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09-13 投稿



lobbies 发音

英:[?l?biz]  美:[?lɑ?biz]

英:  美:

lobbies 中文意思翻译



lobbies 词性/词形变化,lobbies变形

名词复数: lobbies |动词过去分词: lobbied |动词过去式: lobbied |动词第三人称单数: lobbies |名词: lobbyer |动词现在分词: lobbying |

lobbies 短语词组

1、lobbies food ─── 大堂食物

2、lobbies define ─── 游说机构定义

3、lobbies park ─── 大堂公园

4、lobbies to ─── 大厅到

5、lobbies means ─── 游说意味着

6、lobbies tf2 ─── 大堂tf2

lobbies 相似词语短语

1、dobbies ─── n.多臂机(dobby的复数)

2、slobbiest ─── 人构成的画面或场景

3、lobbied ─── n.大厅;休息室;会客室;游说议员的团体;vt.对……进行游说;vi.游说议员

4、mobbies ─── 手机

5、jobbies ─── %他的工作

6、hobbies ─── n.兴趣爱好;嗜好;燕隼;小马(hobby的复数)

7、bobbies ─── n.警察;n.(Bobby)人名;(英)博比

8、loobies ─── n.笨蛋,傻瓜

9、globbiest ─── 全球最

lobbies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Maybe stop cleaning the floors 50 times a day and clean and paint the grimy walls of all the floor lobbies and stairwells as well. ─── 也许每天清洗50遍还不如彻底重新喷刷一下大堂和楼梯间的墙面。

2、Foreign lobbies, propaganda, and the press as influences on American foreign policy: Cull, Nicholas John ─── 影响美国外交政策的外国游说团体、宣传、和新闻界

3、polyester lanterns dangle across Shanghai's store-fronts while office lobbies are a riot of scarlet and gold. ─── 灯笼摇曳在上海各家商店门前,写字楼大堂里随处可见大红色与金色的装饰。

4、A federal judge has ruled that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and other senior US Intelligence officials would be subpoenaed to discuss their talks with pro-Israel lobbies in an espionage case. ─── 一名联邦法官日前向美国务卿赖斯和其他高级情报官发出了传票,要对他们就以色列间谍案所发表的言论进行质询。

5、The United States Chamber of Commerce, the most venerable of corporate lobbies, had been fierce in its denunciation of proposed cap-and-trade laws. ─── 最受尊敬的当局游说团体美国商业工会,激烈地谴责被提议的限额交易法案。

6、Multilateral liberalisation is a sort of jujitsu that uses exporters' determination to get into foreign markets to overwhelm domestic lobbies that would sooner keep home markets closed. ─── 多边贸易自由化如同柔道一样,利用出口者进入外国市场的决心来击败本国的游说团体,否则他们很快就会关闭国内市场。

7、Their activities turn all too quickly into a theoretical, nit-picking discussion about politically correct language, complete with internecine feuds between different lobbies. ─── 他们的活动使这一切很快进入了理论的、吹毛求疵的关于政治上正确的方式的讨论之中。最后则以不同游说团两败俱伤的不和而收场。

8、The sight of the hotel itself is enough to crush him: it's a pretentious place with one of those huge empty lobbies in which Englishwomen sit for hours with a blank look. ─── 一看到旅馆他便快垮了,这是一个富丽堂皇的地方,有一个又大又空、英国女人可以呆呆地在里面坐好几个钟头的大厅。

9、Sweeping talk of a free-trade area is one thing; negotiating a deal quite another, requiring an attack on entrenched lobbies. ─── 关于自由贸易区的广泛商谈是一回事,达成协议完全是另一回事,这需要打击根深蒂固的说客势力。

10、Minutes of each meeting should contact will be posted in lobbies accurately in public places, so that all the owners are aware of the whole session, and supervision. ─── 每次联络会的会议纪要都要如实地张贴在大堂等公共场所,让所有的业主都了解会议的整个情况,并进行监督。

11、A report issued by the National Police Agency Thursday said here had been a huge increase in the number of thieves using large mechanical diggers to remove automated teller machines (ATMs) from bank lobbies. ─── 日本警察厅周四发布的一份报告显示,现在已有越来越多的强盗使用大型挖掘机将银行大堂里的自动取款柜员机(ATM)整个儿搬走。

