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materialist 发音

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materialist 中文意思翻译



materialist 网络释义

n. 唯物主义者;实利主义者

materialist 短语词组

1、materialist bias ─── 唯物主义偏见

2、post-materialist ─── [网络] 后物质主义;超物质价值;后物质主义的

3、eliminative materialist ─── 排除唯物主义者

4、materialist myth ─── 唯物主义神话

5、materialist art ─── 唯物主义艺术

6、materialist vs ─── 唯物主义者vs

7、materialist conception ─── 唯物主义观念

8、materialist analysis ─── 唯物主义分析

9、materialist left ─── 唯物主义左派

materialist 同义词

philistinism | greed | avarice | physicalism | acquisitiveness | avidity | greediness |realism | cupidity

materialist 词性/词形变化,materialist变形

名词: materialist |副词: materialistically |形容词: materialistic |

materialist 反义词


materialist 相似词语短语

1、aerialist ─── n.高空杂技演员;空中飞贼

2、materialise ─── vt.物质化(等于materialize);vi.突然出现(等于materialize)

3、materialism ─── n.唯物主义;唯物论;物质主义

4、immaterialist ─── n.非物质论;唯心论(immaterialism的变形)

5、materialistic ─── adj.唯物主义的;唯物论的;金钱至上的

6、materialised ─── 物质化

7、materialises ─── vt.物质化(等于materialize);vi.突然出现(等于materialize)

8、materialists ─── n.唯物主义者;实利主义者

9、materialiser ─── 材料

materialist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Separating application dialectics from materialist dialectics--On the orientation of application dialectics and its appellation ─── 从唯物辩证法中分离出应用辩证法--关于应用辩证法定位及其称谓问题的探讨

2、Zhu Xi's idealism with his tendency to "Gewu poor rationale," said a materialist epistemology principle is not to the heart "and thoroughgoing," but to actually seek the truth. ─── 他把朱熹具有唯心主义倾向的“格物穷理”之说,变成唯物主义的认识论原则,不是向内心“穷理”,而是向实际求真。


4、Darwin himself was deeply troubled by his materialist thoughts and what they meant. ─── 达尔文自己曾被自己的唯物主义思想和这些思想背后的东西深深地困扰着。

5、Keywords Emulsion Flavor;Stability;Cloudiness;Raw Materi als;Application; ─── 乳化香精;稳定性;浊度;原料;应用;

6、Diagnostics teaching will direct clinical diagnosis by means of culturing medical student to utilize the view of materialist dialectics. ─── 诊断学教学要培养医学生运用唯物辩证法的观点,以指导临床诊断。

7、Looking at the Socialist Concept of Honour or Disgrace from the Marxist dialectical materialist theory of knowledge ─── 从马克思主义辩证思想看社会主义荣辱观

8、He was an arrogant and cocksure materialist. ─── 他是一个狂妄的自信满满的唯物论者。

9、The materialist doctrine concerning the changing of circumstances and upbringing forgets that circumstances are changed by men and that it is essential to educate the educator himself. ─── 一种关于环境的变化与人成长有关的唯物主义理论忘记了一点环境是由人改变的,而且对于教育教育者自身来说是必要的。

10、Application of TJ281-BEP new waterproof coiled materi als in the tunnel project ─── TJ281-BEP新型防水卷材在隧道工程中的应用

11、9.an arrogant and cocksure materialist; ─── 一个傲慢、自负的物质主义者;

12、III The materialist doctrine concerning the changing of circumstances and upbringing forgets that circumstances are changed by men and that it is essential to educate the educator himself. ─── 一种关于环境的变化与人成长有关的唯物主义理论忘记了一点环境是由人改变的,而且对于教育教育者自身来说是必要的。

13、I have already spoken about the dialectical materialist view of motive and effect ─── 关于动机和效果的辩证唯物主义观点,我在前面已经讲过了。

14、He was not interested in that materialist lure. ─── 他对这种物质引诱不感兴趣。

15、If the dialectical-materialist movement of knowledge were to stop at rational knowledge, only half the problem would be dealt with. ─── 辩证唯物论的认识运动,如果只到理性认识为止,那末还只说到问题的一半。

16、Three main laws of materialist dialectics are a unity that is connatural and connected closely with each other. ─── 唯物辩证法的三大规律是事物发展过程中固有的、紧密联系在一起而互不分离的一个整体;

