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militarism 发音

英:['m?l?t(?)r?z(?)m]  美:['m?l?t?'r?z?m]

英:  美:

militarism 中文意思翻译



militarism 网络释义

n. 军国主义;尚武精神,好战态度;职业军人的精神

militarism 反义词


militarism 词性/词形变化,militarism变形

名词: militarist |副词: militaristically |形容词: militaristic |

militarism 同义词


militarism 短语词组

1、anti-militarism n. ─── 反军国主义

2、glorifying militarism ─── 美化军国主义

3、militarism in modern china ─── 近代中国军国主义

militarism 相似词语短语

1、militarist ─── n.军事家;军国主义者;adj.军国主义的

2、militarise ─── vt.军国化;军事化

3、militaria ─── n.(具有历史意义的)军用物品

4、militarists ─── n.军国主义者;尚武分子(militarist的复数)

5、militarily ─── adv.在军事上;从军事角度;以武力;以军事行动

6、militaries ─── adj.军事的;军人的;适于战争的;n.军队;军人

7、militarised ─── v.(使)军事化;(使)作战争准备;(使)适合于军事用途(militarise的过去式及过去分词,militarise等于malitarize)

8、militarize ─── vt.军事化;军国主义化

9、militarises ─── vt.军国化;军事化

militarism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、History will not be easy to repeat, the new framework of international relations, hysterical militarism no longer the market. ─── 历史不会简单重复,新的国际关系构架下,歇斯底里的军国主义再也没有了市场。

2、We should keep track of the Japanese right-wingers lest they should attempt to bring Bushido back to life, which might lead to the revival of the Japanese militarism. ─── 我们应该透过现代日本右翼势力妄图复活武士道传统,警惕日本军国主义的复活。

3、member of the Prussian aristocracy noted especially for militarism ─── 以军国主义著称的普鲁士贵族

4、We think the many people in press and political circles in Japan who criticize militarism and are on guard against its revival are to be commended. ─── 我们赞赏日本舆论界、政治界的许多人士对这种倾向持批评态度,持警惕态度。

5、Revista Portuguesa de Medicina Militar ─── 《葡萄牙军事医学杂志》

6、Why should the Evil Legacy of Militarism Long Remain in Japan ─── 军国主义遗毒缘何久驻日本

7、As Japan took the route of militarism , its culture began to retrogress the writers degenerated. ─── 随著日本发动侵华战争步上军国主义的道路,其文化也走向倒退。

8、Fortunately, militarism failed to take root in Europe as a whole. ─── 幸运的是,军国主义没有能够深入整个欧洲。

9、revival of militarism ─── 复活军国主义

10、The Essence of Japan Modifying It's Peace Constitution is Reviving Militarism ─── 日本修改和平宪法的要害是复活军国主义

11、When we discuss the militarism of Japan's outside expansion,we find out easily that "Shinto"(Japanese national religion) has very close relation with Militarism. ─── 探讨日本对外扩张的军国主义思想,我们不难发现其民族宗教“神道教”与其军国主义之间有着千丝万缕的联系。

12、Keywords Confucianism;Kyoto Sinology;Confucius's teaching;liberalism;Militarism; ─── 儒学;京都支那学;孔子教;自由主义;军国主义;

13、“The other war” tells a tale of Tel-Aviv during the second Lebanon war. It's a film about Israel, Militarism and denial, but mainly about love. ─── 影片讲述的是第二次黎巴嫩战争时期发生在特拉维夫的故事。这是一部关于以色列、军国主义和否定的影片,更是一部关于爱的影片。

14、A spectre of Japanese militarism is haunting Asia. ─── 一个倭国军国主义的幽灵在亚洲回荡。

15、It firmly opposes the revival and outward expansion of Japanese militarism and firmly supports the Japanese people's desire to build an independent, democratic, peaceful and neutral Japan. ─── 坚决反对日本军国主义的复活和对外扩张,坚决支持日本人民要求建立一个独立、民主、和平和中立的日本的愿望;

16、And the Chinese anti-Japanese sentiments and acts, is Japan's militarism in the past has done. ─── 与中国的反日情绪和行为有关的,是日本军国主义在过去的所作所为。

17、The Island Environment, the Nation on Horseback, the Mode of Survival, and the Militarism of Japan--An analysis of Japanese militarism ─── 岛国环境、骑马民族、生存方式与日本军国主义--日本军国主义探析

18、If there is anything the matter in Sino-Japanese relations,it is the possibility that a handful of people in Japan,some of whom probably have political influence,may revive militarism there -- that is what the Chinese are concerned about. ─── 如果说中日关系有点问题,那就是中国人民担心日本有很少很少一部分人,其中可能有的是有政治影响的人,存在复活军国主义的倾向。

