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08-20 投稿


awninged 发音

英:[['?:n??d]]  美:[['?:n??d]]

英:  美:

awninged 中文意思翻译



awninged 相似词语短语

1、twinged ─── n.阵痛;悔恨;vt.使刺痛;使感到剧痛;vi.刺痛;感到剧痛

2、wringed ─── vt.拧;绞;紧握;使痛苦;折磨;vi.蠕动;扭动;感到痛苦;感到苦恼;n.拧;绞;挤;扭动

3、swinged ─── vt.猛打,使劲打

4、winged ─── adj.有翼的;飞行的;迅速的;翼受伤的

5、awning ─── n.雨篷;[建]遮阳篷;甲板等上的天篷

6、accinged ─── 会计

7、whinged ─── vi.哀鸣;气愤地抱怨;n.嘀咕;抱怨不止

8、-winged ─── adj.有翼的;飞行的;迅速的;翼受伤的

9、awnings ─── n.[建]遮阳篷;遮雨篷;遮篷布(awning的复数形式)

awninged 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、All he saw was a van with tinted windows parked under the oversized awning of Flushing Food Mart across the street. ─── 他只看见一辆车窗贴了遮阳纸的货车,停在对面法拉盛食品市场的超大雨篷下。

2、Leaf blade ovate, elliptic, or oblong, not ciliate along margin. Thecae 1-awned, awn ca. 0.5 mm. ─── 卵形的叶片,椭圆形,或长圆形,不具缘毛沿边缘。囊1芒,大约0.5毫米的芒

3、Then he remembered seeing similar grand ladies and gowns entering the London theatres while he stood and watched and the policemen shoved him back into the drizzle beyond the awning. ─── 于是他回忆起曾见过类似的仕女名媛穿着类似的衣服进入伦敦的戏院,而他却站在那儿张望,被警察推到雨篷以外的蒙蒙细雨中去。

4、" shoe of awn of broken earthen bowl " what image is revealing latter-day bookman is perplexed with look for. ─── “破钵芒鞋”意象则流露着近代文人的迷惘和寻觅。

5、He quickly dodged under the awning while the mother duck quacked at him and the babies above. ─── 他在妈妈鸭子对他及上面的鸭子呱呱的叫声中,迅速地闪到篷沿下面。

6、I am looking for Awning fabrics uv resistant.we are looking for Please get contact us soon for further information as well as let us know your contact points. ─── 不能查看联系方式,可能是目前您还不是" 网上广交会 "铂金会员, 或是您尚未登录!

7、Accordingly, four significant inspiration have been dr awn from a recall of the 20th-century Chinese history and a scientific summatio n of the historical experience since the founding of the Republic. ─── 回顾百年历史,科学总结建国以来的历史经验,有四条重要启示:思想路线问题至关重要; 不断深化对社会主义的认识问题至关重要;

8、An Experimental Investigation for the Wind Pressure Distribution on a Large Span Awning ─── 大跨雨棚风洞测压试验研究

9、The place where they sit is shaded from the sun by green awning ─── 他们坐的地方有绿色的天篷遮阴

10、mericarps 8 or 9, with vertical grooves, apex 2-awned, exceeding calyx, awn 3-6 mm, retrorsely hispid. ─── 分果爿8或者9,有垂直槽沟,2具芒的顶,超过花萼,芒3-6毫米,反曲具糙硬毛。

11、A pleasure-boat with striped awning was going by ─── 一艘装着条纹布篷的游艇正巧经过这里。

12、docking bridge awning stanchion ─── 尾桥楼天幕柱

13、Several people herded under an awning to get out the shower ─── 几个人聚集在门栅下避阵雨。

14、"Summoner Kanthin's Prize" (I found Kanthin at 59.62, although he may have different awn points, not sure ─── “召唤者卡辛的奖赏”(我在59,62找到卡辛,但他好像有不同的刷新点,我不清楚)

15、There are a lot of active measures to protect permafrost adopted in the construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway,of which one is awning. ─── 在青藏铁路的施工建设中,许多主动保护冻土的措施已经被采用,遮阳板就是其中之一。

16、Ma W Q,Mao D R,Zhang F S.Nutrients accumulation with in vegetable awning (greenhouse) in Shandong province[J].Phosphate &Compound Fertilizer,2000,15(3):65-67. ─── [5]马文奇,毛达如,张福锁.山东省蔬菜大棚养分累积状况[J].磷肥与复肥,2000,15(3):65-67.

