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08-19 投稿


bricklayer 发音

英:['br?kle??]  美:['br?kle?]

英:  美:

bricklayer 中文意思翻译



bricklayer 词性/词形变化,bricklayer变形

名词: bricklaying |

bricklayer 短语词组

1、bricklayer companies near me ─── 我附近的砖匠公司

2、bricklayer's hammer ─── 瓦工锤

3、bricklayer job duties ─── 瓦工工作职责

4、bricklayer trowel ─── 砖匠铲子

5、bricklayer’s scaffold ─── 砖匠的脚手架

6、bricklayer company ─── 瓦工公司

7、bricklayer boy ─── 砖匠男孩

8、bricklayer's cramp ─── [医] 砖瓦工痉挛

9、bricklayer jokes ─── 砖匠笑话

10、bricklayer js ─── 砖匠js

11、bricklayer's scaffold ─── 瓦工脚手架

12、bricklayer #3 n. ─── 砖匠

13、bricklayer jobs ─── 砌砖工

bricklayer 相似词语短语

1、bricklayers ─── n.砖瓦工;砖匠(bricklayer的复数形式)

2、brickmaker ─── n.制砖工人

3、brickclays ─── 砌砖

4、brickmakers ─── n.制砖工人

5、brickclay ─── 砌砖

6、bricklaying ─── n.砌砖;砌砖工作

7、tracklayers ─── n.履带式车辆;铺轨工人

8、bilayer ─── n.双分子层(膜)

9、tracklayer ─── n.履带式车辆;铺轨工人

bricklayer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Ms Ramos, born in Lisbon, came to South Africa as a child with her mother and bricklayer father. ─── 拉莫斯女士出生于里斯本,儿时与母亲和身为砖匠的父亲来到南非。

2、bricklayer's spacing rule ─── 砖缝尺

3、bricklayer's trowel ─── 瓦工镘刀

4、When her husband, Costel, who came to Spain in 2003, lost his job as a bricklayer in October, she sought work for the first time since following him here four years ago. ─── 她先生寇斯泰2003年移居西班牙,他10月丢了泥水匠工作,她4年前也跟著他到马德里依亲,这是她第一次找工作。

5、If the decoration is the use of cement bricklayer live, it is advisable not to open 150790. ─── 如果装修中有要用水泥的瓦工活,则最好不要在露天施工。

6、Engineer, Accountant, Hairdresser , Bricklayer, Carpenter, Plumber, Baker, Blacksmith, Butcher, Cook, and most tradesperson... ─── 工程师,会计,理发师,砖瓦匠,木工,管道工,烤面包师,铁匠,屠户,厨子等大多数的技工....

7、A bricklayer lays bricks to make a wall ─── 砖瓦匠是砌砖垒墙的

8、A bricklayer lay s bricks to make a wall. ─── 砖瓦匠是砌砖垒墙的.

9、This holds true for any pursuit; a bricklayer who concentrates on the work at hand covers every detail and gets the job done quicker and better. ─── 这个问题适用于任何一个职业;一个全神贯注于手上涂抹的每一个细节的工作中的砖匠他的活儿会完成的又快又好。

10、This time's Saneidi, was already not that bricklayer's son who played soccer in the Buenos Aires street corner. ─── 此时的萨内蒂,早已不是在布宜诺斯艾利斯街头踢球的那个泥瓦匠的儿子了。

11、" did not wait " 3 artisan " (bricklayer, carpenter and lacquerer) collect is neat, the madam is already random hands or feet, active disarm gives me. ─── 没等“三匠”(瓦匠、木匠和漆匠)凑齐,太太就已经乱了手脚,主动缴械给我。

12、Left bricklayer, carpenter into play Chuangbao door hit counter, is a dynamic and more than 20 days. ─── 瓦工走后,木工进驻,打床包门打柜,轰轰烈烈又是二十多天。

13、A bricklayer at work in the cemetery told me the fanciest cost between $75000 and $150000. ─── 墓地中一个正在工作的水泥匠人告诉我这些极端的品味一般要花费7500到15000美元。

14、bricklayer rs hammer ─── 砌砖工用锤

15、Because breaking the traditional bricklayer, carpenter, construction sequence oil workers, change site "after" type of site, factory "parallel" type, referred to as "three-dimensional" Jia Zhuang. ─── 因为打破了传统的瓦工、木工、油工的施工顺序,变工地的“接二连三”式为工地、工厂的“齐头并进”式,所以简称为“立体化”家装。