12、He was one of those thick-necked soldier types who spend the second halves of their lives patrolling the perimeters of marble lobbies the way they once patrolled a battlefield. ─── 他是那种用巡逻战场的态度去巡逻大理石大厅的硬颈军人之一。

13、Therefore, we use 84% of the practical commitment to guarantee rate lobbies, stairs and other public areas will not change in the future, others less. ─── 因此,我们用承诺84%的实用率来保证大堂、楼梯等公共面积不会在将来交房时变少。”

14、The changes would have to be approved or rejected as a whole by Congress, making it hard for narrow-interest lobbies to bend lawmakers to their will. ─── 这些变化必须得到国会的整体批准或否决,这样一来,狭隘利益集团就很难让议员们屈从于他们的意愿。

15、Presents the heat transfer calculation method of floor panel heating/cooling system and its application in lobbies of Wukesong Gymnasium. ─── 介绍了地板辐射供暖供冷系统的传热计算方法及其在五棵松体育馆观众休息厅中的应用。

16、But they deal with well-heeled lobbies every day. ─── 但是他们每天都要与这些穿着考究的游说人员打交道。

17、this familiar sight every workday: lobbies full of people impatiently waiting for the next elevator. ─── 上班族每天都要面对这个熟悉的场景:大厅里满是不耐烦地等电梯的人。

18、Campaigners and industry lobbies are livid.But the case for large-scale government investment in broadband is not as strong as its proponents claim. ─── 但当政治家们的计划宣布后,听起来却并不那么野心勃勃。

19、The Doha round had to contend with powerful farm lobbies in India, Europe and the United States. ─── 而多哈回合则不得不与印度、欧洲和美国国内强大的农业游说集团角力。

20、Para.Ten of the 13 wallets dropped in banks and post offices were returned.All four of the wallets in hotel lobbies were also returned. ─── 正如所有四个被故意丢在旅馆大厅的钱包被归还一样,被故意丢在银行和邮局的13个钱包中的十个也被归还了。

21、A commercial housing area consumers should not only include indoor "carpet area" should also include entrance, lobbies share in the pool area. ─── 一套商品房的面积不应该只包括消费者室内的“地毯面积”,还应该包括楼道、大堂等应分摊的公摊面积。

22、Agricultural interests are some of the most powerful lobbies in Washington. ─── 农业利益集团是华盛顿最有影响力的游说团体中的一部分。

23、The grid is structurally stabilized with the help of the sky lobbies that connect to the tower. ─── 栅栏系统结构非常稳固,和塔楼通过高层休息室连接。

24、Online lobbies have been renamed. ─── 在线大厅已经重新命名。

25、Rather, influential bureaucrats have worked with “tribes” of politicians to protect the interests of road builders, construction companies, farmers and other lobbies. ─── 相反,有极大影响力的官僚们与“族”议员沆瀣一气,为那些道路营造商、建筑商、农场主以及其他利益集团提供保护。

26、Village every building entrance, elevator lobbies main public areas are closed-circuit television, camera systems and warning systems. ─── 村内每一座大楼的出入口、电梯大堂等主要公共区域设有闭路电视、摄像系统及报警系统。

27、But producer lobbies tend to be more vocal than consumers. ─── 但是,生产厂商(要求贬值)的游说声音一直比消费者大很多。

28、You can filter by difficulty, official and/or add-on campaigns and by lobbies and/or games in progress. ─── 您可以筛选的困难,官方和/或附加的运动,并通过游说和/或游戏的进展。

29、The reform of the international financial architecture should not be dictated by the priorities of the financial market lobbies . ─── 国际金融架构的改革不应受到金融市场人士的游说力量所支配。

30、The second is that there exists a conspiracy of powerful lobbies, government entities and opportunistic scientists who must be overcome. ─── 第二个:这个世界上存在着一个由强力集团、政府实体和机会主义科学家们策划的阴谋,我们必须去挫败它。

31、Theatre lobbies were filled with a vociferous crowd duing the intermission. ─── 中场休息时间,电影院的走廊上挤满了喧闹的人群。

32、Fixed an error that caused text to misalign in online chat lobbies if players remained in those lobbies for a relatively long period of time. ─── 修正了一个游戏大厅的聊天文字显示的错误。

33、When it comes to other physical features, road lobbies are on stronger ground. ─── 当涉及到其它的物理特性时,公路游说者们的理由更有说服力。

