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catechism 中文意思翻译



catechism 词性/词形变化,catechism变形


catechism 短语词组

1、catechism 1458 ─── 问答1458

2、put sb. through a catechism ─── 严格盘问某人

3、put sb through a catechism ─── 严格盘问某人

4、catechism online ─── 问答在线

5、catechism 1345 ─── 教义1345

6、shorter catechism ─── 小要理问答(书名)[基督教](长老会的)《 ─── 小教理问答》

7、catechism 2240 ─── 问答2240

8、westminster catechism ─── 威斯敏斯特问答

9、catechism baptism ─── 教义洗礼

10、Catechism of the Catholic Church ─── 天主教的教义

11、catechism definition ─── 问答定义

catechism 相似词语短语

1、catechiser ─── 儿茶师

2、catechin ─── n.[有化]儿茶酸;焦儿茶酸

3、catechised ─── 问答式教授;盘问

4、catechisms ─── n.问答教学法;教义问答书

5、catechise ─── 问答式教授;盘问

6、catechismal ─── 教义

7、catechists ─── n.盘问者;问答式教授者

8、catechist ─── n.盘问者;问答式教授者

9、catechises ─── 问答式教授;盘问

catechism 习惯用语

1、put sb. through a catechism ─── 详细[严格]盘问

catechism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In his preface to the "Larger Catechism," Luther wrote: "We know that our defence lies in prayer. ─── 在他的“大要理问答”的前言中,路德写到:“我们知道我们的保护来自祷告。

2、I am not one of them. It's Easter, and I don't want to blot my catechism. ─── 我不会。今天是复活节,我可不想搞砸了我的教义问答。

3、the core of the catechism of the antinuclear left, the notion that the threat to peace is technological, not political(George F. Will) ─── 反核信条的核心留下了认为对和平构成威胁的是技术的而非政治的因素的观念(乔治F.威尔)

4、The modern Catholic Catechism teaches that angels are a “truth of faith”, meaning roughly that if you believe in them they are true, and they are true because you believe. ─── 现代天主教的教义问答教导说天使是一种“信仰的真实”,意即“信则灵”。

5、Westminster Catechism ─── 威斯敏斯特教义问答

6、a three-year-old boy could name all the Presidents and Vice Presidents of the U.S., recite 37 nursery rhymes, rattle off 25 questions &answers in the Presbyterian catechism. ─── 一个3岁的男孩可以说出所有美国总统和副总统的名字,背诵37首儿歌,快速回答出25个关于基督教长老会的问答题。

7、The answer may be found in our smallest catechism . ─── 答案可能会发现,在迄今为止最小的讲授。

8、What can we learn about us and our state from this catechism Q&A? ─── 关于我们和我们的状况,什麽是我们可以从海德堡要理问答中学到的?

9、Does the Heidelberg Catechism's answer focus on what you do or what you believe? ─── 海德堡要理问答的答案,著重在于你所行的或是你所信的?

10、at the same time , he despised himself for his own failure in an aspect of the revolutionary catechism. ─── 同时,他又因为自己在一个方面违背《革命道理问答手册》而鄙薄自己。

11、care must be had , nevertheless , to put the child to due and stated examination in the catechism , at thy hands or master dimmesdale s. ─── 不过,我们还是要认真,对这孩子要按时进行教义问答手册的正式考核,这事就交给你和丁梅斯代尔先生吧。

12、It uses latest Church documentation and theological books, and most of all refers to Catholic Church catechism, he said. ─── 它使用最新的教会文件和神学书籍,并且绝大部分参考了天主教要理。

13、Let green tea to be your daily beverage because it contains tremendous amount of antioxidant flavonoid, catechism. ─── 每天喝绿茶,因为绿茶中含有大量抗氧化剂类黄酮和茶酸。

14、I used to advocate going through a sort of consumerist catechism before making any consumer purchasing decision. Who made this product? ─── 我曾经倡导消费者在做出购买决定前,自己先做一些消费问答题:谁制作了这件产品?

15、The duty of a godmother is to make you learn your catechism . ─── 教母的职责是帮助你学好教义问答。

16、What characteristics of God can we learn from this catechism Q &A? ─── 从海德堡要理问答,我们可以学到哪些上帝的属性?

