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08-19 投稿


draped 发音

英:[dre?pt]  美:[dre?pt]

英:  美:

draped 中文意思翻译



draped 短语词组

1、draped cloth images ─── 褶皱布料图像

2、draped fabric ─── 悬垂织物

3、draped meaning ─── 悬垂意义

4、draped means ─── 遮掩手段

draped 词性/词形变化,draped变形

动词过去分词: draped |动词第三人称单数: drapes |动词过去式: draped |动词现在分词: draping |

draped 相似词语短语

1、fraped ─── 破损的

2、draper ─── n.布商;服装商;n.(Draper)人名;(英)德雷珀;(法)德拉佩

3、-draped ─── adj.垂褶袖;打褶形;vt.用布帘覆盖(drape的过去式及过去分词)

4、drapes ─── n.窗帘;褶裥;洞巾(drape的复数);v.披在…上;使呈褶状(drape的三单形式)

5、drape ─── vt.用布帘覆盖;使呈褶裥状;vi.成褶皱状垂下;n.窗帘;褶裥;手术洞巾;n.(Drape)(德、瑞典)德拉佩(人名)

6、drapey ─── 窗帘

7、drapet ─── 谋杀案

8、craped ─── adj.绉纱的;戴黑绉纱的;v.使披戴黑纱;使(头发)卷曲(crape的过去形式)

9、-raped ─── vbl.强暴

draped 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If it did not leave, she used the hoe to kill it. Four of us once draped a very long snake, dead of course, across our necks for a photograph. ─── 如果它执意不走的话,祖母不得不用锄子把它打死。我们四个有一次就把一条很长的蛇,当然是死的,绕在脖子上,拍了张照片。

2、His arm was draped casually around her shoulders. ─── 他随意地将手臂搭在她的双肩上。

3、On the cover of one of her best-selling true life crime books she appears draped in virginal white silk, cradling a skull. ─── 她撰写的破案实例书籍特别畅销,在其中一本书的封面上,她披着一身白色丝绸,手里捧着一个骷髅。

4、Two at a time, the patients, wearing bedsheets they had draped as gracefully as their kangas, walked in. ─── 在农村,她和父母、两个妹妹、一个弟弟住在两间房的土屋里。

5、He draped his arm round her shoulders. ─── 他以手勾搭他的肩膀。

6、Touchstone picked out a dark overcoat from a number that were draped across the back of a chaise longue and shrugged it on. ─── 塔奇斯顿从躺椅背上搭的衣服里挑了一件黑色外套,抖了抖穿上。

7、Dust sheets were draped over the furniture. ─── 家具上盖着防尘布.

8、Flowing threateningly toward me over the crest of a hill was a wave of black men draped in weird mustard-colored clothing. ─── 一股披着怪里怪气的深黄色衣物的黑人人流正越过土丘的丘脑,威风凛凛地向我涌来。

9、A chinchilla robe of sybaritic lavishness was draped over the bed. ─── 奢华的栗鼠皮毛毯覆盖在床上。

10、Wu created a one-shouldered, draped white chiffon ball gown for Mrs. Obama. ─── 吴为奥巴马夫人设计的这套礼服露出一个肩膀,白色的雪纺长裙披下来。

11、The charred section of collapsed freeway was draped at a sharp angle onto the highway beneath, exposing a web of twisted metal beneath the concrete. ─── 倒塌了的被烧焦的高速公路的部分的一个锋利的棱角掉落在了高速公路上,是混凝土下被扭曲的钢筋暴露了出来。

12、Here's a glimpse of the show with Abhishek dressed in a tux and Ash looking stunning draped in a black saree. ─── 以下是与在晚礼服和阿布舍克穿着灰寻找一瞥惊人的表现在身披黑色纱丽。

13、A common fix is to drape a heavy blanket over the window. ─── 一个普遍的解决方法是在窗户上吊一块很厚的地毯。

14、Her fingers are hidden inside the sleeves of her long gown, which drape down to the seat. ─── 她手指隐在袖内,身上穿着的蟒袍沿着膝盖垂向座位下边,

