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08-19 投稿


glottis 发音

英:[?ɡlɑ?t?s]  美:[?ɡl?t?s]

英:  美:

glottis 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 声门


glottis 短语词组

1、respiratory glottis ─── [医] 呼吸声门, 软骨间部(声门裂)

2、glottis vocalis ─── [医] 声门裂, 膜间部

3、glottis i ─── 声门i

4、ture glottis ─── [医] 真声门, 声门裂, 膜间部

5、false glottis ─── [医]假声门

6、glottis ca ─── 声门ca

7、glottis definition ─── 声门清晰度

8、glottis function frog ─── 声门功能

9、glottis spuria ─── [医] 假声门, 前庭裂

10、glottis spasm ─── 声门痉挛

11、glottis vera ─── [医] 真声门, 声门裂, 膜间部

12、glottis larynx ─── 声门喉

13、true glottis ─── [医]真声门,声门裂

glottis 词性/词形变化,glottis变形


glottis 相似词语短语

1、glottises ─── n.[解剖]声门

2、gloats ─── vi.幸灾乐祸;心满意足地注视;n.幸灾乐祸;贪婪的盯视;洋洋得意

3、glottides ─── n.声门(glottis的变形)

4、glotto- ─── 光泽

5、glottal ─── adj.声门的;用声门发声的

6、clottish ─── 凝块

7、plotties ─── 绘图仪

8、glottic ─── adj.声门的;语言的

9、glochis ─── 倒刺尖

glottis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Relating to or articulated in the glottis. ─── 声门的关于声门的,产生于声门的

2、Keywords Vocal folds FEM model Asymmetric two-mass mode l High-speed glottis graph(HGG); ─── 关键词声带;有限元模型;非对称二质量块模型;高速声门图;

3、Treatment of glottis cancer with glottis reconstruction by epiglottis laryngoplasty ─── 会厌下移一期重建声门治疗声门癌

4、In 102 cases whose RLNs were anastomosed to ansa cervicalis,and adductory motion of the glottis was observed in 78 cases. 97%(134/138) cases had normal voice back. ─── 但上述3种术式除喉返神经端端吻合1例、颈袢喉返神经吻合3例外,其余患者发声时声带均处于正中位,声门闭合良好,后联合裂隙不明显,97%(134/138)嗓音恢复正常。

5、So what do they do?They shut the glottis to close off the breathing tube, while sharply inspiring.In essence, they breathe with their gills using an extended form of hiccup. ─── 当牠们大力吸气时,会关闭呼吸管的开口(声门),所以蝌蚪用鳃呼吸时,便处于一种近似打长嗝的状态中。

6、of or relating to or produced by the glottis. ─── 属于、关于或由声门产生。

7、A spasm of the diaphragm resulting in a rapid,involuntary inhalation that is stopped by the sudden closure of the glottis and accompanied by a sharp,distinctive sound. ─── 不由自主的隔膜痉挛性吸气动作被声门的突然关闭而制止,伴随有尖锐,特殊的声音。

8、aperture of glottis ─── 声门孔

9、Keywords Laryngectomy;Acoustics;Speech production measurement;Vocal cords;Glottis;Vibration; ─── 喉切除术;声学;言语参数测量;声带;声门;振动;

10、The thin elastic cartilaginous structure located at the root of the tongue that folds over the glottis to prevent food and liquid from entering the trachea during the act of swallowing. ─── 会厌软骨薄层有弹性的软骨组织,位于舌后,在吞咽时盖住声门防止食物和液体进入气管

11、glottis respiratoria ─── 呼吸声门

12、Changes of Laryngeal Electromyography and Shapes of Glottis in Patients with Glottic Incompetence ─── 声门闭合不全的喉肌电图和声门形态变化

13、Nursing Care of Patients Underwent Partial Laryngectomy Combined With Double-peduncle Musculocutaneous Flap Glottis Restitution ─── 喉大部切除联合双蒂肌皮瓣声门整复术病人的护理

14、glottis at a constant frequency (4 Hz) as well as varying the frequency of aperture of the glottis from 2 Hz up to 9 Hz. ─── 声门上恒定频率( 4赫兹)以及不同的频率,光圈声门从2赫兹多达9赫兹。