34、After which the curtain again fell, and the spectators poured forth from the theatre into the lobbies and salon. ─── 演完这些以后,大幕又落了下来,观众们从座席里蜂拥到了前厅和休息室里。

35、Curved canopies float above elevator lobbies, reception, and the stair. ─── 弧形天篷飘浮在电梯大厅、接待区和楼梯的上方。

36、Attendees on their way to sessions crowded the lobbies of the Moscone Center during the meeting. ─── 在会议期间,茅斯考恩中心的大厅挤满了赶往会场的与会者。

37、Floor space, lobbies and corridors spacious. ─── 楼层面积大,大堂和走道宽敞。

38、to undertake various kinds of stainless steel handrails, flagpoles, lobbies barriers, curtain walls, light box ads, kitchen supplies, medical chemical equipment, central air-conditioning ductwork. ─── 承接不锈钢各类扶手、旗杆、大堂护拦、玻璃幕墙、灯箱广告、厨房用品、医疗化工设备、中央空调通风管道。

39、In which groups with different interests battle through private lobbies, industrial associations, labor unions and citizens'organizations to effect the legislation to their liking. ─── 会上不同利益的集团通过私人院外集团、工业联合会、工会和公民组织,使立法合自己的胃口。

40、It seems to be a clear indication of the dangerous influence of the lobbies of proprietary software manufacturers on the commission. ─── 这似乎是对私有软件制造商的大堂危险的影响,委员会明确指示。

41、Almost three years after it was announced, Surface is still a novelty in a few hotel lobbies and retail stores. ─── 差不多被发布了三年以后,它仍然鲜见于酒店大堂和零售商店。

42、Timers were installed to switch off the lighting of lobbies after office hours in order to lower the electricity consumption. ─── 本局亦已安装时间掣,在办公时间过后关掉大堂的电灯,以减少耗电量。

43、The more interesting action at these meetings occurs in the lobbies, lounges, hallways and suites, where GMs talk with each other and agents. ─── 更有趣的事情发生在总经理与经纪人交谈的大厅、休息室、走廊与房间。

44、These cameras watch lobbies and sidewalks for security reasons.They even monitor traffic. ─── 基于安全的理由,建筑物大厅及人行道都设监视器,甚至连交通状况也在监控之中。

45、It fact, lobbies may be both-vehicles for the representation of interests, and people with suitcases full of money. ─── 事实上,游说集团可能两者都是,既是代表利益集团的工具,又是手里提着装满了金钱的手提箱的人。

46、If the elevator lobbies were used inappropriately to cause the incomplete compartments, the situations of fire behavior will be the same with no compartments. ─── 六、建筑物升降机间防火区划使用管理不当造成区划不完全时,火灾行为与无设置区划相同。

47、The service industry lobbies to prevent us from doing so, with money we can't match, and point out that when they do something it's part of the GDP while when we do it ourselves it is not. ─── 服务业进行游说以阻止我们这么做,他们拿我们无法匹敌的金钱当作论据,向我们阐明,他们的举手投足都将影响GDP,而我们的自我服务却微不足道。

48、In any human society, he said, parochial cartels and lobbies tend to accumulate over time, until they begin to sap a country's economic vitality. ─── 在书中他称,任何人类社会中,随着时间的流逝,小型卡特尔和游说集团有积聚增多的趋势,直到它们开始使一国的经济活力丧失殆尽为止。

49、Guatemalan agrochemical generics industry lobbies government ─── 危地马拉游说政府实行新的非专利农药注册条例

50、It is true that some people may like to watch programmes aired on buses or in apartment lobbies. ─── 的确,有些人可能喜欢在飞机,公共汽车上或是在公寓大厅里看电视。

51、Children's lobbies always want more funds, but this report suggests that more money does not reliably yield better results. ─── 为儿童福利而奔走的游说团常常想要更多的资助,但是这个报道表明,投入越多的资金未必有良好的收益。

52、The browser pares down the thousands of lobbies and games currently being played to show you the best list of games available to you. ─── 该浏览器比较数千大厅与进行中游戏后,会在列表中显示较为适合玩家的游戏。

53、Thus, domestic markets of most LDCs may be too small to attract Triad interest, but their emphasis on domestic market power and rent extraction made them ready targets for protectionist lobbies. ─── 至于和核心国的贸易,东协五国都与美、日关系 密切,新加坡兴区内其它国家之间的贸易关系十分密切,俨然是扮演此一经济区域内 核心国的角色。

