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10-04 投稿


compacts 发音

英:[?kɑ?mp?kts]  美:[k?m?p?kts]

英:  美:

compacts 中文意思翻译




compacts 词性/词形变化,compacts变形

动词第三人称单数: compacts |动词现在分词: compacting |动词过去式: compacted |副词: compactly |动词过去分词: compacted |名词: compactness |

compacts 同义词

wad | heavyset | tamp | thick | powder compact | treaty | concordat |contract | solid | constrict | short | neat | compress | squeeze | pack | bargain | compendious | small | close | stocky | succinct | concord | bundle | pact | understanding | covenant | alliance | concise | squash | agreement | summary | compact car | dense | thickset | brief | press | deal

compacts 反义词


compacts 常用词组

compact structure ─── 密实结构;致密结构

compact disc ─── 光碟机,激光唱片

compact car ─── n. 小型汽车

compacts 相似词语短语

1、compactor ─── n.压土机;垃圾捣碎机;夯土机;[建]压实器

2、compactors ─── n.压实工具;压制工具(compactor的复数形式)

3、compactly ─── adv.简洁地;紧密地;细密地

4、compacter ─── n.夯实;压实工具

5、complects ─── vt.编织;使交织

6、compact ─── adj.袖珍的;紧凑的;坚实的;矮小而健壮的;简洁的;n.小汽车;带镜小粉盒;契约;v.把……压实;使简洁;使紧密,压缩;订立(协定)

7、compacted ─── adj.压实的;压紧的;v.压缩(compact的过去式和过去分词);压紧

8、comparts ─── v.(尤指按计划)分隔,隔开

9、recompacts ─── recompacts

compacts 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They are very compact and are designed to be usedwith one hand. ─── 它们的设计外形小巧,可单手操作。

2、The body stores minerals in the hard, compact bone. ─── 人体把矿物质储存在坚实的骨骼中。

3、Do you have a small compact car? ─── 你们有小型的简便车吗?

4、She inspected her face in a compact. ─── 她对着有镜小粉盒审视自己的面容。

5、The Garbage Collector runs in its own thread to remove unused memory from your program. It also compacts the managed heap each time it runs. ─── 垃圾收集器以自己的线程运行,从程序里移除未使用的内存,每次运行时也压缩托管堆。

6、Her essay is compact and plain. ─── 她的散文文体紧凑

7、The compact family design is ideal. ─── 亲密的家系设计是理想的。

8、You can get the feel of a compact car in no time. ─── 你很快就能把小型车摸清楚。

9、Compact discs( CDs): Widely used optical disk format. ─── 光盘(光唱碟)广泛使用的光学磁盘格式.

10、To make more compact by or as if by pressing. ─── 压缩用压力或类似用压力使更紧密

11、Never leave clay or very compact soil in the pot. ─── 别把粘土或者非常紧实的泥土留在罐子里。

12、An optical disk, especially a compact disk. ─── 光盘,尤指微缩盘

13、Say,a sub compact can run thirty five kilometers one gal on of gas. ─── 例如一部经济型号的车子用一加仑油便可开三十五公里。

14、She always keeps a powder compact inher bag,. ─── 她的手提包里总是放着粉盒。

15、And what could or must be the scope and role of rei publicae (states, nations, communities, local compacts ...)? ─── 国家、民族、共同体、地方性协定等的范围和角色能够或者说必须是什么?

16、Twenty of Honda's latest FCX and 30 of Ford's Focus FCV fuel-cell-powered compacts will soon be on the highways. ─── 再过不久,20辆本田汽车最新款的FCX与30辆福特汽车FCV燃料电池动力车的芳踪,就会出现在高速公路上。

17、He handed a compact disc to the supervisor. ─── 他把光盘交给管理者了。

18、A more compact form of an object identifier in a repository. ─── 存储库中形式更精简的对象标识符。

19、Ok. Luxury, mid-size or compact? ─── 好。是要豪华型、中型还是小型车?

