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09-13 投稿


dynamite 发音

英:[?da?n?ma?t]  美:[?da?n?ma?t]

英:  美:

dynamite 中文意思翻译





dynamite 网络释义

n. 炸药;具有潜在危险的人(或物)vt. 炸毁adj. 极好的

dynamite 短语词组

1、dynamite mv ─── 炸药mv

2、dynamite headdy ─── 炸药机头

3、dynamite bts mp ─── 炸药bts mp

4、gelatin dynamite ─── [化] 胶棉炸药; 胶棉作用炸药; 胶质代那买特

5、dynamite bts lyrics dynamite bts ─── 歌词

6、dynamite channel ─── 炸药通道

7、dynamite glycerol ─── 炸药甘油

8、dynamite presentation dynamite ─── 演示文稿

9、dynamite heart ─── [医]爆破工心:使用硝酸甘油爆炸的工人,遇到此种气体时血管扩张,爆炸过后收缩,以致对心的供血减少

10、dynamite headache ─── [医] 炸药性头痛

11、ammongelatine dynamite ─── [化] 硝铵胶质代那买特

12、gelatin-type dynamite ─── [化] 胶棉炸药; 胶质炸药; 胶质代那买特

13、dynamite-laden a. ─── 充满爆炸性的

14、ammonia dynamite ─── [化] 硝铵炸药

15、true dynamite ─── 真硝甘炸药

16、Dynamite Bowl ─── 动态碗

17、guhr dynamite ─── [化] 硅藻土炸药

18、dynamite entertainment ─── 炸药娱乐

19、Grison dynamite ─── [化] 格里森代那买特炸药

dynamite 词性/词形变化,dynamite变形


dynamite 相似词语短语

1、dynamited ─── v.用炸药摧毁;(使)失败;毁坏(dymanite的过去式及过去分词)

2、dynamise ─── 活力

3、dynamised ─── 力学

4、dynamize ─── vt.(考虑到通货膨胀的因素)增加(养老金、退休金等的)价值;使更有生气;使更有力量;使(药物)有效(等于dynamise)

5、dynamiter ─── n.炸药使用者

6、dynamitic ─── 动态的

7、dynamites ─── n.炸药;具有潜在危险的人(或物);vt.炸毁;adj.极好的

8、dynamises ─── 活力

9、dynameter ─── n.倍率计;测力计

dynamite 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Hey, dude. You did a good job. That was some dynamite presentation you gave. ─── 嘿,老兄,做得不错喔。你刚刚的介绍。

2、Speaking of his son's band V Factory, Alex gushes, "They've got some dynamite songs. ─── " 谈及Jared的男孩乐队“V Factory”。Alex滔滔不绝:“他们拥有一些能引起热烈反应的歌曲。

3、The three actors in this movie are box office dynamite. ─── 这三名演员是影片的票房保证.

4、breached security by hurling his dynamite from a roof overlooking the building. ─── 从一个俯瞰这幢楼房的屋顶上投掷了炸药,攻破了安全防卫。


6、Their new album is dynamite. ─── 他们的新唱片引起轰动。

7、During one Civil War campaign, Burnside unveiled a wily plan to dynamite a trench along which his men could safely advance into the middle of the Confederate camp. ─── 美国南北战争一次战役中,他安排妙计,要炸出一道壕沟,供部下安全挺进,直捣南军阵营心脏。

8、I want some more of your dynamite stewed beef, please. ─── 请再给我一些你们那种美味可口的炖牛肉。

9、Mayonnaise Dream Roll, the fresh salmon wrapped in aluminium foil with dynamite sauce, it one of the bake sushi. ─── 美奶滋卷,新鲜的三文鱼夹着特色自制的酱料,然后烘烤过,味道特别香浓,是烘寿司的一种。

10、All right,all right,all right! From henceforth,we are to be known as Team Alpha Super Awesome Cool Dynamite Wolf Squadron. ─── 好了,好了,好了.今后我们就叫"火暴超级酷超棒阿尔法狼队".

