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09-13 投稿


stripe 发音

英:[stra?p]  美:[stra?p]

英:  美:

stripe 中文意思翻译



stripe 词性/词形变化,stripe变形

动词现在分词: striping |动词第三人称单数: stripes |动词过去式: striped |动词过去分词: striped |

stripe 短语词组

1、Hispaniolan Stripe-headed Tanager ─── 西班牙条纹头塔纳格

2、zebra-stripe ─── 斑马纹

3、colour stripe ─── [计] 彩色条纹

4、stripe blight ─── [网络] 条纹病

5、rainbow stripe ─── 彩虹条纹

6、service stripe n. ─── 军龄袖条

7、humeral stripe ─── 肩条

8、barley stripe ─── 大麦条纹病

9、cheek stripe ─── 颊纹

10、multi-stripe ─── 多带

11、magnetic stripe ( ─── 卡片或文件上的)磁条

12、Hensen's stripe ─── [医] 亨森氏纹(在耳蜗覆膜下)

13、barley stripe mosaic virus ─── [医]大麦条斑花叶病毒

14、falciform stripe ─── 镰状纹

15、candy stripe ( ─── 织物的)条纹图案,条子花

16、cascade stripe ─── 级联条纹

17、micro stripe ─── 微条纹

18、stripe pneumonia ─── [医] 条纹状肺炎

19、pin-stripe ─── 细条纹

stripe 相似词语短语

1、stride ─── n.大步;步幅;进展;vt.跨过;大踏步走过;跨坐在…;vi.跨;跨过;大步行走

2、striped ─── adj.有条纹的;有斑纹的;v.被剥去(strip的过去分词)

3、stripes ─── n.条子布;条纹布(stripe复数形式);v.给…加条纹(stripe的三单形式)

4、stripey ─── adj.有条纹的

5、striae ─── n.条纹;细沟;妊娠纹

6、strike ─── v.撞击;打;踢(球等);突击;罢工;使打动;侵袭;突然想到;照射;击出(火星);擦(火柴);触发(电弧);鸣;弹奏;开采出;行进;铸造(硬币);(电影摄影术)复刻;达到(平衡);(金融)结算;闯出新的事业;撤(营);给……印象;把……迷住;摆出(姿态);n.罢工;抗拒;袭击;殴打;(体育中得分的)击球;(十柱保龄球)一投全倒;(尤指石油的)发现;打击;(对上钩的鱼)急拉钓线;(投球)未击中;(投出的)好球;败坏名声的事;n.(Strike)(美、俄、秘)斯特赖克(人名)

7、strife ─── n.冲突;争吵;不和

8、strine ─── n.老澳(对澳大利亚的谑称)

9、striper ─── n.颠装置;现役军人或海军军官

stripe 特殊用法

1、humeral stripe ─── 肩条

2、exposure control stripe ─── 曝光控制带, 光号控制带

3、trimmed stripe ─── 直边端正的马口铁条料

4、Hensen's stripe ─── (耳蜗覆膜下)亨森氏纹

5、chalk stripe ─── 深色织物上的白色细线花纹

6、ocellar stripe ─── 单眼条

7、cervical stripe ─── 颈纹

8、interference stripes ─── 干扰条带

9、balancing stripe ─── (影片)平衡磁迹, 平衡条纹

10、arrow stripe ─── 箭头形条子花纹

11、pyjama stripes ─── 宽条子睡衣布

12、candy stripe ─── (织物的)条纹图案; 条子花

13、black stripe ─── 黑条(彩色显象管)

14、vertical stripes ─── 垂直条纹

15、magnetic stripe ─── (卡片或文件上的)磁条

16、antehumeral stripe ─── 肩前条(蜻蜓目)

