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08-18 投稿


defecate 发音

英:[?def?ke?t]  美:[?def?ke?t]

英:  美:

defecate 中文意思翻译




defecate 短语词组

1、defecate indiscriminately ─── 胡乱排便

2、defecate over ─── 大便结束

defecate 词性/词形变化,defecate变形


defecate 相似词语短语

1、defecates ─── vt.澄清;除去污物;vi.排便;澄清

2、defecator ─── n.澄清者;清净器

3、deprecate ─── vt.反对;抨击;轻视;声明不赞成

4、defaecates ─── v.通便;澄清(等于defecate)

5、defaecate ─── v.通便;澄清(等于defecate)

6、defecated ─── vt.澄清;除去污物;vi.排便;澄清

7、dedicate ─── vt.致力;献身;题献

8、defalcate ─── v.贪污公款,挪用公款;滥用公款

9、defaecated ─── v.通便;澄清(等于defecate)

defecate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Study on the Best Defecate Method in AMI after Thrombolytic Terapy ─── 急性心肌梗塞溶栓后病人最佳通便方法研究

2、A replacement for chemical fumigants is imperative because insects not only eat the grain, they defecate on it causing development of fungi, primarily Fusarium and Aspergillus. ─── 寻找化学消毒剂替代品的需要非常迫切,原因是昆虫不单只侵蚀谷物,还会在谷物上留下排泄物,导致真菌形成。所形成的真菌主要是梭黴属和曲黴属。

3、Big mouth drinks water, make defecate bate, if haemorrhage is much, went to a hospital looking. ─── 大口喝水,使大便软化,假如出血多的话,就去医院看了.

4、Defecate is us after edible food, after be being absorbed through digesting residual, still do not put certainly inside the large intestine after defecate keep have a bowel movement. ─── 大便是我们食用食物后,经过消化吸收后的残渣,排便后大肠内不一定还存留大便。

5、We know, after taking food about 13 arrive 20 hours, alimental is residual become defecate to excrete go out. ─── 我们知道,进食后大约13到20小时,食物的残渣就变成大便排泄出去。

6、Young puppies and kittens that defecate outdoors contribute most to contamination of soil by eggs that must incubate for some time in the soil. ─── 小猫和小狗在户外排便是传播虫卵的主要渠道。

7、Accordingly, the unobstructed of defecate, have particular concern truly with insomnia, it is a problem that nots allow to ignore consequently. ─── 因此,大便的通畅与否,与失眠确有一定的关系,因而是一件不容忽视的问题。

8、"Ollie manages his harmful response basically is intestines and stomach the path is unwell, for instance gastric bowel bilges oil of platoon of gas, bellyacke, defecate. ─── “奥利司他的不良反应主要是肠胃道不适,比如胃肠胀气、腹痛、大便排油等。

9、Maintain defecate unobstructed, maintain everyday 1 or 2 days of 1 defecate habits, need not worry. ─── 保持大便通畅,维持每天1次或2天1次排便习惯,就不用担心。

10、Tianjin Jiabao Wheelchair Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer on all series of Wheelchairs, Walking Aides, Crutches, Defecate Chair and Tricycle etc. ─── 天津市嘉宝轮椅车业有限公司,位于天津市津南区双港工业园区内。

11、In defecate of micturition of patient of the enjoin before enema, in order to drop celiac pressing and clean bowel line. ─── 在灌肠前嘱病人排尿排便,以降低腹压及清洁肠道。

12、The behavior of inclusions in steel and the defec ts c aused by them have been analyzed, the influence of cleanliness of steel on mecha nical properties and practical usage has been summarized. ─── 分析了杂质在钢中的行为和引发的钢材缺陷,总结了纯净度对钢材力学性能和使用性能的影响。

13、They do not eat, drink, urinate or defecate. ─── 它们不吃不喝,也不拉不尿。

14、You should drink plenty of water, eat food with high fiber content and vegetables, and defecate daily. ─── 摄取足够水分、多吃粗糙食物及含纤维质新鲜蔬菜,并养成定时排便习惯。

15、Accordingly, maintain defecate unobstructed, wrong to rhythm of the heart patient is very important. ─── 因此,保持大便通畅,对心律失常病人非常重要。

16、Defecate finishs, farmer returns Tian Li, see the ax on the ground suddenly, be mad with joy the ground says to the wife: "I collected an ax. ─── 大便毕,农民返到田里,忽然看见地上的斧子,欣喜若狂地对妻子说:“我捡了一把斧子。”

17、Tortoises often defecate in their water;thus, water bowls should be changed daily or every other day, or wheneverdirty. ─── 因为陆龟常会大便在水里面,所以水盆应该每天都要洗乾净换水,或者是两天一次(大型的),当然也可以脏了就换。

