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annexed 发音

英:[??nekst]  美:[??nekst]

英:  美:

annexed 中文意思翻译




annexed 短语词组

1、annexed esk ─── 附esk

2、annexed by ─── 附属于

3、hereto annexed ─── [法] 在此附上, 内附

4、be annexed to ─── 与…合并,被并入…

5、annexed to ─── 附件;所 ─── 附…

6、annexed memoranda ─── 附备忘录

7、annexed document ─── [法] 附件

8、annexed instrument ─── 随附文书

9、annexed m ─── 附件m

10、administrator with the will annexed ─── [经] 遗嘱执行人

11、annexed certificate ─── 附证明书

12、annexed define ─── 附加定义

13、annexed building ─── 附属建筑物

14、annexed definition ─── 所附定义

15、annexed traverse ─── 附加导线

16、annexed area ─── 附属区域

17、annexed defined ─── 附件定义

annexed 词性/词形变化,annexed变形

动词第三人称单数: annexes |动词过去式: annexed |形容词: annexational |动词过去分词: annexed |名词: annexation |动词现在分词: annexing |

annexed 相似词语短语

1、annealed ─── adj.退了火的;v.退火;锻炼;煅烧(anneal的过去分词)

2、annexe ─── n.附属建筑;附加物;n.(Annexe)人名;(法)阿内克斯

3、annex ─── v.附加;获得;并吞;占为己有(非正式);n.附加物;附属建筑物;(文件)附录;n.(Annex)(美、法、尼、瑞、加)艾尼克斯(人名)

4、annoyed ─── adj.恼怒的;烦闷的;v.使烦恼;打扰(annoy的过去式和过去分词)

5、annelid ─── n.环节动物;[无脊椎]属环节动物类的

6、coannexed ─── 同轴的

7、reannexed ─── 重新连接

8、annexes ─── 附加

9、unannexed ─── 无螺纹

annexed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、International preliminary examination report with its annex. ─── 国际初审报告及附件。

2、Accordingly, Group B was ready to enter into in-depth discussions concerning the proposals contained in Annex A. ─── 因此,B集团已准备好就附件A中包括的提案进行深入讨论。

3、The annex has been built on to the main building. ─── 主楼配建有附属的建筑物。

4、A paper version of the supplementary form is annexed to the tax return for those taxpayers who prefer not to use the electronic version. ─── 不选择电子版本的纳税人,可填妥附于报税表的补充表格。

5、The provisions of Annex II shall be observed in the application of this paragraph. ─── 在适用本款时应遵守附件2的规定。

6、Annexed by Britain in 1889, they were joined to the Gilbert and Ellice Islands in 1937. ─── 1889年被英国占领,1937年归属吉柏特和埃利斯群岛(Gilbert and Ellice Islands)。

7、At the date of the writing of this document, the 43 States listed in Annex III had signed the Treaty. ─── 在编写本文件之日,共有43个国家在条约上签字,签字国名单载于附件三。

8、They were Jewish and when Nazi Germany annexed Austria, Eric's family fled to Italy. ─── 他们是犹太人,当纳粹德国吞并奥地利,他们一家不得不逃往意大利。

9、Germany began to excerpt diplomatic pressure with military threats to annex territories. ─── 德国开始以军事威胁施加外交压力要求吞并领土。

10、The monarchist groups say that the kingdom was overthrown and annexed into the United States illegally. ─── 君主主义组织主张王国是被非法推翻并合并入美国的。

11、A region of western India bordering on the Arabian Sea. An independent kingdom after 1401, it was annexed by the Mogul Empire in 1572. ─── 古吉拉特印度西部一地区,与阿拉伯海相邻。1401年后成为一独立的王国,1572年被强行并入莫卧帝国。

12、Sewer mud and dredged stuff containing substances listed in 1 and 2 of this Annex. ─── 含有本附件第一、二项所列物质的阴沟污泥和疏浚物。

13、The location of this project is shown in Annex I &II of this permit. ─── 工程项目的地点,见载于本许可证中的附件I &II。

14、The business enterprise multinational annex of move because of the analysis. ─── 企业跨国兼并的动因分析。

15、The location of this project is shown in Annex I of this permit. ─── 工程项目的地点,见载于本许可证中的附件I。