11、TNT dynamite with a metal shell and gap ─── 带壳有隙TNT药包

12、Just as political leaders have long had to be dynamite on TV to stand much hope of election or survival, so too will corporate leaders. ─── 公司领袖将像政界领袖那般,为了拉票或是生存,长期在电视上展现得非同凡响。

13、The women, too, seemed in thrall to their hormones, throwing around daring glances and dynamite smiles like confetti. ─── 她们四处大胆播撒媚眼,放肆地沧海一笑,如同漫天的五色彩纸飘舞。

14、In its light I could vaguely discern a few dozen men, who seemed pasted to the side of the towering cliff, drilling holes for dynamite charges. The holes were like the steps of a ladder to the sky. ─── /顶着光带,隐隐糊糊可以看见几十名工人象贴在万丈绝壁上似的,打着炮眼,仿佛在开凿着登天的梯子。 我说:“成渝!

15、John Hollinger: (3:16 PM ET ) Kyle Lowry isn't chopped liver -- he's a dynamite defender. ─── 洛瑞倒也不是一无是处,他在防守中表现不错。

16、We had two dynamite casting directors, Mary Vernieu and Venus Kanani , working together with CAA . ─── 我们有两名演员指导MaryVernieu和VenusKanani与美国演员工会一起合作完成的。

17、A source told the News of the World: "This vid is dynamite and Kev knows it. ─── 有消息说:“录像带内容劲爆,凯文不可能不知道这一点。

18、That news story is dynamite. ─── 那则新闻报导引起极大震动。

19、John Heder is a twin, and he is probably best known as Napoleon Dynamite. ─── 约翰?海德是一个双胞胎,他因为《大人物拿破仑》而出名。

20、That teenager singer is really dynamite ! ─── 那个少年歌手真是轰动一时!

21、We will readjust the dynamite of reform each year according to the country's actual conditions, so that the masses of people and enterprises can bear the changes. ─── 我们每年根据实际情况调节改革的力度,使人民群众和企业能够承受。

22、And she's so alive on stage and she really works from the heart and is really sensitive and really has a great work ethic and is just dynamite. ─── 但是她在台上的表演却是那么生动自然,她真的是用自己的心在表演,非常专业,非常有影响力。”

23、Their new album is really dynamite. ─── 他们这套新唱片一下子轰动起来。

24、Among the things which he invented was dynamite ─── 是他留下的钱设立了诺贝尔奖

25、Zen: It's possible. We are sieged here by enemies, Ju Ba and Xie Yu included. . . . We must find out how much dynamite is still left nearby! ─── 战:有可能,我们在这受到了围攻,其中包括朱魃和獬貐…我们必须赶快检查一下这附近还有多少炸药!

26、They will dynamite and burn our museums and try to steal our valuable artwork. ─── 他们打算炸毁、烧毁我们的博物馆,并企图偷窃我们宝贵的艺术品。

27、He scored six of his last seven attempts after Shaq fouled out, and that athletic rebound putback is typical Kobe Bryant -- a dynamite performance by Kobe. ─── 奥尼尔罚出场后,他7投6中。最后那个抢下进攻篮板补篮得分是典型的科比式得分。”

28、Hey, dude. You did a good job. That was some dynamite presentation you gae. ─── 嘿!老兄!作得不错喔!你刚刚的介绍(表现)粉棒喔!

29、And yes, Bruce Dern was dynamite as Tom Buchanan (read Fitzgerald's description and it could almost have been written with Dern in mind). ─── 是的,布鲁斯.邓饰演的汤姆.布坎农不同凡响(读菲茨杰拉德的描写时你会觉得这简直就是照着邓写的)。

30、Most were felled by tear gas and rubber bullets, but the hospital said one miner lost a hand in a dynamite explosion. ─── 目前还不清楚玻国会领导人会对梅萨的再度请辞做出什么反应。

31、In countries with poorly developed market economies and undemocratic systems, it noted, populism was more likely to act like "dynamite" . ─── 文章认为,在市场经济不发达、民主政治不完善的国家,民粹主义更像是“炸药”;

32、Rescuers are ready to dynamite Tangjiashan barrier lake. ─── 救援者已准备好炸破唐家山堰塞湖。

33、In countries with poorly developed market economies and undemocratic systems, it noted, populism was more likely to act like “dynamite”. ─── 但中国又改变了(让日本军用飞机进入的)主意,原因是愤青们还对上世纪三、四十年代日本占领中国感到怒不可遏,在网上漫天叫骂。

34、When Sage ordered him to leave immediately, Norcross dropped his dynamite-filled satchel to the floor. ─── 当Sage命令他马上离开的时候,Norcross把装买雷管的书包丢到了地上。

35、John Heder is amazing as the dorky but likable Napoleon Dynamite, coming out as one of the most original characters. ─── 使这部影片原本不好笑的笑话变得十分有趣,使每一句妙语富有深度。

36、These allegations are political dynamite. ─── 这些主张在政治上是极其危险的.