17、If we can become clear on all these problems,we shall arrive at a fundamental understanding of materialist dialectics. ─── 如果我们将这些问题都弄清楚了,我们就在根本上懂得了唯物辩证法。

18、materialist standpoint ─── 唯物主义立场

19、The foundation of materialist conception of history has great influence on the study of the civil society. ─── 唯物史观的创立对市民社会问题的研究有着重大的影响。


21、The Li-ion high power batteries with the capacity of 10Ah and 7.5Ah were introduced about their designs,performance,choice of the main raw materi als,manufacture process and their quality control. ─── 介绍了大容量动力型10Ah锂离子电池和高功率型7.5Ah锂离子电池的产品设计、技术指标确认、主要原材料的选择、制造工艺过程和性能检测情况。

22、Epicurus was a [b][color=#990000]materialist[/color][/b]. ─── 伊壁鸠鲁相信快乐就是生活最高的善。

23、Promote materialist dialectics and oppose metaphysics and scholasticism. ─── 提倡唯物辩证法,反对形而上学和烦琐哲学。

24、Internet users and providers cannot be held liable for posting libelous materi: al written by someone else, the California Supreme Court ruled unanimously tod: ay. ─── 加利福尼亚高级法院今天无异议裁决:互联网使用者和提供者对于发表他人所写的诽谤材:料不必承担责任。

25、Spreading of Materialist Historical View in "the Debate on Chinese Social History" ─── "中国社会史论战"对于唯物史观的传播

26、an arrogant and cocksure materialist; so bold and impudent as to speak to the queen; the less he knows the more positive he gets ─── 一个傲慢、自负的物质主义者;如此大胆、厚颜无耻的对女王说话;知道得越少,就越自负

27、Materialist Dialectics in the Taking Shape of the Covalent Bond ─── 共价键形成中的唯物辩证法

28、And it is the general character of objective dialectics and the general category of the logic system of materialist dialectics. ─── 和谐是客观辩证法的总体特征,是唯物辩证法逻辑体系的总体范畴;

29、This is a heated debate which involves materialist as opposed to idealist views. ─── 这是一场唯物主义与唯心主义的大论战。

30、the materialist theory of reflection ─── 唯物论的反映论

31、How to Carry out the Education of Dialectical Materialist Point of View in Chemical Teaching ─── 在化学教学中如何进行辨证唯物主义观点的教育

32、dialectical materialist analysis ─── 唯物辩证分析

33、Difficulties of the 1920s Literature Intelligentsia and the Rise of Historical Materialist Literary Theory ─── 1920年代末文学知识分子的思想困境与唯物史观文学论的兴起

34、From Alienated Labor to Materialist Conception of History ─── 从异化劳动到唯物史观

35、In view of development, his historical concept shows such a process from early evolution concept to materialist concept, and is of striking characteristic in stage. ─── 从纵向看,他的历史观经历了从早期进化史观向唯物史观演进的历程,具有明显的阶段性特点。

36、Materialist conception of history is the core of Marxist philosophy. ─── 唯物史观是马克思主义哲学的核心所在。

37、By contrast, the type-B materialist takes an observed connection between physical and phenomenal states, unexplainable in more basic terms, and suggests that it is an identity. ─── 作为对比,B类物理主义者持有观察到的物理事态和现象事态之间的关联,在更基础的术语上是不可解释的,并建议它们是同一的。

38、A staunch materialist, he decries economy. ─── 一个坚定的唯物主义者公开谴责经济。

39、In fact, there are the conflicts of different cultures in the mergers of the different cultures and vice versa.We should insist on the viewpoint of materialist dialectics to resolve this problem. ─── 在对这个问题的理解上,应坚持唯物辩证法的对立统一观点,在文化冲突中看到它们相互融合的一面,在文化融合中看到它们相互冲突的一面。

40、In college physics teaching teachers should pay more attention to fostering the students' dialectical materialist point of view,their abilty of scientific thought and scientific quality. ─── 在大学物理教学中,教师要加强对学生辩证唯物主义的世界观、科学精神、科学的方法、科学品质的培养。

41、The materialist becomes obsessed with the body and the world around them as if what they have and how they look is their reason for being. ─── 物质追求者沉迷于身体享受及周围的世界,就好像他们存在的价值就体现在他们所拥有的以及他们所表现的。

42、historical materialism and materialist dialectics ─── 唯物史观和辩证法

43、materialist reflection theory ─── 唯物主义反映论

44、Materialist Historical View: Social Historical View or General Outlook? ─── 唯物史观:社会历史观还是一般世界观?