17、full stripe ─── 【摄】16毫米磁性声带

18、postero-median stripe ─── 后中纹

19、waling stripe ─── 横撑, 水平连杆

20、crammed stripe ─── 【纺】密经条纹

21、colour stripe ─── 彩条, 彩带

22、vertical phosphor stripes ─── 垂直荧光条

23、falciform stripe ─── 镰状纹

24、frontal stripe ─── (双翅目)额条

stripe 习惯用语

1、wear the stripes ─── [美俚]坐牢

2、service stripe ─── [美]军服左袖上表示军龄的条纹

3、get one's stripes ─── 升级

4、lose one's stripes ─── 降级

stripe 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Semidouble-double chimera white ruffled/ wide fuchsia-red stripe. ─── 半重瓣~瓣的绉折缟花,白色外缟,宽的樱红色内缟。

2、Semidouble chimera pink sticktite pansy/ blue stripe. ─── 半重瓣不掉落的堇型缟花,粉红色外缟,蓝色内缟。

3、In MSS, the result of a permanent reading error during an attempt to read a particular stripe of a data cartridge. ─── 在海量存储系统(SS),在试图读数据盒式磁带的某一特定区段时产生的永久性读错误。

4、Alvis' wheel-clamp was soon copied by a certain stripe of computer hobbyist. ─── 阿尔维斯的轮夹很快就被某个计算机爱好者复制了。

5、Semidouble chimera fuchsia star/white stripe, bright green ruffled tips. ─── 半重瓣星型缟花,樱红色有白色内缟,明亮的绿色出现在花瓣端,

6、Single chimera pink star/white stripe, raspberry sparkle. Light green, plain, glossy. Standard. ─── 单瓣星形缟花,粉红色外缟,白色内缟,覆盆子色的点点。亮绿色光滑平坦叶。标准型。

7、Single chimera fuchsia star/white stripe. ─── 单瓣,粉红色底白色内缟的星形缟花。

8、But silver seems to have taken on a more manic stripe, while gold has retained a degree of restraint. ─── 但白银的波动幅度似乎更加剧烈,而黄金的波幅较有节制。

9、The effects of stripe rust on cyanide-resistant respiration were very larger than that of water stress. ─── 复合胁迫下,抗病小麦显然具备更强的水分调控能力,而感病品种不能有效控制病叶水分散失。

10、Mainly for medical permeating and drying of stripe medicine such as band-aid infusion band. ─── 主要用于创可贴,输液贴的药条浸药,烘干。

11、Dobby stripe with localized bleaching. ─── 多臂条纹布带有局部漂白效果。

12、Semidouble chimera white frilled pansy/ blue overlay on pink stripe. ─── 半重瓣堇型缟花,白色外缟折边,粉红色内缟中有蓝色加入。

13、The trend seems to be that more fraud is coming to the U. S. because we're the one last holdout in magnetic stripe cards. ─── 有种趋势是美国会发生越来越多的信用卡欺诈案件,因为只有我们还在使用磁条卡。

14、Single chimera medium blue bell/white stripe. ─── 单瓣铃铛型缟花,蓝色为底,白色内缟,

15、The equipment necessary to clone a magnetic stripe card is cheap and readily available. ─── 克隆磁条卡所需的设备很便宜并且容易得到。

16、Semidouble chimera cream-white to blush pink star/ blue-purple stripe. ─── 半重瓣星形缟花,奶油白到浅粉的外缟,蓝到深紫色的内缟。

17、Single chimera medium pink star/ blue stripe, fantasy. ─── 单瓣星形缟花,中粉红色外缟,蓝色喷点及内缟。

18、Semidouble chimera reddish wine-purple frilled pansy/white stripe. ─── 半重瓣?型缟花,带红色的酒红色到深紫色外缟,白色内缟。

19、Semidouble-double chimera white large star/dark blue stripe, fantasy. ─── 半重瓣-重瓣大朵星形缟花,白色底,深蓝色内缟,有喷点。

20、Meantime, still waiting for yr advise when can get yr actual stripe knitdown / handloom ? ─── 与此同时,仍然等待您告知具体什么时候可以收到条纹编织/手摇纺织机?

