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08-18 投稿


cleanlily 发音

英:[[k'li:nl?l?]]  美:[[k'li:nl?l?]]

英:  美:

cleanlily 中文意思翻译



cleanlily 相似词语短语

1、clean bill ─── [金融]光票,清洁汇票

2、cleansing ─── adj.清洁的;有去污作用的;n.彻底清洁;洗清;清洁霜;v.清洗;净化;免除(某人)的罪过;治愈(cleanse的现在分词)

3、cleanlier ─── 更干净

4、calla lily ─── 马蹄莲;水芋

5、cleanly ─── adv.干净地;清洁地;adj.干净的;爱清洁的

6、cleanability ─── n.除尘力,除尘度

7、cleanable ─── adj.可弄干净的;可扫除干净的

8、cleanliest ─── 最干净的

9、cleaning ─── n.清洗;清除;去污;大败;v.清洁(clean的ing形式)

cleanlily 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Cleanlily feeling high elasticity clarity blob,order skin easiness absorb need moisture and nutrient,Use after cleanlily lubricate,plibility in the chips elasticity. ─── 清爽感触的高弹性透明水滴,令肌肤更易吸收所需的水份及养份,用后肌肤倍感清爽润泽、柔嫩而富有弹性。

2、However, the autumn of North China, comes especially cleanlily, quietly and forlornly. ─── 可是啊,北国的秋,却特别地来得清,来得静,来得悲凉。

3、wash tympanum with drum washer developed by authors after the middle ear was washed cleanlily and dry, the powder of prednisone of mildew element can be spraied into the middle ear. ─── 鼓室冲洗器冲洗鼓室 ,干净后向鼓室内喷入制霉菌素强的松粉。

4、To wash tympanum with drum washer developed by authors after the middle ear was washed cleanlily and dry,the powder of prednisone of mildew element can be spraied into the middle ear. ─── 方法 :应用自制鼓室冲洗器冲洗鼓室 ,干净后向鼓室内喷入制霉菌素强的松粉。

5、Scoop up an appropriate amount to be applied on the face after the skin has been cleanlily, wash the face with clean water after15-20 minutes. ─── 爽肤后,将本品均匀敷于面部,15-20分钟后用清水洗掉即可。避开眼部,嘴部,不慎入眼,用大量清水冲洗即可。

6、it make you feel cleanlily and natural and spirt fly upwards. ─── 精华,清爽自然,让您心情飞扬。

7、Usage suggestion: Fruit-honey Shaping Wrinkle-cure Massage Milk, Instant fixup renovate eye essence, Shaping frap renovate eye cream (nourish type), Shaping frap renovate eye milk (cleanlily type) ─── 建议搭配:果蜜塑形紧致按摩乳、瞬间定时更活眼精华、紧致塑形更活眼唇霜(滋养型)、紧致塑形更活渗透乳(清爽型)

8、It make you feel cleanlily and natural and spirt fly upwards. ─── 加入由中山大学药物开发中心研制的天然芦荟精华,清爽自然,让您心情飞扬。

9、Traits: She has canary, cleanlily, a sweet smell. ─── 品鉴:淡黄色,口感清爽,有一股淡淡的清香。

10、Purely Natural Plant Cleanlily Rewater Series ─── 纯天然植物萃取清爽补水系列

11、Rose Fragrance Shower Gel rich in rose essence, rose oil, ability of whitening and activation skin, particularity and cleanlily is easy to absorb. ─── 本品富含玫瑰精华萃取液,玫瑰精油,能美白及活化肌肤,细致清爽好吸收。

12、Cleanlily fragrance,diffuse allnring fragrance; ─── 清新香型,散发迷人香味;

13、Shannon yogurt in accordance with international fruit flavors modulation and that succeed,Pure fruity,Taste fresh and smooth,cleanlily amenity. ─── 香浓酸奶按照国际流行水果口味精心调制而成,果香纯正,口感清新幼滑,清爽宜人。