16、He was a bricklayer – a big, strapping fellow. ─── 他是个砌砖工—一个高大健壮的年轻人。

17、The bricklayer on the roof was calling for more tiles. ─── 房顶上的瓦工招呼再送些瓦上去。

18、bricklayer, I leave to live; ─── 瓦工,给我留点活;

19、A few minutes after, a Bricklayer passed by, carrying a pail full of plaster on his shoulder. ─── 几分钟后,一个泥水匠走过,肩上扛着一桶石灰。

20、bricklayer's hammer ─── 瓦工锤

21、"I can't imagine what I'd be good at if it wasn't acting, I'd be the world's worst waiter, a crap bricklayer, a dreadful banker. ─── 我无法想象如果不演戏我还能把什么工作做好?我可能是世界上最糟糕的服务生,一个蹩脚的泥瓦匠,一个差劲的银行职员。

22、I am a bricklayer by trade. ─── 我是一名搬砖工。

23、The factory was founded in 1956, the worker was composed of blacksmith , carpenter , bricklayer and so on , our leading product was handcraft of wood ,bamboo or iron ,and then it was belong to Lin An City government. ─── 工厂始建于一九五六年,由锻工、木工、泥工、篾工、钳工等非农业城镇手工业者组成,主要生产铁、木、竹器等生产、生活器具,隶属临安市政府所有与管辖。

24、bricklayer's scaffold ─── 瓦工脚手架

25、Yang's father, known as Yang Guoqiang, grew up in poverty in Guangdong Provinceworked as a bricklayer before becoming a developer in the early 1990s. ─── 杨惠妍的父亲杨国强在广东长大,从小生活贫困,他早年是一名瓦匠,上世纪90年代早期,他开始从事房地产开发。

26、bricklayer rs trowel ─── 砖工镘刀

27、bricklayer trowel ─── 砖匠镘刀

28、These workers used my words is, unlike carpentry carpentry, bricklayer unlike bricklayer, no two days starting on a new disaster. ─── 这些工人用我的话就是,木工不像木工,瓦工不像瓦工,开工没两天,就闯了祸。

29、bricklayer's cramp ─── [医] 砖瓦工痉挛

30、He never said much for himself being just a country bricklayer with a single year of high school behind him. ─── 作为一个只读了一年高中的农村砖匠,对于自己他从来说的不太多。

31、Building workers walked out during the morning in protest of the sacking of a bricklayer. ─── 建筑工人上午举行罢工,抗议解雇一名砌砖工人。

32、The layers of rocks are not laid evenly, as a bricklayer would build a wall.Instead, the earth's crust is made of rock layers that are often uneven and not perfectly balanced. ─── 而岩层并不像建筑工人建的墙一样均匀地平整铺开,相反的,岩层构成的地壳也往往是不均匀且不是完美平衡的。

33、After years of cooperation, decoration companies hold each level of the construction team, like every team carpentry job well, and which teams bricklayer live small, and so on. ─── 经过多年的合作,装修公司掌握着每个队的施工水平,像哪个队的木工活儿好、哪个队的瓦工活细等等。

34、While the 15 are laying bricks, the original bricklayer can be learning how to perform advanced bricklaying, or learn sales strategies, or learn supervision skills. ─── 15位砖匠在砌砖的同时,原先的那位砖匠可以学习如何改进工作,学习销售策略和管理技能。

35、If your father a steelworker or a bricklayer or a truck driver or a dentist or a grocer, he is producing goods or services for the market. ─── 你父亲是钢铁工人,是瓦匠,是卡车司机,是牙医,是开食品杂货店的,他也正在给市场提供商品劳务。

36、8. Peter, I know you're a bricklayer. ─── 彼得,我知道你是泥瓦匠。

37、Martinez is not an architect or a bricklayer and has no training related to construction. ─── 马丁内斯既不是建筑师,也不是砖瓦匠,也没接受过任何有关建筑的培训。

38、If you're buying a house, would you want a bricklayer to do the conveyancing for you? ─── 如果你买房子那你是愿意让一个泥瓦匠来为你服务还是专业人士呢?”