18、Signs include blood in the urine and straining to urinate and defecate. ─── 临床表现包括:血尿和大小便费力。

19、Chronic colitis was mainly manifested as loose stool, alternation ofconstipation and diarrhea,dyschesia or abdominal pain whenever desire to defecate. ─── 发现慢性结肠炎(Chroniccolitis,CC)患者多数大便烂或便秘腹泻交潜,其大便难解或痛则欲便等大便行为改变症状亦多见。

20、Relieve oneselfTo urinate or defecate. ─── 排泄:小便或大便。

21、Compared with the case of positive refractive index structural defects,the influence of the interaction between defects on defect modes is stronger,the spectrum-width of defec... ─── 与正折射率缺陷情形相比较,负折射率缺陷间的相互作用对缺陷模的影响更大,局域模谱线更宽。

22、At ordinary times our defecate, just eliminate the defecate inside rectum. ─── 平时我们排便,只是排除直肠里面的大便。

23、When undertaking alexipharmic to contaminative birdhouse, must clean with eradicator first with defecate, solution of accept of second chloric acid disinfects reoccupy, use formalin and potassium permanganate fumigation finally. ─── 对污染的禽舍进行消毒时,必须先用去污剂清洗以除去污物,再用次氯酸纳溶液消毒,最后用福尔马林和高锰酸钾熏蒸消毒。

24、Nurturance is daily and time the habit of defecate. ─── 养成每日定时排便的习惯。

25、There is no way for them to ride roughshod and defecate over our heads. ─── 他们要骑在我们头上拉屎拉尿,办不到!

26、because tumor is oppressive , grow the tumour in pelvic cavity rectum , the appearance of defecate is not a circle however flat look. ─── 长在盆腔的肿瘤由于肿瘤压迫直肠,大便的外形不是圆形而是扁形。

27、Systemic symptom has complexion dark An or the cheek carbonadoes hot, cheekbone is red, giddy tinnitus, lumbar genu aching and limp, 5 be perturbed are hot, defecate is dry. ─── 全身症状有面色晦黯或面颊烘热,颧红,头晕耳鸣,腰膝酸软,五心烦热,大便干燥。

28、They also gave fishermen containers in which to defecate and urinate. ─── 他们也提供盛装粪便和尿液的容器给渔民。

29、Systemic symptom has complexion decline to fizzle out, the skin is dry, body is angular, the head is dizzy, palpitation sleeps less, brothers coma, low heat, defecate is dry wait. ─── 全身症状有面色萎黄,皮肤干燥,形体消瘦,头目晕眩,心悸少寐,手足麻木,低热,大便干燥等。

30、Experts say, "Nurturance times everyday the habit of defecate, a hour rests 10 minutes, this is the effective method that prevents haemorrhoid. ─── 专家们说,"养成每天定时排便的习惯,一个小时休息10分钟,这是预防痔疮的有效方法。"

31、Be opposite so phthisical patient, often appear especially the patient of haemoptysis symptom, want to notice to maintain defecate unobstructed, avoid excessive exhaustion and overweight physical labor, lest produce risk. ─── 所以对肺结核病人,非凡是经常出现咯血症状的患者,要注重保持大便通畅,并避免过度疲惫和过重的体力劳动,以免发生危险。

32、10.Must cleanout in time and sprayed the wound after defecate. ─── 排便后应及时清洗后喷洒本品。

33、Depressed disease has insomnia, defecate to be illogical more the symptom such as free, palpitate, itsMorpheusThe obstacle basically is behaved wake early reach deepMorpheusDecrease. ─── 抑郁症多有失眠、大便不通畅、心慌等症状,其睡眠障碍主要表现早醒及深睡眠减少。

34、"Defecation (or Bowel movement ):Elimination of feces from the digestive tract. Peristalsis moves feces through the colon to the rectum, where they stimulate the urge to defecate." ─── 排粪:将粪便排出消化道的动作。由于结肠的蠕动,将粪便推向直肠,直肠因粪便充盈而扩张,肠壁的伸张感受器受刺激,乃产生便意。

35、To having the old person of hypertrophy of the prostate, want to notice to maintain defecate unobstructed, avoid excessive overworked and acuteness activity. ─── 对患有前列腺肥大的老人,要注意保持大便通畅,避免过度劳累和剧烈活动。

36、Defecate submits rare water form, companion has bellyacke, calorific, disgusting vomiting, appetite to be decreased greatly wait for a symptom. ─── 大便呈稀水状,伴有腹痛、发热、恶心呕吐、食欲大减等症状。

37、The discovery after defecate does not have paper, how to do? ─── 大便后发现没有纸,怎么办呢?

