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08-18 投稿


tastable 发音


英:  美:

tastable 中文意思翻译



tastable 短语词组

1、tastable life ─── 美味生活

2、tastable reservations ─── 美味的预订

3、tastable material ─── 美味的材料

4、tastable word ─── 好听的词

tastable 相似词语短语

1、tea-table ─── 茶几;茶桌

2、testable ─── adj.可试验的;有资格立遗嘱的;可根据遗嘱处理的;有资格作证人的

3、tasteable ─── 可尝的;有滋味的

4、to stable ─── 稳定

5、tea table ─── 茶几;茶桌

6、metastable ─── adj.[物][化学]亚稳的;相对稳定的

7、wastable ─── Wastable公司

8、astable ─── adj.不稳定的;[电子]非稳态的

9、castable ─── adj.可铸的;可塑的;n.[材]可浇铸材料

tastable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The cone-shaped brake motou is designed according to selfbaking theory with tast,medium and creep lifting speeds. ─── 根据自行刹车原理设计的锥形转子电动机,有普通速、快速和带精起长速度的各种形式。

2、a herculean tast ─── 艰巨的任务

3、Somep eople said when they were having Puer tea,besieds its natual tast,there are much more flavor beyond natural. ─── 有人说,喝普洱,除了自然之味外,还应该有另外的味道。

4、OK, just work for the result you want ,then the fruit will be the tast you want! ─── 茶没有味道,水也不热,生活有的时候就是没有办法,算了将就将就吧,就是一辈子.

5、These apples tast good,and sell well. ─── 这些苹果尝起来好吃,卖起来也好卖。

6、Eminence And Elegancy Construct tast Sentiment Of The Ethical And Moral Education ─── 建构思想政治教育的审美情趣

7、my boyfriends always take me to the article exibition just to cultivate my tast. ─── 我男朋友总是带我去看艺术展览,试图以此来培养我的品味。

8、Hope lucky star stirs around me for every time.to be patiently waiting for big fish for tast! ─── 在本身产品的特性上找到空间!市场是永远有需求的主要的是我们怎么去抓住机会。

9、I also invite you to post messages about interesting activities, like my beer tast party in two weeks, the universities activities, STUK's activities and so on. ─── 我也请你们在这儿发你们觉得有意思的活动,像我两个星期以后的啤酒晏,大学组织的什么事情,STUK组织的活动,什么的。

10、It tast good. ─── 好好吃啊!”

11、Threaded Algebraic Space Time (TAST) code ─── 纹状代数空时码

12、Chinese calcined flint clay- Chinese bauxite tastable ─── 焦宝石-铝矾土浇注料

13、Keywords oral function;brain function;masticatory function;feeling;tast;fMRI;PET; ─── 关键词口腔功能;脑功能;咀嚼;感觉;味觉;功能核磁共振;正电子发射断层;

14、If you go to a new place of China, the most important thing is to have a tast of the local flavor foods. ─── 从头到尾看来,感觉收获颇丰,仿佛一下子会说很多句子,英语水平提高了一大截,其实则不然。

15、It was a difficult tast , but we accomplished it. ─── 这是个棘手的任务,不过我们还是完成了。

16、I would like to tast the local food. ─── 我想尝试一下当地食物。

17、He has no tast in clothes. ─── 他不懂得穿著。

18、Sure, we had our ups and downs overzheThen, tast September, Chrome came into my lifI admit I was totally infatuated. ─── 我们叫她神奇的谷歌。无论她是什么,我确信我迷恋上她。

19、Lanling Wulongshan Organic Maojian Tea possesses an appearance of silvery hair, long-lasting fragrance, extreme full and mild tast, light and green color, and freshnees. ─── 兰岭乌龙山有机毛尖银毫满披,香气高锐持久,滋味特醇和,叶底绿亮,鲜活如新。

20、We had a wonderful day in our mother's birthday. we had a tastable dinner together!! ─── 在母亲的生日这天我们过得很充实.吃了一顿美味的晚餐!!