45、Some Simple Materialist Dialectics Revealed in the Confucian Idea of God's Will ─── 孔子天命观中的朴素唯物辩证色彩

46、He was the originator of the expression, "Knowledge is power." He was quite taken up by the "materialist" theories and the resultant discoveries of both Copernicus and Galileo. ─── 他是“知识就是力量”这一说法的创始人。他对哥白尼和伽利略两位的“唯物主义”理论及其结论探索颇感兴趣。

47、On looking back over my own life, I was interested to realize that I had been brought up between the ages of one and six as a scientific materialist. ─── 回顾我自己的过去,我有趣地发现,我在六岁之前是作为一个科学唯物主义者抚养的。

48、Neither is it a materialist approach to deny his contributions because of his mistakes. ─── 因为他的错误而否定他的功绩,同样不是唯物主义的态度。

49、Under the guidance of the Party he has rejected the idealist view of history in favor of the materialist. ─── 在党的教导下,他已经抛弃唯心主义历史观,接受了唯物主义历史观。

50、Materialist Dialectics and Metaphysics: Their Opposition and Features of the Day ─── 唯物辩证法与形而上学的对立及其时代特征

51、an arrogant and cocksure materialist; so bold and impudent as to speak to the queen; the less he knows the more positive he gets. ─── 一个傲慢、自负的物质主义者;如此大胆、厚颜无耻的对女王说话;知道得越少,就越自负。

52、Philosophical Enlightenment Given to us from Natural Science in the Period of Copernicus and Newton and the Materialist Philosophy in the 18th Century ─── 哥白尼-牛顿时期的自然科学和18世纪的唯物主义哲学给我们的哲学启示

53、” So, contrary to the notion of the general public, the Theosophist is a nastika(atheist)and a lokayata(materialist) though not in a shallow sense. ─── 因此,和一般大众的观念正相反,通神学者是无神论者和唯物论者,尽管浮浅的感觉上他们不是。

54、well. well. well...is that the truth? am i an actualist? or what i preferd: the materialist... ─── 今天被一个本以为并不太了解我的人说。。。你总是那么现实!

55、Most people in this world, including ourselves, are used to these three kinds of extremes: the so-called materialist, the poor man, and the spiritualist, who renounces almost everything. ─── 世上大多数的人,也包括我们自己,都习惯这三种极端:所谓的物质主义者、穷人以及几乎舍弃一切的灵修人士。

56、His thoughtway and leadership style, permeating vivid materialist dialectics, permeating devoted to people, devoted to the great quality of the career of the party. ─── 他的思想方法和领导风格,渗透着活的唯物辩证法,渗透着忠于人民、忠于党的事业的崇高品质。

57、But not all materialist explanations of human behaviour are correct. ─── 但并非有关人类行为的所有的唯物主义解释都正确。

58、Materialist Conception of History and the Important Thought of"The Three Represents" ─── 唯物史观与"三个代表"重要思想

59、The Epicureans were disciples of Epicurus , who believed pleasure to be the highest good in life. Epicurus was a materialist . Following Democritus, he believed that the world consisted of atoms. ─── 伊壁鸠鲁主义者都是伊壁鸠鲁的信徒。伊壁鸠鲁相信快乐就是生活最高的善。伊壁鸠鲁是一个唯物主义者,相信有形的世界是由原子构成的,这一点他继承了德谟克利特的思想。

60、But for the shortage of scientific practical principle and materialist dialectical principle, there are obvious defects in his understanding of Marxist philosophy. ─── 但由于科学实践原则和唯物辩证原则的缺乏,考茨基在对马克思主义哲学的理解上存在明显的缺陷。

61、In the proposalform you were asked whetherany inflammable materi alswere stored on the premises. ─── 在投保单上你被问及是否有任何易燃物被存储在房屋里。

62、But here, it is worth noting that there is a sense in which any type-B materialist position gives up on reductive explanation. ─── 但是这里,值得注意的是,在一个意义上,任何B类物质主义者的立场都有一个对还原解释的放弃。

63、"To call on us to study Marxism is to repeat the mistake of the dialectical materialist creative method, which will harm the creative mood." ─── “提倡学习马克思主义就是重复辩证唯物论的创作方法的错误,就要妨害创作情绪。”