16、Annex I of that document, which provides a graphic overview of the Committee's work, is annexed to the present document. ─── 该文件的附件一以图解的方式概述了委员会的工作,附于本文件之后。

17、Venice gradually declined during the sixteenth century and was finally annexed by Austria-Hungary in 1797. ─── 十六世纪,威尼斯逐渐衰落,1797年被奥匈帝国吞并。

18、The dumping of the wastes listed in Annex II requires a prior special permit (See Annex II). ─── 二、倾倒附件二所列的废弃物(见附件二),应当事先获得特别许可证。

19、Annex II lists two categories of "other wastes". ─── 公约的附件二列出两类“其他废物"

20、However, for the purposes of this Agreement the meaning of the terms given in Annex 1 applies. ─── 但就本协定而言,应适用附件1中所列术语的含义。

21、Catherine annexed the Crimean Peninsula (1783) and in 1792 Russia gained the entire western Ukrainian Black Sea coast. ─── 1783年凯瑟琳又加上了克里米亚半岛,1792年俄国还获得整个乌克兰西部黑海海岸。

22、The entente collapsed after Germany annexed the Czech Sudetenland (1938). ─── 1938年德国吞并了捷克的苏台德地区后,小协约国就瓦解了。

23、Between 605 and 629, Sassanids successfully annexed Levant and Egypt and pushed into Anatolia. ─── 在公元605年到629年间,萨珊王朝成功地吞并累范特和埃及,向安纳托利亚推进。

24、The term of the tenancy is specified in the annex 1. ─── 1乙方承租该公寓的期限见本合同附件1的约定。

25、Okinawa, a semi-independent kingdom until it was formally annexed by Japan in 1879, has always had a raw deal. ─── 冲绳自古就是一个半独立王国,直到1879年被日本正式吞并,并一直受到不公平的待遇。

26、Civil claim annexed to a criminal case has always been tough in adjudication. ─── 刑事附带民事诉讼案件一直是审判实践中难以处理的案件。

27、An Australian-administered island in the eastern Indian Ocean south of Java. It was annexed by Great Britain in1888 and came under Australian sovereignty in1958. ─── 圣诞岛爪哇岛南部印度洋东部的一座岛屿,由澳大利亚管辖。在1888年由英国吞并,1958年主权归澳大利亚

28、And D'Uberville accordingly was annexed to his own name for himself and his heirs eternally. ─── 于是德伯就加在他的本姓之上,也永远成了他自己和他子孙的姓了。

29、A working annex can be converted to a mini-hospital with tie-down hardware for a casket. ─── 一个工作套间可转换成微型医院,其中装有固定灵柩用的金属紧固件。

30、In the first half of the 11th century, King Knute annexed Norway and Sweden, forming the "Northern Sea Empire". ─── 11世纪上半叶,克鲁特王征服了挪威和瑞典,建立了“北海帝国”。

31、A region of western India borderingon the Arabian Sea. An independent kingdom after1401, it was annexed by the Mogul Empire in1572. ─── 古吉拉特印度西部一地区,与阿拉伯海相邻。1401年后成为一独立的王国,1572年被强行并入莫卧帝国。

32、In 1846, the United States annexed New Mexico. ─── 1846年,美国吞并了新墨西哥!

33、But this is not LSI exclusive recently annex buys the operation. ─── 可这并不是LSI比来独一的一次兼并收买挪动。

34、If needed transportation equipment, it is suggested that the equipment and its annex are filled with padded packaging. ─── 如果需运输设备,建议将设备及其附件分别以软垫填充包装。

35、Germany annexed Austria in 1938. ─── 德国吞并了奥地利。

36、Rome annexed the Nabatean kingdom in AD 106. ─── 罗马帝国于公元106年并吞了纳巴泰王国。

37、Annex IV - TCF is submitted to a Notified Body for assessment. Annex II requirements must also be met. ─── 以上是我的个人见解,不当之处请诸位高人多多指教!