15、The anterior two third of glottis (phonatory portion), mucosa over the posterior commissure and the arytenoids muscle all remain intact. ─── 此过程只影响杓状软骨内侧,然而声门前三分之二的发声区,后黏合处的黏膜及杓状肌皆保持完好。

16、A spasm of the diaphragm resulting in a rapid, involuntary inhalation that is stopped by the sudden closure of the glottis and accompanied by a sharp, distinctive sound. ─── 呃逆不由自主的隔膜痉挛性吸气动作被声门的突然关闭而制止,伴随有尖锐,特殊的声音

17、Glottis lump ─── 声门区肿块

18、Glottis epiglottis plays the role of the protective cover. ─── 会厌起着声门的保护盖作用。

19、Objective to study the nursing points of using semiconductor laser to cure early glottis cancer. ─── 目的探讨半导体激光手术治疗早期声门癌的护理要点。

20、Abstract: Objective To study the nursing points of using semiconductor laser to cure early glottis cancer. ─── 文章摘要: 目的 探讨半导体激光手术治疗早期声门癌的护理要点。

21、Abstract: In the sound production of singing, the good beginning sound is to assort perfect on both hands: close glottis, stopping breath and air through the glottis with concussion. ─── 内容提要: 在歌唱发声中,良好的起音是声门闭合、挡气和气息通过声门并振动声带这两方面恰如其分的配合。

22、The airstream mechanism is pulmonic egressive, which means it is articulated by pushing air out of the lungs and through the vocal tract, rather than from the glottis or the mouth. ─── 气流特点是从肺部直接流出,而不是从口腔或喉门流出。

23、High-pressure air in lung dashes out of glottis when coughing and causes unique vibration of chest wall. ─── 咳嗽时气体急速冲出声门,会引起身体剧烈振动。

24、Edema of glottis ─── 声门水肿

25、infective obstructive edema of glottis ─── 感染性声门梗阻性水肿

26、Forces sufficient to occlude the esophagus, when applied laterally, hae been shown to displace the glottis and impair intubation (2). ─── 如果可导致食道闭塞的足够压力作用于非正中位(侧面)时,将使声门移位,气管插管受影响[2]。

27、fusiform glottis ─── 梭形声门裂隙

28、Congenital atresia of glottis ─── 先天性声门闭锁

29、of or relating to or produced by the glottis ─── 属于、关于或由声门产生

30、Nasointestinal tube; Glottis exposing difficulty; Intubation, intratracheal. ─── 肠管;声门暴露困难;插管法,气管内。

31、Whether the singing is successful or not depends on the detailed control of the prolonging and vibrating of their singing as well as the singer's grasp over his glottis and rhythm. ─── 演唱的好坏,与其喉音、节奏的把握、对于拉音,震音等细节的控制等有关。

32、For selected cases, using omohyoid myofascial flap to repair the partial laryngeal defect and reconstruct glottis is available and practicable. ─── :经过仔细选择病例 ,肩胛舌骨肌瓣修复喉部分切除术后缺损、重建声门是积极有效和切实可行的。

33、glottis neoplasms ─── 声门肿瘤

34、An experimental study on the characteristics of lung impact injury under the glottis closure ─── 声门紧闭下肺撞击伤发生特点的实验研究

35、They generate a fundamental frequency by rapidly oscillating as they contact each other, separate and come in contact again.The glottis (the space between the folds) opens and closes. ─── 声带的快速振动(两片反覆接触与分开)会产生基音,声门(glottis,两条声带之间的空间)则跟著合合开开。

36、The glottis (the space between the vocal cords) produces the buzz, which is characterized by its intensity (loudness) and frequency (pitch). ─── 尽管这看起来有些原始,但是这种模式实际上非常接近于真实语音产生过程。

37、Keywords carcinoma in situs of the glottis;surgery;radiotherapy;anterior commissure; ─── 声门型喉癌;手术;放疗;前联合;

38、glottis spuria ─── [医] 假声门, 前庭裂

39、If the airway becomes distorted, releasing cricoid pressure may improve visualization of the glottis. ─── 若气道扭曲,则应减少压力以充分暴露声门。

