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08-19 投稿


pithily 发音


英:  美:

pithily 中文意思翻译



pithily 词性/词形变化,pithily变形

副词: pithily |名词: pithiness |形容词最高级: pithiest |形容词比较级: pithier |

pithily 短语词组

1、pithily def ─── 简洁的定义

2、pithily define ─── 简略地定义

3、pithily in a sentence ─── 简练地用一句话

4、pithily meaning ─── 朴素的意义

5、pithily synonym ─── 简略同义词

pithily 相似词语短语

1、itchily ─── 痒

2、filthily ─── adv.污秽地;丑恶地

3、pithier ─── 简练的;精辟的;简洁扼要的(pithy的比较级)

4、lithify ─── 岩化

5、pitchily ─── 干巴巴的

6、patchily ─── adv.不规则地,散落地

7、fishily ─── adv.多鱼地;无表情地

8、bitchily ─── 刻薄地

9、hitchily ─── adv.急跳地;蹒跚地

pithily 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The essay was pithily written. ─── 文章写得很简洁。

2、Armstrong defined jazz pithily as "what I play for a living". ─── 阿姆斯特朗把爵士乐简明扼要地定义为“我一门糊口的手艺”。

3、Google's self-image was pithily summed up in its famous founding credo: "Don't be evil. " ─── 谷歌的自我形象可简约为其著名的创办信条:“不作恶”。

4、Next, the drawing line shall be elegant, pithily and even to ensure correct image. ─── 其次,线条要勾得挺秀有力,且要用力均匀,才能保证形象的正确;

5、He quotes a Chinese businessman who puts this prospect more pithily: "I hope Western sanctions will remain forever. " ─── 他引用一位中国商人的话把这种前景说得更直截了当:“我希望西方制裁永远存在。”

6、" Google's self-image was pithily summed up in its famous founding credo: "Don't be evil. ─── 谷歌的自我形象可简约为其著名的创办信条:“不作恶”。

7、As one academic pithily noted, "both the Washington Consensus and the Beijing Consensus were invented in Washington! " ─── 而某位学者却做出简洁明了的概述:“华盛顿共识与北京共识都源于华盛顿。”

8、Mr Zehnder puts it slightly more pithily : If you work here, you bust your ass all week. By Friday afternoon, your brain dead. ─── 兹恩德则表达得略为简洁:“在这儿工作,你一周都在拼命干活。到了周五下午,你已经脑死亡了。”

9、Mr. Westlake of Clearworld Now, echoing the 1980’s song by the American rock band Timbuk3, puts it more pithily: “The future's so bright, you gotta wear shades.” ─── 1980年时,一位美国摇滚乐队的领队曾经用这样一句话来描绘世界的将来,说是:“未来的世界将是这样的明亮,我们大家需要戴着墨镜来观察它了。

10、pithily - in a pithy sententious manner; ─── 有髓的简洁有力的;

11、Mr Zehnder puts it slightly more pithily: "If you work here, you bust your ass all week. By Friday afternoon, you're brain dead." ─── 兹恩德则表达得略为简洁:“在这儿工作,你一周都在拼命干活。到了周五下午,你已经脑死亡了。”(实习编辑:顾萍)

12、The essay was pithily written ─── 文章写得很简洁。

13、she expressed herself pithily. ─── 她简洁地表达了自己的想法。

14、pithily expressed ─── 简洁地表达的

15、The calculation result indicates that the calculation model of water pump performance based on SVM is pithily and the model can be set up with a small amount of train samples. ─── 结果表明,基于支持向量机建立的水泵性能计算模型具有一定的简洁性,只需要知道少量的训练样本就能建立数学计算模型;

16、Deng"s thoughts on Ideological and Political education pithily expound such details as principles, contents and approaches involving in the Ideological and Political education. ─── 邓小平思想政治教育思想有着非常丰富的内容,他对包括思想政治教育的原则、内容和方法方面有着精辟的论述。

17、Mr Zehnder puts it slightly more pithily: If you work here, you bust your ass all week. By Friday afternoon, youre brain dead. ─── 兹恩德则表达得略为简洁:“在这儿工作,你一周都在拼命干活。到了周五下午,你已经脑死亡了。”

18、Armstrong defined jazz pithily as "what I play for a living." ─── 阿姆斯特朗把爵士乐简单定义为“我为了谋生而玩的东西。”

19、Pithi B-Type Small Shield Transporter ─── 精髓-B型小型能量护盾转移装置

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