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08-18 投稿


haughtily 发音

英:[?h??t?li]  美:[?h??t?li]

英:  美:

haughtily 中文意思翻译



haughtily 网络释义

adv. 傲慢地;骄傲地

haughtily 词性/词形变化,haughtily变形

形容词比较级: haughtier |副词: haughtily |形容词最高级: haughtiest |名词: haughtiness |

haughtily 短语词组

1、haughtily mean ─── 傲慢卑鄙

2、haughtily syn ─── 先烈

3、haughtily antonym ─── 傲慢的反义词

4、haughtily sentence ─── 傲慢的判决

5、haughtily adverb ─── 傲慢副词

haughtily 反义词

tame | gentle |obedient

haughtily 同义词

snooty | lofty | boastful | self-important | supercilious | insolent | superior | swaggering | contemptuous | overbearing | arrogant | scornful | imperious | bold | disdainful |proud | conceited | aristocratic | high and mighty | snobbish | cavalier | prideful | audacious | self-aggrandizing | stuck-up | consequential | sniffy | lordly | condescending | stony | vain

haughtily 相似词语短语

1、haughty ─── adj.傲慢的;自大的

2、draughtily ─── 通风

3、daughterly ─── adj.女儿的;女儿似的

4、flightily ─── adv.浮躁地;轻浮地;轻狂地

5、haughtiest ─── 傲慢的(haughty的最高级)

6、haughtier ─── 傲慢的;自大的;骄傲的(haught的比较级)

7、doughtily ─── adv.勇敢地,坚强地

8、faultily ─── adv.不完美地

9、naughtily ─── adv.顽皮地;无礼地

haughtily 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She carries herself haughtily ─── 她举止傲慢。

2、That's how the family that haughtily enjoyed utmost privilege in Romania saw its demise. ─── 原本在罗国不可一世享尽特权的家族,竟是如此下场。

3、As he proceeded haughtily to the next person, I peeked at his order pad. ─── 当他傲慢地对旁边的人说这话的时候,我偷看了一下他的订单。

4、To this choice, zhu Chen sums up haughtily: "Shanghai is the city that I like, I arrive every time Qatar, must from Shanghai by plane, and husband comes from Qatar, also be to go to Shanghai first. ─── 对于这次的选择,诸宸骄傲地总结道:“上海是我喜欢的城市,我每次到卡塔尔,必须从上海乘飞机,而老公从卡塔尔来,也是先到上海。

5、look about haughtily and imperturbably ─── 傲睨自若

6、'Whom have you reproached and blasphemed? And against whom have you raised your voice, And haughtily lifted up your eyes? Against the Holy One of Israel! ─── 你辱骂谁、亵渎谁、扬起声来、高举眼目、攻击谁呢.乃是攻击以色列的圣者。

7、Han Hseh-y replied haughtily, "Whether I stay on next year or not is still a question ─── 韩学愈高傲地说:“下学年我留不留,还成问题呢。

8、That's how the family that haughtily enjoyed utmost privilege in Romania saw its demise. ─── 原本在罗国不可一世享尽特权的家族,竟是如此下场。

9、She surveyed me haughtily over the top of her glass es. ─── 她傲慢地从眼镜的上方向我审视.

10、Then you go away haughtily. ─── 然后骄傲地离去.

11、Whom have you reproached and blasphemed? And against whom have you raised your voice And haughtily lifted up your eyes? Against the Holy One of Israel! ─── 赛37:23你辱骂谁、亵渎谁、扬起声来、高举眼目攻击谁呢、乃是攻击以色列的圣者。

12、he peered haughtily down his nose. ─── 他傲慢地盯着自己的鼻子(他很傲慢)。

13、Therefore thus saith the Lord;Behold, against this family do I devise an evil, from which ye shall not remove your necks;neither shall ye go haughtily: for this time is evil. ─── 弥2:3所以耶和华如此说、我筹划灾祸降与这族、这祸在你们的颈项上不能解脱、你们也不能昂首而行.因为这时势是恶的。

14、Yang Youji put down his bow and arrows and strode over to the old man, and said haughtily, “You think my technique with the bow is not good enough? ─── 养由基收了弓箭,就冲着那人走去,见是一位老人。他便以责问的口气说:“难道你认为我射箭的技术不过高明吗?