38、Annexed by the United States for use as a naval base in 1900 , the territory no longer has any military significance . ─── 所附由美国作海军基地于1900年,境内不再有任何军事意义。

39、The next annex provides the technical details required to get started. ─── 下一节附录提供了开始工作所需的技术细节。

40、The kitchen is annexed to the garage. ─── 厨房紧靠着车库。

41、It was conquered in 1687 by the emperor Aurangzeb and was annexed to the Mughal empire. ─── 1687年为奥朗则布征服,后被蒙兀儿王朝吞并。

42、Successive regimes annexed the region and populated it with lowland people. ─── 后继政权吞并了这个地区并让低地居民聚居于此。

43、And D'Uberville accordingly was annexed to his own name for himself and his heirs elernally. ─── 于是德伯跟着就加在他的本姓之上,永远成了他自己和他子孙的姓了。

44、In military, the annexed and expanded war provided new territories to be Christianized. ─── 军事上,国家的兼并和扩张战争为教会提供新的传教地区;

45、A summary of the pamphlet is in the Annex. ─── 小册子的撮要载于附件。

46、It noted that there was a call for further narrowing the proposals that were contained in Annex A. ─── 它注意到有一个进一步缩小附件A中所包括的提案的倡议。

47、In this annex, more technical details will be discussed. ─── 在本附录中,将讨论更多的技术细节。

48、An insurance policy was annexed to the contract. ─── 合同上附加了保险条款。

49、It is also certified that the items covered by the annexed invoice have been received by us in good working condition. ─── 同时证明所附发票所列的物品已经由我们接受,完好无损。

50、Contract Agreement " means the contract agreement referred to in Sub-Clause 1. 6 [Contract Agreement], including any annexed memoranda. " ─── “合同协议书”系指第1.6款[合同协议书]中所述的合同协议书及所附各项备忘录。

51、For the purposes of this Agreement, the definitions provided in Annex A shall apply. ─── 就本协定而言,适用附件A中规定的定义。

52、You may install electronic constant tensioner which is an annex if needed. ─── 可以根据需要安装电子恒张力器(备选附件)。

53、It is no longer possible to diplomatic annex a country of another religious group. ─── 对不同宗教群的国家,不再可能外交吞并了。

54、He entered the autopsy room and in the annex found David Coleman dissecting a leg. ─── 他穿过验尸室,在另一间屋子里看到大卫.科曼正在解剖一条腿。

55、Over the next few decades, a number of neighbouring districts were abolished and annexed by Yangpu. ─── 在未来的几十年中,一些邻近地区的被废除,并吞并了洋浦。

56、As to the specifications of the commodity, they are detailed in an annex. ─── 关于商品的规格,将在合同的附件中详细规定。

57、These two roles were both based on inchoate man's perspective of its basic attribute and paranormal power annexed to it. ─── 一是作为神灵行走和腾空的助推因素,二是作为神灵调节气候的法宝。

58、Contents sendmail included in the annex to this email without the procedure. 6. ─── 5. 目录sendmail包含发送无附件的email的程序。

59、In 1684 the Qing Dynasty re-annexed Taiwan and renamed the town Fengshan County, considering it a part of Taiwan Prefecture. ─── 在1684年清朝重新吞并台湾并改名县凤山镇,认为它的一部分,台湾府。

60、An implied condition or warranty about quality or fitness for a particular purpose may be annexed to a contract of sale by usage. ─── 关于特定目的之品质或用性的默示条款可依惯例附加于买卖合同之中。

61、In the rush to grab more and more territory, nations did not even bother to examine whether the newly annexed lands were an asset or a liability. ─── 一些国家竞相攫取越来越多的领土,甚至于都不屑去考察一下新兼并的土地究竟是一笔财富还是一种累赘。

62、There are 160 members of the Assembly, whose names are set out in List No. 2 in the Annex. ─── 伯尔尼联盟大会有160个成员,其国名列于附件中的表2。

63、On lipotropic and growth-promoting activities of lysine and threonine.Chinese J.Physiol., 18(annex): 69-751962. ─── 倘于该饲料中添加不同量之离氨酸及息宁氨酸后饲之,其体重之增加率较速;

64、QQ screenshots on stripping functions, stored in the clipboard, you can annex, drawing, editing found inside. ─── 剥离QQ上截图功能,保存在剪贴板了,你可以在附件,画图,编辑里边找到。

65、"Acceptance Certificate" refers to the certificate in the form attached as Annex 6 to this Contract. ─── “验收合格证书”指按照本合同附件6格式出具的证书。