21、To see that, look very closely at the bottom edge of the stripe in the next photo, about an inch to the left of center. ─── 要想发现这点,可以往下张照片里的条带底部边缘,也就是中心偏左一寸左右,使劲凑近看。

22、Single chimera white star/ pink and blue fantasy stripe. ─── 单瓣星型缟花,白色为底,粉红色和蓝色的喷点内缟。

23、In China,especially western China,the stripe rust disease is the most serious problem for wheat production. ─── 在中国,尤其是西北麦区,小麦条锈病是小麦生产面临的最严重问题。

24、Single chimera red-purple pansy/ white stripe, blue fantasy. ─── 单瓣的菫型缟花,红紫色为底,白色内缟,还有蓝色喷点。

25、A fast-running wild ass(Equus hemionus subsp. onager) of central Asia, having an erect mane and a broad black stripe along its back. ─── 中亚野驴一种跑得很快的野生驴(马属波斯野驴亚种中亚野驴),产于亚洲中部,长有竖立的鬃毛,而且背上有一条很宽的黑色条纹

26、Answer the stripe question. -Three. ─── 回答我的问题。-三条。

27、Steelhead usually lack the pink stripe and have chrome-colored sides. ─── 刚头通常没有粉色的条带,取而代之的是镀铬色的银白。

28、The above table, for example, has a stripe pattern with two rows of color alternating with two rows without color. ─── 例如,上表使用两个颜色行和两个无色行交替的条纹图案。

29、Features the size of a bus are resolvable in this highly detailed image taken of Enceladus' active tiger stripe region. ─── 土卫二活跃的虎斑条纹区域的这张高清晰影像,分辨率达到了能看清一辆公共汽车大小的效果。

30、She was awarded another stripe . ─── 她又升了一级.

31、But now they are being joined by conservatives of almost every other stripe. ─── 但如今,几乎所有其他派别的保守分子也开始厌恶新保守派。

32、Single chimera wine-red fringed/ white stripe. ─── 单瓣缟花,酒红色的须边/色内缟。

33、Semidouble chimera dark purple frilled star/white stripe, light purple overlay. ─── 半重瓣缟花的星型花,深紫色绉折,白色内缟,亮紫色外缟,

34、Semidouble chimera pink frilled star/ white stripe, blue fantasy. ─── 半重瓣星型缟花,粉红色底,白色内缟,有蓝色的喷点。

35、The medal was suspended by a dark red ribbon with a thin white-black-white stripe. ─── 奖牌由一条带稀薄的白黑白条纹的深红丝带悬挂。

36、Jordan's demand to have the stripe removed -- which would require restarting production halfway through -- had never been done at Nike. ─── 乔丹的要求把带子去掉——也就是要求重启生产——这在耐克公司前所未有。

37、Semidouble chimera white pansy/pink stripe. ─── 半重瓣堇型缟花,白色底,粉红色内缟。

38、Semidouble chimera white pansy/pink stripe, green frilled edge. Medium green, ruffled. Semiminiature. ─── 半重瓣的菫型缟花花,白色为底,粉红色内缟,镶有波状的绿边。中绿色波状叶。半迷你型。

39、Single chimera white sticktite frilled star/pink stripe. ─── 单瓣不掉落的星型花,缟花,白色底,中间粉红线条,

40、We confirm to meet 7-2 sailing date for stripe hat based on receipt of PO by end next week. ─── 下周末之前收到贵方的定单我方便将条纹帽的航运日期定于7-2个人意见。。。

41、Single chimera white sticktite star/ blue stripe. ─── 单瓣不掉落的星型缟花,白色外缟,蓝色内缟。

42、They are politicians of the Democratic stripe . ─── 他们是民主党一派的政客。

43、He does not want toothpaste with red stripe in it. ─── 他不想要带红道的牙膏。

44、Semidouble chimera dark fuchsia large pasny/ white stripe, thin white edge. ─── 半重瓣大朵堇型缟花,深樱红色外缟,白色内缟,镶细致的白边。