15、They were mere skeletons, draped loosely in draggled hide, with blazing eyes and slavered fangs. ─── 他们就剩一副骨架外面包一层松垮的皮囊了,眼露凶光,唾液流淌。

16、Flag: Where a leg is held out to one side or draped beneath the climber for balance. ─── 一只脚放在另一只脚的后面或为求身体平衡而把脚垂在下面。

17、The emergence stratum mainly is Palaeozoic sediment rock series, drape, rift grow,magma activity is delicacy. ─── 出露地层主要为一套古生代沉积(浅变质)岩系,褶皱、断裂构造发育,岩浆活动微弱。

18、He was charmed by the pale face, the lissome figure, draped in pearl grey, with a coiled string of pearls at the throat. ─── 她令他着迷--苍白的脸色,婀娜的身影,珠灰色的衣裙,颈子上挂着的珍珠项链。

19、A supporting column sculptured in the form of a draped female figure. ─── 女像柱一个雕刻成披着衣服的女子形象的支撑柱

20、A new method was found out for the objective evaluation of aesthetics in fabric drape. ─── 为客观评价织物悬垂美感找到了一条新途径。

21、The fabric is with bulky hand and good drape. ─── 其织物手感丰满,悬垂性能好。

22、Mariotto sent an American model down the catwalk draped in the ankle-length, long-sleeved kaftan made of natural fiber. ─── Mariotto设计的这件土耳其长衫由一位美国模特展示,长衫垂至脚踝,袖子较长,由天然纤维制成。

23、Then, between her hauling and his struggling, she had him up and draped over the saddle bow, belly-down. ─── 之后,妮雅一边用力拖拽,雷一边挣扎,这才总算将他拉起,腹部朝下横趴在马鞍前部。

24、She draped a shawl over her shoulders. ─── 她把一条披巾披在肩膀上。

25、He draped his legs over the arm of the chair. ─── 他懒洋洋地把双腿搭在椅子的扶手上。

26、She draped the robe around her daughter's shoulders. ─── 她把外袍披在女儿的肩上。

27、He must be somebody,for a flag was draped over the coffin. ─── 他肯定是什么人物,因他棺材上有国旗。

28、The buildings were draped with red, white and blue bunting. ─── 大楼挂满了红、白、蓝色的帘子。

29、Continuous line movement is often used in draped garments, whose soft fabrics hang in gathers or folds. ─── 持续的线条运动常被用于立裁服装上,其柔软的布料因悬垂而形成褶皱或层叠效果。

30、She shrugged her jacket off and draped it over the back of the chair. ─── 她一扭身子甩掉上衣,把它挂在椅背上。

31、He watched as she took off the bridal shawl and draped it over a chair, and placed the bridal crown on the small dressing table. ─── 他凝视着她取下了新娘头巾,把它搭在椅子上,把新娘花冠放在小梳妆台上。

32、She adjusted the drape of her skirt. ─── 她整了整自己裙子上的褶皱。

33、A veil is caught up in her right arm and draped over her head and left shoulder. ─── 一袭面纱挽在右臂,从头上顺左肩垂下。

34、A woman dries her eyes as she views the flag-draped casket of Senator Edward Kennedy at the John F. Kennedy Library in Boston. ─── 在波士顿约翰肯尼迪图书馆一位女士最后凝视了参议员爱德华肯尼迪覆盖着国旗的灵柩后擦干了眼泪。

35、But there in the home, in the place where the most light came in, was a picture of you in an exquisite frame draped all over with long white khada. ─── 可是,在楼上,光线最充足的房子里,挂了一张镶着精制的镜框的您的照片,镜框的上面挂着一条长长的白色哈达。

36、Out of a similar sideboard, properly draped with white napery and imitation lace, the Bishop had constructed the altar which decorated his oratory. ─── 主教还把一张同样的碗橱,适当地罩上白布帷和假花边,作为祭坛,点缀着他的经堂。

37、He draped his legs over the chair. ─── 他把腿随便地搁在椅子上。

38、He closed the half with one more 3, a fadeaway with the shot clock expiring and Sasha Vujacic draped on him. ─── 吉诺比利本节三分球3投3中,单节拿下了14分,在他的带动下,帕克和邓肯也不断得手,马刺本节以28-15胜出,上半场以49-39取得两位数的优势。

39、The skin over lower back was prepared and draped as usual . ─── 像平常一样在下背的皮肤上覆盖着布。

40、They draped the flag over the soldier's coffin. ─── 他们把国旗盖在那个战士的棺木上。

41、Don't drape your feet over the chair! ─── 别把你的双脚吊儿郎当地搁在椅子上!

