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08-18 投稿


ably 发音

英:[?e?bli]  美:[?e?bli]

英:  美:

ably 中文意思翻译



ably 网络释义

adv. 巧妙地;精明能干地

ably 词性/词形变化,ably变形

形容词: ablutionary |

ably 短语词组

1、-ably suf. ─── [构成与-able结尾的形容词相应的副词]

ably 相似词语短语

1、-bly ─── n.(Bly)人名;(英)布莱

2、-ably ─── adv.巧妙地;精明能干地

3、agly ─── 阿格利河

4、abl ─── abbr.阿特拉斯计算机基本语言(AtlasBasicLanguage);离格的(等于ablative)

5、aby ─── v.赎(难、罪);n.(Aby)(美)阿比(人名)

6、-ibly ─── 巧妙地

7、ally ─── n.同盟国;伙伴;同盟者;助手;vt.使联盟;使联合;vi.联合;结盟;n.(Ally)人名;(巴基)阿利;(法)阿利;(英)艾丽(女子教名Alice的简称);(尼日利)阿利

8、able ─── adj.能;[经管]有能力的;能干的;n.(Able)人名;(伊朗)阿布勒;(英)埃布尔

9、abl. ─── abbr.阿特拉斯计算机基本语言(AtlasBasicLanguage);离格的(等于ablative)

ably 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He was ably assisted by a number of members from other branches. ─── 他得到了其他部门的几个成员的得力协助。

2、The duels in Fearless are ably coordinated by Yuen Wo-ping, the master behind the Matrix films. ─── 《霍元甲》中的打斗场面全都经过袁和平的精心指导。

3、Despite their raw talent, both pitchers need the development a summer league like the ABL offers. ─── 仅管才刚起步,他们都需要像阿拉斯加棒联这样的夏季联盟让他们磨练。

4、We were ably assisted by a team of volunteers. ─── 我们得到一批志愿者的大力协助。

5、Apoptosis of K562 cells was significantly increased associated with inhibition of bcr abl expression. ─── bcr?abl融合基因表达受抑后,K562细胞凋亡显著增加。

6、Study on the in vitro cleavage abilities of ribozymes specific to different sites of bcr abl fusion gene and their induction of apoptosis in K562 cells ─── Bcr-abl特异性系列核酶体外切割活性比较及诱导K562细胞凋亡的实验研究

7、Visionaries are those who have the power and ability to see from within and are ably guided by their inner senses. ─── 觉察者们是那些拥有力量和能力从内在看见的人,并被他们内在的感觉巧妙地引导。

8、Immunoprecipitation and Immunoblot have found that WT, Y279F, Y304F and Y546F Syp can bind directly to the Bcr Abl in vivo. ─── 免疫沉淀与免疫印迹结果发现WT、Y279F、Y304F和Y546F等4 种Syp 在胞内均能直接与Bcr?Abl 结合。

9、The effect of antisense bcr - abl oligonucleotides on the growth of K562 cells ─── bcr-ahl融合基因反义寡核苷酸对K562细胞生长的影响

10、Growth of K562 cells and the expression of CyclinD1 gene and bcr abl fusion gene effected by Genistein ─── Genistein对K562细胞生长及CyclinD1基因和bcr-abl融合基因表达的影响

11、I was ably seconded in this research by my son. ─── 在这项研究中,我儿子帮了我很大忙。

12、But the view according to Li Shufu.In his dictionary never " difficult " this word, mix through lending life ably money lend chicken unripe egg, all problems be readily solved. ─── 但根据李书福的说法.他的字典中从来没有“困难”这个词,通过巧妙的借人生财和借鸡生蛋,所有的问题都迎刃而解。

13、In Vitro Inhibition of K562 Cell Lines by BCR ABL Antisense Oligonucleotide ─── 反义BCR/ABL寡核苷酸体外抑制K562细胞的研究

14、He ruled ably for over a decade rather than ineptly for a couple months. ─── 他统治罗马有10多年,而不是无能的在皇帝的宝座上只呆了几个月。

15、In subsequent tests planned for later this month, the ABL will conduct a complete engagement series using its tracking illuminator laser, its atmospheric compensation laser, and the SHEL. ─── 在本月计划的后继测试中,ABL将利用跟踪照明激光、大气补偿激光以及SHEL进行完整的作战序列实验。

16、LDH assay showed CTL was induced by the bcr abl immunization. ─── 4bcr- abl基因免疫后的小鼠能有效诱导出特异性细胞毒 T细胞 (cytotoxic T lymph-cyte,CTL) .