19、The militarism led to Japan's invasion of much of the continent. ─── 军国主义导致日本侵略这大洲的许多地区。

20、Japanese Militarism of the Middle Age--Warriors, Bushido, Aggressive Politics and Militarism ─── 日本中世纪军国主义探析--武士、武士道、武家政治与军国主义

21、A member of the Prussian landed aristocracy, a class formerly associated with political reaction and militarism. ─── 容克普鲁士贵族地主中的成员,先前与政治上的极端保守主义和军国主义联系在一起的阶级。

22、Surviving ideas of System of Mikado and militarism are deep-rooted in some Japanese" mentality. ─── 天皇制和军国主义遗留思想的影响使皇国史观和对外扩张的思想在一部分日本人头脑中根深蒂固。

23、The Yasukuni Shrine which honors the Second World War era class A war criminals is the spiritual pillar of the Japanese national militarism. ─── 摘要日本靖国神社供奉着二战甲级战犯牌位,是战时日本军国主义的精神支柱。

24、For the encourage of the militarism and the victories of invasions, the Budo spirits was highly valued and encouraged. ─── 所以皇民武道的精神与身体的锻鍊,在此应用之际更显重要。

25、History and reality show that the force of the Japanese militarism sho uld never be neglected. ─── 历史与现实说明对日本 军国主义势力不能掉以轻心。

26、and in Japan militarism and fascism with Mikado System of political ethics eliminate modern times' subjectivite produced in Mingzhi Reform. ─── 在日本则体现为以天皇制政治伦理为核心的军国主义、法西斯主义对明治维新时代萌生的近代主体性的消除。

27、Germany and Japan were typical militarism. ─── 德、日两国具有浓厚的军国主义色彩。

28、For many, such words are redolent of the militarism that drove Japan to ruin in World War II. ─── 对许多人来说,这样的话语显示了昔日军国主义的突出,而这使日本在第二次世界大战中遭到毁灭。

29、In his writing, The writer criticized to militarism and nationalism from the view of Zen. ─── 在这部作品中,夏目漱石用禅宗的历史观对军国主义、民族主义和国家主义进行了批判。

30、However, the Japanese militarism, as well as Hitler’s Germany [3], but also according to the law, not a few years down the stage. ─── 但是,日本军国主义,还有德国希特勒[3],也是照这个规律,没几年就倒了台。

31、The demand for architectural design and construction appeared limitless, save for the menace of Japanese militarism. ─── 对建筑的设计要求和被显得无限的建筑,为日本军国主义的威胁解救。

32、Mr. Chen said that the United States was trying to use Japan against China and risked fanning a revival of Japanese militarism. ─── 陈健说,美国试图利用日本对抗中国,并不惜冒出煽动日本军国主义复活的风险。

33、Militarism: You have bicephalous milk cow, the country is whole commandeer, still pull you when v/arc able-bodied man. ─── 军国主义:你有两头奶牛,国家全部征用,还拉你当壮丁。

34、member of the Prussian aristocracy noted especially for militarism. ─── 以军国主义著称的普鲁士贵族。

35、The nature of the hoard accords with the militarism of the Germanic tribes, which was impressive even to the military-minded Romans. ─── 这个窖藏的性质与日耳曼部落的尚武精神一致,连具有着深厚的尚武性的罗马人,对他们的尚武精神都印象深刻。

36、Codigo Penal Militar ─── 军事刑法;军法

37、It?s a matter of principle for which the Chinese and the other Asians in the 21st century wage a tit for tat struggle against Japan?s militarism. ─── 在21世纪,中国人民和亚洲人民应与之针锋相对地进行斗争。

38、the ambitions of Hitlerism, militarism ─── 希特勒主义、军国主义的野心

39、Almost everybody in the movement shares the belief that "capitalism and militarism" (both epitomized by America) are the main challenges to human welfare. ─── 几乎所有与会方都秉持这一共同的信念:“资本主义和军国主义”(美国无疑是两者结合的典范)是对全人类福祉的最大威胁。

40、All this was uttered at the time when Japanese militarism was still growing and at the center of Japans native land, by the Japanese novelist Akutagawa Ryunosuke. ─── 其中的反战意识与被称为日本“近代思想之父”福泽谕吉之颂战思想针锋相对。

41、Tian’s life-size sculptures dressed as soldiers in nine-man platoon formations convey the authoritarian nature of militarism. ─── 北韩人奔向创造绝对的遵从是吓人的,特别是对美国观察者,他们有个人主义的宗教信仰。