42、After the seventh inning, he sat all by himself at the far end of the dugout with a white towel draped over his right shoulder. ─── 在第七局之后,他坐在休息区板凳的最尾端,用毛巾包著他的右手臂。

43、The truth is that pleats are there to help the pant drape better. ─── 事实上,有褶的裤子可能更利于悬挂。

44、Don't drape your feet over the chair. ─── 坐得端正些,不要把腿悬空架在椅子边上。

45、They draped the flag over/round the coffin. ─── 他们把旗子铺在灵柩上。

46、On the first and the fifteenth of each month she draped a red cloth over her head and strutted about, claiming to be a heavenly spirit. ─── 三仙姑是后庄于福的老婆,每月初一十五都要顶着红布摇摇摆摆装扮天神。

47、Nets drape across the tops to keep the gulls away. ─── 内管顶部盖着网防止海鸥进入。

48、The walls were draped with the maps. ─── 墙上挂着地图。

49、She spotted it draped over the filing cabinet and felt an irrational sense of relief as she snatched it up and retreated behind her desk. ─── 终于,她在文件柜上发现了它,赶紧走过去一把抓起,心里得到一丝解脱。

50、He draped his arm round/over her shoulders. ─── 他把手臂搭在她的肩膀上。

51、He draped a padded overcoat over his shoulders and walked out of the room. ─── 他把棉大衣披在肩上就走了出去。

52、A large, thickly muscled and leather-masked cultist draped a black, eyeless hood over the victim's head before pulling a foot-long spike from his sash. ─── 一个又大又壮的带着皮面具,在从他的腰带里拿出一个一尺长的长钉前给牺牲者带了一个挡住眼睛的帽子。

53、A ceremonial robe was draped upon his shoulders. ─── 一件正式的长袍被覆盖在他的肩上。

54、Draped in purple heather and towering over the sea, these craggy mountains are home to lakes, rivers, forests, and ruined castles. ─── 书中的湖泊、河流、森林和城堡的残桓,都源自于大海上升腾的紫色雾气以及陡峭的山壁。

55、The old oak, utterly transformed, draped in a tent of sappy dark green, basked faintly, undulating in the rays of the evening sun. ─── 完全变了样的老橡树荫覆如盖,暗绿色的多汁的叶子郁郁葱葱,麻木地立着,在夕阳的余晖中微微摇动。

56、Branches showing signs of budding drape over the river surface for a spectacular site. ─── 含苞待放的树枝倾向河面,形成一个壮观的景点。

57、She had a shawl draped around her shoulders. ─── 她肩上披着一条围巾。

58、He draped the coat over his shoulders. ─── 他披上了大衣。

59、On May 15, 500 friends and family attended Lee's funeral.I managed a smile at the Norwood footy flag draped over Lee's coffin. ─── 五月15日,500朋友和家人参加了李的葬礼,在诺五德旗子的一脚覆盖在李的棺材上,我尽力笑着面对。

60、She tossed her damp hair over the top of her head and draped the towel around her neck. ─── 她把潮湿的头发向脑后一甩,将毛巾松松地围在脖子上。

61、"Most have nothing more Italian about them than the name above the door or a tricolor flag draped outside," he said. ─── 大多数这样的餐馆里没有什么比门上的名字和挂在门外的三色旗更意大利的东西。"

62、They think style is something they can go down to the mall and buy at the style store and drape on their words. ─── 他们好像觉得可以到购物中心的风格商店里花钱买到风格,然后把自己的文字包装起来。