17、Imatinib was redesigned to produce WBZ_4 (bottom) which binds to KIT and additionally JNK kinases, but not ABL. ─── 伊马替尼是重新设计制作wbz_4 (由下而上) ,其中结合试剂盒和另外活性的激酶,但不大气边界层。

18、He was ably seconded by Jackson and they won a succession of brilliant victories. ─── 他有能干的杰克逊辅佐着,因而他们赢得了一系列光辉的胜利。

19、min. 6 years working experience 2. very familiar with cash flow calculations and internal key data analaysis 3. abl...... ... ─── 公司名称:维克多精密工业(深圳)有限公司工作地点:广东省深圳市发布时间:2009-5-19

20、Antisense BCR?ABL oligonucleotide enhanced the ?in vitro ?purging activity of adramycin, etoposide or cytoarabin on leukemia cells ─── 反义BCR-ABL寡核苷酸对化疗药物体外净化白血病细胞的增强效应

21、He was ably assisted by his brother of the blue, who poured ponderous oaths upon the troubled waters. ─── 他得到了他的穿蓝制服的同行的有力支援,这位同行还火上浇油地大声咒骂着愤怒的人群。

22、Reasonable use a space, choose ably to decorate, can make the bedroom produces result of optimal adornment art, it satisfies people to use functional requirement already, can give a person beautiful enjoyment again. ─── 合理利用空间,巧妙地选择装饰,可使居室产生最佳装饰艺术效果,它既满足人们使用功能的要求,又可以给人美的享受。

23、bcr - abl Aspo has a specific growth inhibition effect on K562 cells, and worths further study in CML gene therapy. ─── bcr-abl融合基因反义寡核苷酸对K562细胞具有特异性增殖抑制作用,在慢性粒细胞白血病基因治疗中值得深人研究。

24、The ABL gene encodes a tyrosine kinase whose activity is tightly regulated. ─── ABL基因编码一种活性受到严格调控的酪氨酸激酶。

25、This paper presents the long|time observational results of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) over Hefei using L300 Mie scattering lidar. ─── 利用L300米散射激光雷达对合肥市郊大气边界层进行长期系统观测。

26、Technical consultant (1 position)- PeopleTools 8.46, data mover, Application Engine, Application Designer. - Abl...... ... ─── 公司名称:文思创新软件技术有限公司工作地点:广东省深圳市发布时间:2009-4-3

27、The newsroom will respond to the rhythms of the Web as ably and responsibly as we do to the rhythms of the printed newspaper. ─── 他们应该重铸他们(机构以及每个记者)与社区的关系。

28、And the influences induced by meteorological conditions and human activities on the ABL structure were analyzed. ─── 分析了气象条件和人类活动对大气边界层结构的影响。

29、"Flying rain " use air - current mixes a technology - rainfall pattern and rotate massage mode, used the water in nature chute and race and airy reciprocity ably bath in the center. ─── “飞雨”运用空气-水流混合技术-雨水模式和旋转按摩模式,将自然界瀑布和急流中水与空气的相互作用巧妙地运用到了沐浴当中。

30、The SHEL is a low-power laser used to simulate the characteristics of the high-energy Chemical Iodine Oxygen Laser that will be installed on ABL beginning later this year. ─── SHEL是一种低能激光,用于模拟将于明年初安装在ABL飞机上的高能化学碘氧激光。

31、Human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) derived dendritic cells fused with K562 cells induce a p210BCR ABL protein specific cytotoxic T cell response in vitro ─── 人树突状细胞与K562细胞的融合以及体外诱导p210蛋白特异性CTL的研究(英文)