17、upper glume awn to 3 mm or occasionally absent; ─── 上面颖片芒到无3毫米或偶有;

18、A milk bottle clinks on a stone.An awning is cranked in a shop on Marktgasse.A vegetable cart moves slowly through a street.A man and woman talk in hushed tones in an apartment nearby. ─── 奶瓶磕碰了石头,马克特街的商店拉下遮阳篷,菜车缓缓行过街道,附近公寓里男女低声说话。

19、Our main Exporting products is Spice and Essential Oils, Weave of Bamboo, wooden, bine, awn, Canned goods, talc powder, etc. ─── 公司目前形成了以香料及香料油、木藤芒制品、头食品、石粉等为拳头产品,不断开发新产品和市场,在开展业务的同时,借助与广大客商的合作,在互惠互利的基础上,发展自己。

20、He bought an awning to go over the doorway ─── 他买了一个遮篷张在门口上。

21、1 Upper lemma with 2 lateral bristles arising at base of awn. ─── 出现的上面外稃具2侧的刚毛芒的在基部。

22、Cactus apply takes cactus 1, take out awn is pricked, smash the record that be like mud, apply is in callous place, had built with gauze fixed, daily 1. ─── 仙人掌外敷取仙人掌1片,去掉芒刺,捣如泥状,敷在硬结处,用纱布盖好固定,每日1次。

23、At the Motosumiyoshi commuter-train station in Kawasaki, a suburb of Tokyo, sleek solar panels serve as an awning over the platform. ─── 在东京郊区川崎的元住吉通勤列车站,平滑的太阳能电池板在月台上被用作遮阳篷和雨篷。

24、The color combinations available for the awning frame-from subdued to adventurous. ─── 多彩的罩壳部件,自由组合,或清秀或奔放;

25、There are a lot of active measures to protect permafrost adopted in the construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway and the Qinghai-Tibet Highway,of which an effective one is awning. ─── 在青藏铁路和青藏公路的施工建设中,许多主动保护冻土的措施已经被采用,遮阳板就是其中有效的降温措施之一。

26、Leaf blade margin biserrate; teeth acuminate with a long awn apically. ─── 叶片边缘具重锯齿;齿渐尖具一长芒顶部。

27、Wu Chih-sheng led Fan Po-wen through a lilac grove to a quiet corner on the east side of the garden, where there was a greenhouse, covered over now with a mat awning. ─── 吴芝生匆匆地说,拖住范博文穿过了一排密茂的丁香树,来到花园最东端的幽静去处。这里有玻璃棚的“暖花房”,现在花房顶罩着芦帘的凉棚。

28、But I heard you first hit an awning, and that helped to break your fall. Is that right. ─── 但我听说你是先撞上了一个遮阳蓬,那缓冲了你的坠落。是真的吗?

29、An elderly couple stood under a store awning on the edge of the tent village. ─── 一对年老的夫妇站在帐篷边缘的一个粮食商店下。

30、An adaptive wavelet network classifier for vibration fault diagnosis of steam turbine-generation is proposed based on theory of adap tive wavelet network (AWN). ─── 基于自适应小波网络理论,构造了一个应用于汽轮发电机组振动故障诊断与识别的自适应小波网络分类器。

31、The Effect on Grain Weight by Spike Node Below Spike and Awn ─── 冬小麦穗、穗下节、芒对籽粒重的影响

32、1 Lower glume of sessile spikelet obovate, broadly winged; awn present, geniculate, exserted from spikelet. ─── 倒卵形的无梗小穗,具宽翅的下部颖片;从小穗存在,膝曲,外露的芒。

33、Still I can't get it out of my mind what a discrepancy there is between ideas and living.A permanent dislocation, though we try to cover the two with a bright awning. ─── 仍叫我难以忘怀的是观念与生存之间竟有这么大的区别,其中存在永久性的脱节,尽管我们试图用一块鲜艳的篷布把两者蒙在一起。

34、upper floret ca. 2 mm, lemma apex narrowed into a poorly developed awn; ─── 上面小花约2毫米,外稃先端缩小成为一发育不良芒;

35、The place where they sit is shade from the sun by green awning. ─── 他们坐的地方有绿色的天篷遮阴。

36、middle line awning stanchion ─── 天幕中央撑柱

37、Ingredients: white tuckahoe, aloe, white awn, seawater, alga, evergreen bines, angelica, chamomile, glossy ganoderma, etc. ─── 多种名贵中药,直接针对眼部,增强眼机能的循环动力,使保持眼睛膨胀的增压液气流贯通,气助血行,气血相生,眼睛滋生神采。

38、One evening, we sat talking very friendly together under an awning ─── 一天黄昏的时候,我们在布篷下很和谐地一块儿坐着聊天。

40、tutory bewitchery clubbed superseraphical leaflet awninged upspring geront http://www.networksplus.net/st?ingwater/wantlist.ht ─── 关于本站-网站帮助-广告合作-下载声明-友情连接-网站地图-管理登录