17、put sb. through a catechism ─── v. 严格盘问某人

18、catechism 311 God is in no way, directly or indirectly, the cause of moral evil. ─── 教理311:无论直接或间接地,天主绝不是伦理恶的原因。

19、The eighth one briefs the Southern California Data Review Meeting which took place on May 19,1983 at CATECH. ─── 介绍了1983年5月19日在美国加州理工学院召开的美国南加州观测系统的资料讨论会概况。

20、And I was a civil, pious boy, and could rattle off my catechism that fast, as you couldn't tell one word from another. ─── 我也曾经是个有礼貌的、信神的孩子,我可以把教义背得那么快,以至于你连字句都无法分辨出来。

21、"Care must be had, nevertheless, to put the child to due and stated examination in the catechism, at thy hands or Master Dimmesdale's. Moreover, at a proper season, the tithing-men must take heed that she go both to school and to meeting." ─── 不过,我们还是要认真,对这孩子要按时进行《教义问答手册》的正式考核,这事就交给你和丁梅斯代尔先生吧。再有,到了适当时候,耍让十户长注意送她上学校和做礼拜。

22、At the same time, he despised himself for his own failure in an aspect of the Revolutionary Catechism. ─── 同时,他又因为自己在一个方面违背《革命道理问答手册》而鄙薄自己。

23、All present promise to commit all the seven deadly sins mentioned in the Roman Catholic catechism and to never perform any good works. ─── 聚会者发誓要犯(罗马天主教教义中的)全部七宗致命大罪,且永远不做好事;

24、catechism meeting ─── 问答式的谈话

25、religion) of or relating to a catechism summarizing the principles of Christianity. ─── (宗教)属于或关于概述基督教原则的问答手册的。

26、Studies on the Effect-increasing Components for Molluscicides in Nut of Areca catech L ─── 槟榔果中灭钉螺增效成分的研究

27、Geneva Catechism ─── 日内瓦教理问答

28、Care must be had nevertheless, to put the child to due and stated examination in the catechism, at thy hands or Master Dimmesdale's. ─── 不过,我们还是要认真,对这孩子要按时进行《教义问答手册》的正式考核,这事就交给你和丁梅斯代尔先生吧。

29、Martin Luther's Small catechism:a handbook of Christian doctrine. ─── 书名/作者 A short explanation of Dr.

30、Yet as I said, the only way to actually believe the modern G. O. P. catechism is to be completely clueless. ─── 没错,正如我以前说的,实际上相信现代共和党人教义的唯一途径就是完完全全地愚蠢无知。

31、Studies on the Increasing - effect Components for Molluscicides in Nut of Areca catech ─── 槟榔灭钉螺增效成分的研究

32、Building churches, celebrating Masses, and having catechism classes, seem to be entirely normal and usual in many missions. ─── 在许多地区,透过建教堂、开弥撒、办道理班牧养天主子民,似乎是理所当然的事;

33、What can we learn about us and our state from this catechism Q &A? ─── 关于我们和我们的状况,什麽是我们可以从海德堡要理问答中学到的?

34、All children from the ages of 6-13 years are welcome to join us on our understanding prayer, children's liturgy, Catechism, Sacraments of First Communion, Confirmation and Reconciliation. ─── 欢迎六至十三岁儿童参加本堂主日学,课程包括祈祷、儿童圣经分享、教理学习、初领圣体、领坚振及修和圣事。

35、The Heidelberg Catechism gives the explanation of the Ten Commandments, but Christ's commands in Matt. v. and John xiii.-xvi. are hardly mentioned. ─── 在海德堡天主教的会议,他们对十诫提出详尽的解释,但对马太福音第五章,约翰福音第十三章、第十六章,耶稣所说的命令,却甚少提到。

36、put a person through his catechism ─── 严格盘问某人

37、English children have their own particular catechism of accepted conduct to learn. ─── 英国的儿童需要学习他们独特的行为规范基本准则。

38、56.See also Catechism of the Catholic Church.No. 726. ─── .第二次梵蒂岗会议,“Dogmatic Constitution on the Church,” no.

39、The catechism is important for at least three reasons. ─── 该问答是很重要的,至少有三个理由。

40、I helped to teach catechism in church every Friday evening.I guess it was a right timing too to be invited my sister Grace to become a cooperator of the daughters of St Paul in June last year. ─── 同时把修会出版的书本和媒体(特别是来自台湾、印度、美国和菲律宾等地),提供给本地的天主教书局。

41、Shorter Catechism ─── 简短要道问答

42、And I was a civil, pious boy, and could rattle off my catechism that fast, as you couldn't tell one word from another. ─── 我也曾是个懂礼貌、信上帝的孩子,背起教义来流利得你都分不清字句。

43、(religion) of or relating to a catechism summarizing the principles of Christianity. ─── (宗教)属于或关于概述基督教原则的问答手册