15、Like Shelley, he has undergone the twists and turns emotionally, and his world of mind fries haughtily. ─── 象雪莱一样,他经受了情感上的波折与心灵世界的煎熬。

16、I'm killing the haughtily fly ─── 我正在消灭那傲慢的苍蝇

17、The frog then pointed to the tadpoles and little insects in the well and said haughtily: “I am the true master of this well, none of them can compare with me. ─── 青蛙又指指井里的小蝌蚪和小虫们傲慢地说:“我是这井里的真正主人,它们都比不上我。

18、Haughtily she demands that Elizabeth give up Darcy. Elizabeth, however, is more than adequate to the challenge. ─── 凯瑟琳夫人盛气凌人,要求伊丽莎白放弃达西。然而,伊丽莎白对这一挑衅完全应付裕如。

19、Erect back : Hold out a bosom haughtily to look up, your eye shot and demeanour are met because of this promotion N level. ─── 挺直脊梁:骄傲地挺胸抬头吧,你的视野和风度都会因此而提升N个级别。

20、Erect back : Hold out a bosom haughtily to look up, your eye shot and demeanour are met because of this promotion N level. ─── 挺直脊梁:骄傲地挺胸抬头吧,你的视野和风度都会因此而提升N个级别。

21、Micah 2:3 Therefore thus saith Jehovah: Behold, against this family do I devise an evil, from which ye shall not remove your necks, neither shall ye walk haughtily; for it is an evil time. ─── 弥迦书2:3所以耶和华如此说:我筹划灾祸降与这族;这祸在你们的颈项上不能解脱;你们也不能昂首而行,因为这时势是恶的。

22、Therefore thus says the LORD, "Behold, I am planning against this family a calamity From which you cannot remove your necks;And you will not walk haughtily, For it will be an evil time. ─── 所以耶和华如此说、我筹划灾祸降与这族、这祸在你们的颈项上不能解脱、你们也不能昂首而行.因为这时势是恶的。

23、As far as the Chinese leadership's attitude to the United States is concerned, Beijing appears to be faithfully enacting Deng Xiaoping's maxim of never acting haughtily toward the United States. ─── 至于中国领导层对美国的态度,北京似乎严格遵照邓小平“永不出头”的政策行事。

24、Haughtily she demands that Elizabeth give up Darcy. Elizabeth, however, is more than adequate to the challenge . ─── 凯瑟琳夫人盛气凌人,要求伊丽莎白放弃达西。然而,伊丽莎白对这一挑衅完全应付裕如。

25、He was not tall, but he carried his head so haughtily that he looked a commanding figure ─── 他个子不高,可是他把头那么目中无人地昂着,使他看来象个发号施令的人物。

26、Love endures long and is patient and kind; love never is envious nor boils over with jealousy, is not boastful or vainglorious, does not itself haughtily. ─── 爱情需要长久的忍耐;爱情是耐心,是和善;爱情绝不是羡嫉也绝不会妒火中烧;爱情绝不是自吹自擂,也不是虚荣;爱情从来不会傲慢地表现自己。

27、You are a strange servant," she said from her pillows, rather haughtily. ─── 你还真是个奇怪的仆人。”玛丽躺在枕头上说,表情傲慢极了。

28、Whom have you reproached and reviled? Against whom have you lifted up your voice And lifted up your eyes haughtily? Against the Holy One of Israel. ─── 22你辱骂谁?亵渎谁?你扬起声来,高举眼目攻击谁呢?乃是攻击以色列的圣者。

29、Each utensil haughtily serves only its buyer without regard to how much better it could serve in cooperation with the other items around it. ─── 每种器具的眼里只有它的买主,从不考虑若与周边其它器具合作的话所能做到的要好得更多。