32、ABL kinase domain ─── ABL激酶区

33、Therefore,We suggest that it is prob- ably an effective method for testing beam models to seek for some x-ray radia- tions of the complex sources. ─── 因此,我们提出对某些复杂源进行 X 射线探测可能是检验束流模型的一种有效方法。

34、abl probe ─── abl(癌基因)探针

35、The PTK activity of BCR ABL protein was also mildly decreased in CML monouclear cells at 60 h. ─── As2 O3作用 6 0h ,可使CML患者骨髓单个核细胞BCR ABL蛋白PTK活性轻度下降。

36、Choose incomplete carry on one's shoulder, deadwood ably, also can show the atmosphere of extraordinary rigidity. ─── 冬天巧妙地选用残荷、枯枝,也能表现出峥嵘劲直的气氛。

37、Keywords WRF model;aerosol radiative effect;lidar;ABL;numerical simulation; ─── WRF模式;气溶胶辐射效应;激光雷达;大气边界层;数值模拟;

38、Presumably, the ABL protein, like the product of many other so-called housekeeping genes, is not essential in normal signaling pathways. ─── 人们推测ABL蛋白和其他许多看家基因的产物一样,对于正常的信号转导途径并不是必须的。

39、The magazine was ably and eloquently conducted, and the general tenor of its article was to urge onward the revolution. ─── 这个杂志经营得宜,立论令人信服,文章的一般主旨在于促进革命。

40、An air hostess ever avoided the happening of afore-mentioned circumstances ably. ─── 一位空中小姐曾巧妙地避免了上述情况的发生。

41、To explore the application value of bcr abl fusion gene deterction microarray in diagnosis, typing, choosing of treatment variant and prognosis judgment, probe for fusion gene detection was designed, oligonucleotide microarray was prepared; ─── 为了研究bcr abl融合基因检测芯片在白血病诊断、分型、治疗方案选择及预后判断中的应用价值 ,设计了融合基因检测探针 ,制成寡核苷酸芯片 ;

42、I am ably seconded in this research by my son. ─── 在这项研究中,我儿子帮了我很大忙

43、Jonathan Fitzgibbons answers these questions ably. ─── 乔纳森?费茨基布斯对这些问题作了圆满的回答。

44、The baseball immigration from the Orient to the ABL started in 2005 when Taiwanese pitcher Sung-Wei Tseng and shortstop Sheng-Wei Wang came to the Bucs and were named to the All-ABL team. ─── 2005年投手增菘玮及游击手王胜伟来到海盗队并且入选明星队开启了亚洲球员来到阿拉斯加棒联之路。

45、Trouble shooting and repairing of Liquid Sensor for ABL 500 Blood Analysis system ─── 500血气分析仪液体传感器故障原因分析与处理

46、By adding a methyl group at a critical point, they made a new compound named WBZ_4 that inhibited KIT kinases - but not those from the ABL family. ─── 加入甲基组在一个临界点,他们取得了新的化合物,命名为wbz_4这一抑制激酶试剂盒-而不是那些从a bl的家庭。


48、" They It will care to be ably curb the ability of tobacco companies to market products to our children by using appealing flflavors. ─── “这项法律可以抑制烟草公司,通过使用诱人的香料,来向我们的孩子销售产品。

49、In field bleachers at the back of last seat, design personnel arranged circuit loudspeaker ably, although you sit,be in last, heard spot voice also in front of.. ─── 在球场看台最后一排座椅后面,设计人员还巧妙地安排了一圈扩音器,即使你坐在最后一排,听到的现场声音也跟前...