44、5.The catechism is used for religious instruction. ─── 教义问答法常用于宗教教学。

45、Exploration and Practice of the Catechism Theory in the Teaching and Learning of Literature Appreciation ─── 对话理论在文学欣赏教学中的探索与实践

46、Catechism Theory ─── 对话理论

47、As to content, it is a series of sermons on the first 38 questions of the Westminster Shorter Catechism. ─── 本书的内容包含了一系列有关韦斯敏斯德小要理问答的前38个问答讲道。

48、It was called the Heidelberg Catechism, written by professors in the Heidelberg University in Heidelberg, Germany in the mid-seventeenth century after the Calvin and Lutheran Reformation. ─── 这就是问答教学法,它名为海德堡问答教学法。这些问答是由德国海德堡大学的教授编写的,后来才被加尔文使用。

49、Scott Peck to compile this catechism of conventional truisms. ─── 禅,是智慧,是幽默,是真心,是吾人的本来面目!

50、Catechism teaching ─── 对话教学

51、"the core of the catechism of the antinuclear left, the notion that the threat to peace is technological, not political" (George F. Will) ─── “反核信条的核心留下了认为对和平构成威胁的是技术的而非政治的因素的观念”(乔治F.威尔)

52、Dost know thy catechism? ─── 你懂得《教义问答手册》吗?

53、An adult catechism course (RCIA) is run annually for adults who are interested in or looking forward to take up the Catholic belief. ─── 成人慕道班是为有兴趣研究或加入天主教的人士。

54、Therefore I'll none of it. Honor is a mere scutcheon - and so ends my catechism. ─── 既然如此,我也不要它了。荣誉真是死人的铭旌。我这教义问答仪式也就此完成。

55、As a matter of fact, this almost mechanical catechism is merely a dialog in form, through which the interactivity and cooperation between teachers and students cannot be virtually realized. ─── 其实,这种近乎机械的问答只是形式上的对话,根本没有真正实现教师与学生之间的互动、合作。

56、What characteristics of God can we learn from this catechism Q&A? ─── 从海德堡要理问答,我们可以学到哪些上帝的属性?

57、of or relating to or resembling a rigorous catechism. ─── 属于、关于或类似于宗教问答式教学者的。

58、Catechism: n. A book giving a brief summary of the basic principles of Christianity in question-and-answer form; ─── 教义问答手册以问答形式简要说明基督教的基本教义的书;

59、This was the day's catechism and call to arms. ─── 这是一天之中关于团结一致的回答与呼吁。

60、A. God is a spirit,infinite,eternal,and unchangeable in His being,wisdom,power,holiness,justice,goodness,and truth.(Westminster Shorter Catechism,Question 4.) ─── 答:神是个灵,神的存在、智慧、权能、圣洁、公义、美善和真理,都是无限、永恒和不变的。

61、put a person through a [his] catechism ─── 连续质问某人

62、He began asking his questions in a low, expressionless voice, as though this were a routine, a sort of catechism, most of whose answers were known to him already. ─── 他开始用没有感情的声音轻轻地提出他的问题,好像是例行公事一般,大多数问题的答案他心中早已有数了。

63、Above all, he translated the Catechism of the Catholic Church and daily prayers into the Lolo's own language, an ancient language that is over 3000 years old. ─── 他为倮倮人建教堂、办学校、起水坝,又以倮倮人具三千年历史的文字,翻译要理问答及经文。

64、of or relating to or resembling a rigorous catechism ─── 属于、关于或类似于宗教问答式教学者的

65、Heidelberg Catechism ─── 海德堡问答

66、the core of the catechism of the antinuclear left, the notion that the threat to peace is technological, not political(bGeorge F.Will) ─── 反核信条的核心留下了认为对和平构成威胁的是技术的而非政治的因素的观念(b乔治F.威尔)

67、Studies on the Effect-increasing Components for Molluscicides in Nut of Areca catech L. ─── 槟榔果中灭钉螺增效成分的研究。

68、"Art thou a Christian child- ha? Dost know thy catechism? Or art thou one of those naughty elfs or fairies, whom we thought to have left behind us, with other relics of Papistry, in merry old England?" ─── 你是基督徒的孩子吗,啊?你懂得《教义问答手册》吗?也许,你是那种调皮的小妖精或小仙女吧?我们还以为,连同罗马天主教的其它遗物,全都给留在快乐的老英格兰了呢。"

69、the Tridentine Catechism. ─── 遵照特兰特会议决议的教会问答手册

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