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09-13 投稿



hackling 发音

英:[?h?kl??]  美:[?h?k?l??]

英:  美:

hackling 中文意思翻译



hackling 短语词组

1、hackling machine ─── 栉梳机

hackling 词性/词形变化,hackling变形


hackling 相似词语短语

1、mackling ─── 麦卡林

2、heckling ─── v.(对演说者)诘问,起哄;栉梳(亚麻、大麻以备纺纱)(heckle的现在分词);n.(对演说者)诘问,起哄

3、chackling ─── 查克林

4、cackling ─── v.咯咯叫;咯咯地笑;饶舌,扯淡(cackle的现在分词)

5、tackling ─── n.装备,用具;扭住;v.处理;抓住(tackle的现在分词)

6、hacking ─── v.砍;猛踢;非法侵入(他人计算机系统);粗糙快速地编程;不停地咳嗽;骑马消遣;开出租车;在饲草架上放(饲草)(hack的现在分词);adj.刺耳的;n.(Hacking)(美)哈金(人名)

7、shackling ─── v.给(某人)戴镣铐;束缚,阻挠(shackle的现在分词)

8、hockling ─── n.(Hockling)人名;(德)霍克林

9、jackling ─── 千斤顶

hackling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Secondly, the author induces absolvable system in France, Japan and Russia, hackling the development of absolvable system in abroad; ─── 对国外赦免制度的发展与演进进行梳理,并主要介绍了法国、日本和俄罗斯的赦免制度。

2、It tries to previde theoretic supports and reasonable gists for the being of the Power by way of hackling about the judgement of the value of Discretion among all theories. ─── 文章通过对理论界各种关于法官自由裁量权价值评判的梳理,为法官自由裁量权的存在提供理论支撑和合理性依据。

3、he started getting standing ovations and nobody was hackling him. ─── 他开始收到热烈的欢呼,没有人再嘲笑他了.

4、square metres workplace , with whole set of advanced home textile machines, such as hackling, cutting, quilting sewing ironing machines, etc. Employing more than 200 employees. ─── 生产车间面积7000平方米,拥有全套最先进的梳理、剪裁、绣花、绗逢、缝纫、整烫等家用纺织品生产设备。公司现拥有200多名员工,公司生产各种规格的被套、床罩、床单、枕套、被子、被芯等配套床上用品。

5、duplex flax hackling machine ─── 亚麻双面梳麻机

6、Re-hackling the Concept of Special Administrative Action ─── 具体行政行为概念的再梳理

7、So, hackling the esthetic conception of “ugliness” is instancy and necessity for the development and revolution of literature theory in China currently. ─── 同时,中国的现当代文艺在经历了一个由传统“美”的阶段到现代“丑”的阶段转变后,必然会走向美与丑二者的合题阶段。

8、Along with the concrete case of HaiDian District,it put forth the approach "QLYZ" hackling the government process, as well as the means "CCLT" tackling the data. ─── 然后结合海淀区的具体案例,提出用于政府业务流程梳理的“清理优造法”和专门用于数据梳理的“层次六条法”。

9、It will be helpful for Chinese Managerial Accounting development through summarizing and hackling the revolu... ─── 并在考虑中国的国情的基础上,借鉴西方发达国家的做法,就落后问题提出了五点解决对策。

10、through hackling many countries different areas of judicial review, this paper sums up the essential features of the scope of judicial review. ─── 通过对部分国家关于行政行为司法审查范围规定的梳理,揭示出域外立法例的基本特点及其启示;

11、hackling and spreading machine ─── 梳麻延展机

12、Keywords hackling machine;quality;influence; ─── 栉梳机;质量;影响;

13、In this paper, we mainly studied the technique of chemical degumming bleaching and softening for flax stable which was disposaled in hackling machine, in order to meet a demand for blending with silk. ─── 本课题选择亚麻栉梳机落麻为原料,重点研究其化学脱胶、漂白和柔软整理工艺,以达到与丝混纺的要求。

14、Ing. Mag . Heinz Hackl; Fronius house journal %26ldquo;Weld and vision%26rdquo; 1999 ─── 潘际銮.现代弧焊控制.北京:机械工业出版社.2000

15、Lathes, milling cutters, grinders, drills, punches, tools for hackling, sawing, cutting, shearing, folding and creasing or similar machining of wood, metal and other material ─── 削,铣,打磨,分解,锯,切,剪切,钻,打洞,冲压,折边,弯曲或者其他类似的处理木头,金属和其他材料的设备

16、Keywords hackling machine;carding strength; ─── 栉梳机;梳理强度;

17、The human have to suffer from dust devil because of hackling. ─── 人类乱砍滥伐,终于酿成了沙尘暴这杯苦酒!

18、By comparing,the paper discussed the technology of hackling and introduced the different ways of hackling machine with the new one and guide us how to design the techonolgy of hackling. ─── 通过对比栉梳机的梳麻工艺原理及与新型设备之间的差异,探讨如何设计栉梳机的梳理工艺。

19、He started getting standing ovations and nobody was hackling him. ─── 他开始收到热烈的欢呼,没有人再嘲笑他了。

20、In this paper, we mainly studied the technique of chemical degumming bleaching and softening for flax stable which was disposaled in hackling machine, in order to meet a demand for blending with silk. ─── 本课题选择亚麻栉梳机落麻为原料,重点研究其化学脱胶、漂白和柔软整理工艺,以达到与丝混纺的要求。

21、Hackling the Theories on Business Diversion Strategy and Cases Study ─── 企业战略转移理论的梳理与实例研究

22、hackling machine ─── 梳理机梳棉机梳麻机

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