB操纵数据库技术。

86、They say their explanation could lead to the development of new materials made by manipulating tiny bubbles or cells that make up their structure. ─── 他们说这公式能够发明出新的材料,这种材料的结构是通过处理微小水泡或细胞而成。

87、The main developments in ART have focused on manipulating the production of a woman's eggs through the administration of fertility drugs. ─── ART主要的进展集中在通过应用生育药物使妇女产生可操作的卵子。

88、The source said that the detained Wong Kwong Yu strike with the government securities market is closely related to manipulating stock prices. ─── 中英文对照:消息人士称,此次黄光裕被拘查与政府严打证券市场操纵股价有密切关系。

89、When you are manipulating within physical reality, you have a fairly simple set of rules to serve you. Within dream reality there is greater freedom. ─── 当你们在物质现实中活动时,你们有一套相当简单的规则来为你们服务。在梦的现实中,有着更大的自由。

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