39、The first concerns Dharma Master Hsiu Wu, a native of Yingkow, a bricklayer before he joined the religious order. ─── 第一是出家的修无法师,他是营口人,做砖瓦匠出身。

40、Zdziko (his nickname), a bricklayer and plasterer in Poland, worked in Britain as a gardener until, two years ago, the jobs dried up. ─── (他的绰号),在波兰国内的时候是一个砌砖工和粉刷工,到了英国后成了一名花匠,直到两年前,就业机会枯竭。

41、The factory was founded in1956, the worker was composed of blacksmith, carpenter, bricklayer and so on, our leading product was handcraft of wood, bamboo or iron, and then it was belong to Lin An City government. ─── 工厂始建于一九五六年,由锻工、工、工、工、工等非农业城镇手工业者组成,主要生产铁、、器等生产、活器具,隶属临安市政府所有与管辖。

42、(bricklayer's) a cleaver ─── 瓦刀

43、Maggie: Tonight Joan leaves the Pope to marry a bricklayer. ─── 麦琪:说的是琼离开教皇,嫁了一个摇滚歌星。

44、In my view, it is just as great an achievement to be a plumber or a bricklayer as it is to be a lawyer or a doctor. ─── 在我看来,做一名水管工人或者砖匠,同做一名律师或者医生相比,所取得的成就是同样伟大的。

45、a bricklayer who concentrates on the work at hand covers every detail and gets the job done quicker and better. ─── 一个全神贯注于手上涂抹的每一个细节的工作中的砖匠他的活儿会完成的又快又好。

46、Moreover, if the bricklayer cement decoration in use live, it is advisable not to open construction, sealing in the water with the best, not too many disposable cups, ice avoid waste. ─── 此外,如果装修中有要用水泥的瓦工活,最好不要在露天施工,沙浆最好随用随搅,不要一次性搅拌太多,避免结冰浪费。

47、An interesting modern-day case is that of Alex Mitchell (snopes. com), an English bricklayer. ─── 而当代一个十分有趣的例子则是一位英国砖匠,亚历克斯?米切尔(AlexMitchell)。

48、Morning, when I in the breeze narrow stone bricklayer, the total would come to see you smile, welcoming me. ─── 早晨,每当我在微风中踏过窄窄的石砌砖时,总能看见你微笑着来迎接我。

49、The industrial company BAUGESCHAEFT SCHLOTT carries out a outstanding quality within the range Bricklayer work, Dry construction as well as Concrete work and Framework reorganization as one of the prominent enterprises. ─── BAUGESCHAEFT SCHLOTT是一家高级企业,该企业使用多种工艺制造混凝土作业,桁架整理,砌墙,无水建筑。

50、Moreover, many of yesterday's jobs, from Spanish bricklayer to Wall Street trader, are not coming back. ─── 更糟糕的是,过去存在的工作,从西班牙的砖瓦匠到华尔街的交易师,都不复存在了。

51、The boy was apprenticed to a bricklayer. ─── 那男孩子被送给一个泥瓦匠当学徒。

52、The bricklayer sees buildings with bricks. ─── 那位建筑工人可以从砖块儿看到大厦。

53、MARCO NINA, a bricklayer in Los Cabos, Mexico, where aCategory4 hurricane with winds near 145 m.p.h. is set to hit in thenextfew days. ─── 墨西哥卡波圣卢卡的一位砌砖工人说,时速145英里的四级台风将在几天后袭击该地区。

54、"I was in a family where, if I wanted to have any spending money, I had to work, " says Skinner, whose father was a bricklayer. ─── 斯金纳的父亲是一位砖瓦匠,他回忆说:“在我们家,如果想有钱花,就必须工作。”

55、He complained that he was virtually a slave, an underpaid bricklayer who spent the whole days on placing bricks on top of one another. ─── 这位工人怨气十足地回答说自己只不过是一个奴隶,一个收入菲薄的砖瓦匠。

56、I did bricklayer work and odd jobs on week-ends to make ends meet with my state grant. ─── 我在周末当泥水工或是打零工,赚来的薪水加上政府补助金,生活勉强过得去。

57、bricklayer rs scaffold ─── 砖工脚手架

58、The Bricklayer's Beautiful Daughter by William Ackerman is a beautiful song to start with...Wish you all a Merry Christmas and wonderful holiday! ─── William Ackerman的The Bricklayer's Beautiful Daughter是一首不会太难的曲子...也祝大家圣诞&新年快乐!



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