30、There was no way for me to make your steps slow and the thing was that you even never eyed me for a glance.You always acted so haughtily arouad me. ─── 也许我们只是陌生人,在城市里游移,如同走在生活的边缘,也许几天,也许几个月,也许一辈子,她躲在角落里,为不能再见他而伤心。

31、The frog then pointed to the tadpoles and little insects in the well and said haughtily: “I am the true master of this well. ─── 青蛙又指指井里的小蝌蚪和小虫们傲慢地说:“我是这井里的真正主人,它们都比不我。

32、"Of course he can," the mother replied haughtily. ─── “他当然会,”那个母亲傲慢地回答说。

33、A leader to the very finger-tips, Enjolras, seeing that they murmured, insisted.He resumed haughtily: "Let those who are afraid of not numbering more than thirty say so. ─── 安灼拉是个十足的领袖,他见人议论、就坚持他的看法,他用高傲的语气继续发问:“谁为只剩下三十个人而害怕,就来讲讲。”

34、She survey me haughtily over the top of her glasses. ─── 她傲慢地从眼镜的上方向我审视。

35、Dollars or cents, it's still not yours to spend, the bird replied haughtily. ─── 白天和黑夜,都不是你们过的。大脏鸟傲慢地回答。)

36、I will haughtily wing and look for my dreams ! ─── 我要骄傲地飞翔,我要骄傲地去寻梦!

37、(Lady Catherine wished Darcy to marry her own daughter, a pathetically listless and unattractive girl.) Haughtily she demands that Elizabeth give up Darcy. ─── (凯瑟琳夫人希望达西娶她自己的女儿,一个冷漠、讨厌得可怜的姑娘。)凯瑟琳夫人盛气凌人,要求伊丽莎白放弃达西。

38、day in the hay during the noonday nap, when the sun of the plains beat down, causing the smell of hay to rise from the ground, she haughtily, contemptuously rejected him. ─── 有一次在麦子地里午休,曝烤着平原的太阳晒得满地升腾着麦杆的味道。她高傲地、鄙夷地回绝了他。

39、Andinshewent to purchase a postage stamp .Gazing at the small gummed piece of papershe said haughtily to the clerk, “Have I got to stick this on myself ? ─── 进去后她买了一张邮票,看着这小小带背胶的小纸块她傲慢地问邮务员:“我是否自己贴上这东西?”

40、She surveyed me haughtily over the top of her glasses. ─── 她傲慢地从眼镜的上方向我审视。

41、" king treated everybody haughtily, hou Sai because feel too ashamed to show one's face, then Bierba was become again afresh prime minister in feudal China. ─── 国王骄傲地看了大家一眼,侯赛因无地自容,于是比尔巴重新又当上了宰相。


43、Speak not haughtily on the day of distress! ─── 在患难的日子上,你也不应大言不惭。

44、And in she went to purchase a postage stamp .Gazing at the small gummed piece of paper she said haughtily to the clerk, “Have I got to stick this on myself ? ─── 进去后她买了一张邮票,看着这小小带背胶的小纸块她傲慢地问邮务员:“我是否自己贴上这东西?

45、In the midst of all the praise and admiration, Qu Xia was filled with arrogance and walked haughtily. ─── 屈瑕在一片赞扬声中,摆出不可一世的样子,显得更神气十足,连走路都把脚抬得高高的。

46、To treat haughtily. ─── 傲慢无礼地对待

47、"We are lacking discipline in our defensive midfield area," Kahn said haughtily, "because Hargreaves and some others are making too many mistakes. ─── “在我们的中后场防守区域,我们缺少纪律,”卡恩傲慢的说,“因为哈格里夫斯其他一些人犯下太多的错误。

48、It was hardly possible to look at the gentleman's gentleman, so very haughtily did he stand in the doorway. ─── 他几乎让人不敢看他,因为他是那么骄傲地站在门口。

49、Shake the sleeves and go away haughtily ─── 扬长而去

50、More subtle is the depiction of the persnickety and molish-looking journalist: with his academic bow tie and nose haughtily up in the air ─── 更妙的是那些难对付的相貌像鼹鼠似的记者:系着学院派的蝴蝶结领带、鼻子傲慢地向上翘着。

51、At which the latter replied haughtily,” My father's a gentleman, and keeps his carriage;" ─── 那孩子骄傲地答道:“我爸爸是上等人,有自备马车。”

52、'My master is nobody's man!'replied the retainer haughtily. ─── 我家主人何等身份,怎能是平西王的手下?”