41、Discussion on some issues about design of steel structure in rainproof awning without column at platform ─── 关于无站台柱雨棚钢结构设计中若干问题的探讨

42、Reenforce two teachers under air protection, attack awn street, Locbinh. ─── 增援的两个师在空军掩护下,进攻芒街、禄平。

43、The kitchen project is quite simple, visor's plank renovates before the awning, covers the canvas again. ─── 厨房的工程比较简单,就棚前遮阳的木板翻新,再盖上帆布。

44、awn not or only slightly longer than lemma. ─── 不或者只稍微的芒长于外稃。

45、Plant height was segregated in M3 population of Yuefengyabian 1 to 5 except Yuefengyabian 2.Some mutants with larger grain and/or longer awn were found in M4 population of Yuefengyabian 4. ─── (3)在M3代,粤丰压变1号-5号中除粤丰压变2号外的株高都发生了分离,而且粤丰压变4号分离出了大粒型和长芒型的植株;

46、Inheritance of Flag Leaf and Awn and Their Correlation with Grain Yield of Wheat ─── 小麦旗叶和芒的遗传及其与产量性状的相关性研究

47、Inside this typical quadrangle are a screen wall the second door the awning some pomegranate trees a fishbowl red lanterns Taihu Stone rockery and a birdcage. ─── 在这座老北京的四合院里,有影壁、二门、天棚、石榴树、大鱼缸,还有大红的灯笼、太湖石和鸟笼。

48、Awning cutdown to treat cerebral trauma and cerebral hernia ─── 天幕切开治疗脑外伤合并脑疝

49、There are many different strains differing in habit, plant height, lemma pubescence, and awn length. ─── 不同的很多在体型,植株高度,外稃短柔毛方面不同的劳累,和长度。

50、When the sun comes out, any spot in Paris can look beautiful; and if there is a bistro with an awning rolled down, a few tables on the sidewalk and colored drinks in the glasses, then people look altogether human. ─── 太阳一出来巴黎的任何地方都很漂亮,若是哪一家小酒馆放下遮太阳的篷布,在人行道上摆上几张桌子,在酒杯里倒上颜色鲜亮的饮料,那么人们的人情味就很浓了。

51、;mericarps 10, with vertical grooves, apex 2-awned, awn 3-4 mm, exceeding calyx, retrorsely barbed. ─── 分果爿10,有垂直槽沟,2具芒的顶,3-4毫米的芒,超过花萼,反曲具倒刺。

52、When finally he went ashore, he walked to the bow along a narrow passage on the edge of the boat, holding on to frame of the awning. ─── 到后要上岸时,就由船边小阳桥攀缘逢架到船头;

53、Two men and two girls in a boat sat facing each other on wicker seats under the flat blue awning. ─── 小船上,两个男子两个女郎对坐在淡蓝布荷叶边平顶船篷下。

54、a set of small lines passed through holes of a batten or fitting to help support the backbone of an awning ─── 天篷吊索,一组穿过板条或接头上的孔并用来辅助支撑天篷的龙骨细索

55、And then some important related elements which affect the classified perfo rmance of AWN are analyzed, conclusions which are of great importance in real ap plication are obtained. ─── 同时对该网络的分类性能进行了分析,得出了一些具有实际价值的结论。

56、A side all colors' account awning, the gathering islands, let the snowflake knitting return to the harbor beautifully likely. ─── 像一方五彩的帐篷,汇聚的岛屿,让雪花编织的美丽回到了港湾。

57、Tallis waited in the deserted cafe terrace beside the entrance, scraping with a burnt-out match at the gull droppings that had fallen through the tattered awning on to the green metal tables. ─── 塔利斯在人口处旁的一家空荡荡的咖啡馆露台里等候着,用一根熄灭了的火柴棍削刮着穿过破凉篷而掉落在绿色金属桌子上的一滴滴鸥粪。

58、Awn teachs the Wu Xu of Chinese gumshoe institute this year 74 years old. ─── 中国刑警学院的吴旭芒教授今年74岁了。

59、That evening, the awning fixed over the front cabin, he fiddled while Wuduo and Seven sang. ─── 到了晚上,前舱盖了篷,男子拉琴,五多唱歌,老七也唱歌。

60、A large green awning is set over the glass window to shelter against the sun. ─── 在玻璃窗上装了个绿色的大遮棚以遮挡阳光。

61、The awning is suitable for hard walls.such as:concrete walls, brick walls,wooden wall,light gage steel joist walls etc.It can be installed on ceilling also . ─── 可适用于混凝土、砖墙、木质、轻钢龙骨等硬性墙体安装,还可以实现吊顶安装。

62、Shoe of bamboo bastinado awn gets the better of a horse gently, who is afraid of? ─── “莫听穿林打叶声,何妨吟啸且徐行。竹杖芒鞋轻胜马,谁怕?一莎烟雨任平生。

