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08-18 投稿


capsized 发音

英:[?k?psa?zd]  美:[k?p?sa?zd]

英:  美:

capsized 中文意思翻译




capsized 词性/词形变化,capsized变形

动词第三人称单数: capsizes |动词现在分词: capsizing |动词过去分词: capsized |动词过去式: capsized |

capsized 短语词组

1、capsized ships ─── 倾覆的船只

2、capsized jokes ─── 倾覆的笑话

3、capsized ship georgia ─── 倾覆的乔治亚号

4、capsized abstract lyrics ─── 倾覆的抽象歌词

5、capsized definition ─── 倾覆定义

6、capsized boat ─── 倾覆的船

7、capsized boat movie ─── 翻船电影

8、capsized meaning ─── 倾覆意义

capsized 相似词语短语

1、capsid ─── n.衣壳(病毒的)

2、baptized ─── adj.受洗礼的;v.施洗礼;施洗礼并接受(某人)入教;给……名称;使经受考验(baptize的过去式和过去分词)

3、capsizes ─── vt.倾覆(特指船);翻覆;弄翻;vi.翻;倾覆;翻覆

4、capsize ─── vt.倾覆(特指船);翻覆;弄翻;vi.翻;倾覆;翻覆

5、capsuled ─── 压缩(capsule的过去式和过去分词)

6、capsizal ─── n.倾覆

7、caponized ─── vt.阉割

8、capsulized ─── vt.节略;把…装于胶囊内

9、lap-sized ─── 圈大小

capsized 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The first leg of the season between the two teams, Green City in Zhejiang Province and Hangzhou in Taishan so that almost capsized. ─── 本赛季两队首回合较量,浙江绿城又差点让泰山在杭州翻船。

2、world - class [ boating ] Iraces for fearless loners willing to face the distinct possibility of being run down, dismasted, capsized, attacked by whales (Jo Ann Morse Ridley). ─── 为愿意独自面对撞沉、折断桅杆、倾覆和被鲸攻击的明显可能性的无畏者而举行的世界级比赛(约 安 莫尔斯 里德利)。

3、The boat is said to have capsized some 20 miles off the coast after setting off from Sidi Bilal near the Libyan capital Tripoli on Sunday morning. ─── 据报道,这艘船是周日清晨,在利比亚首都的黎波里附近,从SidiBilal出发后行驶了20英里后沉没的。

4、They have narrowed down the search area after finding a fourth man clinging to the capsized fishing vessel off the Florida Coast. ─── 在佛罗里达州海岸发现第四个挂在一艘倾翻的渔船上的人之后,他们缩小了搜查范围。

5、The brotherhood's ship was about to be capsized forever. ─── 兄弟会的人就要翻船了,他们都将永沉海底。

6、Officials in Sierra Leone say at least 200 people are missing and feared drowned after a boat capsized off the coast of the west African nation. ─── 狮子山(塞拉利-国名)当局表示,狮子山沿海发生沉船事件,至少有200名旅客失踪,人们担心他们已经死亡。

7、The wave caught the canoe broadside and capsized it. ─── 波浪冲向了独木舟的舷侧,把独木舟掀翻了。

8、Suddenly the boat went out of control and capsized. ─── 突然,小船失去控制翻了。

9、AFP, Quito) Ecuadorian officials said that a fuel barge capsized and sank in heavy seas, spilling about 1,850 liters (500 gallons) of diesel into the sea off the Galapagos Islands. ─── 法新社基多电)厄瓜多官员表示,一艘载运燃料的驳船在恶风大浪的海上倾覆、沉没,造成约一千八百五十公升(五百加仑)的柴油倾泄入加拉巴戈斯群岛外海。

10、Rescuers searched by sea and air for about 70 Haitians after the vessel ran aground and capsized off the Turks and Caicos Islands, killing at least 15 people. ─── 救援人员对船上约70名的海地人进行了海上和空中搜查。该船触礁并在特克斯和凯科斯群岛附近海面倾覆,造成至少15人死亡。