45、Single orchid star/blue-lavender stripe and fantasy. Dark green. Semiminiature. ─── 单瓣星型花,紫兰色底,蓝到浅紫色线条和喷点。深绿色叶。半迷你型。

46、Single-semidouble chimera vivid coral star/ purple stripe, fantasy. ─── 单瓣到半重瓣的星形缟花,亮眼的珊瑚色外缟,深紫色内缟及喷点。

47、Semidouble chimera white ruffled pansy/coral-pink stripe. ─── 半重瓣的绉折?型缟花,白色外缟,珊瑚粉红色内缟。

48、Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe. ─── 以烙还烙,以伤还伤,以打还打。

49、To see that, look very closely at the bottom edge of the stripe in the next photo, about an inch to the left of center. ─── 想发现那个,可以往下张照片里条纹的底部边缘,大约在中间偏左一英寸处,使劲凑近看。

50、A ticket that contains only printed information and does not have a magnetic stripe. ─── 只含有印刷信息但不带有磁条的一种证券。

51、Single chimera red-purple pansy/white stripe, blue fantasy. ─── 单瓣的?型缟花,红紫色为底,白色内缟,还有蓝色喷点。

52、Supply: sell knitting fabric,single jersey,interlock,terry,fleece,velour,rib,stripe,ect. ─── 发布者:李巧霞所在地:福建泉州市行业:纺织、皮革职位:外销员工作年限:

53、Similarly, a backup device that contains nonstriped backups cannot be used in a stripe set unless FORMAT is specified. ─── 同样,一个含有非条带备份的备份设备不能用于条带集,除非指定了FORMAT。

54、Bearing a red flag with a white stripe ancient Latvian tribes went to war against ancient Estonian tribes. ─── 古代的拉脱维亚部落打着上有白色线条的红旗,走向与爱沙尼亚部落交战的战场。

55、Single chimera medium pink/blue fantasy, stripe. ─── 单瓣缟花,粉红色为底,有蓝色喷点跟线条内缟,

56、Zhongqing s magnetic stripe reader of the source, using interrupt mode, very good! ─── 中青公司的磁条读卡器的源码,采用中断方式,非常好!

57、Single-semidouble chimera pink pansy/ dark lavender stripe. ─── 单瓣-半重瓣的堇型缟花,粉红色底,暗的浅紫色内缟。

58、These cards may contain contacts, a magnetic stripe or an embedded antenna but do not contain any other active or passive circuit elements. ─── 这些卡可带有触点、磁条或嵌入式天线,但不包含任何其他有源或无源电路元件。

59、Single chimera fuchsia star/light pink stripe. ─── 单瓣星型缟花,樱红色为底,亮粉红的线条。

60、A bird (Ixoreus naevius) of western North America that resembles the robin but has a black stripe across the breast. ─── 变种鸫:一种生于北美洲西部的鸟(杂色鸫鸫属),类似知更鸟,但有黑色条纹穿过胸部

61、I say, Henry, you've got yourself another stripe! ─── 喂,亨利,你的肩章上又多了一条杠了。

62、Semidouble chimera medium purple frilled pansy/ white stripe, blue side markings. ─── 半重瓣的堇形波折边缟花,一般深紫色外缟,白色内缟,花瓣边缘还有蓝色的斑块。

63、In years when stripe rust is relatively severe, all mixed combinations reduce disease index of stripe rust. ─── 在小麦条锈病发病强度相对较高的年份,品种混种可降低条锈病病情指数。

64、Semidouble chimera reddish wine-purple frilled pansy/ white stripe. ─── 半重瓣菫型缟花,带红色的酒红色到深紫色外缟,白色内缟。

65、If metope is of blue purple, it is on the choice of cloth art, can try violet white stripe or lily. ─── 假如墙面是蓝紫色的,在布艺的选择上,可以尝试紫白条纹或纯白色的。