38、defecate in restricted areas ─── 定点排粪

39、Defecate color is light, the capacity is much, submit grease form or spumescent, chang Fu has effluvial taste more at surface. ─── 大便色淡,量多,呈油脂状或泡沫状,常浮于水面多有恶臭味。

40、Bumpkin asks: "Be defecate or pee? ─── 乡巴佬问:“是大便还是小便?”

41、Function:defecate sands, rust. copper,besmirch cutting off perculiar smell, high quality water zone ─── 功能:滤除沙石、铁锈、铜锈、磷污染等;去除异味。适合用于水质较好的地区。

42、Name: Chromeplate Folding, Polyurethane High Back Recliner Defecate Multi-functional Wheelchair ─── 名称:电镀聚胺脂高背可躺活踏腿多功能轮椅车

43、Am I defecate smelly must tell you? ─── 我是不是拉屎臭不臭也要告诉你?

44、If people must walk a considerable distance to a latrine, they will defecate in a more convenient location, regardless of the health hazard. ─── 如果必须走相当长的路才能到厕所,人们就会不顾健康风险就近解决问题。

45、In adults, the decision whether or not to defecate is under voluntary control. ─── 成年人中,是否大便是受自己控制的。

46、Keywords soybean isoflavone;inorganic membrane;defecate;membrane fouling; ─── 大豆异黄酮;无机膜;澄清;膜污染;

47、desire to defecate ─── 便意

48、Stool light are out, do not defecate when severe natural flow, pollution, underwear, very inconvenient for the patient. ─── 轻者大便时流出,重者不排便时也自然流出,污染内裤,病人极不方便。

49、The smallish birds have an unsavory habit: they dive-bomb intruders and defecate on them as a defense. ─── 小白额燕鸥是世界上最小的燕鸥,它们有一种名声不太好的习性:它们会俯冲轰炸入侵者,并向入侵者排放粪便以作为防卫。

50、Domestication of Viverricula indica to Defecate in Restricted Areas and Feed Immediately ─── 小灵猫定点排粪及即时取食的驯化研究

51、He is right deputy drive say: "I should go first defecate, do that newcome empty elder sister next again. ─── 他对副驾驶说:“我要先去大便,然后再去干那个新来的空姐。”

52、You don't try to defecate while lying flat on your back tied to various machines with somebody shouting at you! ─── 你不尝试排便时平躺在你的背上绑在各种机器与某人在你喊!

53、(Method of training of 1) family education is undeserved, and the ability that fails to obtain normal control defecate. ─── (1)家庭教育训练方法不当,而未能获得正常控制大便的能力。

54、Sometimes the pets might defecate in public places, which is bad for environment and public image. ─── 有时宠物们会在公共场所随地大小便,这会影响环境和公共形象。

55、The change that defecate is used to often the symptom that colonic cancer appears the earliest, much performance is defecate number increase, diarrhoea, blood, pus is taken in secret, excrement and urine or mucous. ─── 排便习惯的改变经常是结肠癌最早出现的症状,多表现为大便次数增多、腹泻、便秘、粪便中带血、脓或粘液。

56、Cool boiled water: After getting up in the morning everyday, hollow and drinkable a cup of cool boiled water can increase peristalsis of intestines and stomach, stimulative defecate. ─── 凉开水:每天早晨起床后,空腹饮用一杯凉开水可以增加肠胃蠕动,促进排便。

57、The chronic anaemia of children and defecate contain the only show that occult blood may be countercurrent sex esophagitis. ─── 儿童的慢性贫血和大便含潜血可能是反流性食管炎的唯一表现。

58、" Defecation (or bowel movement ):Elimination of feces from the digestive tract. Peristalsis moves feces through the colon to the rectum, where they stimulate the urge to defecate." ─── 排粪:将粪便排出消化道的动作。由于结肠的蠕动,将粪便推向直肠,直肠因粪便充盈而扩张,肠壁的伸张感受器受刺激,乃产生便意。

59、of pets; trained to urinate and defecate outside or in a special place. ─── 指宠物;受过训练,在外面或指定的地方方便。

60、[Formal] to go to the lavatory (for a bowel movement); to defecate ─── 出恭

61、Why is a-a equal to shit? Is this your family terminology? Just curious. Usually we baby talk shit as ngh-ngh, the funny sound you make when trying to er, defecate. ─── 对不起,留言功能关闭,如果你真的有话非说不可,请依猫给我,麻烦之处请多原谅。

62、If people must walk a considerable distance to a latrine, they will defecate in a more convenient location, regardless of the health hazard. ─── 否则,人们不会考虑健康的风险,不会走相当长路上厕所,而是就近解决问题。

63、A year old of child with 4 big months, defecate shows hoar, rice is graininess, what reason, how to treat ─── 一岁四个月大的孩子,大便呈灰白色,米粒状,什么原因,如何治疗

64、His wife sees he is so muddleheaded and forgetful, remind him seriously: "A moment ago you are taking ax to chop bavin, because go to the side defecate, just its ground, how do you forget so quickly? ─── 他的妻子见他这样昏聩健忘,便郑重其事地提醒他:“刚才你带着斧子来砍柴,因为到旁边去大便,才把它放在地上的,你怎么忘得这么快?”