50、While politically the Jeffersonians won power, in letters the conservative Federalist viewpoint seemed far more ably presented ─── 在政治上取得权势的是杰斐逊派,在文学上保守的联邦主义者似乎人才辈出。

51、Have wall of fashionable colorific theme, avoided ably to arrive from housetop the hollowness between the desktop. ─── 具有时尚色彩的主题墙,巧妙地避免了从屋顶到桌面间的空旷。

52、Brown, he said, deserved immense credit for deputising so ably for Nemanja Vidic. ─── 他说布朗很好的代替了维迪奇。

53、In the overall layout ably, new with water, and close to the house, loyal, become its mastery of architectural wind suzhou museum. ─── 在整体布局上,新馆巧妙地借助水面,与紧邻的拙政园、忠王府融会贯通,成为其建筑风苏州博物馆格的延伸。

54、Among 13 cases with BCR ABL assay,all 8 cases with Ph positive were BCR ABL positive and in 5 cases with Ph negative 2 (40%) were BCR ABL positive. ─── 8 例 Ph(+ )患者 B C R? A B L基因亦阳性,5 例 Ph(- )患者有2 例(40% )阳性;

55、Some Views on Whether the MAGLEV Technology is Prefer ably Adopted for the Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway ─── 关于京沪高速铁路是否宜采用磁悬浮技术的几点看法

56、Induction of CTL by immunization of bcr abl fusion gene ─── bcr-abl基因免疫诱导特异性细胞毒性T淋巴细胞杀伤功能

57、He is open and smart, using many styles and sensibility in his articles.He seldom fixes himself to routines.His particular viewpoint and narrative style are fused ably and harmoniously. ─── 他开放灵活,多种文体相互杂错,不拘章法,独到的学术见解与鲜明的个人叙述风格巧妙融合,呈现给读者一个典型的“狐狸型”学者的生动形象。

58、The break on chromosome 9 involves a gene called ABL . The break on chromosome 22 involves a gene called BCR . ─── 9号染色体的断裂发生在ABL基因处,而22号染色体的断裂发生在断裂点簇集区(BCR)。

59、We use BLAST and DOT PLOT to compare the bcr~ abl genome sequencedfrom normal cells by the HGP and from CML cell. ─── abl基因HSABLGR1、HSABLGR2与NT_008338.3相比,序列基本相同。

60、ably get from his parents is incomprehension or criticism, will go to his friends for sympathy and advice, leaving the parents totally unaware of the problem he has.” ─── 一个碰到问题的孩子,当他觉得从父母那里得到的有可能是不理解或者批评的时候,就会去找他的朋友们寻求同情和建议,而其父母对其问题却全然不知。

61、They have done their work very ably. ─── 他们胜任出色地做完了工作。

62、CML is associated with the abnormal fusion of a portion of chromosome 21 with a cell growth-promoting enzyme called ABL, which makes the enzyme perpetually active. ─── CML与21好染色体的部分异常融合相关,导致控制细胞增长的酶ABL永久激活。


64、As the element of a kind of OK and free commutation, if use cloth art ably, can let household often change Chang Xin. ─── 作为一种可以自由变换的元素,假如巧妙地使用布艺,可以让家居常变常新。

65、The Financial Stability Forum (FSF), ably chaired by Mario Draghi of the Bank of Italy, has started to tackle these issues. ─── 金融稳定论坛在意大利银行马里奥.德拉基(MarioDraghi)的得力领导下,已开始着手处理这些问题。

66、In sharp contrast, all transforming Abl variants are exclusively cytoplasmic, such as Bcr-Abl, even though which contains same NLS and NES sequence as c-Abl. It is critical in inducing human chronic myelogenous leckemia (CML). ─── 例如BCR-Abl,虽然它具有与c-Abl相同的C端序列和NLS、NES,但它只存在于胞质中,而且胞质中BCR-Abl的组成型活化是导致人类慢性粒细胞白血病(CML)的重要原因。

67、Wall of one side art is on the right side of, lamplight hides ably in the groove of metope, water is dizzy the dark grain like ases if to dropping off gradually in downy light. ─── 右侧是一面艺术墙,灯光巧妙地藏在墙面的凹槽里,水晕般的暗纹在柔和光线中仿佛正渐渐散去。

68、Imatinib (top) binds to both KIT and ABL kinases. ─── 伊马替尼(顶)结合双方试剂盒和abl的激酶。

69、Observational Experiment on Urban Atmospheric Environment ABL ─── 城市大气环境边界层观测试验