20、A poset is an FS-domain iff it is a Lawson compact FS-poset. ─── 一个偏序集是一个FS-Domain当且仅当它为Lawson紧的FS-偏序集;

21、development time is spent on compacts rather than liquids for the local market. ─── 研发的时间就会用在为当地市场研究粉饼、而不是粉底液上。

22、In an Access project, this option compacts the Access project (. Adp) file but not the SQL Server database. ─── 在Access项目中,此选项将压缩Access项目(.adp)文件而不是压缩SQL Server数据库。

23、Compact design and three functions design saves money and space. ─── 体积小巧,三合一设计可节省成本及空间。

24、A compact disk is a shiny, circular disk that stores information. ─── 一个光盘是一个光亮的、圆形的可以存储信息的盘。

25、From one end to the other, it was homogeneous and compact. ─── 从这一头到那一头,都是清一色、严实的整体。

26、manufacturers have really raised the bar in producing durable underwater compacts at affordable prices. ─── 厂商制造的耐用的水下器材的门槛儿确实提了老高。

27、A compact, cymose cluster of flowers. ─── 团伞花序密集而无柄的聚伞花序

28、A compact is an agreement or binding obligation. ─── 契约是一个协议或具有约束力的义务。

29、The technique .NETZ uses does not work for .NET Compact Framework. ─── 以下,我们编写一个例子来印证我们的分析。

30、Compact disc drive access optimization. ─── 压缩磁盘存取优化。

31、I'd like a compact car that gets good mileage. ─── 一辆省油的小型车。

32、A properly executed and legally binding compact. ─── 合同,协议严格被执行的或受法律约束的契约

33、I enjoy reading his essays because they are compact and pithy. ─── 他的文章简洁而精辟, 我很喜欢读。

34、Covenant:a binding agreement; a compact. ─── " 盟约,契约:有约束力的协议;合同."

35、Round and compact with well-arched toes like a cat. ─── 呈圆润结实状,脚趾需充份拱起,有如猫掌.

36、He had a compact and muscular body. ─── 他个子矮小健壮。

37、The means of absorption include law, agreements and compacts, or forms of economic organisation. ─── 吸纳的概念包括法律、协议、契约和经济组织。

38、Advanced clamp box design, it can compact seal layer. ─── 先进印垫夹盒设计,能很好的压紧印章垫。

39、Sounds like a perfect fit, right? It even fits with long-running reports that Mercedes is looking for a partner for its next-gen compacts. ─── 听起来很完美,对不对?它甚至符合长期运行的报告说,奔驰正在寻找合作伙伴,其次世代协约。

40、His uncle is a man of compact build. ─── 他叔父身体结实。

41、BD Compact: reliable air supply for work and rescue. ─── BD紧密︰工作的可靠的空气供应和援救。

42、A compact camera;a compact car. ─── 不占空间的摄像机;小型汽车

43、PDC bit uses polycrystalline diamond compacts (PDC) as cutters. ─── pdc钻头用聚晶金刚石(复合片)作为刀具。

44、Well, we have compacts, medium-size taxis. ─── 哦,我们有小型车和中型车。

45、They are very compact in time and the frequency bands of interest are narrow. ─── 它们在时间上是非常紧致的同时有意义频带是狭的。

46、The Loyalists of Thule: Compact. ─── 北国志士:猎团之一。

47、But we do provide compact shoe shiners for our guests. ─── 但是我们为客人准备了盒式皮鞋刷。

48、Cracking down on smuggling of pirated compact discs. ─── 严厉打击盗版光盘走私活动。

49、And its compact design saves your office space. ─── 体积小巧的设计为你办公室节省更多的空间。

50、Team spirit:tacit communication,compact system and common target. ─── 团结:沟通默契,制度严谨,目标一致的团队。

51、To reshape or make compact by applying steady force; compress. ─── 压缩用施加持续的力量使物重新成形或压缩;压紧

52、TPC's range includes compacts and lipstick containers. ─── TPC球场的范围包括契约和口红容器。

53、In the nonprofit world, it is usually a collection of unspoken compacts that tell us who we are, who we serve, why we serve them, and how. ─── 在非营利世界,通常有一系列不成文的约定告诉我们,我们是谁,我们为谁服务,我们为什么为他们服务,如何服务。

54、In those days few ordinary folks could afford to buy the locally produced jeeps or Bluebird compacts. ─── 国产吉普车、青鸟小轿车,在当时都不是一般人可以拥有的天价奢侈品。

55、Cathy: It looks very compact and stylish but how easy is it to use? ─── 凯西:看来很小巧时髦,但容易使用吗?