66、Germany annexed Austria in 1938. ─── 1938 年德国吞并了奥地利。

67、A region of western India bordering on the Arabian Sea. An independent kingdom after1401, it was annexed by the Mogul Empire in1572. ─── 古吉拉特印度西部一地区,与阿拉伯海相邻。1401年后成为一独立的王国,1572年被强行并入莫卧帝国

68、Conforming implementations shall make at least one codeset available per locale specified in Annex B. ─── 一致性实现必须为附录B中的每个本地环境至少提供一套编码集。

69、It was the former Chine-Guizhou Aviation Group(military industry)YunTian Camshaft Factory In2003, It was annexed by Guizhou Flying Dragon Energy Group. ─── 始建于1994,2003年按照国家经贸委等八部委[2002]国经贸企改字859号文件改制,隶属于贵州龙翔能源集团。

70、To annex territories of another country is an injustice. ─── 兼并它国土地是一种不义行为。

71、For the purposes of this Code the definitions in Annex 1 of this Agreement shall apply. ─── 就本规范而言,应适用本协定附件1中的定义。

72、A region of western India bordering on the Arabian Sea;an independent kingdom after1401,it was annexed by the Mogul Empire in 1572. ─── 古吉拉特印度西部一地区,与阿拉伯海相邻,1401年后成为一独立的王国,1572年被强行并入莫卧帝国。

73、It was weak, feeble and fell a prey to foreign invasion, with lots of land annexed and its people plunged into an abyss of misery. ─── 国势衰弱,外强侵入,国土沦丧,生灵涂炭。

74、In August 1938 after Germany annexed Austria, the Federal Council ordered a blockade of the border. ─── 1938年8月德国吞并奥地利后,联邦理事会下令封锁边境。

75、He stated that the services subject to price controls were listed in Annex 4 by their respective CPC codes. ─── 他表示,属政府定价的服务均按其CPC编码列在附件4中。

76、The wrong or doubtful data found in the process of verifications shall be registered (see annexed form). ─── 对核查中发现的错误或有疑问的数据进行登记(见附表)。

77、We take this opportunity of calling your attention to our revised price - list,as annexed,for old vintages. ─── 借此机会,望贵公司认真研究一下我们修定的陈年葡萄酒价目表。

78、"General permit" means permission granted in advance and inaccordance with Annex III. ─── “一般许可证”系指按照附件三规定,事先发放的许可证。

79、Prices of the products shall be mutually agreed by the parties herein and the agreed pricelist is annexed hereto as Appendix “A”. ─── 产品的价格应该由甲方和乙方双方协商决定。合同附产品价格清单.

80、It became independent after World War I but was annexed by the U.S.S.R. in 1940. ─── 于一次大战后独立,但是1940年并入苏联版图。

81、Moreover Francis laid claim to the neighbouring Navarre, part of which had be annexed by Charles's predecessor . ─── 另外,弗兰西斯声明有权拥有邻国纳瓦拉,它曾经是查理先帝所霸占领土的一部分。

82、The laws listed in Annex III shall be applied locally by way of promulgation or legislation by the HKSAR. ─── 凡列于附件三的法律,由香港特别行政区在当地公布或立法实施。

83、For the cost of the articles, I have debited you£51.70, as per note annexed. ─── 如附件说明,货价51.70英镑,已记入贵方借方帐项。

84、Powered mechanical equipments (PME) of sound power levels (SWL) not exceeding those listed in Annex A shall be used. ─── 建造期间使用的低噪音施工设备,其声功率级不能超出附件A所列出的。

85、Supplementary information on the estimated cost of the adoption of these new standards is provided in Annex IV. ─── 关于采用此项新标准所需费用概算的补充信息见附件四。

86、She annexed the first prize in the speech contest. ─── 她在演讲比赛中获得头等奖。

87、Accordingly, this Annex provides notes and supplementary provisions to the Agreement. ─── 因此,本附件为本协定提供注释和补充规定。

88、In 1939, as the Nazi Germany annexed Czechoslovakia, the danger of a world war was nearing. ─── 193 9年 ,随着纳粹德国吞并捷克斯洛伐克 ,世界大战的危险又一次临近了。

89、A new wing has been annexed to the hospital. ─── 医院已经增建了一个新侧楼。

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