64、materialist philosophy thought ─── 唯物的哲学思想

65、By going to religion, aesthetics and art for guidance, Mumford escapes from the too dominating materialist conception of the modern world. ─── 芒福德以宗教,美学和艺术作指导,走出了现代世界占统治地位的唯物主义观念。

66、materialist concept of history ─── 唯物史观

67、Known as “bling”or “bling bling”, this penchant held by many Hip-hop enthusiasts for gold jewelry is a manifestation of the materialist aspects of Hip-hop. ─── 大家都称之为“亮晶晶”或“金光闪闪”。嘻哈族对这种晶亮饰品情有独钟,这也是嘻哈族物质主义至上的一个表现。

68、In the world in which we live today it takes a miracle for a man not to be a materialist. ─── 在我们今日所处的世界,想不当个物质主义者还真需要神迹。

69、In the world in which we live today it takes a miracle for a man not to be a materialist. ─── 在我们今日所处的世界,想不当个物质主义者还真需要神迹。

70、Unfortunately, in our western tradition, neither materialist nor idealist theoreticians give enough consideration to this basic condition for life. ─── 遗憾的是,在我们西方的传统中,无论是唯物主义还是唯心主义理论家,都没有对这一生活的基本条件给予足够的考虑。

71、from materialist dialectics' view ─── 唯物辩证法

72、A word is wraparound " break away from the scientific method research to specific issue, the general that achieves materialist dialectics impossibly is comfortable " . ─── 一句话概括“脱离科学方法对具体问题的研究,不可能达到唯物辨证法的普适”。

73、For example, materialist feminists presented cross-cultural analysis on differences in women's status, roles, and power. ─── 例如,唯物主义女性人类学家们认为,在跨文化研究背景下,妇女的地位、角色、权力等都不相同。

74、theory of materialist practice ─── 唯物实践论

75、Generally speaking, the materialist is also an atheist, atheists are often "free thinkers" synonymous. ─── 一般说来,唯物主义者同时也是无神论者,无神论者常常是“自由思想家”的同义语。

76、If it is, it may prove more palatable to some people than the current interpretation of the biological world as ultimately materialist and purposeless. ─── 如果这是正确的话,这会比将生物界看成绝对物质化和无目的的观点给人们带来更多的欣慰。

77、materialist analysis ─── 唯物主义分析

78、For over twenty years, the discussion on the logical starting point for the theoretical system of materialist conception of history in Chinese academia is of significance. ─── 二十多年来,我国哲学界关于唯物史观理论体系逻辑起点的争论是很有意义的。在这场评论中,主要的观点有:以自然人,以“现实的人”。

79、With the concept of life emerging on the horizon, the problem of constitution as conceived by Kant could shed its traditional idealist shackle and be pursued from a more materialist premise instead. ─── 到了这一步,康德式传统讨论构成问题的唯心论倾向,显然已经开始向一种以实践为参考点的唯物主义转化。

80、Anyone who does not recognize this fact is not a materialist. ─── 不承认这个事实,就不是唯物主义者。(译文中省略关系代词)

81、Have you heard Madonna's song"Materialist Girl"?"No money, no honey." Girls are more realistic nowadays. ─── 你听过麦当娜的歌“实惠女郎”吗?“没有钱就没人爱”女孩们现在越来越现实了。

82、Materialist dialectics armed so many years, things should be learned in the development of heart, can look upon as "tend to enter an inflationary" a performance patterns? ─── 唯物辩证法武装了这么多年,事物发展规律也应该烂熟于心,是否可以看做“螺旋式上升”的一个表现形态呢?

83、The Harmonious Society in Sight of Materialist Dialectics ─── 唯物辩证法视域中的和谐社会


85、But to avoid mentioning his mistakes because of his contributions would not be a materialist approach. ─── 因为他的功绩而讳言他的错误,这不是唯物主义的态度。

86、Materialist dialectics holds that external causes become operative through internal causes. ─── 唯物辩证法认为,外因通过内因而起作用。

87、debate on materialist dialectics ─── “唯物辩证法”的论战

88、materialist conception ─── 唯物主义概念

89、Materialist view of nature ─── 唯物主义自然观


ist是一个名词后缀,表示人,ist后缀的名词通常翻译为......人或..... 家。

例如:scientist 科学家,artist 艺术家,economist 经济学家,socialist社会学家,capitalist 资本家materialist 唯物主义者,dentist 牙医,typist打字员,biologist生物学家,chemist化学家。

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