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08-18 投稿


amity 发音

英:['?m?t?]  美:['?m?ti]

英:  美:

amity 中文意思翻译



amity 网络释义

n. 友好;亲善关系;友好关系n. (Amity)人名;(英、中非)阿米蒂

amity 反义词

hostility | enmity

amity 词性/词形变化,amity变形

名词复数: amities |

amity 短语词组

in amity with

1. 友善地; 和睦地

They lived in amity with their neighbors.


1、amity blight ─── 友谊枯萎病

2、amity affliction ─── 友爱之苦

3、amity owl house ─── 友好猫头鹰之家

4、amity and luz ─── 友好与露丝

5、amity fire co ─── 爱迪消防公司

6、amity bloom youtube ─── 那个bloom youtube

7、amity village ─── 友谊村

8、amity university ─── 友好大学

9、amity park ─── 爱迪公园

10、treaty of amity and commerce ─── [经] 通商友好条约

11、amity glass ─── 友好玻璃

amity 同义词

cordiality | peace | enmity |friendship | fellowship | compatibility | goodwill | harmony | friendliness

amity 相似词语短语

1、Deity ─── n.神;神性

2、calamity ─── n.灾难;不幸事件;n.(Calamity)人名;(英)卡拉米蒂

3、City ─── n.城市,都市;adj.城市的;都会的

4、aminity ─── n.胺(等于amin)(amine的变形)

5、Amity ─── n.友好;亲善关系;友好关系;n.(Amity)人名;(英、中非)阿米蒂

6、admit ─── vt.承认;准许进入;可容纳;vi.承认;容许

7、Smith ─── n.史密斯(男子姓氏)

8、-ity ─── abbr.水晶麻(IntermingleYarn);内外之合说(心理学术语)

9、mity ─── adj.多螨的

amity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Despite the peace talks,there is no amity at all between the warring countries. ─── 举行了和谈,交战两国之间毫无友谊可言。

2、live in amity with one's neighbours ─── 与四邻和睦相处.

3、The Treaty of Amity and Commerce recognized the U. S. as an independent nation and promoted trade between France and America. ─── 法国在友好与贸易条约中承认美国是一个独立的国家,同时也同意促进法国与美国之间的贸易往来。

4、Clinton visited the Association of Southeast Asian Nations secretariat, where she signaled U.S. intent to sign the regional bloc's Treaty of Amity and Cooperation. ─── 克林顿还访问了东南亚国家联盟的秘书处,在那里,她表达了美国有意与东盟国家签订友好合作条约的意向。

5、the ASEAN Treaty of Amity and Friendship ─── 《东南亚友好合作条约》

6、One was supposed to consider himself fortunate to enjoy the privilege of spreading the gospel of Franco-American amity. ─── 我面前没有希望,这份工作甚至连薪水也没有。

7、They parted on a high plane of amity and Christian helpfulness ─── 他们在十分友好、洋溢着基督教徒助人为乐精神的气氛中分了手。

8、He knew very well that they would be of no help to him, but since they were, all prisoners together he felt a certain amity to them. ─── 他明知道骆驼不会帮助他什么,但他和它们既同是俘虏,好像必须有些同情。

9、But, too amity with as for diaphragm. ─── 可是,太友好了以至于隔膜。

10、16 We have chosen therefore Numenius the son of Antiochus, and Antipater the son of Jason, and have sent them to the Romans to renew with them the former amity and alliance. ─── 所以我们才选派安提约古的儿子奴默尼,和雅松的儿子安提帕特,打发他们到罗马人那里去,与他们重立昔日的友好同盟。

11、We live in amity with our neighbours. ─── 我们与邻居和睦相处。

12、Forgiveness promotes the feeling of harmony and amity. ─── 宽恕增进和睦和友好的感情。

13、For a country, amity between nations is very important. ─── 对于一个国家来说,与各国友好相处是很重要的。

14、ASEAN rs Treaty of Amity and Cooperation ─── 东盟《东南亚友好合作条约》

15、Not olny you but aslo your wife are amity with me. ─── 你和你的妻子对我都很友好。

16、Chinese's people wants world peace and wants the people of world to live in amity all along . ─── 中国人民始终希望天下太平,希望各国人民友好相处。