54、As parochial lobbies form, he said, each gains, then fiercely defends, some benefit for its members, usually with government help. ─── 他认为,随着小型游说团体得以组建,其中的每个人都将获益,而之后所有人就会竭尽全力地维护自己的既得利益,其中一些在通常得到政府帮助的情况下,因为其成员众多而获益。

55、Critics pointed to the government's fear of losing votes among middle-class interests and to the power of particular lobbies. ─── 批评家指责政府害怕失去中产阶层的选票,并指责某些游说集团的权力。

56、Importantly, however, the president was supportive. But even so, as soon as Parliament began debating mandatory iodization in 2002, strong lobbies formed against the measure. ─── 不过重要的是,总统表示支持。但即便如此,当2002年议会开始讨论强制性加碘时,反对这项措施的强大游说队伍一下子形成了。

57、Has ignored the pleas of the two powerful lobbies ─── 忽视了两个强大的游说团体的呼吁,利用原文信息

58、A large number of lobbies are looking into this topic. ─── 许多的游说团体正在注意著这个议题。

59、Be sure your building manager posts evacuation plans in high traffic areas, such as lobbies. ─── 确保建筑管理员在人流量大的区域张贴了紧急疏散计划,如大厅。

60、Fixed an error that caused players to experience unexpected disconnections and freezes while in online lobbies and Automatch search. ─── 修正玩家在进行线上游戏、自动配对搜寻或进入大厅时,无端被断线或无法操作的错误。

61、Best of all, set a carbon tax, which is less susceptible to capture by business lobbies than is a cap-and-trade system. ─── 最好的是设定一项碳排放税,此税相比“总量管制和排放交易体系”更不容易受商业游说的影响。

62、Although I consider myself an environmentalist, I cannot help but disagree with leading environmental lobbies such as Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace that nuclear power isn’t a viable option. ─── 毫无疑问,全球变暖的主要原因是温室气体排放,虽然对此科学家和评论家们都有分歧,但是谁也不能否认,现在需要行动,果断的行动。

63、Theatre lobbies were filled with a vociferous crowd during the intermission. ─── 中场休息时间,电影院的走廊上挤满了喧闹的人群。

64、If I get thrown out of Beijing, I won't be able to get back in because police are putting up roadblocks into Beijing," said Kelly, who formerly prowled hotel lobbies but was chased out by management. ─── 如果我被赶出北京,就没法再回来,因为警方已经在进京的路上设置了重重关卡。”凯莉原来在酒店大堂兜揽生意,但被赶了出来。

65、for public health has taken priority over the power of tobacco lobbies and pressure groups, causing remarkable progress in deterring smoking. ─── 最近几年,对公共健康的关心超过了烟草公司利益集团的力量,在阻止吸烟方面取得了显著的进步。

66、the agri-business lobbies ─── 农业游说团体

67、Particularly in countries with long agrarian traditions -- and vocal green lobbies -- the idea seems against nature. ─── 特别是在有悠久的农业生产传统和主张环保的游说集团的国家里,转基因食品的主意似乎有悖自然。

68、The bright and grand curved lobbies could be used for visitor's registration, information service, or for coffee break and business discussion. ─── 每层展馆前的拱形大堂,明亮气派,或可安排来宾登记、信息查询,或可作为小憩、洽谈之地。

69、CMI, at the direction of the CMI Government Relations Committee, actively lobbies Members of Congress on behalf of the can manufacturing industry with respect to federal legislative issues of concern. ─── 国际海事委员会,在方向海事政府关系委员会,积极游说国会议员代表可以制造业方面的联邦立法关注的问题。

70、Stone granite carvings including large size animal figures be installed in gardens, patios, lobbies, or on pavement and roadsides, also small ones displayed inside in the house or on the desk. ─── 花岗岩石雕刻动物,包括大型的数字被安装在花园,天井,大厅,或在路面和路旁,还小的显示在众议院内或桌面上的。

71、On home affairs, the CDU emphasises security whereas the FDP lobbies for liberty. ─── 在民政方面,CDU强调安全,而FDP却提倡自由。