42、Hitlerism, militarism ─── 希特勒主义、军国主义

43、The moral force in the Chinese civilisation which can make militarism unnecessary is the Religion of good citizenship. ─── 中国文明中的道德力量不需军国主义,是好公民的宗教。

44、The way of martial art is not equal to the bushido which has the coloring of militarism as we understand it. ─── (2 )武道并不等同于我们通常理解的具有军国主义色彩的武士道 ,剑道在某种程序上。

45、Analysis of very good, especially with regard to the concept of militarism in this analysis, that will enable a better understanding of the Japanese nation. ─── 分析的很好,特别是关于军国主义理念的这一分析,能让大家更好的了解日本这个民族。

46、militar band ─── 军乐队

47、The visits of Junichiro Koizumi to the shrine means the return of Japan to national militarism. ─── “小泉参拜”的结果意味着日本国家主义向战时回归。

48、If they are not goaded into militarism, they may produce a genuinely new civilization, better than any that we in the West have been able to create. ─── 假如中国人不被煽动尚武精神,那他们一定会创造出一种新的更加灿烂的文明。这种新文明将比我们西方人现在所能创造出的任何文明更令人神往。

49、59. The right wing of the Kuomintang, dominated by the new militarism, broke away from the left Kuomintang Government at Hankow. ─── 国民党的右翼,在新军阀的控制之下,跟汉口政府宣告决裂。

50、To imbue with militarism. ─── 使军国主义化充满军国主义色彩

51、Jiang Yu said aggressive war launched by Japan's militarism, including the Chinese people for the suffering brought about by the people of Asia, there is little doubt that historical fact. ─── 姜瑜说,日本军国主义对外发动侵略战争,给包括中国人民在内的亚洲人民带来深重灾难,这是不容置疑的历史事实。

52、Roosevelt found the German leader "vain as a peacock, " and resistant to his warnings about militarism. ─── 罗斯福发现这位德国元首“像孔雀一样爱慕虚荣”,而且也没有把对他军国主义倾向的警告放在心上。

53、It needs to keep alert on the Japanese militarism that has contributed to the heavy historical burden on Japan. ─── 日本之所以背着沉重的历史包袱,其军国主义的因素值得警惕。

54、While the Japanese people are innocent its militarism is an evil and enemy to all. ─── 日本人民是无辜的,但日本军国主义是邪恶的,是人类的公敌。

55、the trend to militarism ─── 军国主义倾向

56、The Chinese People Prefer to Die With Honor Rather than to Live Under Japanese Militarism ─── 中国人宁为公理而死不受强权屈辱而生

57、We oppose the revival of militarism. ─── 我们反对军国主义的复活。

58、The supply-control policy was an important means by which the Japanese militarism plundered wealth in occupied China. ─── 摘要物资统制是日本军国主义掠夺沦陷区财富的重要手段。

59、National Socialism, with its mixture of militarism and nationalism, fulfilled other, inchoate yearnings. ─── 国家社会主义,连同它和军国主义以及民族主义的混合,实现了他另外一些尚不成熟的渴望。

60、But he mentioned the misery which the disabled Japanese serviceman, actually has not mentioned once received the Japanese militarism to devastate the Asian people who receives. ─── 但他提到了伤残的日本军人,却没有提及曾受到日本军国主义摧残的亚洲人民所受的苦难。

61、The guilt for the war, therefore, rests at the door of German militarism and its leaders. ─── 因此,战祸应该归咎于德国军国主义及其领导人。

62、Japanese militarism ─── 日本军国主义

63、Comparisons of defence spending to gross domestic product do not necessarily indicate a gathering storm of Chinese militarism. ─── 比较国防开支占国内生产总值(GDP)的比率,未必显示中国军国主义的崛起。

64、Militarism breeds in armies ─── 军国主义造成穷兵黩武。

65、Fortunately, militarism failed to take root in Europe as a whole. ─── 幸运的是,军国主义没有能够深入整个欧洲。

66、Nationalism, on my opinion, is nothing more than an idealistic rationalization for militarism and aggression. ─── 民族主义,在我看来,不过是把军国主义和侵略冠冕堂皇地合理化罢了。

67、In June 1948 he signed a declaration protesting against the revival of Japanese militarism, which was being fostered by the United States, and rejecting "U.S. relief" flour. ─── 一九四八年六月签名于抗议美国扶植日本和拒绝领

68、The main characteristic of the cherry blossom is that when it falls, it does so at once.It symbolizes the militarism and Samurai spirit of the Japanese. ─── 它最大的特点是凋零时,很干脆,不会带来任何污染,因而樱花又被尊为日本军国主义和武士道精神的象征。

