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09-13 投稿


bibliology 发音

英:[?b?bl??ɑ?l?d?i]  美:[?b?bl???l?d?i]

英:  美:

bibliology 中文意思翻译



bibliology 词性/词形变化,bibliology变形


bibliology 短语词组

1、bibliology bible ─── 圣经

2、bibliology book ─── 文献学书籍

3、bibliology ppt ─── 文献学ppt

4、bibliology doctrine ─── 圣经学说

5、bibliology doctrinal statement ─── 圣经教义陈述

6、bibliology mla ─── 图书学硕士

bibliology 相似词语短语

1、bibliogony ─── 图书生产

2、bibliog. ─── 图书馆。

3、bibliologist ─── n.圣经学家;目录学家(bibliology的变形)

4、biology ─── n.(一个地区全部的)生物;生物学

5、bibliopole ─── n.书商

6、bibliopegy ─── 图书装订术

7、bibliog ─── 藏书

8、bibliopoly ─── 书籍贩卖,珍本贩卖,二手书贩卖

9、bibliolatry ─── n.圣经崇拜;书籍崇拜

bibliology 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On occurrence time of bibliology of ancient books ─── 试论古籍版本学的产生时期

2、Ancient Chinese Bibliography and Bibliology ─── 目录版本学

3、Open up the Realm of Document Bibliology ─── 拓宽文献版本研究领域

4、The Opportunity and Challenge to China's Bibliology and Information Undertaking after Its Entry into WTO ─── 加入WTO后我国图书情报事业面临的机遇与挑战

5、Textual Research on Bibliology of Rare Books in Yuan Dynasty ─── 元代古籍版本学考略

6、Mr.Gu Tinglong and his studies on bibliology of book editions ─── 顾廷龙先生与版本目录学

7、Keywords YE Chang-chi;Yuandulu Riji;Bibliography;Bibliology; ─── 叶昌炽;缘督庐日记;目录学;版本学;

8、Beginning with the basic concept and definition of version, bibliology and version of piano sonata literature, the subject will be collated to the category of bibliology. ─── 本课题从版本、版本学及钢琴文献之版本的基本概念和定义入手,将研究厘定于版本学的范畴之中。

9、Textual Research on Rare Books Bibliology of the Sui Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties ─── 隋唐五代古籍版本学考略

10、The development during the period prepared the way for the establishment of bibliology in ancient China, and influenced the development of printing thereafter. ─── 这些都为中国古代版本学的确立准备了物质条件,亦对后来中国印刷史及版本学史均有较大影响。

11、Open up the Realm of Document Bibliology ─── 拓宽文献版本研究领域

12、On bibliology of ancient books during Jin Dynasty ─── 晋代古籍版本学考略

13、Analyze and research into the development and the tendency of the literature about the medical record by the bibliology. ─── 采用文献计量学方法,对有关病案管理文献进行分析和研究。

14、The Tendency and Enlightenment on Bibliology of the Medical Record in China ─── 我国病案管理文献学发展趋势及其启迪

15、The Idea of Editions and the Development of Bibliology in the Sui, the Tang and the Five Dynasties ─── 略论隋唐五代版本学的发展及其观念

16、Beginning with the basic concept and definition of version, bibliology and version of piano sonata literature, the subject will be collated to the category of bibliology. ─── 本课题从版本、版本学及钢琴文献之版本的基本概念和定义入手,将研究厘定于版本学的范畴之中。

17、Textual Research on Ancient Books Bibliology of the Northern and Southern Dynasties ─── 南北朝时期古籍版本学考略

18、Bibliology of ancient books; Birth; Historical period. ─── 古籍版本学;产生;历史时期。

19、Textual Research on Bibliology of Rare Books in Yuan Dynasty ─── 元代古籍版本学考略

20、The Opportunity and Challenge to China's Bibliology and Information Undertaking after Its Entry into WTO ─── 加入WTO后我国图书情报事业面临的机遇与挑战

21、On occurrence time of bibliology of ancient books ─── 试论古籍版本学的产生时期

22、On bibliology of ancient books during Jin Dynasty ─── 晋代古籍版本学考略

23、The Tendency and Enlightenment on Bibliology of the Medical Record in China ─── 我国病案管理文献学发展趋势及其启迪

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