72、Office workers confront this familiar sight every workday: lobbies full of people impatiently waiting for the next elevator. ─── 白领们工作的每日都要面对这个熟悉的景象:大厅里满是人,大家都不耐烦的等待着下一趟电梯。

73、That should help restore confidence by preventing regulatory arbitrage between jurisdictions and diluting the voices of powerful national lobbies. ─── 如果投资者可以质疑管理者的评估,那么信息披露需要更加充分,全面。

74、The portals' classic oval shape and transparent glass barriers combine with state-of-the-art detection, faster operation, and more security options to complement modern lobbies. ─── 该门户的经典椭圆形外观,透明的玻璃屏障结合国家最先进的检测,更快的运行速度,是现代大堂应用的更安全的选择。

75、Scenes like this take place often, from the fairest green patches of Riverside Park to the plushest red velvet-draped lobbies of the Claremont buildings. ─── 像这样的情景常常发生在河滨公园的绿树丛或克莱芒公寓楼房的紫红色窗帘装饰的前庭里。

76、Months after opening, the decorated lobbies and restaurants of the latest Financial Street hotels are often empty on a typical weekday. ─── 金融街那些新建酒店已经开业数月,但在平常工作日期间,装修精美的大堂和餐厅经常空无一人。

77、There are also powerful lobbies, from the National Rifle Association to the Safari Club International. ─── 还有一大批有着三寸不烂之舌的说客,有来自全国步枪协会的,也有来自国际狩猎俱乐部的。

78、These wooden literature racks is the most popular choice for tourist attractions, hall, hotel lobbies and travel agencies. ─── 木质资料架在酒店、大堂、会所、旅馆等场所很受欢迎!

79、Many hotel lobbies display signs that warn against autograph seeking and picture taking, but some fans tend to regard that more as a suggestion than a hard-and-fast rule. ─── 很多旅馆的大厅竖立著不得索取签名跟照相的告示,但对很多球迷而言,这些告示仅供参考。

80、“It doesn't have entrenched lobbies. ─── “这里没有顽固的游说者。

81、It fact, lobbies may be both-vehicles for the representation of interests, and people with suitcases full of money. ─── 事实上,游说集团可能两者都是,既是代表利益集团的工具,又是手里提着装满了金钱的手提箱的人。

82、Despite campaigns by local lobbies and charities, the penal code in Lebanon still imposes lighter sentences for crimes of honour. ─── 尽管黎巴嫩的游说议员者们和慈善机构组织了多场运动,但当地法律仍给予荣誉杀害犯人较轻的惩罚。

83、Bad critics, and there is no shortage of them, strut the interval lobbies in a thicket of acolytes. ─── 姿深的音乐教育家郑延益先生,香港和内地都出版过他的乐评集,钢琴大师阿格丽奇甚至把自己的新唱片寄给郑先生请他指点和更正。

84、A report issued by the National Police Agency Thursday said here had been a huge increase in the number of thieves using large mechanical diggers to remove automated teller machines (ATMs) from bank lobbies. ─── 日本警察厅1月9日发布的一份报告显示,现在已有越来越多的强盗使用大型挖掘机将银行大堂里的自动取款柜员机(ATM)整个儿搬走。

85、Whirring air conditioners, fuzzy-sounding speakers and nearby noisy lobbies were obscuring his carefully crafted sound effects. ─── 开枪空调器,模糊测扬声器及附近嘈杂大堂被遮盖了他精心设计音响效果。

86、The mushrooming video screens in buses, taxis and apartment lobbies in cities like Shanghai are taking away our already scarce resource: a place for a moment of peace. ─── 在城市里,比如说上海,公共汽车上,出租汽车里和公寓大厅里迅速增长的视频影像屏幕,已经夺去我们已经非常紧缺的资源:一个能让人们安静片刻的地方。

87、The reform of the international financial architecture should not be dictated by the priorities of the financial market lobbies. ─── 国际金融架构的改革不应受到金融市场人士的游说力量所支配。

88、commodious lobbies;and cafes, bars, and restaurants. ─── 休闲娱乐场所,咖啡馆,酒吧,饭店等设施.

89、It clean, modern simplicity of roman blinds has made them extremely popular in today's interior home and lobbies,offering a stylish and economical alternative to curtains. ─── 罗马帘是现代家居装饰的简洁代表,广泛使用于家居及酒店餐厅。罗马帘能满足不同环境外观及功能上的需求。

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