56、A compact camera; a compact car. ─── 不占空间的摄像机; 小型汽车

57、A formal agreement; a compact. ─── 合同正式协议;合约

58、A compact implicit between two or more people or groups. ─── 不成文的规定在两人、更多人或群体之间的默契

59、With the increase of the sintering holding time, the relative density of the compacts hardly increases, but the hardness could be improved. ─── 同时发现保温时间对烧结体的相对密度影响不大,但硬度随保温时间的延长而增大。

60、These two devices feature compact and eas... ─── 二种装置具有结构紧凑、简单实用的特点。

61、I reserved a compact car for three days. ─── 取车时可以说

62、OK . Luxury, mid - size or compact ? ─── 好。 是要豪华型、中型还是小型车?

63、Not if we choose a small compact car. ─── 如果我们挑一辆小型车就不会了。

64、The company came up with a new, more compact computer. ─── 公司推出了一种新的更小型的电脑。

65、A compact sitting-room of the same genre was outside. ─── 外面是间具有同样格调的小小的起居室。

66、The writing or document embodying this compact. ─── 合同书,协议书反映这一契约的文字或文件

67、Paws: Compact, large strong paws. ─── [爪部:紧凑巨大和强壮.

68、We have a few compact cars available in our lot. ─── 停车场里有几部小型车。

69、Compact,low profile with low Rdc and large current. ─── 协调,小尺寸,大电流,低直流阻抗。

70、Well, we have a few compact cars available in our lot. ─── 好的。在停车场里,我们有些小型车可供出租。

71、Compact discs (CDs): Widely used optical disk format. ─── 光盘(激光唱碟):广泛使用的光学磁盘格式.

72、Have you heard about new Compact Discs? ─── 你听说过一种新式坚实的小型薄圆盘吗?

73、The compact guide to microsoft office professional II. ─── 专业版简明指南2。

74、Compacts the selected local folder. ─── 压缩选定的本地文件夹。

75、What's the daily rate for a compact car? ─── 一部小型车的每天租金是多少?

76、Compacts all of the local folders. ─── 压缩所有本地文件夹。

77、Having a stout or compact build. ─── 体格粗壮的或敦实的

78、He received a compact package. ─── 他收到一个扎得很紧的包裹。

79、To become thin or less compact or dense. ─── 变稀薄,变得不浓

80、The Times says its new size is "compact", not tabloid. ─── 《泰晤士报》称改版后的报纸为“紧凑型”,并没有沦为街头小报。

81、To make thin, less compact, or less dense. ─── 使稀薄使变瘦,变淡,变得不紧凑,不浓密

82、I've been amazing people for at least seven years with what I pull out Canon's compacts. ─── 至少七年来我的佳能小相机拍出的照片一直令人惊叹。

83、In essence, because G1 compacts as it proceeds, it copies objects from one area of the heap to the other. ─── 上,由于G1在处理同时做压缩,它将对象从堆的一个地方拷贝到另一个地方。

84、As writers, they like a structure that is compact. ─── 写文章的时候,他们喜欢采用紧凑的结构。

85、Man and wife entered into a solemn compact. ─── 夫妻二人订了一个庄严的契约。

86、What type of compact car do you have? ─── 你们有什么样的小型车?

87、Do you know how to set the copier at model of compact(enlarge)? ─── 你知道怎么将复印机设定在缩印(放大)模式上吗?

88、It is light, compact, handy and easy to handel. ─── 她轻便、紧凑、灵巧、好用。

89、To become compact or solid; cohere. ─── 凝固使坚实或变硬;粘着紧凑

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