65、JOB DESCRIPTIONJob PurposeTo control in process quality.To gate outgoing products qualityTo provide timely defec...... ... ─── 公司名称:中芯国际集成电路制造(成都)有限公司工作地点:四川省成都市发布时间:2009-4-6

66、Defecate difficulty, alvine path is unwell, come in please see a problem! ! Urgent (the expert is entered had better not duplicate ─── 排便困难,肠道不适,请进来看看问题!!急(专家进最好别复制

67、They just a nasty, will be in the street or on the sidewalk, make defecate indiscriminately total permeates the air in the nasty smell. ─── 他们只要一急,便会在马路上或人行道上随地大小便,使得空气中总弥漫着那阵阵令人作呕的怪味。

68、Newborn puppies must be stimulated to defecate and urinate after each feeding. ─── 幼犬每次进食后需要被刺激排便。

69、Best option of defecate on cases with acute heart infarction ─── 急性心肌梗塞病人最佳通便方法研究

70、Arrive gravid and terminal, increscent uterus and fetal show an oppressive rectum first, also can cause defecate difficulty. ─── 到妊娠晚期,增大的子宫和胎儿先露部压迫直肠,也都能导致排便困难。

71、Keywords Dying Wastewater;Hydrolysis;Oxidation;Defecate; ─── 印染废水;水解;好氧;澄清;

72、Should time since nurturance morning the habit of defecate. ─── 应养成晨起定时大便的习惯。

73、The worms lay eggs inside people's bodies, and the eggs can travel to the liver or intestines.When infected humans or animals defecate or urinate in water, the cycle begins again. ─── 它们在人体内产卵,这些卵能进入肝和肠内,从而感染水中人类和动物的粪便和尿液,再次循环。

74、For the patients of gastroenteropathy, diarrhea, it can relieve the abdominal distension, make the fatigue better, defecate normal. ─── 对肠胃功能失调、腹泻等,可缓解腹胀,促使疲乏好转,大便恢复正常;

75、Is defecate drier is still carrying blood sometimes how to return a responsibility? ─── 大便比较干燥有时还带血是怎么回事?

76、a small building with a bench having holes through which a user can defecate. ─── 它上面有一个能座的椅子,上面有一个孔,使用者可以通过此孔,将它清洗干净。

77、Be captured to say by savage in hill to the lover: You ate off the defecate of the other side to put you. ─── 一对恋人在山中被野人抓住说:你们吃掉对方的大便就放了你们。

78、Drink water more actually, stimulative defecate is the best method that discharge poison. ─── 其实多喝水,促进排便是最好的排毒方法。

79、defecate; have a bowel movement; shit ─── 大便

80、go to the lavatory (to defecate) ─── 大解

81、How is defecate occult blood caused? ─── 大便潜血是怎么引起的?

82、Eat fat food less, no-noSmokeWine, answer to often maintain defecate unobstructed. ─── 少吃油腻食物,禁忌烟酒,并应经常保持大便通畅。

83、If fountainhead by the defecate of armour liver patient or other fecal pollution, often can cause armour liver to erupt popular. ─── 假如水源被甲肝病人的大便或其它排泄物污染,往往可以引起甲肝爆发流行。

84、That is to say, there is defecate to put all the time inside large intestine. ─── 也就是说,大肠内是一直有大便存的。

85、(4) ulcer activity period defecate concealed blood is electropositive. ─── (4)溃疡活动期大便隐血阳性。

86、of pets; trained to urinate and defecate outside or in a special place ─── 指宠物;受过训练,在外面或指定的地方方便

87、However, this practice is still widely spread in Southern Asia, where an estimated 44% of the population defecate in the open. ─── 然而,这一习惯在南亚仍然普遍,有约44%人口沿袭着露天排便的陋习。

88、9 years ago, abrupt defecate is used to a change, feel rectum is hot, hospital inspection goes after, open medicine of a few external use, without very the effect, defecate appears later mucous, contain blood sometimes. ─── 9年前,忽然大便习惯改变,感觉直肠火辣,后去医院检查,开一些外用药,无甚效果,后来大便出现粘液,有时含血。

89、nurturance is daily and time the habit of defecate, can make the toxin inside body successful so eduction. ─── 养成每日定时排便的习惯,这样能够让体内的毒素顺利排出。

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