37、Wow, that new car be dynamite ! ─── 呵,那辆新车真是太棒了。

38、a dynamite performance; a dynamite outfit. ─── 绝妙的表演;优良的装备

39、That teenager singer is really dynamite ─── 那个少年歌手真是轰动一时!

40、you can only fish for so long before you got to throw a stick of dynamite in the water? ─── 你只能在把炸药扔进鱼塘之前钓那么一会儿鱼。

41、Their new album is dynamite. ─── 他们的新唱片引起轰动。

42、Hold onto your pickaxes and keep an eye on the dynamite! ─── 这张照片包含笔记和/或入口窗. 将滑鼠滑到照片上就可以观赏啰.

43、Finally, the relationship between the radius of crevasse and the weight of dynamite is attained based on an energy balance.The solution compares well with experimental results. ─── 利用近似的能量原理,得到了装药量与破口之间的关系,计算结果与试验结果吻合较好。

44、Who loves quiet conversations about feelings or ideas, and can give a dynamite presentation to a big audience, but seems awkward in groups and maladroit at small talk? ─── 你是不是喜欢跟人静静地谈感受,谈思想,遇到大量观众做演说的时候能侃侃而谈,可是在小范围的人群中,在拉家常的时候,却手足无措,没话可说?

45、This drink is really dynamite. ─── 这种饮料可真棒呀!

46、What you do in that five minutes is up to you: scream, quote angry Napoleon Dynamite moments, sing Aretha Franklin, meditate, or just breathe. ─── (这方法对我真的有效。一件小事就能使我生气,我无法克制自己发狂。

47、You think I don't have plans? I got big plans, I got a writing sample I've been working on as a dynamite. ─── 你觉得我没有计划吗?我有一个伟大的计划,我一直在写一个爆炸性的写作样本。

48、A: Hey, dude. You did a good job. That was some dynamite presentation you gave. ─── 嘿!老兄!作得不错喔!你刚刚的介绍(现)棒喔!

49、Fifty yards of track was blown up with dynamite. ─── 50码长的轨道被炸药炸毁了。

50、A dynamite performance was given by the children. ─── 这些孩子们的表演太精彩了。

51、Napoleon Dynamite, Like The Best Special Edition Ever! ─── 小人物拿破仑永远喜欢最多特别版

52、But Mr Stupak's amendment is only one reason why many Democrats in the Senate see the House bill less as a baton to be carried to the finishing line than as a fizzing stick of dynamite. ─── 但参议院的民主党人认为众议院的议案是引爆一场争吵,而不能付诸实际,斯图佩克先生的修正案只是其中一个原因。

53、We are actively used to import advanced technology and management experience, has been achieved after a long period of practice, I plant a" Powder and Dynamite Warehouse Factory" management model that sell very well, demand. ─── 我们积极采用引进先进技术和管理经验,经过长期实践我厂已实现“无成品库工厂”的经营管理模式,目前产销两旺,产品供不应求。


55、Bill gave a dynamite presentation. ─── 比尔的表现很出色。


初吻英语是first kiss。


The first kiss is dynamite.


first 英[f?:st] 美[f?:rst]

n. 第一,最初; 头等; 一号,; [乐] 高音部;

adv. 首次; 最早,最初; 宁愿; 优先;

adj. 第一流的; 最初的,最早的; 基本的,概要的; 高音的;

[例句]She lost 16 pounds in the first month of her diet.


kiss 英[k?s] 美[k?s]

vt. 接吻; 轻拂; 轻微碰撞;

vi. 接吻; 轻触;

n. 吻; 轻触; 小糖果; 蛋白甜饼,球形饼干;

[例句]She leaned up and kissed him on the cheek


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