21、6.Arts and good tast represent not only excellent quality,but also guidance genteel moral act. ─── 艺术以及好的品位不仅代表了优良的品质,而且可以用来引导有教养的道德行为。

22、bad tast ! ─── 周某人真没眼光...

23、Of course. she's equal to the tast. ─── 当然,她能胜任这工作.

24、I hear the laughter,I tast the tears. ─── 我听到别人的嘲笑,我尝到了眼泪的滋味。

25、Under the strict quality control, hygiene and good taste are our unique features.As an outstanding manufacturer of shortbread, you must tast our products personally.Please contact us right away! ─── 在严格的品质管控下,安全卫生,值得信赖.如此出色的食品,您一定要亲自尝一尝,请立即与我们联络!

26、Each person has his own way to see, hear, touch, tast, and think for himself.Each has his unique potentials--his capabilities and limitations. ─── 决定了考研,就必须要放弃其他的一些东西,尤其是要改变我现在的生活方式。

27、Different tastable substances that produce the same basic taste quality (e.g., sucrose and saccharin) can cross-adapt each other. ─── 基于同样的味觉性质的不同的可尝的物质(如蔗糖和糖精)可以产生交叉适应。

28、In practice, marketing is an intrinsically difficult tast for public agencies to perform well. ─── 对公共机构来说,做好市场销售工作实际上是一项极为艰巨的任务。

29、It is the important tast of social civilization and progress to change criminals to citizens. ─── 将罪犯改造成为守法公民,是社会文明与进步的重要任务。

30、Mum said I am an idiot, but I like completing one tast in one go! ─── 妈说我是白痴,可是我喜欢一口气做完一件事嘛!

31、So far, we have got the basic energy expressions of quantum mechanics and Relativity from TAST ─── 时空波函数方程得到了广义相对论及量子理论关于能量的基本表达式

32、The mini-muffins I made with banana tast good and healthy 2! ─── 分类:娱乐家庭创建于:2007-08-27被查看:1797次来源:未名交友[回复

33、tasting no tast ─── 味于无味

34、The substance time is devoid of attributes like touch, tast, smell and colour and properties like heaviness and lightness. It is characterized by mutation. (636 ─── 时间冇任何触感、味道、气味以及颜色、重量,佢个特点就系唔断咁变化。

35、He think nobody insists on in this difficile place,but we still complete this tast. ─── 他以为没有人可以在这样困难的处境下坚持住,但是我们仍然完成这个任务.

36、What I managed to hear was that TAST requested that Tzu Chi tried not to showcase too much Buddhist-related items, but instead emphasized more on our international relief efforts. ─── 我只知道台湾学生会希望慈济不要展示太多与佛教有关的事物,而是更多的强调我们在国际救援工作上的贡献。

37、White crystal or crystal line powder odorless, tast sweet ─── 无色结晶或白色结晶性粉末,无臭,甜味

38、Tast of growth retarded European eel careful feeding with "Hexin" formulated feed ─── "合信"牌欧鳗配合饲料精养缓长型欧鳗的试验

39、Preliminary research on speedup lift tast of cylinder--Identical load test in radial direction of cylinder ─── 气缸寿命加速试验初探--气缸径向恒力加载试验

40、Although he was conscions of the difficulty of the tast,he still accepted it. ─── 他知道那项任务很难,但还是接受了。

41、Therefore, thedetermination of amount of water-vapour generation and coke-oven gas is the technical tast solved inthis paper. ─── 因此,确定水蒸气发生量和焦炉煤气添加量.乃是本文所要解决的技术课题。

42、We had a short meeting before the actual day with TAST. ─── 之前我们与台湾学生会有一个简短的讨论。

43、Base price is more than $70k, but a really nice car and stylish. For those rich guys with tast. ─── 我们是为了什么而活着,我们活着又是为了什么.如果我们只是为了活着而活着,那么活着到底是为了什么呢?