63、A set of small lines passed through holes of a batten or fitting to help support the backbone of an awning. ─── 天篷吊索一组穿过板条或接头上的孔并用来辅助支撑天篷的龙骨细索

64、Durnholde Lookouts will now properly de awn after all 5 of the Baracks in Caver of Time: Escape from Durnholde are burned down. ─── 5个“巨穴兵营”都在“时光:逃离敦霍尔德”中被烧毁之后,敦霍尔德前哨站将会正确地消失。

65、As if afraid that this answer had given offence, for which he must make amends, the man scrambled out of the darkness to stand in the doorway. Holding gingerly on to the frame of the awning, he stared awkwardly at the visitor. ─── 好像单单是这样答应,还深恐开罪了来人,这时觉得有一点义务要尽了,这男子于是从暗处爬出来,在舱口,小心小心板着篷架,非常拘束的望着来人。

66、In addition to the seedset percentage, mutations in the plant height, grain size and awn also appeared in the AC1S1 lines, of which 69.8% retained the characteristics of the original Tainung 67. ─── AC1S1系统除了结实率有突变外,株高、粒型、芒也有突变发生。共有69.8%的AC1S1系统保持与原品种台农67号同样之性状。

67、 双语使用场景

68、Leaves opposite, sessile, linear, semiterete or clavate, fleshy, rarely subulate or scale-like, base slightly expanded, apex obtuse or with a short, acicular awn;leaf axil usually cottony. ─── 叶对生,无梗,线形,半圆柱形的或棍棒状,肉质,很少钻形的或鳞片状,通常的叶腋棉状毛。

69、May just live more than two years, found housing awning kits jade-ray and have varying degrees of wall surfaces. ─── 可刚住了两年多,包玉光发现房屋的天棚和墙皮都有不同程度的开裂。

70、AC,230V or 110V,balanced running, low noise, widely used in awning, roller shutter, rolling door,etc. ─── 交流230V/110V运行平稳,噪音低,应用与电动遮阳篷,卷帘防盗窗,遮阳卷帘门等。

71、Dream, common to an endless awn, the parents arm forward to the spread of the cul-de Natiao walk before. ─── 做梦,常见到一片无尽的麦芒中,爸妈搀扶着向那条蔓延的小路前走。

72、The hoooy vision work room has from the main shadow awning and the equipment, may momentarily provide the primitive visual resources the development service. ─── 号外视觉工作室拥有自主影棚和设备,可随时提供原始视觉资源的开发服务。

73、Leaf blade elliptic or elliptic-oblong, long ciliate along margin. Thecae 1-awned, awn ca. 0.5 mm. ─── 叶片椭圆形或者椭圆状长圆形,具长缘毛沿边缘。囊1芒,大约0.5毫米的芒

74、When we got there, we rolled out the awning and unfolded a small table. ─── 到了那边,我们放下遮阳篷,打开一张小桌子。

75、An awning makes for a transition from the building to the parking lot. ─── 一个连成一片的雨棚作为停车场与建筑之间的过渡。

76、If use solidder textile to do awning, not only have adornment effect, still can block wind block rain. ─── 如利用比较坚实的纺织品做遮阳篷,不但具有装饰作用,还可挡风遮雨。

77、But before Madam could refasten the awning, a policeman came back to announce, ─── 大娘刚要盖篷,一个警察回来传话:

78、His enjoyment of a vehicle was like this: he rode in a dilapidated little cart with an awning of leaves. ─── 他在交通车辆的享用上:只搭乘用树叶当遮阳篷、简直就快要塌坏的一辆小车。"

79、Sunny outdoor have more than 110 styles of outdoor and garden furniture including: wooden gazebo umbrella and parasol Bistro tables and chairs Hammock Aluminum furniture tent Awning and so on. ─── 供给木桌椅-木桌椅餐椅广泛应用于各个行业,尤其是餐厅家具,是餐椅中性价比较高的产品,详细参数看下面!

80、Culture Technice of Keeping One Awning for Two Uses and Interplanting of fligh Effective Economic Crop ─── 一棚两用、间作套种高效经济作物栽培技术

81、Dry method and preserve to awn carpophyll in mango glucoside content influence abstract goal: Compared with different dry method and preserve to awn carpophyll in mango glucoside influence. ─── 55标签: 翻译, 英语, 准确干燥方法及储藏对芒果叶中芒果苷含量的影响摘要目的:比较不同的干燥方法及储藏对芒果叶中芒果苷的影响。

82、In size, stomat apparatus on the ear (glume, lemma, palea and awn)was smaller than that on other organs. ─── 从气孔大小看,穗各部分(护颖、外稃、内稃和芒)略小于其他器官。

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