11、The Philippines coast guard says at least 31 of the more than 800 people on a capsized ferry have managed to make it to shore. ─── 菲律宾海岸警卫队说,星期六在台风中翻船的渡轮上800多人当中有至少31人已经逃到岸上。

12、A family's outing ended in tragedy when their boat capsized. ─── 一家人出游,结果船翻了,造成悲剧。

13、Thehistory is the surface mirror, people's benefit is higher than all,"Shui Kezai the boat, also may the capsized boat", the popularsentiment not be weak. ─── 历史是面镜子,人民的利益高于一切,“水可载舟,亦可覆舟”,民心不可欺。

14、9. The sailboat nearly capsized in the squall. ─── 帆船在风暴中几乎倾覆。

15、Denmark's Crown Prince Frederik took an unwanted plunge into Sydney Harbor Wednesday when the boat he was skippering at the World Masters Games capsized, AFP said. ─── 据法新社报道,14日,世界大师运动会在澳大利亚悉尼举行,在帆船比赛中,丹麦王子弗雷德里克所控帆船倾覆,王子意外落水。

16、But the largest single group of fatalities occurred when a ferry carrying more than 800 people capsized Saturday at the height of the storm. ─── 但是,一艘载有800多人的轮渡星期六在台风最严重的时候被风浪掀翻,这是造成死亡人数最多的一起事件。

17、to right a capsized boat ─── 把倾船扶正

18、Remain confident.Think of Tony Bullimore, who capsized after losing his keel near the Kerguelens.He endured five days of waiting for the rescue teams sheltering in the dark in the bow section. ─── 保持自信,想想东尼布理摩,他在克尔格伦群岛附近龙骨断裂后翻船,在船头黑暗的舱里忍耐了5天终于等到了救援队的抵达。

19、A schoolteacher died saving his wife's life after their Egyptian sailing boat capsized in a storm. ─── 一名学校教师在和妻子去埃及旅行出海时遭遇暴风雨,为救妻子、他舍命海上。

20、A smaller vessel would have capsized. ─── 小一点的船可能会倾覆。

21、capsized moment ─── 倾覆力矩

22、Kawashima in the sand fly on a reef site and found that "Zeus" has been broken into two parts round and capsized. ─── 在上川岛飞沙洲一处礁盘上,发现“宙斯”轮已断成两截并倾覆。

23、In addition, a ferry and a fishing boat capsized. ─── 另外,一艘渡轮和一艘渔船翻沉。

24、With mouths agape and eyes distended, the audience listened to the canoeist's incredible story of survival after being capsized by the river's rapids. ─── 划舟人从急流覆舟中死里逃生的奇闻,令听众们都目瞪口呆。

25、The capsized boat righted again. ─── 倾覆的小船又扶直了。

26、The ferry capsized and a disaster occurred. ─── 渡船翻了,一场惨剧发生了。

27、An attempt to salvage a stuck anchor capsized the boat, and the four men were forced to cling to the hull to survive. ─── 当他们试图让被卡住的锚恢复正常时不慎翻了船,四人只得紧紧抓住船身保命。

28、Local media reports said the boat capsized after it was hit by high waves in rough seas. ─── 日媒体称,当时海面波涛汹涌,渔船是被巨浪打翻的。

29、A search has resumed for a man missing after a crocodile capsized his canoe on Queensland's Cape York Peninsula. ─── 大意:昆士兰州开普约克半岛讯,一名男子在被鳄鱼掀翻划艇后失踪,搜寻工作重新开始。

30、While she was enjoying herself, a strong wind rose on the seaher boat capsized. ─── 正当她划得高兴时,海面上突然升起一阵大风,把她的小船弄翻了。

31、Modern dances proved to be more than the disk could bear, for during the party it capsized and sank in seven feet of water. ─── 他们跳起了舞,盘子难以承受。舞会进行过程中,盘子倾覆,沉入了7英尺深的水中。