44、alumina tastable ─── 刚玉浇注料

45、Bird's nest tast delicious, promote metabolize and strengthen enginery. It is full of natural nutrimental and mineral substance. ─── 白燕盏促进代谢加强机能有特别功效,充满天然营养素和各种矿物质。

46、Tast equipment ─── 测试仪

47、Jominy tast ─── 顶端淬透性试验

48、According to the archaeological experience and in underground tast the Buddha under the monks had often while sipping please, please。 ─── 而根据考古经验,在佛刹地宫之下往往藏有盛放高僧舍利的舍利函。

49、Keywords Tast polarography;Superoxide ion;Superoxide dismutase;SOD model compound;Catalyzed-dismutation rate constant; ─── 采样极谱法;超氧离子;超氧离子歧化酶;SOD模型化合物;催化歧化反应速率常数;

50、The most tastable and exotic leisure city is on “High Life”. ─── 最有品味、最有情调的休闲名城尽在日坛上街。

51、Fine wine body, a strong butter, frozen tast better. ─── 入口后,酒体细腻,有浓厚的奶油香,冰冻引用,风味更加。

53、I am one of the common floormen who miss their home and family。 And only at this time I can tast the feeling how much I live all of them。 ─── (英语:我只是一名普通的钻工,我也想家,想我的祖国和亲人。这个时候,我才知道,自己是那么深地爱着他们!)

54、Two kinds of methods of controlling melting speed for ESR furnace is indicated,Then computer control system and its tast for ESR furnace is researched. ─── 阐述了我国电渣炉计算机控制的过去和现状,提出电渣炉两种熔速控制方案,据此阐明了计算机控制系统配置和它们的任务。

55、The job will be a lasting and important tast to economize energy sources. ─── 节约能源工作将是我国经济工作的一项长期重要任务。

56、The only thing that I can do was tast sorrows . ─── 我唯一能做的只有品尝着痛苦。

57、3. You have worst tast than I do. ─── 你的眼光比我还糟糕。

58、TAST Code ─── TAST编码

59、The results showed that the chemical components of orange cutters was coordinate and smoke tast result was acceceptable. ─── 结果表明,以中部桔黄色烟叶的各项化学成分较为协调,吸味品质好,可作为高档烤烟型卷烟的主料烟;

60、 双语使用场景

61、Paris apartment is a real real apartments of single aristocrats,if you have a good tast of life, this is your idea home! ─── 一室一卫一厨,全套全新家具家电,应有尽有,长租:1500元/月,短租:100元/天

62、Our tast for fat and suger appears to have stemmed form our ancestors. ─── 我们对于脂肪和糖的品位看起来源于我们的祖先。

63、tast polarography ─── 采流极谱法

64、It is a weekend again ,let us have a rest!Reading, playing chess,watching TV or listening music and tast some delicious food .Let us enjion the pleasure time. ─── 又是一个周末,那让我们休息下吧!看看书、下下棋、看点电视或听听歌并来品尝一些美味小吃。一起享受这美好时光。

65、The products organization fine and smooth, wellbubricated, a person's tast soft and pure. ─── 本产品组织细腻、滑润,口感柔和、纯正。

66、The wine itself has a fairly light colored ruby red,while its fragrance is subtly musky. It is sweet ,soft and particularly attractive and refined in its tast. ─── 呈明亮的红宝石色,清澈迷人;浓烈的葡萄芳香,果香优雅;酒体清爽、细腻、滋润

67、If you want to develop any new products or substitutes to satandard or non-standard bearings,we will let technician help you to select and sesign or spot tast. ─── 对客户要求开发的各种新产品,可替代各种标准非标准轴承的替代品,公司派技术员协助用户选型和设计,并可现场测绘。

68、orthogonal tast ─── 正交实验

69、Keywords aspirin;polylactic acid;emulsion-solvent evaporation method;orthogonal tast;release microspheres; ─── 阿司匹林;聚乳酸;乳化挥发法;正交实验;缓释微球;

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