17、They have happily shown that they can maintain the relations of peace and amity with other states. ─── 他们已愉快地表明可以与其他国家保持和平友好关系。

18、That is the only way to promote amity and unity. ─── 这样才能促进和睦,维护团结。

19、Argument: Yet commensality would hint a mutual amity, and therefore I just would not relate love and lust at all. ─── 互相诋毁,因此我不会去在他们之间搭上任何的关系。

20、For a county, amity between nations is important. ─── 对于一个国家,与各国友好相处是很重要的。

21、Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia ─── 东南亚友好合作条约

22、The Board Chairman of the Amity Printing Co., Ltd. - Dr. Chow Lien Hwa present the mementos to the United Bible Society ─── 周联华董事长代表南京爱德印刷有限公司向联合圣经公会回赠纪念品

23、China will encourage more enterprises to invest in Africa and ask them to shoulder more social responsibilities and live in amity with the local people. ─── 中国鼓励更多企业赴非洲投资,引导中国企业更多承担社会责任,同当地人民和睦相处。

24、In the beginning, he may is let your felling arrive him is amity of.Then the QQ become you of good friend. ─── 一开始,他可能是让你感觉到他是友好的。然后成为你的QQ上的好友。

25、From the drumline 800 amity wallets,a series of amity point accomodation + stradbroke marriages led to Rhodri Mawr's (celebrity fit club. ─── 从drumine 800友好钱包,一系列的友好点住宿+ stradbroke婚姻导致rhodri mawr的(名人合适的俱乐部。

26、Wish to build up cooperate of a kind of long-term amity colleagues relation with the friend of the profession industry sincerely! ─── 诚心愿与本行业的朋友建立一种长期友好的合作伙伴关系!

27、Three bulls fed in a field together in the greatest peace and amity . ─── 三头公牛和睦地一起在地里吃草。

28、Second Protocol Amending the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia ─── 东南亚友好条约第二议定书

29、Holding the principle of sincerity, amity, mutual reciprocity and mutual benefit, we always wholeheartedly provide first-class products and service for customers. ─── 公司本着诚实、友好、互惠、互利的原则,全心全意为顾客提供一流的产品与服务。

30、The breakfast of my amity family is one glass juice or one cup tea basically, and toast or cake. ─── 我的友好家庭的早餐基本上是一杯果汁或一杯茶,和烤面包或蛋糕。

31、"Harmonious society" the main characteristic is that the rule of law, equity, justice, sincerity, amity, vitality, stability, orderliness, harmony between man and nature. ─── “和谐社会”的特征就是明主法制,公平正义,诚信友爱,充满活力,安定有序,人与自然和谐相处。

32、Someday the animosity that led to the war will be replaced by amity. ─── 总有一天导致战争的仇恨会被友好关系所取代。

33、The Board Chairman of the Amity Printing Co., Ltd. - Dr Chow Lien Hwa gives speech on the Celebration ─── 周联华董事长在庆典上致辞

34、Even when China is developed, it will continue to adhere to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, live with other countries in amity in the spirit of mutual respect and treating others as equals, and never seek hegemony. ─── 今后中国发达起来了,仍将继续坚持和平共处5项原则,与世界各国相互尊重,平等相待,友好相处,决不称霸。

35、Historical amity and education plays its part;the city is, after all, home to the Chinese Memorial Hall of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. ─── 有一位居民这么说,历史上的友好关系和人们所受教育此时发挥作用了,丹东毕竟是中国抗美援朝纪念馆的所在地。

36、If there were amity between nations, there would be no wars. ─── 国家与国家间如能修睦和好,则无战争发生。

37、friendly feelings; friendly sentiments; amity ─── 情谊

38、But even amid this apparent amity, China's diplomacy has not been cost-free, nor has it been able to smooth every path. ─── 但即便在这种明显的亲善氛围下,中国外交策略并没有实现零代价,也并非一路平坦。