63、She draped herself across the arm of the chair. ─── 她摇摇晃晃地倚在一把椅子的扶手上。

64、A famished fox crept into a vineyard where ripe, luscious grapes were draped high upon arbors in a most tempting display. ─── 一只饥肠辘辘的狐狸爬进一个葡萄园,成熟甘美的葡萄高高的挂在树阴的明显位置。

65、When making, should notice to make the drape of chair cover a few shorter, ability appears simple and lie fallow. ─── 制作时要注重使椅套的褶皱短一些,才能显得简单而休闲。

66、They draped the coffin with the flag. ─── 他们把旗帜覆盖在灵柩上。

67、An elderly woman 3)wobbled over to one while the other approached a toothless, foul-smelling man with rags 4)draped over his sickly body. ─── 一个老妇人摇摇晃晃地走向其中一个女孩,而另一个女孩则走向一个掉了牙的满身恶臭的男人,那人病恹恹的身子上搭着块破布。

68、She draped a cover over the old sofa. ─── 她把套子罩在旧沙发上。

69、His nylon waterproofs were draped over a chair. ─── 他的尼龙雨衣盖在一张椅子上。

70、Mourners have been steadily streaming by the flag draped casket of former President Gerald Ford. ─── 哀悼者缓慢而有序地经过前总统吉拉德.福特安息的盖上了国旗的灵柩旁。

71、The prototype basin has undergone mosaic,cross,drape and mosaic four superimposed processes. ─── 其原型盆地经历了镶嵌、交错、披盖、再镶嵌等四个叠置过程。

72、She had a shawl draped around her shoulders. ─── 她肩上披着一条围巾。

73、Zhou Chun, a 70-year-old retired mechanic, was leaving Dujiangyan with nothing but a dirty old blanket draped over his shoulders. ─── 周春(音译)是一名70岁的退休机修工,他离开都江堰时身上只裹着一张又脏又旧的毯子。

74、The dustsheets were draped over the furniture. ─── 家具上盖着防尘布。

75、She draped some velvety material over the old sofa. ─── 她把丝绒般柔软的织物罩在旧沙发上。

76、His arm draped protectively over Megan's shoulders, he said, "She isn't catching on like the other kids are. ─── 他的胳膊紧紧地搂住了麦格的双肩,他说:“她的理解力不同于其他孩子。

77、One morning as I sax draped in a long gown - it must have been about ten o' clock - I heard some footsteps out in the courtyard. ─── 一天早晨,大概有十点来钟吧,我正披着件长袍在屋中坐着,我听见院中有点脚步声。

78、The walls were draped with flags. ─── 墙上悬挂著旗子。

79、A braided rope is draped around his torso and partially covers his tattooed arms. ─── 他劈腿坐在椅子上,身上缠着麻花状的绳子,盖住了一部份纹身的上臂。

80、Halpern wore a Burmese longyi to work, and left it draped over his chair for his successor. ─── Halpern戴着一条缅甸罗衣进行工作,而且将这条罗衣放到椅子上留给了其继任者。

81、He draped his coat over the back of the chair. ─── 他把外衣搭在座椅背上。

82、She draped the TV set in silk. ─── 她用真丝盖着电视。

83、"And gently, he draped a shawl over my sister's eyes and lowered the wick of the lamp. ─── “他轻轻地用一块披巾蒙住我妹妹的眼睛,又把灯芯弄暗。

84、Dracula appeared, draped in a huge cloak. ─── 吸血鬼披著一件大斗篷走了出来。

85、A veil is caught up in her right arm and draped over her head and left shoulder. ─── 一袭面纱挽在右臂,从头上顺左肩垂下。

86、Henry Wirz, led to the gallows with a black robe draped over his shoulders, paid for all these events with his own life. ─── 亨利?兹头上套著黑色的头套,被带到断头台上,用生命为他的所作所为付出代价。

87、He watched as she took off the bridal shawl and draped it over a chair, and placed the bridal crown on the small dressing table . ─── 他凝视着她取下了新娘头巾,把它搭在椅子上,把新娘花冠放在小梳妆台上。

88、"Hey, you two!" she says, gesturing toward a young couple with arms draped around each other's waist. ─── “嘿,你们两个!”她喊住了一对相互挽腰的年轻情侣。

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