14、autumn, September, it becomes nice and cool, October, it's often bright and cleanlily, November, you can see yellow leaves. ─── 秋天。九月开始变得有点冷了,十月经常是秋高气爽,十一月你就可以看到黄叶了。

15、Action: help the spleen fine ,help the liver fine,help the eyes bright ,cleanlily and detoxicate,letting ourskin smooth. ─── 功用: 健脾消食、补肝明目、清热解毒、透疹、降气止咳。

16、Her every waking up is a small revival, She steps into the life, purely and cleanlily, time and time again. ─── 她的每一次苏醒,都是每日小的重生。她一次次纯净的走入生活。我自己也正想把这种圣洁的重生融入作品之中。

17、Shrink Cleanlily Neck Essential Milk ─── 玉颈紧致精华乳

18、And because it tastes cleanlily, has long aftertastes and special faint scent and owns fine virtue of shielding bitterness. ─── 并且由于其口感清爽,余味持久,并带有特别的清香,具有极佳的屏蔽苦味的功效。

19、September,it becomes nice and cool,October,it's often bright and cleanlily,November,you can see yellow leaves. ─── (秋天。九月开始变得有点冷了,十月经常是秋高气爽,十一月你就可以看到黄叶了。)

20、naturel flavor . it have reserved the peanut fragrance , mouth feeling cleanlily. ─── 原汁原味。保留了花生米的原味清香,口感清爽。

21、The beach is only about 500m length but the sand is very cleanlily ! ─── 东冲沙滩只有500米左右长,但沙质很干净。

22、Cleanlily Restrict Lipin Essential Oil ─── 控油清爽精油

23、cleanlily type is applicable for oily skin in summer season in southern China. ─── 清爽型适合油性、夏季及中国南方地区;

24、Description: This is a design project for Siemens CT China, all of my colleague are like blue one, it's cleanlily and comfortable. ─── 西门子中国研究院网站设计的备选方案之一,大家都很喜欢干净的蓝色。

25、Purely Natural Plant Cleanlily Rewater Series ─── 纯天然植物萃取清爽补水系列

26、The series of jasmine mixed with the essence of jasmine, cleanlily when you enjoy the summer, prevent the greasy things, flourish with your mood and freshen you mind. ─── 糅合茉莉花精华的茉莉花系列,清爽怡人,在你尽情挥洒夏日活力时,将油腻与不适统统清扫,清凉盛放你率真、清新的内在气质。

27、Exhaust wastes:3 times filtration (special filtrate wick, prevent fire cotton, Stainless steel), so that it's cleanlily and keep circumstance。 ─── 粉尘尾气排放:特制进口滤芯、阻燃过滤棉及不锈钢三重过滤,既干净又环保;

28、Cleanlily feeling high elasticity clarity blob, order skin easiness absorb need moisture and nutrient, Use after cleanlily lubricate, plibility in the chips elasticity. ─── 清爽感触的高弹性透明水滴,令肌肤更易吸收所需的水份及养份,用后肌肤倍感清爽润泽、嫩而富有弹性。

29、Lignite of low quality can be used cleanlily by gasification to produce chemicals or electric energy. ─── 对低质的褐煤,可以通过煤气化生产化工产品、电力等多联产系统,使褐煤得到洁净合理的利用。

30、Description: This is a design project for Siemens CT China, all of my colleague are like blue one, it's cleanlily and comfortable. ─── 西门子中国研究院网站设计的备选方案之一,大家都很喜欢干净的蓝色。

31、I am a cleanlily smile in the air but not have any color and odor. ─── 我只是空气里一抹干净的微笑,不带任何的色彩和味道。

32、cleanlily type is applicable for oily skin in summer season in southern China. ─── 清爽型适合油性、夏季及中国南方地区;


clean 区别就是keep+n.+adj. 保持某物体在什么状态用形容词 如果用cleaning就是 you should keep cleaning the classroom 就是keep doing 保持做什么事,这句话就是说要你保持一直打扫卫生的状态

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