39、No feat of intelligence and character is so exacting as that required of two people who desire to live permanently together on a basis of amity ─── 如果两个人希望永远不变地友善地生活下去,那么对他们在聪慧和性格方面所下的功夫,应当有无比的严格要求。

40、etc. of VbScript various the tool of developments.3, system interface amity, usage convenience, the function is dependable, usingactual the data proceeded the verification. ─── 3、系统界面友好,使用方便、性能可靠,使用了实际数据进行了验证。并对未来扩充提出了建设性意见。

41、Lives in amity with her neighbors. ─── 她和邻居相处得很和睦。

42、Europe is particularly intoxicated by the possibility of restoring amity with America in an Obama presidency. ─── 欧洲尤其对修复与奥巴马任总统的美国的友好关系的可能性感到特别兴奋。

43、The U.S.-Japan Treaty of Amity and Commerce concluded. ─── 日美缔结友好通商条约。

44、Amity nursing ─── 亲情护理

45、amity generating from exterior ─── 境生象外

46、Obviously, big and parts of time that are in 20 centuries inside, medium day's relation is not amity, health and stability of. ─── 显然,在20世纪的大部分时间里,中日关系不是友好、健康和稳定的。

47、We are under the atmosphere that benignity amity to start fall in love, she seem to like a western meal very much, call two steak, I ask her:"Why don't eat at home?" ─── 我们是在亲切友好的气氛下开始谈恋爱的,她好像很喜欢西餐,叫了两份牛排,我问她:“为什么不在家吃呢?”

48、The Amity Home of Blessings must become one of the most credible and trustworthy professional institutions in serving adolescents and adults with learning disabilities. ─── 成为公众最信赖的服务智障及轻度精神障碍人士的专业机构。

49、in amity with ─── 与 ... 友好相处

50、The Amity Printing Company in Nanjing attached to the Chinese Protestant Church has printed to date 25 million copies of the Holy Bible. ─── 中国基督教“两会”所属的南京爱德印刷公司,印刷的圣经已达2500万册。

51、Despite the peace talks, there is no amity at all between the warring countries. ─── 尽管举行了和谈,交战两国之间毫无友谊可言。

52、national amity ─── 国家主权

53、goodwill or friendship (between countries); amity; amicability; fraternization ─── 亲善

54、Once again the peace of Amity and the lives of the Brody family are shattered by a bloodthirsty shark in this suspense-packed sequel to the original classic chiller. ─── 嗜血的大白鲨又再肆虐平静的睦邻镇及布迪家庭了!牠再次在美国电影史上制造连串令人不寒而栗的经典场面。

55、Managing Editorial Department of Sci-tech Journals with Amity and Friendly Feelings ─── 情感在科技期刊编辑部管理中的运用

56、live together in amity and cooperation ─── 友好相处, 互利合作

57、Implementary effect of CBM/The Amity Foundation blindness prevention in Sichuan Province ─── 四川省CBM/爱德基金会防盲项目实施成效分析

58、A plausible evolutionary hypothesis suggests itself: limited resources led to the selection for within-group cooperation and between-group competition in humans, resulting in within-group amity and between-group enmity. ─── 合理的演化假说告诉我们:有限资源所造成的选汰力量,会促进人类群体内的合作与群体间的竞争,因此导致群体之内的友好与群体之间的敌对。

59、They lived in amity with their neighbors. ─── 他们与邻居和睦相处。

60、Amity Day Center cum Social Club ─── 恒康社

61、We acceded to the ASEAN Treaty of Amity and Cooperation. ─── 我们加入了东盟友好合作条约(asean Treaty of Amity and Cooperation)。

62、The homophonic of five FU WA name add exactly" Peking is welcome you".This expressed the Chinese people's amity to the people in the world again. ─── 回想当初申办奥运会的历程,中国奥运委员会也是好不容易才取得2008奥运会的举办权。

63、To achieve amity among people, harmony between man and nature and peaceful coexistence of countries requires the common effort of the international community. ─── 实现人与人的和睦,人与自然的和谐,国与国之间的和平相处,需要国际社会共同努力。