40、of the glottis using the designed vocal cord. ─── 在声门使用旨在声带。

41、Exhaled gas to be uniform, smooth, self-feeling between the glottis from the pubes to form a column has a certain energy. ─── 呼出的气要均匀、平稳,自我感觉从丹田到声门之间形成一股具有一定能量的气柱。

42、Keywords Laryngeal neoplasms;Carcinoma;squamous cell;Glottis;Laryngectomy;Survival rate; ─── 喉肿瘤;癌;鳞状细胞;声门;喉切除术;存活率;

43、Keywords Glottis;Laryngeal neoplasms;Carcinoma;squamous cell;Phonation;Vocal cords;Surgery;otorhinolaryngologic; ─── 关键词声门;喉肿瘤;癌;鳞状细胞;发声;声带;外科手术;耳鼻喉;

44、false glottis ─── 假声门

45、Objective To determine the clinical characteristic, treatment and prognosis for poorly differentiated carcinomas of the glottis. ─── 目的探讨声门型低分化喉癌的临床特点、治疗及预后。

46、Treatment of Carcinoma in Situs of the Glottis ─── 声门型喉癌的治疗

47、Paralysis of glottis ─── 声门麻痹

48、Objective To determine the clinical characteristic, treatment and prognosis for poorly differentiated carcinomas of the glottis. ─── 目的探讨声门型低分化喉癌的临床特点、治疗及预后。

49、An assistant can gently pull the right side of the patient's lip and cheek to enhance visibility of the glottis. ─── 助手可以轻轻地牵拉患者唇及颊的右侧,增加声门的可视度。

50、Tuberculosis of glottis ─── 声门结核

51、Using electro-gastroscope shooting photos of glottis ─── 用电子胃镜拍摄声门照片

52、Snow White: I have had a mortal hatred of this damned place.Bored soon died!Snow White's belly hears the intermittent rumble sound, also increased hungrily to the glottis! ─── 以下一则小故事要翻成英文,谢谢白雪公主:我恨死了这个鬼地方.无聊的快要死了!

53、fissure of glottis ─── 声门裂

54、Keywords injection laryngoplasty;Adipose Tissue;Voice Disorders;Vocal Cord Paralysis;Glottis; ─── 喉注射成形术;脂肪组织;语音障碍;声带麻痹;声门;

55、block breath by glottis ─── 声门挡气

56、Conclusion Nursing measures included mental nursing,respiratory management,monitoring the vital signs can effective advance the recovery of patients with early glottis cancer. ─── 术后注意生命体征的观察,做好呼吸道管理,积极预防和处理并发症,有助于患者早日康复。

57、glottis vera ─── [医] 真声门, 声门裂, 膜间部

58、If, now, the larynx is slightly raised, the air trapped between the closed glottis and the oral closure will be compressed. ─── 不依靠声带的振动来说话,而是利用呼气产生的轻柔嘶嘶声,像平时那样靠牙齿、舌头、嘴唇、和颚部的动作形成语言。

59、Objective To study on the basis of entire excising tumor,a better technique of reconstruction of laryngeal function of the subtotal laryngectomy in the treatment for T2&T3 glottis carcinom. ─── 目的探讨在完整切除肿瘤基础上,对T2、T3声门癌喉次全切除以重建喉功能的较好手术方法。

60、a quick reflex inspiration suddenly checked by closure of the glottis producing an audible sound. ─── 不由自主的隔膜痉挛性吸气动作被声门的突然关闭而制止,伴随有尖锐、特殊的声音。

61、Cardiovascular reactions in conscious patients undergoing pernasal blind intubation and laryngoscopic exposure of glottis: clinical observation of 20 cases ─── 清醒患者经鼻盲探插管和喉镜暴露声门经鼻插管时心血管反应20例临床观察

62、In hiccupping, we use ancient muscles to quickly close the glottis while sucking in (albeit air, not water). ─── 在打嗝的过程中,我们用古老的肌肉很快的关闭声门,在我们吸东西时(空气不是水)。