70、The simulated mean structure and second-order moments of ABL are analyzed, and the resulting temperature and relative humidity are compared with the observed data during HEIFE. ─── 分析了模拟的地表通量、边界层的平均结构和湍流二阶量,并用黑河试验的观测资料检验了模式的模拟性能。

71、The vertical distribution of extinction properties and the height of ABL over the observation site were inverted. ─── 反演了观测站上空大气气溶胶的消光特性垂直分布以及大气边界层的高度。

72、4 years related experience.2、Experience in developing and working with small group problem solving teams.3、Must be abl...... ... ─── 公司名称:史赛克(苏州)医疗技术有限公司工作地点:江苏省苏州市发布时间:2009-7-11

73、This subject of the checks to increase has been ably treated by several authors. ─── 关于抑制这一问题,已有若干人很好地讨论过。

74、bcr abl fusion gene formation due to chromosome translocation may be the major mechanism of CML via inhibition of apoptosis. ─── bcr?abl融合基因可抑制CML细胞凋亡,这可能是CML发病的主要机制。

75、p210bcr-ab1 has deregulated ABL tyrosine kinase activity. As a result, this abnormal activation therefore lead to an expanded clonal hematopoiesis , altered adhesion properties and inhibition of apoptosis of myeloid cells. ─── bcr-abl融合基因的致白血病性主要因为P210~(bcr-abl)蛋白具有失调的酪氨酸激酶活性,导致造血细胞产生过度增殖,对骨髓基质的粘附性下降以及凋亡丧失等病理学改变。

76、Dur- ing the six weeks after the starting of the experiment,in the lipoxygenase activity both irradiated and unirradiated callus was at lower level. Six weeks after,lipoxygenase activity increased remark- ably. ─── 在试验开始后6周内,无论辐照与否,愈伤组织中脂氧合酶的活性都处于较低的水平,6周后其活性显著增加。

77、Iranian diplomats ably exploit such doubts. ─── 伊朗的外交官巧妙地利用了这样的疑问。

78、Influence of chemotherapeutants and cytokines on growth and transgene expression of bone marrow cells from MT/p210(bcr abl) transgenic mice ─── 化疗药物联合细胞因子对bcr-abl转基因小鼠骨髓细胞生长及转基因表达的影响

79、The Financial Stability Forum, ably chaired by Mario Draghi of the Bank of Italy, has started to fill this gap. ─── 金融稳定性论坛在意大利央行行长德拉基先生的卓越领导下已开始填补这个空白。

80、Ably supported by Shaun Wright-Phillips, Joe Cole and, yes, Arjen Robben, they effectively marked both United's wingers, Cristiano Ronaldo and Ryan Giggs, out of the game. ─── 在小赖特、乔科尔、对,还有罗本的适当帮助下,他们成功的防住了曼联的边锋c罗和吉格斯。

81、But imatinib is known to cause heart problems in some people because it also switches off tyrosine kinases in the ABL family. ─── 但伊马替尼是众所周知的导致心脏问题,在一些人,因为它还要开关小康酪氨酸激酶在abl的家庭。

82、What we saw and heard Ed has written and ably interpreted time and again, always with great sympathy. ─── 埃德总是以极大的同情把我们所见所闻多次撰写出来并作了出色的说明。

83、Pan is hanged ably on a frame that comes down from housetop hang oneself, stretch his hand to be able to be taken. ─── 平底锅很巧妙地挂在从屋顶上吊下来的一个架子上,伸手就可以拿到。

84、Inhibition of apoptosis by bcr abl fusion gene in K562 cells ─── bcr-abl融合基因抑制K562细胞凋亡的研究

85、12 Women might be abl to fake orgasms. But men can fake a whole relationship. ─── 但能判出哪方出局。战争不能决出正义。

86、ABL tyrosine kinase ─── ABL酪氨酸激酶

87、of the checks to increase has been ably treated by several authors. ─── 关于抑制这一问题,已有若干人很好地讨论过。


89、33. They had ably worked out the various schemes to ease trade restrictions. ─── 他们能干地制定了放宽贸易限制的各种计划。

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