64、Breathed even to this day the export done a good job of the enterprise, the Amity is a topic could not be skipped, it is only a matter for the Chinese Bible Church the specified printer. ─── 在被人们津津乐道的为数不多的出口做得不错的企业中,南京爱德是一个无法略过的话题,它是目前国内惟一一家由中国教会指定的圣经承印企业。

65、He lives in amity with his neighbours ─── 他和他的邻居相处得很和睦。

66、We encourage people from all walks of life in Hong Kong and Macao to work with one accord to promote social amity under the banner of love for the motherland and devotion to their respective regions. ─── 全力支持特别行政区政府依法施政,着力发展经济、改善民生、推进民主;

67、They parted in amity ─── 他们很友好地分别了。

68、The Amity Foundation and a farming association in Yongji, Shanxi Province, were named in the organization category. ─── 四川省永济的农业联合会和友好资金,被提名组织奖。

69、treaty of amity ─── 友好条约

70、therefore it is, that the first of these so suddenly fall into amity, and that distance is so continued between the second ─── 因此前两者就不谋而合,而后两者之间的距离却一直保持下去。

71、His eyes glowed even while he affected a smile of amity and a gesture of courtesy, at parting ─── 尽管他勉强笑一下,很有礼貌地挥手告别,可是眼睛中燃烧着怒火。

72、Argument: Yet commensality would Love int a mutual amity, and therefore I justo ould not relate love and lust at all. ─── 惑儒:你认为"先对一个人产生欲望,所以接近他,然后对他产生爱"这种情况是否可能?

73、Treaty of Amity and coorperation in Southeast Asia ─── 五国联防协议

74、From the drumline 800 amity wallets, a seiesof abity point accomodation + stradbroke marriage led to Rhodri Mawr's b(celebrity fit club. ─── 从drumline 800友好钱包,一系列的友好点住宿+ stradbroke婚姻导致rhodri mawr的(名人合适的俱乐部。

75、What the customers and market need is our business orientation, credit, mutual benefit, amity and high efficiency is our business principle. ─── 市场和客户的需要是我们经营的方向,诚信、互利、友好、高效是我们服务的宗旨。

76、His eyes glowed even while he affected a smile of amity and a gesture of courtesy, at parting. ─── 尽管他勉强笑一下,很有礼貌地挥手告别,可是眼睛中燃烧着怒火。

77、Jaws , the story of a great white shark that terrorizes the coastal community of Amity, fits into the category. ─── “Jaws”讲述的是一只大白鲨威胁Amity海滨小镇的故事,它就属于这一类。

78、We should live in amity with others. ─── 我们应该与别人和睦相处。

79、A desire for international amity prevails throughout the world. ─── 国际间和睦相处的愿望在全世界占上风。

80、treaty of amity and commerce ─── 友好通商条约

81、In his view, the United States highest cultural atmosphere and advanced business operations, the Amity international services of development. ─── 他认为,美国拥有覆盖全球的文化氛围和先进的商业运作方式,这对爱德海外业务的发展很有利。

82、Preliminary Studies on Amity Solution for Issue of Engineering Claim ─── 工程索赔争端友好解决方法初探

83、And there are only fitful signs of renewed amity among diplomats. ─── 在外交领域仅有点重新友好关系的迹象。

84、The Amity, General Manager of Han lasanin said that they and many customers do not even have met each other, we convicthim e-mail to stay in business, commercial credit, complete with brand is doing. ─── 南京爱德总经理韩沙宁表示,他们和很多客户甚至没有见过面,大家仅凭电子邮件进行商务往来,一直保持商业信誉,完全是凭品牌在做。

85、a treaty of peace and amity ─── 和平友好条约

86、Zhang Liwei, Vice Secretary of the Amity Foundation, speaking on behalf of the sponsors of the conference ─── 南京爱德基金会副秘书长张利伟教授代表研讨会资助方讲话

87、To live in amity with any one ─── 与人居甚睦

88、Both sides desired to live in amity. ─── 双方都愿意和睦相处。

89、He wished to live in amity with his neighbour. ─── 他渴望与他的邻居和睦相处。

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