53、He was not tall, but he carried his head so haughtily that he looked a commanding figure. ─── 他个子不高,可是他把头那么目中无人地昂着,使他看来象个发号施令的人物。

54、Gavroche wheeled round haughtily, and answered:-- "If you are killed before me, I shall take yours. ─── 伽弗洛什趾高气扬地转身对着他回答说:“要是你比我先死,我便接你的枪。”

55、British mosquito above all rise in revolt, see it flies to a frog only, turned a few rounds around it, when coming back, the tongue that sees frog only hit a slipknot, he says haughtily: Tell you! ─── 英国蚊子首先发难,只见它飞向一只青蛙,在它四周转了几圈,回来时,只见青蛙的舌头打了一个活结,他骄傲的说:告诉你们!

56、He was not tall , but he carried his head so haughtily that he looked a commanding figure . ─── 他个子不高,可是他把头那么目中无人地昂着,使他看来象个发号施令的人物。

57、Onetime when he was invited to a big party, a well-dressed young man saw him and asked haughtily, "I heard your father is a tailor, is that so? ─── 有一次,他应邀去参加一个盛大的游园会,一个穿着很讲究的年轻人看见萧伯纳,就傲慢地冷笑着问:“听说你爸爸是裁缝,是不是?”

58、Therefore thus says Jehovah, I am now devising evil against this family, From which you will not remove your necks;And you will not go about haughtily, For it is an evil time. ─── 3所以耶和华如此说,我筹画灾祸降与这族,你们的颈项必不能从这灾祸挪开,你们也不能昂首而行,因为这是灾祸的时候。

59、I.), telling him that if he wants to earn her favor, he should dress in yellow stockings and crossed garters, act haughtily, smile constantly, and refuse to explain himself to anyone. ─── 为收信人),信中表示如果他想要赢得她的青睐,就应该穿戴黄色长袜配上横条的吊袜带,脸露微笑,态度高傲,且不能对任何人解释他的行为。

60、She tossed her head haughtily ─── 他傲慢地抬起了头。

61、Throwing a regal homecoming glance around the neighborhood, Mrs. Wilson gathered up her dog and her other purchases, and went haughtily in. ─── 威尔逊太太向四周扫视一番,俨然一副皇后回宫的神气,一面捧起小狗和其他买来的东西,趾高气扬地走了进去。

62、They often still tell me haughtily, ying Jila is the food with the richest nutrition on the world. ─── 他们还经常骄傲地告诉我,英吉拉是世界上营养最丰富的食物。

63、Love Jehovah, all you who are His faithful ones; Jehovah guards the trustworthy, And recompenses abundantly Him who acts haughtily. ─── 23耶和华的圣民哪,你们都要爱祂;耶和华护卫忠信的人,足足报应行事骄傲的人。

64、Toni looked at him rather haughtily. ─── 托尼非常傲慢地看着他。

65、I ah,(haughtily) my identity be few, for 1, however speak to frighten to death you. ─── 我呀,(傲慢地)我的身份不多,就一个,不过说出来吓死你。

66、From the days of Empire, the British have always considered themselves models of reserve, haughtily mocking "excitable foreigners" who show no restraint. ─── 自从帝国时代开始,英国人就一直认为自己是含蓄缄默的典范,他们傲慢地嘲笑那些毫不控制情绪的“易兴奋的外国人”。

67、haughtily, he stalked out onto the second floor where I was standing ─── 他傲然跨出电梯,走到二楼,我刚好站在那儿。

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