63、intercartilaginous glottis ─── [声门]软骨间部, 呼吸声门

64、Keywords Glottis incompetence Laryngeal electromyogram Glottic shapes Incomplete paralysis; ─── 声门闭合不全;喉肌电图;声门形态;不全麻痹;

65、This pressure increase pushes the folds even farther apart.When elastic recoil springs the folds back from the walls to close the glottis, the flow of air through the glottis subsides. ─── 压力的增加让声带分得更开,之后声带藉著本身的弹性将声门关闭,同时阻断流过声门的气流。

66、Because of inertia, though, the air column continues to move up, leaving a partial vacuum in and above the glottis that acts to slam the folds more strongly together. ─── 不过因为惰性的关系,空气柱还持续往上移动,使得声门及其上方形成半真空状态,这让声带闭得更紧。

67、Methods: Refering to the method of electronic glottis graph and mathematics analysis, using 16 characteristic dots, an analysis method and quantitative analysis formula are established. ─── 方法:参照电声门图的研究方法,利用16个特征点,运用数学分析,建立声带振动波形图分析方法及量化分析公式。

68、Laryngeal mask airway(LMA)is a kind of airbreather above glottis between ventilation using endotracheal tube and face mask. ─── 喉罩是介于气管内插管通气和面罩通气之间的声门上通气装置。

69、glottis false ─── 前庭裂

70、Methods Retrospective analyzed the nursing cares of 31 patients who have accepted the semiconductor laser operation to cure early glottis cancer. ─── 方法回顾分析31例接受半导体激光手术治疗早期声门癌患者的护理过程。

71、Keywords Glottis cancer;Semiconductor laser;Nursing; ─── 声门癌;半导体激光;护理;

72、Direct laryngoscopy revealed narrowing of the glottis with diffuse ulcerative necrotic tissue. ─── 以直达式喉镜发现声门狭窄与广泛性溃疡坏死组识。

73、the frequency of glottis aperture are shown in Fig. ─── 的频率,声门光圈中显示图。

74、respiratory glottis ─── [医] 呼吸声门, 软骨间部(声门裂)

75、Laryngeal microresecting technique combined with radiofrequency under laryngoscope and rigid telescope to treat early period cancer of glottis cancer and precancerosis of larynx ─── 支撑喉内窥镜下吸引旋切技术结合射频治疗声带癌前病变和早期声门癌

76、traumatic obstructive edema of glottis ─── 外伤性声门梗阻性水肿

77、glottis vocalis ─── [医] 声门裂, 膜间部

78、opening of the glottis ─── 声门冲击

79、Acoustic Source at the Glottis. ─── 位于声门的声源。

80、Keywords Laryngeal neoplasms;Glottis;Laryngectomy;Radical neck dissection; ─── 喉肿瘤;声门;喉切除术;颈淋巴结清扫术;

81、Forces sufficient to occlude the esophagus, when applied laterally , have been shown to displace the glottis and impair intubation (2). ─── 如果可导致食道闭塞的足够压力作用于非正中位(侧面)时,将使声门移位,气管插管受影响[2]。

82、Keywords laryngeal neoplasms/surgery;laryngeal neoplasms/radiotherapy;glottis;prognosis; ─── 喉肿瘤/外科学;喉肿瘤/放射疗法;声门;预后;

83、An Experimental Study on the Characteristics of Pulmonary Impact Injury Under Closure and Open States of Glottis ─── 声门关闭与开放状态下兔肺撞击伤的损伤特点

84、Objective To evaluate the results of different treatment modalities for carcinoma in situs of the glottis, and to analyze prognostic factors for outcome. ─── 目的分析声门型喉癌在不同治疗方式下的预后及其影响预后的因素。

85、atrium of glottis ─── 喉前庭

86、Clinical observation of radio-frequency operation to treat early glottis type cancer ─── 射频手术治疗早期声门型癌疗效观察

87、Effects of impact parameters on the lung impact injury under closure of glottis in rabbits ─── 声门紧闭状态下撞击参数对兔肺撞击伤的影响研究

88、primitive glottis ─── 原始声门

89、Glottis cancer ─── 声门癌

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