32、They learnt to right a capsized canoe. ─── 他们学会了将倾覆的独木舟翻过来。

33、But the stormy sea must have capsized the boat by now. ─── 但在暴风雨的海上它现在一定是翻覆了,

34、The crew seemed unable to right the capsized yacht. ─── 水手们好像无法使倾覆的游艇翻过来。

35、One night the winds raged, the clouds burst and a gale force storm capsized a fishing boat at sea. ─── 有一天晚上风刮得很猛,阴云密布。突然,一阵大风浪袭来,掀翻了在海上作业的一条渔船。

36、On the return voyage, shelley's yacht capsized in a sudden squall ─── 在返航途中,雪莱的游艇被突然袭来的狂风暴雨所倾复。

37、A boat loaded with illegal Senegalese immigrants capsized in the nearby sea, making at least 80 deaths. ─── 一艘满载塞内加尔非法移民的船只上周末在塞附近海域倾覆,造成至少80人死亡。

38、September 25 Kawarau jet boat company containing 22 Chinese tourists in a speedboat Xiaotuo Fu Kawarau River and the interchange sand capsized, and all the tourists on board falling into the water. ─── 9月25日卡瓦劳喷射艇公司载有22名中国游客的快艇在肖托弗河和卡瓦劳河交汇处沙洲翻覆,船上游客全部落入水中。

39、He patted the water, and the reflected light capsized and leaped and volleyed. ─── 他拍打着水面,反射的光线倾覆,跳跃,迸射。

40、They righted the sailboat that had capsized. ─── 他们扶正了倾覆的帆船。

41、(AFP, Quito) Ecuadorian officials said that a fuel barge capsized and sank in heavy seas, spilling about 1,850 liters (500 gallons) of diesel into the sea off the Galapagos Islands. ─── (法新社基多电)厄瓜多官员表示,一艘载运燃料的驳船在恶风大浪的海上倾覆、沉没,造成约一千八百五十公升(五百加仑)的柴油倾泄入加拉巴戈斯群岛外海。

42、Tragedy in upstate New York, a boat carrying dozens of elderly tourists capsized Sunday. ─── 纽约上州发生一起悲剧。

43、The country has been hit by several disasters in the past month, including a plane crash and a capsized ferry that killed hundreds of people. ─── 在过去的一个月里,印度尼西亚经历了好几起灾难事件。其中包括一架非机失事和造成数百人丧生的一艘渡轮沉没。

44、the train hit the truck broadside; the wave caught the canoe broadside and capsized it. ─── 火车侧面撞上了卡车;波浪从侧面撞上了独木舟,把它掀翻了。

45、The boat capsized in the storm,but luckily it didn't sink. ─── 小船在暴风雨中倾覆,幸好没沉没。

46、One night the winds raged,the clouds burst and a gale force storm capsized a fishing boat at sea.Stranded and in trouble, the crew sent out the S. O.S. ─── 有一天晚上风刮得很猛,阴云密布。突然,一阵大风浪袭来,掀翻了在海上作业的一条渔船。船搁浅遇险后,船员立刻发出求救信号。

47、Beijing, March 4 (PTI): China today rescued 111 crew after being hit by the strongest storm tide in 38 years in the busy east China sea which capsized nine ships. ─── 北京,3月4日(PTI):38年以来最强烈的风暴潮到达中国东海,颠覆了9条船,风暴潮过后,解救出111名群众。

48、The sea got very rough and the boat capsized. ─── 海的风浪变得很大,船翻了。

49、One view holds that the bank was capsized by the financial tsunami brought on by the subprime mortgage crisis. ─── 一种观点认为,它的倾覆是由次贷危机引起的金融海啸所致。

50、The boat capsized,and three passengers were drowned. ─── 般翻了,三个乘客淹死了。

51、Five pirates drowned on Friday when their small boat capsized after they received a reported $3m ransom for releasing a Saudi oil tanker. ─── 周五,当收到沙特油轮创纪录的300万美元赎金并将其释放后,5名索马里海盗乘坐小船返回。

