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08-18 投稿


crosspiece 发音

英:[?kr?spi?s]  美:[?kr??spi?s]

英:  美:

crosspiece 中文意思翻译



crosspiece 短语词组

1、crosspiece crossword clue ─── 纵横填字游戏线索

2、crosspiece crossword ─── 横档纵 ─── 横字谜

3、crosspiece sword ─── 横档剑

4、crosspiece nut ─── 横梁螺母

5、crosspiece meaning ─── 横档意义

6、crosspiece in a grate ─── 炉排上的横档

crosspiece 词性/词形变化,crosspiece变形


crosspiece 相似词语短语

1、crownpiece ─── n.英国的五先令银币;构成头冠或顶部的部分

2、cross-eye ─── 内斜视

3、crossbite ─── 反牙合;反咬合

4、codpiece ─── n.男裤前面的褶

5、crossfire ─── n.交叉火力;串报

6、crossfield ─── n.克罗斯菲尔德(地名)

7、crosspieces ─── n.闩;横木

8、crosscheck ─── v.多方求证,反复核对;(冰球中)横杆阻截(对手);n.反复核实

9、chesspiece ─── n.棋子,国际象棋棋子

crosspiece 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I hit the crosspiece and the pole, but it was just a bit of bad luck. ─── 我到中了一次横梁,一次立柱,我缺少一点运气。

2、In other cultures, the upright pointed the way to heaven and the crosspiece represented earthly influences. ─── 在另外一些文化中,十字形中的竖指向通往天堂的路,横代表世俗的影响。

3、In some ancient cultures, the crosspiece intersecting the upright represented a ladder that helped a worshipper to reach God. ─── 在一些古代文化中,一横一竖交叉象征帮助敬拜者抵达上帝的梯子。

4、An upright post with a crosspiece, forming a T-shaped structure from which executed criminals were formerly hung for public viewing. ─── 绞刑架直立的有横档的杆,形成一种t形结构,可示众处死先前已悬挂着的罪犯

5、The crosspiece of the trousers is not made well. ─── 裤子横裆处做得不很合适。

6、a crosspiece spreading the gunnels of a boat; used as a seat in a rowboat. ─── 搭在船舷上缘的横档;作为小舟里的座位。

7、In other cultures, the upright pointed the way to heaven and the crosspiece represented earthly influences. ─── 在另外一些文化中,十字形中的竖指向通往天堂的路,横代表世俗的影响。

8、Enhancing the foundation management and reducing the knitting yarn crosspiece ─── 加强基础管理减少针织纱横档

9、Keywords semi-combed;blending;knitting yarn;crosspiece;reason;measure; ─── 半精梳;混纺;针织纱;横档;原因;措施;

10、a crosspiece spreading the gunnels of a boat; ─── 搭在船舷上缘的横档;

11、A single-edged steel hunting knife, about 5 inches (38 centimeters) in length, having a hilt and a crosspiece. ─── 鲍威刀:一种单刃钢制猎刀,约5英寸(38厘米)长,带柄和横档

12、The effects of direct-quenching heat-treatment through gas carburizing on the spot contact fatigue life of crosspiece and bowl was mainly studied. ─── 采用气体渗碳直接淬火热处理工艺对力车轴档、轴碗进行接触疲劳寿命的影响试验。

13、The crosspiece of the trousers is not made well. ─── 这条裤子横裆处做得不很合适。

14、an upright post with a crosspiece,forming a T-shaped structure from which executed criminals were formerly hung for public viewing ─── 直立的有横档的杆,形成一种T形结构,可示众处死先前已悬挂着的罪犯

15、A pin,rod,or crosspiece fitted or inserted into a loop in a rope,chain,or strap to prevent slipping,to tighten,or to hold an attached object. ─── 连接一种装入或插入绳子,链子或带子,在上面绕成一个环的钉子、杆或横档用于防止滑动或固定一个连接的物体。

16、A horizontal crosspiece over a door or between a door and a window above it. ─── 横楣一个位于门上面或门和其上面窗户之间的水平横档

17、when locates on the crosspiece lock position, the buckle hold part is restricted in the notch and cannot to move. ─── 位于一闩锁位置时,其扣持部被限制在凹口内,无法移开。

18、a banner suspended from a crosspiece,especially as a standard in an ecclesiastical procession or as the ensign of a medieval Italian republic ─── 挂在横梁上的旗帜,特别是在举行宗教仪式时的行进队伍中的旗帜;中世纪意大利共和国的旗帜

19、A single-edged steel hunting knife, about 15 inches (38 centimeters) in length, having a hilt and a crosspiece. ─── 鲍威刀:一种单刃钢制猎刀,约15英寸(38厘米)长,带柄和横档

20、A structural crosspiece;a transom. ─── 横梁结构物中的横档;横栏

21、The crosspiece of a ladder is never for your rest, but only to works as a supporter for one foot when the other is moving up. ─── 2梯子上的横档从来不是用来休息的,只是为了在一只脚迈向更高处时,另一只脚可以有一个支撑。

22、A banner suspended from a crosspiece,especially as a standard in an ecclesiastical procession or as the ensign of a medieval Italian republic. ─── 旌旗挂在横梁上的旗帜,特别是在举行宗教仪式时的行进队伍中的旗帜;中世纪意大利共和国的旗帜

23、The crosspiece of ladder is never for rest. It just supports one foot when the other goes higher. ─── 梯子上的横档从来不是用来休息的,只是为了在一只脚迈向更高处时,另一只脚可以有一个支撑。

24、The crosspiece of the trousers is not made well. ─── 这条裤子横裆处做得不很合适。

25、A structural crosspiece; a transom. ─── 横梁结构物中的横档;横栏

26、A pin, rod, or crosspiece fitted or inserted into a loop in a rope, chain, or strap to prevent slipping, to tighten, or to hold an attached object. ─── 连接一种装入或插入绳子,链子或带子,在上面绕成一个环的钉子、杆或横档用于防止滑动或固定一个连接的物体

27、A single -edged steel hunting knife , about 15 inches (38 centimeters) in length, having a hilt and a crosspiece. ─── 一种单刃钢制猎刀,约15英寸(38厘米)长,带柄和横档。

28、A structural crosspiece; a transom. ─── 横梁结构物中的横档;

29、He crosspiece with disapproval of her conduct. ─── 他很不赞同地谈起她的行为。

30、A banner suspended from a crosspiece, especially as a standard in an ecclesiastical procession or as the ensign of a medieval Italian republic. ─── 旌旗挂在横梁上的旗帜,特别是在举行宗教仪式时的行进队伍中的旗帜;中世纪意大利共和国的旗帜

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