69、militar exercises ─── 军事演习

70、The Obscurantist Policy Pursued by Japanese Militarism During the Second World War and Its Influence on Japanese National Sense ─── 二战时期日本军国主义推行愚民政策及对其国民意识的影响

71、However, when Japan prusued the policy of aggression and expansion, these two principles did not seem to come into conflict with its militarism. ─── 但同时,当日本对外侵略扩张时,又能与其“军国主义”思想并行不悖。

72、Junichiro Koizumi said his visits to the shrine are meant to honor the war dead, not to glorify Japan's militarism. ─── 小泉纯一郎说,他的参拜是纪念战争亡灵,而不是美化日本军国主义。

73、We sincerely hope that this is the end of militarism. ─── 我们真诚希望,这是军国主义的末日。

74、Insist 1 and 2 until the time, Japanese Prime Minister apologize to China, Korea and other victims in WWII, and not doing anything relating to "Jap militarism". ─── 坚持以上知道日本首相对中国,韩国等受害国道歉,以及不再从事军国主义运动。

75、oppose the revival of militarism ─── 反对军国主义复活

76、For the first half of the 20th century, it was what to do about German and Japanese militarism; ─── 20世纪上半叶,这种挑战是如何应对德国和日本的军国主义;

77、Now the Japanese militarist force is rising, the Bushido's special function which sevres the Japanese militarism still poses the greater danger. ; ─── 在日本军国主义势力日益抬头的今天,武士道为军国主义服务的特殊功能仍然具有极大的危险性。

78、When the previous Japanese prime minister visited the Yasukuni Shrine, which China condemns as honoring Japan's World War II-era militarism, he was described as “brazen. ─── 当日本前首相参拜靖国神社,中国予以谴责,称这是在赞美日本二战时期的军国主义,中国用“悍然”来形容小泉纯一郎。

79、The guilt for the war, therefore, rests at the door of German militarism and its leaders ─── 因此,战祸应该归咎于德国军国主义及其领导人。

80、road of militarism ─── 军事化道路

81、State Shinto became the spiritual support of the militarism. ─── “国家神道”成为军国主义的精神支柱;

82、They are full of the glitter and bluster of German militarism ?mailed fist and shining armour. Poor old mailed fist! ─── 德国军国主义的刀光剑影跃然纸上,又是“戴着护盔的拳”,又是“闪亮的护身甲”。

83、The country slipped into a dangerous mixture of nationalism and militarism. ─── 该国陷入了一种民族主义和军国主义并存的危险境地。

84、No militarism! ─── 反对军国主义!

85、abolish militarism ─── 废除军国主义

86、He had accused them of deliberately reviving militarism ─── 他曾指控他们蓄意复活军国主义。

87、10 Hypotheses on Misperception and the Causes of War: Hypotheses from Psychology; Militarism; Nationalism; Spirals and Deterrence; Defects in Academe and the Press; Accidental War. ─── 7 10个关于错误认知及战争成因的假说:包含根据心理学、军国主义、民族主义、冲突升高及威慑、学界及媒体之缺陷及意外战争等设立的假说。

88、Bushido of modern age brought powerful spirit motives and social virtues to Japan, at the same time it was also the source of militarism and excessive nationalism. ─── 它犹如一把双刃剑,在带给日本现代化建设强大精神动力和社会美德的同时,也引发了极端民族主义、军国主义的产生。

89、A Tentative Study of the Japanese Tennoism and Militarism from Ancient Times to Modern Time--Penetrating the Militaristic Nature of Tennoism from the Theocratic Thought ─── 从日本神国思想看天皇制的军国主义之本质


四世同堂”的翻译为“Four generations live under one roof.”或者“Four generations live under the same roof.”,也就是指四代人同住在一个屋檐下。这种表达一般是固定表达。



四世同堂”为“four ages live together

This is a Chinese modern novel famous work, is Mr. Lao She the

frontage description Sino-Japanese War, the exposition plains the

Japanese militarism the cruel crime, the eulogy brings honor to the

Chinese people great patriotic spirit immortal work.

The work take the Qi family four generations in one household life as

a master line, auxiliary by small sheepfold alley 各色人等 honor

or disgrace vicissitude, life and death, really recorded Peking to

fall to the enemy the after abnormal ways of the world, vividly

described under the Japanese invaders oppression of the people the

general mon people's pitiful bitter experience, the mind has

shocked with the revolt struggle, portrayed a series of lifelike

artistic image, the epic poem has unfolded Second World War period,

the Chinese people and the world people together antifascist great

course and the life picture scroll, inspiring, bearing broad, read is

soul-stirring, was a touching realism masterpiece.

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