52、Hou Yifan cloacae was young and capsized, by the British ska players Hu deficit will be killed, out of regret. ─── 而小将侯逸凡则阴沟翻船,被英国棋手胡斯卡翻盘将杀,遗憾出局。

53、They learnt to right a capsized canoe. ─── 他们学会了将倾覆的独木舟翻过来。

54、But a failure in Latvia could also have hurt Sweden (where the banks have lent recklessly to the Baltic states) and might have capsized wobbly ex-communist economies farther afield, such as Hungary. ─── 但是,拉脱维亚的危机并没有波及到曾大笔一挥予其贷款的瑞典,却可能会导致远方那些风雨飘摇的前共产主义政权国家经济遭受重创,比如匈牙利。

55、Boats are known to have capsized in thunderstorm related squalls in local and nearby waters. ─── 在本港及邻近海域,曾经有船只因遇到雷暴的狂风而沉没。

56、In India, 20 people are missing after a rescue boat capsized. ─── 印度一艘救生艇翻船导致20人失踪。

57、“Our trees are still standing.Our trees are not capsized,” one farmer told me. ─── 一个农民告诉我:“我们的树木没有倒下,仍然挺立在那里。

58、The fishing ship was capsized under the attack of storm. ─── 如:该渔船在风暴的袭击下倾覆了。

59、The boat capsized in heavy seas. ─── 船在大海中倾覆了。

60、On the return voyage the yacht capsized in a sudden squall. ─── 在返航途中游艇被突然袭来的狂风暴雨所倾覆。

61、2. One night the winds raged, the clouds burst and a gale force storm capsized a fishing boat at sea. ─── 有一天晚上风刮得很猛,阴云密布。突然,一阵大风浪袭来,掀翻了在海上作业的一条渔船。收藏指正

62、Top-heavy from the weight of her guns, she capsized and sank in Stockholm Harbor, where she rested for 333 years. ─── 它所携带的枪炮的重量使得船体头重脚轻,倒扣着沉没在斯德哥尔摩港,在那里它停留了333年之久。

63、Local media reports said the boat capsized after it was hit by high waves in rough seas. ─── 日媒体称,当时海面波涛汹涌,渔船是被巨浪打翻的。

64、Her own boat capsized after she attempted a rescue. ─── 她在设法营救别人时自己的船也翻了。

65、Survivors said that the order to abandon ship was given, but that the vessel capsized shortly afterwards in high winds and rough seas. ─── 幸存者回忆弃船命令当时已经下达,但是很快”群星公主”就被急风巨浪所吞没。

66、The recovery teams were looking for a man and a woman, both 26, and a 6-year-old boy missing a day after a squall capsized the 36-foot pontoon boat. ─── 搜救队伍正在全力寻找同为26岁的一男子和一女子,以及一个6岁的儿童。他们在水上的士倾覆后已失踪1天。

67、the motorboat's wake capsized the canoe. ─── 独木舟被汽船尾流打翻。

68、The boat capsized in heavy seas ─── 船在大海中倾覆了.

69、"world-class [boating] races for fearless loners willing to face the distinct possibility of being run down, dismasted, capsized, attacked by whales" (Jo Ann Morse Ridley). ─── “为愿意独自面对撞沉、折断桅杆、倾覆和被鲸攻击的明显可能性的无畏者而举行的世界级比赛”(约·安·莫尔斯·里德利)。

70、Both men were presumed drowned after the dinghy capsized in the cold, fast-moving water. ─── 推测两人在皮划艇翻船之后,都落入了冰冷激流的河水中。

71、Rescue a Boater Who Has CapsizedWhen you come upon a capsized boat, approach with caution: The cause ofthe accident or debris ... ─── 嘿嘿,我不是高手,是做过水手-翻译一段和水手有关的技能。

72、Fishing vessels are relative small and operated on the sea almost all the year round, and some of them capsized in the rough sea due to the loss of stability. ─── 摘要渔船尺度相对较小且常年在海上进行捕捞作业,丧失稳性现象较为严重。

73、How many drowned when the boat capsized? ─── 当船倾覆时有多少人淹死了?