66、Semidouble chimera dark blue frilled pansy/ white stripe. ─── 半重瓣的堇型缟花,深蓝色外缟,白色内缟。

67、Semidouble chimera dark pink frilled pansy/dark blue stripe. ─── 半重瓣折边堇型缟花,深粉红外缟,深蓝色内缟。

68、Single-semidouble chimera light pink large star/dark blue stripe, blue fantasy. ─── 单瓣到半重瓣星形缟花,亮粉红色外缟,深蓝色内缟,蓝色喷点。

69、Single chimera medium blue pansy/white stripe. ─── 单瓣菫型缟花,中蓝色底,白色线条,

70、He even trimmed Tom's hair stripe. ─── 他甚至修剪汤姆的那丛头发。

71、Semidouble chimera pink frilled pansy/ blue-fantasied light mauve stripe. ─── 半重瓣堇型折边缟花,粉红色底,蓝喷点淡紫色内缟。

72、Single-semidouble chimera white pansy/dark blue stripe. ─── 单瓣到半重瓣的堇型缟花,白色底,深蓝色内缟。

73、She wore a bright green jogging suit with a white stripe down the sides. ─── 她穿了一套侧边有一条白色条纹的艳绿色慢跑服。

74、A soft, light cotton material, often with a woven stripe. ─── 南苏克布一种轻柔的棉织物,通常为平纹

75、Which do you want for your new dress, a stripe or a check? ─── 你要哪种料子来做新连衣裙,条子的还是方格的?

76、The book has a diagonal black stripe on the cover. ─── 书的封面上有条连接对角的黑斜线。

77、Semidouble chimera white ruffled pansy/ coral-pink stripe. ─── 半重瓣的绉折菫型缟花,白色外缟,珊瑚粉红色内缟。

78、His brother is a politician of the worst stripe. ─── 他的兄弟属于最不入流的政客。

79、Single-semidouble chimera white, ivory and cream/ light blue shaded stripe. ─── 单瓣到半重瓣的缟花,白,乳白,奶油白色底有亮蓝色的内缟。

80、Semidouble chimera pink pansy/ white stripe, lavender-pink fantasy. ─── 半重瓣的堇型缟花,粉红色底,白色内缟,还有淡紫色到粉红色的喷点。

81、Single chimera wine-red fringed/white stripe. ─── 单瓣缟花,酒红色的须边/白色内缟。

82、Put the stripe horizontally and view how much backspin shows up when you hit low. ─── 班半色球摆成水平,用低杆击球入袋,这时我们看看反旋转能维持多久。

83、Single chimera bright rose pansy/ dark fuchsia-red stripe. ─── 单瓣堇状缟花,明亮的玫瑰色外缟,暗樱红色内缟。

84、Semidouble-double chimera light pink fluted star/ fuchsia stripe, red fantasy. ─── 半重瓣~瓣的星型缟花,亮粉红色,樱红色内缟,红色喷点。

85、Semidouble chimera pink frilled pansy/ blue stripe, flecks. ─── 半重瓣堇型折边缟花,粉红色底,蓝色内缟和一些小斑点。

86、Businessmen of every stripe joined in opposition to the proposal. ─── 各种商人都加入了反对这项建议的行列。

87、GMV causes common mosaic and stripe mosaic in leaves: GLV showed latent symptoms in the infected garlic. ─── GMV引起大蒜花叶及条纹花叶,而GLV在大蒜上表现潜隐症状。

88、Semidouble-double chimera white ruffled/wide fuchsia-red stripe. ─── 半重瓣~重瓣的绉折缟花,白色外缟,宽的樱红色内缟。

89、Make sure the side of the cable with the red stripe on it is plugged into pin 1 side of the IDE connector. ─── ide装置排线上有红色边的一侧为第一脚位所在,连接时请注意是否已对准。

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