74、The small boat was capsized by a squall, and one person lost his life. ─── 小船被暴风刮翻,一人丧生。

75、The rough waves capsized the rowboat ─── 汹涌的波涛掀翻了划艇。

76、Rescuers searched for survivors of a typhoon that capsized a ferry, flooded villages and left many hundreds dead or missing along its violent path in Philippines. ─── 救援人员开始搜寻在台风中沉没的渡船以及被洪水淹没的村庄中的幸存者。强烈台风登陆菲律宾后,数百人丧生或失踪。

77、In 1915, more than 800 people died when the excursion steamer "Eastland" capsized at Chicago's Clark Street dock. ─── 1915年,"东陆"号远航蒸气船在芝加哥克来克街的码头倾覆,800多人丧生

78、It was a real miracle that the little boat capsized in the storm, but luckily didn't sink. ─── 小船在暴风雨中倾覆,幸好没沉没,这真是个奇迹。

79、3 boats that set off from Somalia with some 400 African migrants on board capsized on January 17 near Yemen, a UN refugee office official said. ─── 一名联合国难民署官员称,3艘索马里始发的船只17日在也门附近海域沉没,涉及400多名非洲难民。

80、Passenger overloading and bad weather is the main reason for the wooden boat capsized. ─── 乘客超载和天气恶劣是木船倾覆的主要原因。

81、Last year Hamilton once in “on the racecourse” in the sewer capsized, but in yesterday morning's practice match he also nearly crashed in the granulated substance stone pile. ─── 去年汉密尔顿就曾在“上赛道”阴沟里翻船,而昨天上午的练习赛中他也险些冲进砂石堆。

82、While she was enjoying herself, a strong wind rose on the sea and her boat capsized. ─── 正当她划得高兴时,海面上突然刮起一阵大风,把她的小船弄翻了。

83、Of course, the Guangzhou team needs to maintain a stable state of mind, not aggressive, to guard against cloacae capsized. ─── 当然,广州队需要保持稳定的心态,不能冒进,谨防阴沟翻船。

84、There was nothing perfect about the storm that capsized the Northen Edge as it scoured the sea bottom off Nantucket,Mass.,for scallops in winter of 2004. ─── 2004年冬天,"北锋号"渔船在马萨诸塞州楠塔肯特岛附近的海底搜罗扇贝的时候被一场完美的风暴掀翻.

85、West Island College International in Nova Scotia, which owns the vessel, said it had been on a 10-month voyage when it capsized. ─── 据位于加拿大新斯科舍省的西岛国际学院表示,事故发生时他们的这艘船正在为期10个月的航行中。

86、I shook the mixture through a sieve; as I rinsed off the last of the bran, the worms clung to the side like sailors on a capsized ship. ─── 我拿个筛子就开始筛糠,等我滤完最后一点糠,幼虫贴在盒面上,像翻船上的水手。

87、world - class [ boating ]&I{races for fearless loners willing to face the distinct possibility of being run down, dismasted, capsized, attacked by whales(Jo Ann Morse Ridley. ─── 为愿意独自面对撞沉、折断桅杆、倾覆和被鲸攻击的明显可能性的无畏者而举行的世界级比赛}(约 安 莫尔斯 里德利)。

88、At 0-2, almost all of that in Shandong Luneng in the West Shenyang capsized. ─── 在0比2落后之时,几乎所有人都认为山东鲁能要在沈阳铁西翻船。

89、but on the return voyage, Shelley's yacht capsized in a sudden squall and he and his friend were drowned. ─── 但在返航途中,雪莱的游艇被突然袭来的狂风暴雨所倾覆,他和他的朋友都淹死了。

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